Carter (13 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

BOOK: Carter
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Carter took the thumb drive to Misha’s office and pushed it into his computer. He was just bringing it up when Leila came into the room with Max. He had no idea how to tell them that he needed to watch this alone when Leila sat down across from him.

“Max knows.” He looked at the young boy, then back at her. “And I should know. I’m going to get this bastard if this is the last thing I do.”

“This isn’t about him.” Max nodded and said it was. “No, son, it’s about a drug bust that went wrong, I guess.”

“He did it. I mean it was his men.” Carter felt his blood run cold in his veins. “I didn’t know then. Mom might not even know, but I saw it when I touched him. Those men worked for him. I’ve seen in…when she was in the hospital, I was taken to see her in the middle of the night. When I touched her, I could see what happened. I want to see it all.”

Carter had no idea what to do. Max was not his flesh and blood. And if Murph were here, he had no idea if she’d let him see it or not. But when he looked at Leila, she nodded and moved to his side of the desk. Carter touched the enter button to roll the video forward.

The room was dark when she entered. The lights must have been on an auto system, because the moment she walked in, they turned on. Murph was dressed in a flak jacket, her head covered with a mask that looked like an oversized handkerchief. When she pulled it off her face and put it to her shoulder, he noticed that she’d been shot there. Her gun was out and her finger in the trigger guard. When someone came to the door, she moved back in the empty room and looked as if she were trying to blend into the wall. But the door exploded open and there stood a man that Carter thought he’d seen before. Not in person but in a picture.

“Well, Murphy, what do you have to say for yourself? Huh? You certainly didn’t think this was going to go all that well, did you?” She told him to fuck off and the man laughed. “Very nice mouth you have there. Do you kiss your mother with that?”

“My mother is dead, you moronic fuck. And where the hell is your boss? We had it on good authority that he was going to be here today.” The man tisked at her and she laughed. “Too scared to come and see that you didn’t fuck this one up too? Too bad, but I’ll get him.”

“No you won’t.” The gun went off and she hit the floor on her knees. “Because in a few minutes, these guys are going to empty their guns into you, then reload and do it again. When we’re finished—and I’m really looking forward to this part—we’re going to let you lay here and rot while we go to the real meeting place.”

She was shot again, and Carter felt it enter her as if he were the one laying there. When she started to fall back, someone caught her, then cut her vest from her. Letting her drop to the floor, the men, five of them not counting the talker, moved around her. All Carter and the others could see of Murph now were her feet and the top of her head.

“It’s a real shame you had to be the one, Murphy. I kinda liked you.” He laughed and then leaned down to her. “Not really. You’re a fucking cunt, and the sooner you’re out of my hair, the better.”

The guns started almost as soon as he stood up. Her body jerked over and over, and Carter nearly reached up to stop it. But Max put his hand over his, and they continued watching her being shot for another few seconds. Then Nic came into the room.

The explosion knocked the men back. The only one left standing was the talker, and he looked like he was going to fire at Nic when he was suddenly pinned against the wall. Nic never moved toward him, but lifted his hand up and pointed it, palm out, to Murph. Then when he was done with whatever he was doing, he walked to the man.

“You’re going to pay for this.” Nic smiled at the man, then looked up at the camera. The man did as well. “They’re going to know what you did here. You’ll be arrested for killing a cop.”

“I doubt anyone will care if you’re dead.” The blade moved along the man’s neck slowly. Blood began to stream from the wound, and as the man reached for it, no doubt trying to slow the flow of his life-giving blood, Nic held him there with his power until the man stopped moving. Dropping him to the floor, he went back to Murph.

“You should have called me sooner.” It sounded to Carter as if she said that she hadn’t called him at all. “Then you should have called anyway. I’m Nic, your protector when you’re here on this earth. Can you move?”

“No.” Nic nodded, then put his hands on her chest. “My son. He needs someone to watch over him. Will you?”

“Nay, I cannot. Not yet. You’re the only one I can save today.” She laughed and Nic smiled. “I’m saving your life, but you will have to work hard not to let all my work go for nothing.”

“My son. Can you go to him?” Nic didn’t answer her this time but told her the police were coming. “I’m going to die.”

“No you’re not. You have to live, Dane Murphy. We need you.” Nic looked up into the camera and smiled. “Carter, I have saved her for you. You will love her for all your life.”

Chapter 13


Murph woke up and didn’t move. She had no idea where she was, but knew as surely as she was laying there that her father was in on this. When she reached around the room, trying to get a feel for whether or not she was alone, she found him elsewhere in the house. She wasn’t alone in her room, however. Opening one eye, she looked at the woman sitting across from her and nearly laughed.

She was dressed in a tight what Murph thought was a diver’s suit. There were all sorts of things attached to it: a pair of handcuffs, some sort of leather-looking thing that held a knife, and other shit that looked like she was some sort of cop or a done-up one. Murph wondered if she was trying to be sexy or trying to look bad-assed. Either way, it was an epic fail. The gun lying across her lap didn’t bother Murph. She’d been shot before, and this bitch wasn’t going to take her down with her little bad guy outfit.

You all right?
Murph nearly laughed at the tone in Carter’s voice
. While you’re doing whatever it is that’s making you laugh, we’re worried sick over you. Really, love, how are you?

Great but for the pounding headache, and my arms tied behind my back. I think…yep, my feet are shackled to the bed too. Not going anywhere anytime soon.
He told her he loved her.
You know what, I believe that I love you as well. You’re annoying and sort of a dork, but I’m beginning to think you might be the one.

Thanks. We’re coming to get you. Your mom and Max won’t stay behind, so I’m going to bring them—

Not yet.
He asked her why.
My father is here and I want to talk to him first. After that, you can do whatever you want to the bastard. But I want answers, and he’s going to give them to me.

All right. But I don’t know how long I can keep them in a holding pattern. We’ve been waiting for you to wake up and give us a lead for over two hours.
She told him it wouldn’t be much longer
. I’m coming, but I won’t interfere. You get your answers and I’ll get my revenge.

She felt him, her father coming toward her room, and lifted her head and looked at the woman sitting across from her. Murph had no idea why, but the girl reminded her of someone and she had to think really hard to remember where she’d seen her. Then it hit her.

“You’re Doc Patrick, Max’s pediatrician when he was little; or so you said.” The woman smiled and told her she was. “Christ, does he have everyone on his payroll? Max only saw you the one time. How the hell did you get with my dad?”

“He pays well.”
No doubt
, Murph thought as the woman pointed the gun at her. “I get to shoot you. Did you know that? When we get that brat of yours, I get to shoot you. No one talks to me like you did and gets away with it.”

“You told me that he needed to have his blood let. What the fuck year are you from, anyway? I fully expected you to bring out a jar of leeches to do it with.” The woman sneered at her, and Murph laughed. “I’m afraid you’re not going to get your chance to shot me, Doc. I’ve got other plans.”

“You think very highly of yourself. I told him that too.” She stood up and Murph did laugh. The woman was much too heavy to pull off the skin tight outfit she had on. “You might think I’m not very sexy, but your dad does. He thinks I’m very sexy.”

“You do know that he’s my dad, right? And that he’s an ass?” The woman didn’t look like she cared any more than she did about her father. “I see. So I would imagine that it matters little to you what he plans for us? My son too?”

“We’ll have more money than anybody when we suck you guys dry.” The door opened behind her, and she turned and ran to Murph’s father. If this was for her, the way they were clinging and hanging on each other, it was a completely wasted effort. When the doctor left, her father sat down on the chair.

Murph had been a cop for a long time, long enough to know that shit happened. Being locked in your own cuffs had been the biggest fear of her peers for longer than anyone had thought of ways to get out of them. But she, like many of her fellow brethren, had picked up things to make it so if it happened, there was a way out. Pulling the little ring off her finger, she opened it so that she could get to the little cuff key that it had been made from. Her father started talking while she worked.

“I cannot believe it took me this long to finally bring you to heel. Dane, you’ve disappointed me a great deal lately. What am I to do with you?” She told him to let her go. “Very funny. And that is not going to happen. I’ve got you now, and you’re going to bring that brat of a son of yours here too.”

“Why?” She dropped the little key and had to shift around on the bed to find it again. Starting over, she inserted it into the lock. She continued with her father. “He’s just a kid. Not any use to you. Leave him alone and I’ll do one thing for you.”

“You’ll do whatever I wish or you’re going to die. You just might anyway. But for now, I need you. And that kid.” He leaned back just as she got the key in the little hole. “Dane, what have you done with yourself that would make it so difficult for us to find you? What sort of powers do you have now that I might be able to cash in on that you didn’t have as a child?”

“Plenty.” The lock gave, and she slid the swing arm loose. “But for the record, I’m not sure it would do me much good to tell you anything. In fact, I’d just as soon keep all my little abilities to myself. Unless, of course, I get to use them on you.”

The room seemed to vibrate for several seconds, and she knew that Max and someone else was in the room. She was both afraid and glad to know that she wasn’t alone. Her father got up and went to the door, and she knew that he had someone there. When Carter was brought into the room, his face bloodied and swollen, she reached out to him.

Are you all right?
He told her he was fine but glad to see her.
I’m going to kill him. And Max is here. Do you know with who?

Thomas and Nic should be here as well. And your mom.
He looked up at her, and Murph ignored her father when he came to her
. He’s in deep shit, babe, and I’m pretty sure when he finds out what Thomas and Misha have done, he’s going to be really pissed.

What did you do?

Her father slapped her, and she looked up at him. The growl from Carter had him turning to look at him, and the barked order to have him shut up was followed by the man holding him hitting Carter in the head. When he fell to the floor, she stood up on the end of the bed, facing her father. The shackles at her ankles fell away when she yanked on them.

She let her power go, not completely because she had no idea where her son was and was afraid of hurting him. But when she was tossed back against the wall, she lay there, stunned, while she watched Max fade into the room.

The look on his face was pure innocence and calmness. She wanted to tell him to get out of there, but Nic came to her and helped her get up. He didn’t let her go when she started forward.

“You have to let him do this.” She looked at Nic, and he smiled. “He needs to show you that he can care for himself. And he…well, he won’t be afraid when he needs to protect you.”

“I don’t need him to protect me.” Nic said that someday she might. But she understood more than she wanted to. She wouldn’t be there with him all the time; even being an immortal, she could not protect him forever. And if she continued to shelter him, then he’d be afraid when it was time for him to save his own ass.

“Ah, my grandson.” Her father moved toward Max, but when he lifted his hand, her father stopped moving. “I think we got off on the wrong foot the other day, and I want us to be friends.”

“No.” Murph had to smile at Max’s tone. Her father didn’t think it was so funny and started forward again. “You touch me and I will make it so you never touch anything again for the little while you have left to live.”

Murph was impressed, and apparently her father knew Max was as serious as he could be. But it didn’t take him long to get over whatever he was feeling. He was moving forward even as Nic laughed. Her son was about to get all up in his grandfather’s business, and Murph was glad.

“Listen here, you little shit. You’ll do what I tell you, when I tell you, or so help me I will make you regret the day you were born.” He raised his hand again, and Max lifted his chin as if daring him to hit him. “You little fuck, I’m going to enjoy this.”

The steps he took toward Max had her start to pull away, but her father was suddenly lifted from the floor. Max was doing it, and she realized then just how strong he was. When her father was on the ceiling, he started screaming and that too was cut off. She’d had no idea that her son could do this.

Carter stood up then and walked to her. He was bleeding and he was limping, but she knew that he’d be fine soon. When he pulled her into his arms, she felt as if everything was all right. Max spoke before she could say a word.

“You’re not a very nice person, and the world would be better off without you.” Her father struggled, and Murph went to stand behind Max and looked at her father while Max held him. “I’m not going to kill you, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you continue doing what you’re doing. My uncle and dad have taken care of your money and properties, and as soon as we leave here, Grandmother is coming to talk to you. If I were you, I’d just let her do what she wants. I think she’s very mad at you too. You may speak if you wish.”

“You think I give a good fuck what she thinks?” Max told him he should. “You’re both going to regret this. As soon as you let me go, I’m going to put you both in a cage and never let you out. You’re finished. Do you hear me? I fucking own you both.”

Max turned and looked at her. “Mom, do you think we can go now? I’m not staying here listening to him spew stuff that’s simply not true.”

“Sure, we can go. But I have something to say to my father too.” She looked at Carter, and when he nodded, she asked Max to lower him to the bed but not to let him go. “My son is right, you know. The world would be a better place without you. And I, for one, will be happy to know that you’re out of it.”

“You think so, do you? Well, I got news for you. You’re not leaving this house. I have men downstairs that will fill you full of holes before you get to the door.” Carter cleared this throat then. “What the fuck do you have to do with any of this shit? You’re nothing to us. Now get out of my house.”

“Your men are either dead or with the police. The woman…Janet Patrick, I think she goes by now…is dead as well. Stupid thing to pull a gun on a cop just itching to keep the peace, and the fact that they killed a really nice man and the sheriff is something they had to take revenge on. Ben Jones was a nice man. Also, you should know that my brother Thomas is really good with computers, and he’s cleaned you out. Not your computer but your money. You’re officially broke.” Her father started to rise but was still under Max’s hold. “Another thing; I’m her husband. This is my son. You ever talk to them like you just did again, and I will rip your throat out and feast on your blood.”

As they started out of the room, she could hear her father yelling about them getting their comeuppance. Whatever he thought was going to happen wasn’t, so she didn’t even worry. Her mom appeared in front of them just as they were going down the stairs. Murph almost felt sorry for her father. Almost.


Carter was driving the truck. He was thinking about the fact that he’d have to get something more family like when Max put his head on his shoulder. He glanced over at Murph, who was leaning her head against the window with her eyes closed. Carter put his free arm around Max and smiled.

“He’s going to suffer.” Of that, Carter had no doubt. Max laughed a little as he continued. “Grandmother wanted to know if we’d like the house. If we don’t, she’d like to live in it to be close to us. Do you mind?”

“No. I just found us a home we can all live in, but it’s up to you and your mom where we live.” Max told him he didn’t want to live in that house. “I wouldn’t think your mom would want to either.”

“Carter, can I ask you something? I mean, I know you love my mom, but why did you tell him I was your son? I’m not, you know.” Carter knew that, but before he could answer, Max started talking fast. “You could be if you want. I know that you and mom will want to have babies of your own, with you as their daddy and all. Mrs. Lanning told me to stop calling her that. I could either call her Maribel or Grandma if I wanted, but the Mrs. part had to stop. I’ve never had a grandma before. I’m not even sure what to do with her. She’s very…she hugs me a lot.”

“She does at that. I’d like to tell you that it’s because of what we are, but I think she just likes to hug. My mom isn’t a pureblood leopard, but she acts like one when she wants to be.” Max nodded. “I’d very much like to have children with your mom, but you do know that you’re my son. I didn’t do so well with that when I first started seeing you…or your mom. But I’d like to do better. I know I can if you give me a chance.”

“My real dad, the one that helped make me, he’s not around. I think he knows about me, but he sort of let Mom have me.” He looked up at him when they stopped at a light. “If you want to send me away or something, I’d understand.”

“I’m not sending you anywhere, Max. You can leave if you want to go to college, but I’ll never send you away. As far as I’m concerned, you are now and will forever be my son. Blood or not.” Max nodded but said nothing else. “Would you like to go and see the house? It’s not far from here. And we need to figure out what you’re going to want for your room. It’s been a while since I was eleven, but I’m thinking you’re nothing like me as a kid.”

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