Carol Finch (23 page)

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Authors: The Ranger's Woman

BOOK: Carol Finch
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“Or maybe it was last night when I walked in and felt like I had finally come home because you were here.” He threw up his hands in frustration and said, “Oh, hell, if you want to know the honest truth I think I fell in over
my head while you were dangling off the cliff in the overturned coach and Lucky knocked off that ridiculous veiled hat you were wearing as a disguise. I saw the bewitching face that went with that sassy mouth and fiery spirit and I—”

Quinn grunted uncomfortably when Piper leapt at him and sent him staggering backward. Her laughter was sweet music to his ears. The feel of her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms clenching around his neck reminded him of the magical, intimate moments they had shared.

And suddenly the resentment, grief and hardships he had battled more than half of his lifetime dissolved because Piper kissed him as if he were the center of her universe.

Quinn decided, right there and then, that he had finally found the missing half of his soul. He was tired of fighting his way through life, tired of denying that this fiery, adorable female was the one who made him
again, made him hope and dream of a bright, promising future. With her.

“I will love you forever and ever, Quinn Callahan,” Piper murmured as she cupped his face in both hands. “Guaranteed.”

Quinn dropped a kiss to the tip of her nose. “I love you, too, sweetheart, but life has taught me that nothing is forever.”

She smiled impishly up at him. Her love for him shone in those glorious blue eyes like the midday sun. “Maybe
lasts forever,” she whispered, “but

When she led him to bed and made wild sweet love
with him, she murmured that
was the most precious gift her heart desired. And when they were body to body and soul to soul Quinn felt himself soaring to delirious heights of the most incredible passion he had ever known, experiencing emotions that came bubbling up from nowhere like the pure, clear water in Phantom Springs.

“All I need is to see you every morning for the rest of my life and to lie in your arms every night,” she assured him. “
is the truth.
are my

And suddenly he believed in happily ever after.

Because Piper said it was so…and she always told him the truth.

ISBN: 978-1-4592-3732-2


Copyright © 2005 by Connie Feddersen

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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