Carl Weber's Kingpins (4 page)

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Authors: Smooth Silk

BOOK: Carl Weber's Kingpins
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The next morning, I was up early, fixing my car. All I needed was a new battery, and I already had one in the garage. It needed charging too, and I was relieved when the ignition turned over. I drove off the parking lot and got on my way to search for a new job. I was willing to accept anything that put change in my pockets. But as I sat at a hardware store, filling out an application for a janitorial position, I changed my mind. I crumbled the application in my hand and walked out. After hearing how the supervisor spoke to the other workers, and when he told me the job was only paying minimum wage, I knew this wasn't the place for me. Theo called as I was getting in the car. He immediately heard the frustration in my voice.
“I'm not trying to push you to do the wrong thing, but it ain't no fun being broke. There are plenty more ways for you to get your hands on money, and just like the rest of us, sometimes, you gotta do what you gotta do, until something else better comes along.”
“Something else like what?”
“Like go see that nigga Mango. See if he'll hook you up with something. After you distribute that shit, give him his cut and keep yours. The police don't be tripping like you think they do. And all you have to do is keep a low profile and create some regular customers. If need be, I can loan you some money to get by. But you gotta start puttin' that petty shit behind you and be willing to make moves to the next level. Meanwhile, don't tell Mango I sent you his way, and don't tell him that you've seen me. He be acting funny sometimes, but don't take it personal.”
I suspected that Theo and Nate were sick of me borrowing money. And it wasn't fair to them that they were the ones taking risks, and I wasn't. I decided to take his advice and go see Mango.
Within the hour, I sat at a kitchen table with Mango. He was an old cat with a twitching eye, a meaty baldhead, and a potbelly that boiled over his sweats. Nappy beads of hair were on his bare chest, but diamond rings were on every last one of his fingers. Two of his henchmen sat close by on a leather sectional, watching my every move. Several chicks were on the couch too, and one of them winked at me from afar. I paid her no attention, and I listened to Mango speak to me as if I wasn't shit. He knew that I needed his help, and that caused him to turn up the heat.
“I don't know what took you so long to come here. You thank you better than me and the other niggas around here? And when did you thank it was okay for you to go work for the white man instead of the black man? I pay a whole lot better than he does, and any muthafucka who don't realize that is just plain ol' stupid in my opinion.”
I wiped my mouth just to silence myself. This nigga had done nothing but insult me, but I remained calm. I guess too calm for him, because he continued to push.
“So now, you've come here to beg me to help you. To be truthful, I don't trust niggas with yo' reputation with my goods.”
With that being said, I stood to go. Coming here was a waste of time. I'd heard enough.
“Sit the fuck down,” Mango shouted. “I'm not done talkin' to you yet, and while I don't trust you with my goods, I would like to utilize yo' talents in another way. Do want you to consider doing some other things for me?”
I reluctantly eased back down in the chair to listen. Mango placed a stack of hundreds on the table, fanning them out in front of me.
“Two thousand dollars ain't a bad pay for a day's work. And from what I've heard, a nigga like you can be very beneficial to me. I like how you keep yourself in control, like you are right now. That shit is impressive.”
He reached behind him, then laid a photo on the table. While sucking his teeth, he eased the photo over to me. “I need to brang that nigga some for-real pain. He's been tripping with my money, and he needs what I refer to as a wake-up call. Don't want him dead—too valuable to me. Just want him hurt. My men over there are only killers. They don't like to scare people, but I hear that you do. Why don't you take this money, find that nigga for me today, and bring me back something as a souvenir. I'll let you decide what that will be. If things work out, I have some other
I'd like for you to take care of for me too.”
I cracked my knuckles and bit down on my bottom lip. Even though this shit sounded like it was up my alley, I still wasn't so sure. I stared at the money, thinking how badly I needed it. I could give some of it to my grandmother to help her out, but not all of it because she'd grow suspicious. Either way, I hadn't had that much money in my possession, at once, for a long time.
“I'll do it,” I said. “You'll have your souvenir soon.”
Mango nodded, and for the first time, displayed a crooked smile. He rolled up the money and slapped it right in my hand. “I hope I can count on you,” he said. “Ain't too many niggas like you left around here. I always knew that you were kind of... special.”
I didn't respond. I knew what he meant, because the streets talked. Talked about me and about my
as a bone crusher. I dreamed about one day working for the CIA, being a spy or being on some James Bond shit. Never did I suspect that I would be utilizing my
in this way.
Mango provided me with a key location where this nigga, Quinton, could be found. But before going on my search, I went home to kick my grandmother out with some paper. She was sitting at the dining room table watching
The Price Is Right
and eating her ice cream. Foam rollers were tightened around her gray hair, and she was still in her pink nightgown. Her chocolate skin had very few wrinkles, and for a sixty-eight-year-old woman, she still looked good.
“You were up early,” she said as I came into the dining room. “And take that hoodie off your head. Look like you be up to something when you have that thing over your head like that.”
I pulled the hoodie off my head, then reached into my pocket. I laid $900 on the table and lied my ass off. “I got paid yesterday. Cashed my check this morning, right after I had to go fix my car. It stopped on me last night.”
“Did you have enough money to fix it?”
“Yep. It wasn't nothing but the battery.”
“Good. Now move yo' tail out of the way so I can see if this woman gon' win a car. I like to see people win, especially the black folks.”
I laughed and went into the kitchen where she had fried some bacon, scrambled eggs, and made some hash browns. After pouring my orange juice, I sat at the table to eat.
“Why you eating ice cream for breakfast and you cooked this?”
“Because I needed some dessert. I know this ol' diabetic body of mine don't want me to have it, but you know I gotta have my ice cream and sweet potato pies. If you think about it later, pick me up one of those pies from that soul food joint I like. Then again, never mind. I'ma drive to get me some chicken later. I'll stop then.”
I chewed my eggs, then swallowed. “Now, you know you shouldn't be out there driving, especially since you always complaining about how much you can't see.”
“I can see where the chicken house is, and I damn sure know how to make my way back home. If somebody get in my way, too doggone bad.”
My grandmother was a trip. She was sweet as pie, though, and was, without a doubt, the only person I had ever loved.
I finished breakfast, then headed to my bedroom. It was a ten-by-nine foot small room with a full-sized bed and dresser. A black rug covered the polished hardwood floors and several crooked pictures of me with my grandmother were on the wall. I also had a picture of me and Mama too. It was in my drawer. The entire room was simple but clean. My bed was already made, thanks to my grandmother, and the smell of Lysol infused the air. There was no question that I could've found a place of my own, but for whatever reason, I just didn't want to leave her. The only person she had was me. The only person I had was her. Living separate didn't make sense, and to hell with what any bitch thought of me. Until she left this earth, I would be right here.
I quickly changed into my Adidas sweat suit and tennis shoes. Brushed my waves, stroked the minimal hair on my chin, then trimmed my mustache. My chocolate skin was always so smooth, and I had to do very little to enhance my appearance. I placed a white cap on my head, then put my cigs in my pocket. After that, I said good-bye to my grandmother and pursued my first mission.
I didn't like Nate, but as always, money talks. He was in my bedroom, attempting to fuck my brains out, but failed. With each hard thrust, my head banged into the headboard in front of me. The mattress squeaked loudly, and the smell of sex infused the air. I pretended that the sex was all that—didn't want to hurt his feelings. I was very good at faking orgasms to make a nigga feel good.
Our bodies dripped with sweat. And after so long, the room got stuffy. Nate kept smacking my ass so hard that it stung.
“What you got to say about that shit?” he said between deep breaths. “Told you I was gon' tear this shit up, didn't I?”
I sucked in my bottom lip. “Yeah, you did, baby. You've made a believer out of me!”
Yeah, right
, I thought. The only reason I let Nate come over was because he called and told me he had a proposition for me. One that I wouldn't be able to refuse. He hadn't said much about it yet, only that it involved someone I knew. In the meantime, he needed a good fuck. He paid, and I delivered.
He got his; I pretended to get mine. We lay next to each other exhausted. He could barely catch his breath—I watched as his chest heaved in and out. I then reached on the nightstand for a cigarette. After I lit it, I took a long drag, then whistled smoke into the air. I glanced at the clock on the nightstand, seeing that it was almost 6:00 p.m.
“What's on your mind, Nate? I need to get a nap before I go to work tonight.”
Nate turned on his side, then reached for my chin, rubbing it. “While that pussy was worth every penny that I'm giving you, I need for you to do me a favor.”
“It depends on what it is and who it involves.”
“It involves a good friend of mine. I've noticed your interest in him, and I can't think of a better person than you to handle this little situation for me.”
I smashed the cigarette in the ashtray, then turned sideways to look at him. “I'm listening. You have my full attention.”
“Bones. I want you to do whatever to bring that nigga to his knees, and I do not only mean that by sucking his dick. I need you to weaken him. Make him love you like he has loved no other. Make him want you and not be able to function without you. And then when you get him to that point, I want you to, well, kill him.”
I cocked my head back and frowned. “
him? Maybe I can do all of that other shit for you, but I don't kill people. Besides, I kind of like Bones. He's fine as fuck, sexy as shit, and I must say that his dick performs waaaay better than yours.”
I was only kidding, then again, I wasn't. Either way, Nate didn't appreciate my playfulness. He grabbed my face and squeezed my cheeks so hard that I couldn't turn my head.
“Don't play with me, bitch, all right? This shit is serious! That nigga did some foul shit to me, been keeping secrets, and I'm willing to do whatever to make sure he pays for it. A fine bitch like you need to act on this and get that paper for helping me out.”
He released his grip, then attempted to apologize. “I didn't mean to shake you up like that, but I need you. Bones is real smart. He senses certain things about people, so you gotta be careful. He's always watching his back, but you can do this. I saw the way he eyed you last night. He's feeling you, trust me. I know you're the only one who can catch him off guard, and without him suspecting anything, help me bring him to his demise.”
Niggas were a trip. They were always plotting and scheming. I assumed these fools were real close, then again, what did I know?
“I don't know what you think you saw in his eyes last night, but I can tell you right now that that nigga ain't feeling me. He had car trouble last night. I drove him home. I inquired about hooking up with him, and he rejected me. Plus, you saw how he did me at the club. I'm not going to keep putting myself out there for a nigga who ain't interested. In conjunction with all of that, let me remind you, again, that I'm not a killer.”
“Okay, I'll do the killing. All you have to do is drug him and leave the rest to me. And before you respond to that, answer this. How does twenty Gs sound?”
I cocked my head back and smiled. “Twenty thousand dollars? For real? And all I have to do is drug him? Nigga, don't play.”
“That's it. Keep quiet about this, drug him, and then call me.”
There really wasn't much else to think about. I liked Bones, no doubt. But I loved money. I held out my hand and looked at Nate. “Put up or shut up. When do I get paid?”
“Five now, the rest later. I need to see you making progress. I'll know if you have, if and when that nigga starts talking about you. If he kisses you, you're in there. And if he tells you his real name, love is definitely in his heart.”
“I can guarantee you that he will, but just for the hell of it, what
his real name?”
“Can't say. It'll be yo' job to find out.”
I winked at Nate, and only because I was hyped about the money, I gave that nigga another taste of my sweet pussy.
I had been casing the streets for at least three hours trying to find Quinton. I didn't want to ask anyone if they'd seen him, only because I had to stay low-key. Niggas were already eyeing me like I was the police. I was in a hood that wasn't familiar to me, but I still managed to see some of the fellas I once hung around with.
Being thirsty, I went into a convenience store to get an energy drink. I grabbed a pack of powdered donuts too, and on my way out, I received a text message from Theo. He asked how things went between me and Mango. Instead of texting him back, I called him.
“That fool wasn't trying to help me.” I lied because Mango asked me not to speak a word about my new job to anyone. I felt as if it was in my best interest to keep this between us. “I wasted my damn time.”
“Damn, sorry to hear that. I just knew he'd hook you up, but, uh, if you still need to get that paper, let me know.”
“I'm good. I got hired today cleaning floors at a church. The pastor wants me to strip and wax them tomorrow. He paid me some advance money that should carry me for a minute.”
“That day-by-day shit ain't about nothing. Me and Nate gon' hit up a few houses in the suburbs tonight. Found out about two families who are vacationing in Florida. Ain't nobody there but the dogs. Word is they got some good shit in there. Let us know before midnight if you down.”
I didn't hesitate. I was sure this was something that Theo didn't want to hear. “I can tell you right now that I won't be rolling with y'all. Be easy and hit me up when you niggas get done.”
“Will do, but you know where we'll be.”
I spotted a dude who kind of fit Quinton's description. I quickly told Theo that I would catch up with them later. I watched as the dude pumped some gas, then jetted. Following closely behind him, I leaned down in my seat and began to take a few hits from my cig. Dude seemed to be constantly checking his rearview mirror, so I merged off to the right as if I was going elsewhere. I had a potential address for him. It appeared he was moving in that direction, even though he wasn't at that address earlier.
I circled the streets for a while, and then from a distance, I saw Quinton park his car in a complex heavy with a bunch of welfare recipients. The tall brick buildings looked as if they were ready for demolition. Windows were broken, laundry swung from several of the balconies, and plenty of unkempt-looking kids were running around. Loud mouths could be heard a mile away, and two chicks outside looked as if they were gearing up to fight. Quinton stopped to say something to one of the chicks, and that's when I saw him pass her a bag of weed. She smiled, and then got back to arguing with the chick who stood before her. When Quinton walked off to go inside, I got out of my car. I moved swiftly to catch him at the elevator.
As we both got on the elevator, he glanced at me, and then hit the eighth floor. I moved over to the left, as if I was on my way up to the eighth floor too. The squeaky elevator closed, and as the smell of piss gave my nose a tingle, I winced. Quinton had his hands in his pockets, and then he closed his eyes.
“Nigga, what you want with me?” he said, then opened his eyes to look across the elevator at me. “I saw you following me. What's up?”
He raised his sweatshirt so I could see his Glock secured in the front of his sagging jeans. I shrugged and played clueless.
“I don't know what you talking about. I wasn't following you; you must be paranoid about something. I'm here to see a friend of mine.”
“What's yo' friend's name?”
“None of yo' damn business.”
He reached for his gun, but in a matter of seconds, I snatched it from him and slapped him across the face with the butt of it. The elevator doors parted, and I hurried to toss the gun into the hallway. Quinton held his busted up face and tried to rush from the elevator to get his gun. Either he was too slow, or, most likely, I was too fast. I tangled his feet with mine, causing him to trip and fall flat on his face. The elevator closed again. We wrestled, but he was no match. I positioned him on his stomach and pressed my knee into his back.
“What in the fuck do you want from me?” he yelled. “Who the fuck are you, nigga?”
I pulled his arms behind his back and positioned them into a tight X. His movements caused my grip to be more painful, so he finally lay still.
“What I want is simple. Handle yo' business with Mango. He's waiting for you.”
Never wasting time with a lot of talk, I did what I knew best and twisted Quinton's arm so tight that his bone snapped and popped through his skin. His loud scream echoed in the elevator, and he hollered so loud that I had to silence him. I released his arms, then slammed him in the mouth with my powerful, balled-up fist. His lip busted wide open—the white meat was on display. Blood gushed from his lips, but I still reached into his bloody mouth to collect my souvenir. With a tight grip on one of his many rotten teeth, I pulled and yanked that muthafucka clean from his mouth. By then, he was in a daze. In shock. Speechless. The elevator opened, and a chick stood with groceries in her hand. Her eyes bugged as she saw Quinton lying there, looking deformed. She didn't know if he was dead or alive. Her bags hit the floor, and she screamed. I stepped over Quinton, excused myself, and made my exit.
I sped off the parking lot, and within thirty minutes, I was back at the table with Mango. He smiled at the bloody tooth I put on the table for him to see; as promised, my work had been done.
“You did good,” he said, standing and massaging my shoulders. “I knew I was gon' like you.”
I shrugged my shoulders as a gesture for him to move his hand. Didn't appreciate him touching me, but I didn't want to say it. He cleared his throat while standing in front of me, rubbing his hands.
“Based on what one of my boys said he witnessed, I think we gon' work well together. If anybody questions you, you don't know nothing, you ain't seen nothing, and you wasn't there. I already have the cops under control, so no need to worry. These niggas out here need to understand that business is business. You can't play with a man's money. For now, go celebrate yo' good deed. Have some fun tonight. I'll probably need yo' services again by the weekend, especially if this fool tries to disappear.”
I nodded, and as Mango held out his hand, I slammed mine against his. Afterward, I left to go see what was up with Nate and Theo at the club. They were already there chilling and having drinks with several other dudes. Theo was there with his main chick, Nichelle. I was surprised to see Alexis there too. I guessed she wasn't tired anymore.
“It's about damn time,” Nate said, standing as I approached the table. We gave each other dap; then I sat to the right of him while Alexis remained to his left. Nichelle was sitting on Theo's lap. He cocked his head back to acknowledge my presence.
Several drinks were already on the table, and there was also a cake. “Who or what are we celebrating tonight?”
“Don't you see my name on the cake?” Alexis said in a sassy tone. “It's my birthday, duhhh.”
I nodded, then looked at the cake and saw her name. I didn't say anything yet, 'cause today seemed like a good day for Alexis. She had her man by her side, and I hoped she was happy about that. Theo and Nichelle had been together for a long time too. He had his doggish ways, no doubt, but Nichelle had his heart. She was nothing like Alexis, and I had much respect for Nichelle.
I looked past Nate to get at Alexis. “Happy Birthday, ma. Enjoy the night.”
She smiled, and then wrapped her arms around Nate's neck. “I most certainly will. Especially since I just got my birthday present from my man.”
She bragged about a diamond necklace that Nate had gotten her. I wasn't hating at all, but I couldn't believe how simple some hoes were. If diamonds made a muthafucka forget about being battered, so be it. She was definitely confused, but I was staying out of it.
They kissed as if love lived right at their front door. I looked away, and that's when I saw Red working the floor, doing her thing. I had hoped to avoid her tonight, but after I had several drinks, she sashayed her way over by us.
“I can't stand that bitch,” Alexis whispered to Nichelle. “She always up in niggas' faces, thinking she the finest thing on earth.”
Nate cleared his throat, then snapped at Alexis. “Chill with that shit tonight. We here to have fun, not hate on muthafuckas.”
I wasn't sure if Red heard Alexis or not, but I sensed some tension between them. Alexis kept rolling her eyes, and for whatever reason, Nichelle got up from the table and walked away. She was one person who didn't like drama. A couple of females, and several brothas, gave Red all the attention she needed.
Nate reached over and patted my chest with the back of his hand. “What you think about that?” he said, referring to Red. “She fine, ain't she? And I know you gon' hit that again.”
I shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. She ain't really my type though.”
“What? Since when? You have always appreciated the brown skin, and ain't nothing on her fake. Plus, the last time I checked, you don't fuck bitches who don't excite you. Obviously, something about her intrigues you.”
I turned to glance at Red, admitting to myself that there was something about her that I liked. Still, and not trying to judge her, but I wasn't feeling what she did for a living. The way she was putting herself out there was enough to make any nigga involved with her mad.
Alexis cleared her throat before I responded to Nate. “I don't appreciate you sitting here talking about how fine this bitch is. And shame on yo' nasty ass, Bones, for fucking her. Ugh,” she said, then got up from the table. She stormed off and knocked a few chairs out of her path.
“That bitch acts like she be on her period twenty-four-seven,” Nate said. “She be itching for me to knock her ass out. I'm trying hard not to go there with her on her birthday.”
“Try harder. For once, let's have some fun and not trip off things that we have no control over.”
Nate nodded and clinked his glass with alcohol in it against mine. As soon as my glass was cleared, Red made her way up to me. She stood behind me, rubbing my chest and moving her hand down low to touch my package. I squeezed her hand to stop her.
“Awww,” she teased, then bent over to whisper in my ear. “I promise I won't hurt it.”
My boys laughed; I didn't. And when Red swung around me to deliver a lap dance, I stood up. I flipped a quarter on the table and looked directly in her eyes.
“All I got is change. And with all of these bills waving in the air, I suggest that you go get them and not waste yo' time on me.”
I could see the fire in Red's eyes. She was pissed. Feelings hurt. She cut her eyes at me, then strutted away to go collect the rest of her money.
“Damn, nigga,” Theo said, then laughed. “That was hard—some cold shit. Bitch working that hard, and all you can up with is a quarter?”
Nate replied too. “You know how Bones is. Shouldn't surprise you.”
I silenced both of those fools when another stripper came by, shaking her ass and teasing me by displaying the long length of her tongue. I eased a fifty-dollar bill between her legs, then planted a soft kiss on her thigh.
“Thank you, sugga,” she said, then winked. “Baby doll appreciates your generosity.”
I bobbed my head to the music, watching her as she moved on to the next. Nate questioned my actions.
“Don't tell me you feelin' her better than you are Miss Red. If so, I can hook you up.”
I shot Nate a look that he probably deemed offensive. “No offense, but, uh, why you so adamant about me and Red hooking up? You done said her name about fifty times tonight, and I'm starting to relate to and understand Alexis's concerns. If you want to hook up with her, nigga, please do. She's all yours, 'cause I don't want it.”
Nate's eyes grew wide. He appeared shaken by my tone, but I was tired of the nigga bugging.
“From here on out,” he said, pretending to zip across his lip, “my lips are sealed about Red. I ain't interested in that slut, especially since it's obvious that she's interested in you.”
I remained silent. Nate and I had our issues before, but nothing major. I felt as if we all were starting to grow apart, only because I wasn't down with some of the things him and Theo did. They had already robbed those two houses tonight, and couldn't stop bragging about all the shit they'd gotten. To me, it didn't compare to the new gig I had, and when all was said and done, I expected to have more paper than any of us could dream of.
“Boo, I'm ready to go,” Nichelle said to Theo. He had given her a few of the credit cards he'd stolen earlier and invited her to have at it. I assumed she was ready to go shopping.
“Holla at y'all later,” I said, giving Nichelle a hug, then sending Theo off with a pound. Nate gave his good-byes too, and with Alexis still being mad, she only mumbled good-bye.
“I'ma go drain the vein, and then we gon' leave too,” Nate said. “You staying or what?”
“Not sure yet. Maybe so.”
The minute he left the table, Alexis moved in the chair next to me. “I wanted to apologize for the other night,” she said. “I don't know what got into me. I got carried away. But the one thing I won't do is deny my feelings. Now you know how I feel. I honestly do not love Nate anymore, and I—”
I quickly silenced her. My face twisted, and I hated that she kept swinging this bullshit my way.
“If you don't love him anymore, then tell that nigga what's up! Stop putting me in the middle of this shit, expecting me to say something to him. If that's your plan, try again. I don't give a fuck how you feel, 'cause at the end of the day, ain't nothin' happening between you and me.”

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