Carter (11 page)

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Authors: Kathi S. Barton

BOOK: Carter
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In a minute, more or less she supposed, five of the staff came in. Two of them had small step stools and one had a large ladder. They started pulling things from boxes and handing them to her and the other two. In minutes they were laughing and putting the small decorations everywhere, without thought to how they were spaced. Christmas music started to play softly in the background, and then Jackson joined them again. He too began to help empty the boxes that had only just arrived this morning. Soon after, Max and Hannah started to help them, and Maribel could see that they were enjoying this a great deal more than before.

Two hours later the tree was up, and Maribel could not have been more pleased with the results. Within minutes of Jackson helping, her sons and their wives came to help. It was the most fun she’d had in a long while. Misha helped Max put the large Santa on the top, and they declared it finished.

The rest of the house was worked on as well. Jackson and the staff did the dining room. Misha and Hannah took the living room, and Max and she were assigned the front porch. Max had donned his coat and gloves while she was wearing her sweater. The large blow-up decorations were so much fun to set up that she took out her phone and started snapping pictures of Max as he laughed while working. Maribel had fallen head over heels in love with the boy, and hoped that he’d be close enough for her to spoil from now on. Even if he wasn’t, she would do her best to be the best grandmother she could be to him.

“What are you going to get your mom for Christmas?” Max looked crushed all of a sudden, and she felt bad for it. “I was going to suggest you and I go into town later if you wanted.”

“I don’t have any money of my own. Mom usually just tells me not to get her anything anyway.”

Maribel knew that Murph had some money stashed away, and that she’d provided for her son well in the event that something happened to her. But to see his face now, she wanted to hand him her credit card and tell him to have a good time.

“What are you going to get your sons? If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Oh, I don’t mind. I made Andrew a sweater. He so loves to wear them in the winter, and I had some good ideas now that he’s working with the waters. For Rider, I was able to get him a model car. One that he’s wanted since he was small. His father…well, Rider had one once, but his father took it when he came to collect once. For Misha and Hannah, I had a crib made for the new baby. I had thought about giving them Misha’s, but it’s outdated and I was afraid to do that.” Maribel laughed. “I’m boring you, aren’t I?”

“No. You’ve put a lot of thought into the gifts, and they’ll love you all the more for it.” She nodded and watched him fuss with the tall snowman that seemed to be dancing in the slight wind. “I asked Carter what he was giving Mom, and he told me that he had something for her that would blow her socks off. I don’t know what he meant by that. Do you think they’ll send me away to school?”

The question startled her. She was thinking of the gift that Carter had gotten Murph and almost missed what Max said. Watching him, she tried to think why he’d think that.

“Do you want to go away to school? I mean, it was my understanding that you’re already out of high school and well on your way to graduating from college.” He nodded, still not looking at her. “Max, what’s this about?”

“They’ll want to have their own kids. And I know that Mom loves me and all. I love her too, but they’ll want to be just them together, won’t they?”

“Not that I’m aware of, and I think if anyone tried to take you from them, for any reason, either or both of them would kill for you.” Max turned then and looked at her. The sadness there made her heart hurt. “What have you found out, Max? It might not be what you think.”

“They’re sending me away. I don’t know where yet, but it’s for my own good.” Maribel nodded and started to explain, but he cut her off. “I have been really good around here. I’ve not lost my control once since I talked to Nic. And my grandmother is saying that she’d like to have me for a while too. I feel…I feel like they all want to be around me, but nobody wants me.”

“They do want to send you away, but not for any reason but to have someone teach you control over your magic.” He wiped at the tears while she continued. “I’ll be honest with you too, when I tell you that I thought it was a bad idea as well, but I’m not in charge of that sort of thing. When I suggested that someone come here and train you, I was told that your power would attract other people who would kill you for your magic. But it was my understanding that you’d be home nightly from the castle.”

“I will?” She nodded and hoped that no one had changed their mind about that part. It would destroy her to lose him after only just getting to know him. “I didn’t see that part. Honestly, I didn’t look beyond just seeing where they were sending me.”

“Never underestimate the power of a mother’s love, child. Your mom loves you to death and would kill for you. Has too, from what I’ve heard.” Max nodded and watched her. “I would too, for my own children should the need arise.”

“They would you too.” He still looked sad, and she wanted to curl him into her arms and just hold him. But he wasn’t the hugger type. Not even with his own mom. And come to think of it, neither was she. Maribel wondered if it had anything to do with her father, and decided that she didn’t like him even more.

“Max, let’s you and I go shopping.” He looked around the yard. “Oh, pooh on this for now. If we don’t finish it, someone in the house will. And you told me before that I’m safe with you. We’ll ask your mom, of course, but I’m sure she’ll be happy for you to go with me. She kinda likes me, I think.”

“She really does.” But Maribel could see that he was still a little indecisive. “If we do this and run into some trouble, will you listen to me? I know that I’m a kid and all, but I know what I’m doing most of the time.”

“Of course.” Maribel walked with him into the house. “We’ll invite Hannah to go with us, and Addie and Linyah as well. Make a big day of it. The men can do their thing and we’ll do dinner and shop until our feet fall off.”

“I thought you were finished shopping.” She was, but she had a sudden urge to get more things for this little man. “You should not spend your money on me, Mrs. Lanning. I’m not going to be here very long. We’re moving to the new house that Carter purchased for us.”

“But you’re going to be my grandson. My first grandson, as a matter of fact, and it’s my duty to spoil you.” He looked at her with a cocked brow, so much like his mother. “And as matriarch of this family, you have to do what I say.”

“I don’t think it’s supposed to work that way.” Maribel hugged him to her as they entered the house and laughed. Her heart leapt in her chest when he hugged her back and didn’t let her go. Things were starting to look up, she thought.

Chapter 11


Carter knew that she was nervous about letting Max go with his mom. But Linyah was going with them, as was Hannah. Murph had already made plans to go and talk to her old boss and see what he had for her in the way of a job, or she would have gone as well. Carter thought she needed the job more than she needed anything right now. As she told Max again to be careful and to keep her informed of everything that was going on for the fourth time, he simply shook Max’s hand. Max was as good a protector as any of them; he’d learned this last night from Leila.

“He’s a fighter, as we all are. He’s smart, capable, but he lacks the confidence in himself that will keep him safe should the need arise.” Murph told her he was a child, her only child. “Only in the sense that he’s eleven and not twenty-five. When he gets to that age, like you have, he will be a great deal stronger than you and I together. But he won’t use it correctly if you do not give him space to mess up on occasion.”

“His mistakes could cost lives.” Leila nodded at Murph when she spoke. “Oh, so as long as it’s a learning experience, then that’s okay that he might take out an entire city block.”

“Don’t be impertinent. What he learns with his mistakes will give him confidence, I said, not a killing spree. He’ll learn to pull it back on his own, not having someone come to his rescue, as Nic has been doing for him. Had I known that he was doing this…I don’t know what I might have done, but I would have taught him the way to keep from harming someone, not made him stop.”

Today, Carter figured, was a test of sorts. For all of them. She would worry until he returned, Carter would be terrified for them all until he saw them in the house, and Max would be extra careful knowing that he was going to be watching out for them all. It was a big responsibility for anyone, especially a kid.

Misha stopped them before they left and asked to speak to Max. Carter was asked to join them as well.

“I would like to pay you.” Max took a step back and put his hands behind him. “Look, what you’re doing for me and my wife is more…hell, kid. You’re getting her to do something I’ve yet to be able to have her do…get her out without me. She’ll go to the doctor’s just fine, but nowhere else. Then there is the fact that you saved her twice the other day.”

“I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t have done.” Misha told him that was true, but he’d done it for him. “Money isn’t necessary, Mr. Misha. I just don’t want her hurt.”

“It’s Misha, and I don’t either. Those two are my life, and you kept them from being hurt or worse. I can’t…just take the damned money, will you?” Misha shoved a wad of cash at Max, who grabbed it before it dropped. Misha was gone a few seconds later.

“He’s upset with me.” Carter helped him straighten the money out, and was shocked to see over six hundred dollars there. “I don’t need all of this.”

“He’s not upset but embarrassed. And I’d call him Misha from now on too. Or Uncle Misha if you want. But he’s not mad.” Max put the money in order, faces all the same direction and all the bills together. Carter wondered if he had put the money in order of dates too, but was afraid to ask. The kid was very OCD and might give Thomas a run for his money. “You do know that you have a big family to buy for now, don’t you?”

“I just have you and Mom. And Mrs. Lanning.” Max flushed. “If I call Mr. Misha ‘Uncle,’ would it be all right if I called Mrs. Lanning ‘Grandmother’? She is sort of, isn’t she?”

“She is, and that would thrill her to no end.” Max nodded and tried to give him back the money. “You now have five uncles, three aunts, and a cousin on the way. Not to mention two grandmothers, a king and queen, as well as a few people I’m sure I forgot.”

Max looked at him. It was hard to judge what he was thinking. The kid would be a great person to play poker with…if you wanted to lose all your money. But he seemed to come to a decision on his own when he nodded and asked what he was to do with the money in the meantime.

“You don’t have a wallet?” Max said he’d never had any reason for one before. “Good point. I have one in my dresser. It’s not really old, but it’s a little beat up around the edges. I could lend you that one. But I’d like it back. My mom gave it to me when I was sixteen. A little older than you, but I had a driver’s license then to store in it.”

“I will take very good care of it.” Carter ran up to his room, thinking about what else he was going to add to the list of things to get Max. His mom was getting him things as well, but Carter was going to get him a wallet. And they were going to get him enrolled in some real college classes.

After they left, Carter went to find Murph. He knew she had about an hour before she had to leave for town as well, and he thought he’d make some good use of the time and relax her as well. She was on the deck behind the house looking off into the trees when he found her.

“He’s going to be all right.” Carter walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and put his head on her shoulder. “I’ve told him to call me should he need me. I think he’ll be fine.”

“He’ll be great.” Carter kissed her shoulder and felt her body respond to it. “I want you. Right now.”

“I do you as well. But there’s not a lot of time.” Carter nipped at her shoulder this time and she moaned. “Carter, you’re making me crazy again.”

“That’s the plan.” Turning her in his arms, he kissed her, taking his time with her mouth to calm his cat down. He wanted to come out and play with her. Mark her as well, but Carter needed to be buried deep inside of her now. Picking her up by her ass, he pressed her against the wall behind them and rocked into her. “Would you let me run you down in the woods? Take you hard when I catch you? Will you let my cat have a taste of your wet pussy before I take you again?”

“Carter, you’re insane.” He growled and pressed harder into her. She was panting when he sat her on her feet, and he had to take a step back from her when she reached for him. They were much too exposed out here, and he needed to get where they couldn’t be seen.

He told her to run. He was glad now that when he’d gotten back from the house that he’d changed into softer, tear away clothing. When she stared at him for several seconds, he let a little of his cat go and she took off. The cat consumed him as soon as she disappeared into the woods.

He needed this as much as she did, he realized when he leapt over the railing surrounding the deck. As soon as his paws touched the ground he was running as hard and as fast as he could to catch her. Carter didn’t even try to slow him down, knowing that the chase would be over much sooner than he’d like. But when he lifted his nose to the air and smelled her, his cat snarled that it was time. He moved in that direction to claim his mate. His cat came skidding to a halt when he came upon her naked, standing next to a tree.

“I need this too.” His cat snarled at her and moved slowly to his prey. He was disappointed, and Carter didn’t blame him. Half the fun of running her down would have been showing her who was boss. But the closer he got to her, the stronger her scent was. When he was close enough for the cat to lick her, taste her pussy, he did just that.

Murph screamed out her first release. When she opened her legs for him, giving the cat what he wanted, he lapped at her greedily and drank her down. Carter wanted a taste too. Wanted not just to drink from her but to feel her coming down his throat. His cat growled softly at him when he asked to have her too.

Murph came twice more before his cat backed up. He had an idea that he was going to bite her and started to tell her to be prepared for it. But all he did was lick her thigh again and again before sitting back on his butt.

Carter didn’t know what to think. He begged to be allowed to be himself again, but all his cat did was stare at her. When Murph put out her hand to no doubt touch him, his cat backed up again.

“What is it, boy? Something wrong with me?” He nodded once, and Carter tried to get him to let him go again. “I want this too and you know it. Give me Carter.”

Murph? What is it?
She didn’t say anything but stared at his cat. Finally, she sat down on the ground and watched him. His cat suddenly let him go. “Murph, what is it, honey? Did he hurt you?”

“I’m ovulating.” Carter told her it was all right, he’d take care of it for her, but she laughed. “Carter, we can have a baby now if you want. I mean, I’m ready.”

It hit him hard, right between the eyes. “You mean, right now? We can have a baby today?”

“No. In nine months like normal, but we can make one now if you want.” Did he? Yes, he knew that he did, but now? He kissed her then, thinking of her having a child, his child. He wanted her now, to sink his cock into her and plant their child there, but he knew that this wasn’t a decision that he was going to make for her.

“You want a baby?” She nodded and put her hand over her flat belly. “What about Max…what do you think he’ll say?”

“He thinks that we’re already having a baby. He told me yesterday…well, he thinks that we’re sending him away so that we can start a family of our own and put him out to pasture.” Carter could see him saying that. “I want a child with you. Now. I want us all to be a family. Max, you, me, and a baby.”

“I want that as well.” He kissed her then, softly and full of love. When he lifted his head, he looked down at her and smiled. “I’m so ready to take you. Right now, as a matter of fact.”

Murph lay back, her legs wide and her body spread out for him to look at, feast on should he want to. Eating her pussy was forefront in his mind, tasting her the way his cat had. Having her come down his throat was all he had thought about while his cat had his fill. But now he wanted to be inside of her, filling her with his cum to create a baby with her. He moved between her open legs and fisted his cock as he watched her play with her breasts and nipples.

“I’m going to fuck you hard.” Her moan was nearly his undoing. “Then when I’ve had enough of you this way, I’m going to flip you over and fuck you like an animal. Filling you with my cock while I sink my teeth into your shoulder.”

“Please.” She ran her fingers down her belly and to her pussy. He watched her finger her clit, rub the nubbin hard, then softly slide her fingers into her heat then over her pussy again. Carter felt his climax tingle up his back, his balls tighten against his body. When he leaned over her, only touching her with his mouth, he sucked hard on her nipple before taking her breast into his mouth and biting her. When he tasted blood, its hot spice filling his mouth, he slammed his cock deep inside of her and felt her tighten around him.

Her climax tightened around his cock, strangling him so hard that he could barely move. When Murph bowed up, her back nearly bent in half, her nails dug deeply into his arms as she screamed out her release.

Carter fucked her hard then. Holding her still, he knew that she was going to be sore in the morning. When she came again, Carter let his cat go a little, just enough to mark her again, and bit deeply into her arm, tearing at her tender skin and feeling the bone crush under his massive jaws.

As he emptied into her, letting his cock fill twice more and emptying deeply before he threw back his head and roared, Carter felt the connection between them seem to solidify. He could touch her mind in a way that he’d never been able to do before. Dropping on her even as she came again, Carter thought he’d be lucky if he could ever move again even as sleep took him.


“This is not the suit I ordered. Can you not see that it’s black? Have you ever ordered a black suit for me? Did I say that I was being buried and that I needed a black suit?” Daniel hated dealing with stupid people, and to him the entire world was stupid. “Get me the manager. I spend a great deal of money in here and I’m not going to speak to a…to a…a lowly cashier when I’m this upset.”

When Kari, the stupid salesperson, disappeared in the back room, Daniel looked around the store. Normally, he had this place come to him to get his suits tailored to him, but he’d been away when he’d spilled something on his other gray suit, all he ever wore, and had taken a chance on ordering over the phone. Daniel figured they had the right sizes. They wrote them down every time, and it would be easy. Apparently he’d been wrong.

An older woman and two younger ones walked by him. A young man—he looked to be about fifteen or so—was with them. As they passed by where he was, the boy looked right at him and glared. Daniel took a step back from the large display window and found himself hiding from him. When someone—he had no idea who it might have been—touched his shoulder, Daniel cried out and swung his fist.

He’d not meant to hit him. When the man went down, a rack of suits falling atop him, Daniel wondered what the hell he was supposed to do now. Kari came to help the man up, and Daniel moved back. If the man claimed it was his fault, Daniel didn’t want to be caught with his prints all over the entire fucking store. As the man stood up, blood pouring from his nose, all Daniel could think about was that boy. He had no idea why, but he felt as if it had all been his fault.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Murphy. I didn’t mean to startle you like that.” Daniel started to tell him it was entirely his fault and that of the boy, but then he realized there would be no lawsuit. “I should have said your name before speaking. This is my fault.”

Daniel said nothing but kept his distance. The man might be claiming that it was his fault now, but there was no telling what he’d say later. Instead of speaking to the man, or even asking about the suit, he turned on his heel and left. The boy. All he could think about was the boy.

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