Carl Weber's Kingpins (14 page)

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Authors: Smooth Silk

BOOK: Carl Weber's Kingpins
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“What the fuck!” one chick shouted as she tried to quickly unlock her car. Pebbles stood right next to her—gun pointed at her chest. “What's up with this? Do I know you?”
Pebbles shrugged. “Don't think so. But let me introduce myself.”
She pulled the trigger, dropping the chick in an instant. Another nigga squirmed on the ground while crying out like a bitch for help. He was helped by a bullet in his back, compliments of Pebbles. She was fierce. Bold. And I liked that.
“Come on,” I yelled to her. “Let's go!”
We ran toward the car, looking around and making sure the entire parking lot was clear. Dead bodies were everywhere. Blood flowed on the concrete, and I had to send a clear message to Skittles's sidekicks that I, Mr. Bones, wasn't to be fucked with. Not now. Not never.
Almost an hour later, we returned to my loft high as fuck. We had stopped to get a bottle of Henny, and as we sat on the floor in the living room tossing back alcohol, I moved closer to Pebbles.
“You know you sexy, don't you?” I slurred with a wide smile.
“Sexy and tipsy, yes, I know.”
“We both are, so why don't we finish the night off with a wild-ass sex session then?”
Pebbles laughed, then sipped from the bottle. “Sex? With you? Nah, no thanks. I'll pass.”
I licked my lips, then grabbed my dick, holding it. “Pass on this? Why would you pass on all of this?”
“'Cause you're not my type. I thought I already made that known to you.”
I moved closer to wrap my arms around her. My lips touched her ear. “I know what you said, but I don't believe you. And if I'm not your type, I'm willing to do whatever to make you change your mind.”
She pulled away from me, then stood up. “It's hard for me to change my mind, but thanks for allowing me to come over and take care of you. It's late, and I'm going home. I'll see you in a few days, and I hope you'll be ready to drive to LA. Until then, go take a cold shower and get some sleep. You need it.”
Pebbles walked away, leaving me high and dry, and hard as fuck. She removed her purse and the briefcase from the island, then waved to me before leaving. I lay back on the floor and released a deep, disappointed sigh. The ceiling fan turned from above, making me real dizzy. My eyelids got heavy, but my dick wouldn't go down because I kept thinking about Pebbles. All I wanted to do was hit that pussy one time. Just once. That's all I needed. I couldn't recall the last time I wanted to feel the insides of a bitch so badly. I definitely wanted to feel and taste all of her.
My thoughts of Pebbles led me to a place I really didn't want to be. It was almost two in the morning when I knocked on Alexis's door. She opened the door in a silk pajama shirt that was cut right underneath her fat pussy. Her long, messy hair flowed past her shoulders, and her face was pretty, but pale. I could tell she had been asleep.
“Do you know what time it is?” she said in a groggy tone.
“I do. But I wanted to come over and tell you that I forgive you.”
She shook her head, rejecting what I'd just said. “No, you don't, Bones. You hold grudges and seek revenge. I know that for a fact.”
I shrugged, then moved closer to wrap my arms around her waist. With my body close to hers, I was sure she felt how hard I was. “I do hold grudges, but this time, I won't seek revenge. Take your clothes off and I'll prove it to you.”
Alexis never denied me. She pulled the shirt over her head and stood naked. I moved her back to the couch and fucked her again, as if she was the last bitch on earth.
“Bones, you have to stop doing this to me,” she whined as my dick busted her sweet cherry and made it bleed. I tackled her hard from behind, and with her hands squeezed in mine, she griped about me holding her fingers too tight.
“It feels as if you're about to break it. Loosen your grip and slow this shit down. My pussy can't take this. I want...
for you to make love to me.”
I didn't know what the fuck making love to her meant, but I did honor her wishes by slowing things down a little. I backed out of her and let her ride me until she couldn't ride much more. But by nine o'clock that morning, it was a wrap. I was back at my loft in a deep sleep, lying naked on the floor.
* * *
I woke up hours later because somebody was knocking at my door. My gun was on the floor next to me, so I reached for it, then quietly made my way to the door. Through the peephole I saw a man from the furniture store with a uniform on. I figured he was there to deliver my furniture, so I hurried to put on my robe, then opened the door.
“I have a delivery for uh, Bones. Is that you?”
“He ain't here, but he told me to be here when his furniture arrived.”
“Okay,” he said, handing me a clipboard with a piece of paper clipped to it. “Sign here.”
I signed a bogus name on the paper. The man said he would be back with the furniture. He came back with two other men who assembled my bedroom furniture, along with the kitchen set. Everything was on point. The only other things left for me to pick out were some living room furniture and pictures for the bare walls. Curtains would murder the huge picture windows, so I intended to leave them as is.
After the men left, I lay across the bed, then reached for my phone. I called Pebbles to thank her again for helping me yesterday.
“No problem,” she said. “I told you I had good taste.”
“I can't agree with you on that, especially since you didn't take me up on my offer last night. But it's all good. I picked up my face after you left, and I'll never make the mistake of letting it get cracked again.”
“Don't. It wasn't a pretty sight, and I felt horrible for you. It almost looked as if you wanted to cry, but I'm sure that one of your bitches was willing and able to wipe those tears for you, and then some.”
“It's a good thing that you're starting to know me well. But on another note, I spoke to Mango this morning. He thinks we should head to LA today. I'm game if you are, but we have to make a stop in Atlanta first. Big L wants to give us something to take to Jake. And it's good business if I keep my word and stop by Carmen's place for the
she wants to give me.”
“You know damn well she doesn't want to give you a tour. She wants to fuck your brains out. Are you planning to go there with her?”
“Nope. She likes to flirt, and so do I. Mango thinks it's a good thing for me to stay on her good side, considering what she's worth. I agree.”
“I don't, but do you, and I'ma do me. What time shall I meet you?”
“Come by at one. I should be ready by then.”
Feeling real energized today, I cleaned up well and rocked a pair of black slacks and a button-down royal-blue shirt with suspenders. The shirt tightened on my muscular frame, and my cologne had a bite to it. Not only did I feel good, but I looked good too and smelled like millions. Pebbles called to tell me that she was waiting for me on the parking lot. I went downstairs and saw her parked between two cars. Her eyes were glued to me. Her mouth looked stuck open—she appeared to be in a trance,
more like it, but she was trying to play hard to get. I didn't mind. I figured that one day she would be in the same place as Alexis was.
Pebbles got out of the car wearing black stretch leggings. A black leather jacket covered her black wife beater, and her black heels had silver studs on them. She must've been allergic to color. I wondered if she ever wore anything else, but I didn't ask because I didn't want her to think that my comment was an insult. Commenting also meant I was paying attention to her. I didn't want her to know that I was.
“Look at you,” she said with a smile. “I wonder who you're trying to impress. Would that be Carmen?”
I ignored Pebbles. She followed behind me as I made my way to the car. We both got inside, and then I drove off.
“I don't appreciate you ignoring me all the time, and please don't get mad when I start ignoring you,” she said.
“In case you haven't noticed, I don't get mad.”
“Right. You get even.”
She was starting to know me all too well. I drove to a nearby gas station to fill the tank. To my surprise, when I exited, I ran into Alexis and Brianna. They were on their way inside and had just walked past the car I was in. Brianna ran up to me and gave me a hug. I lifted her in my arms, really happy to see her.
“Hi, Mr. Bones,” she said. “I'm glad to see you, but, uh, have you seen my dad? And why don't you stop by to see us as much as you used to?”
I glanced at Alexis who had turned her head to look in another direction.
“Because I got a new job that's been keeping me real busy. I haven't seen Nate, but as soon as I do, I'll be sure to tell him to call you or stop by. He's probably real busy too. And I bet that he's missing you too.”
Brianna smiled. She was a happy little girl, considering all of the bullshit that had been going on around her. After I put her down, she rushed over to Alexis and took her hand.
“Mommy, I want some candy. Will you buy me some M&Ms?”
“Yes. As soon as I go inside to pay for the gas.”
I reached in my pocket and gave Brianna a ten-dollar bill. “Get your M&Ms and some gummy bears. You like those too, don't you?”
She nodded, then took the money from my hand.
“What do you say?” Alexis said.
“Thank you, Mr. Bones. Thank you very much.”
“You're welcome.”
Alexis looked me up and down, then smiled. “I love the fit you rocking. Where are you on your way to?”
“To take care of something for a friend.”
“Will you have time to stop by later? I can cook dinner for you, if you'd like.”
“Thanks, but I won't have time. We'll hook up sometime next week.”
Alexis accepted what I said, then she went inside to pay for her gas. I saw Pebbles watching us the entire time. I hurried to pump the gas so we could go. But just as I hit the thirty-dollar mark, Alexis came out of the gas station and walked my way with Brianna holding her candy. Alexis's eyes shifted from Pebbles to me.
“Why didn't you introduce me to your friend?” she said. “Then again, I didn't know you had any more friends.”
“I don't.”
“Really? Then, if you don't mind me asking, who is she?”
“I do mind,” I said as I was done pumping gas.
Alexis boldly walked to the passenger's side and tapped on the window. Pebbles lowered it with attitude written on her face.
“Hi,” Alexis said. “I'm a close friend of Bones. I don't think we've met before, have we?”
“We haven't, but I'm a close friend too. I guess Bones is good at keeping his friends a secret.”
“Yeah, I am.” I got in the car, then closed the door. I looked at Alexis who was still bent over and staring into the car. “Like I said, we'll holla soon. Until then, take care of Brianna and make sure she get some more of those M&Ms.”
Alexis rolled her eyes, then told me to wait. She came to my side of the car. I lowered the window, and she bent over again.
“I wanted to let you know that Nichelle is bugging me about talking to you about Theo. I barely have time to get at you myself, and every time you come over, like you did last night, you're always in and out, if you know what I mean. Either way, she asked if I would give her your number. I don't know if you want me to do that or not.”
“No. I don't have anything to say to her. If she wants answers about what Theo did, she needs to revisit some of the shit that was on his mind at the time or get at the police.”
“Okay. I'll tell her that. Be safe and we'll talk later.”
Alexis leaned in to plant a kiss on my lips. Normally, I wouldn't reciprocate, but this time I pecked her lips back.
“Bye, Bones,” she said then walked away with Brianna.
I raised the window, then shifted in my seat to look at Pebbles who had her lips pursed. “You know, some tricks be acting real silly and thirsty. She just
to let me know that you were with her last night. I'm so glad that . . .” She paused. “Never mind.”
“Naw, go ahead and speak your mind. What were you about to say?”
“Nothing. Other than I will never let you put your dick inside of me. I have a feeling that you got some of that potent shit that can make a bitch go crazy. That heifer was a prime example. She didn't have to come over here and say anything to me. It's apparent that you don't give two cents about her. And the only reason you probably still dealing is because of your daughter. She's cute. They're both cute, but your daughter looks just like you.”
Her comment caught me a little off guard, but I didn't elaborate on the real deal. It wasn't her business.
“I'm sure Alexis would disagree with your assessment of her.”
“Usually I'm right.”
I saved that discussion for another day. We had a long drive ahead of us, and by the time we made it to Atlanta, Pebbles had gone to sleep. I awakened her when we arrived at Carmen's place. Carmen stood at the door looking like a dolled up Jennifer Lopez. The sheer and breezy dress she rocked wasn't hiding nothing. Pebbles didn't care to see her goodies, so she rolled her eyes.
“If you go in there and fuck her, I will never stop dissing you. Besides, we don't have much time to waste. I want you to meet some interesting people in LA. Family included. They are going to help us in a major way, so we need to wrap up our business here and get back on the road.”

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