Car Pool (18 page)

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Authors: Karin Kallmaker

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BOOK: Car Pool
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She wrapped her hands around one warm, ivory breast. So soft, she marveled, and so much for her mouth to savor and enjoy. She brushed the tip of her tongue over the rose-tinted nipple. Unexpectedly, Anthea swayed.

She sank to the bed and Shay knelt on the floor in front of her, her tongue returning to the tender swell that grew harder against her tongue. She sighed deeply, feeling languid and hedonistic as she feasted on Anthea’s breasts … a prelude to another feast on even more sensuous flesh.

Shay pulled Anthea’s clothes from her hips. Her head spun as she first saw the dark blonde hair triangled between Anthea’s thighs. She rested her forehead for a moment on the pale thatch, inhaling the scent of what she would soon taste.

Recovering from her faintness, she pulled the clothes the rest of the way off. Anthea’s legs spread open. Shay promised herself she would give Anthea as much pleasure as she had already received. She would do it slowly, make it last a long time. She thought this even as she lowered her mouth to the

triangle of blonde hair. She slipped her tongue into the ready wetness she found, heard Anthea gasp.

She would go slowly, she told herself. Her tongue flicked and Anthea shuddered. She knew Anthea would like that and she would go slow. Slower, she told herself, even as her body sank between Anthea’s legs, her arms winding around Anthea’s hips. Her lips encircled the nerves knotted and pulsing under her tongue.

Slow was impossible.

She made the second time last longer, but her mouth was so hungry and eager she couldn’t restrain her desire for more. Her fingers slipped into Anthea’s heat and passion and Anthea’s hands pressed Shay’s head down. Her hands said stay there, like that, just like that.

8 Fast Lane

Shay felt a wet splash on her forehead and she brushed at it. She wanted to go on sleeping… she was melted into the bed. Even as she drifted off, she wondered how her bed had become so soft. And so wide.

There was another droplet, on her cheek this time. She wiped it away and cracked her eyes open. They felt as if they’d been soldered shut.

Anthea stood at the door to her bathroom,

toweling her hair vigorously. Another drop from the fierce whirl of the towel fell onto Shay’s face. She sighed. The toweling immediately stopped.

“Did I wake you?” Anthea asked. “I was trying so hard to be quiet.”

“It’s okay. I don’t want to miss you getting dressed.” Shay wished Anthea weren’t wearing a bathrobe. All in a rush she remembered the abandon and oblivion of the previous night. She curled into a ball and smiled.

“I don’t have to get dressed,” Anthea said. A subtle flush crept up her cheeks. Shay felt a similar flush in her own body. She wanted to do it all again.

“Not at all,” Shay said. “You’re ahead of me by a shower, though.” She sat up, glancing at the bedside clock. Eight-thirty. She had to be at work in three and a half hours. That left plenty of time for… anything. She sniffed. “I need one, too.”

“Why don’t you help yourself, and I’ll make some breakfast.”

Shay was glad of the promise of breakfast as she stood wobbly-legged in the shower. Anthea had left her absolutely drained. She felt as weak as a day-old puppy when she finally stepped out of the steam. She found another robe and followed a tantalizing smell to the kitchen.

Anthea was busily mincing green chilies next to the huge double sink. Shay decided that the island alone was bigger than the floor space of her entire kitchen. A copper bowl with what looked like beaten eggs stood next to a shallow copper omelet pan. “Spanish omelets?” From the porcelain crock on the kitchen island, Shay helped herself to a strawberry

and dipped it into the whipped cream sitting next to them. Her taste buds went wild — tart, sweet, creamy, decadent.

“I hope you like them,” Anthea said. “Would you rather have jack or cheddar?”

“I’d rather have you,” Shay said. She gulped. That wasn’t what she had meant to say at all. It was a little too early in the morning for high passion.

Anthea dropped the knife and flushed bright red. She picked the knife up again with a little laugh. “You’ve already had me.”

Shay moved behind Anthea, wrapping her arms around Anthea’s waist. “I mean to do it again.” She felt her stiffen slightly, then relax.

Shay loosened the tie of Anthea’s robe. The thin silk was far sexier than the utilitarian chenille Shay wore. She slipped her hands inside. Abundant and luxurious and so soft, Anthea’s breasts filled her hands again. “I think you should probably put the knife down,” she murmured.

Anthea answered with an incoherent sound, but when she turned to Shay she was empty-handed. Shay only had to bend her head slightly to kiss Anthea’s nipples, to pull one into her mouth. She remembered what had made Anthea moan last night … a gentle bite, followed by hard pressure from her tongue. The combination made Anthea moan this morning too.

“God, Shay, how can you do this to me?” Anthea threw her shoulders back and Shay took the gesture for encouragement and consent. She slipped to her

knees. The dark blonde hair between Anthea’s thighs was still damp from her shower, but the wetness was slicker than water.

Shay brushed it with her tongue. Anthea’s fingers curled into her hair, gripping so tightly it hurt, but Shay ignored it.

“Slide up on the counter,” Shay told her.

There was a clatter. Shay didn’t know what had happened to the chilies and she didn’t care. Anthea was perched on the edge of the counter and Shay took some of Anthea’s weight on her shoulders as she feasted.

It seemed a perfectly appropriate thing to do in the kitchen. Anthea must have thought so too because her body responded almost instantaneously.

They would have to try the dining room at some future date.

Anthea crumpled down from the counter and Shay stood up, capturing Anthea between her body and the counter.

“Okay?” Shay smiled up into Anthea’s dazed face.

“Very okay,” Anthea answered. “Are you always that… hungry?”

“No. And now I’m really starved.” She looked longingly at the omelet preparations.

“You don’t really expect me to let that go unanswered, do you?” Anthea, some of her color returning, quirked her lips in a sensuous smile. Shay suddenly recalled the softness of those lips on her body.

“No… I guess not. I’m hungry for all sorts of things this morning.” She felt Anthea’s fingers

slipping between the folds of the bathrobe. “That, too.” She made an appreciative sound as she wrapped her arms around Anthea’s neck.

Anthea answered with a sigh. Shay could hear Anthea’s steady heartbeat become more rapid as she rested her head on Anthea’s chest.

Shay straightened and pushed herself away from Anthea. “I guess turnabout is fair play.” She stepped back until she felt the kitchen island against her hips and then pushed herself up onto the island. She spread her legs … she couldn’t pretend to be shy, not after what she’d just done, not after what they’d done on the deck. And there was no pretending she wasn’t ready.

Anthea’s fingers slipped inside her. Shay felt a warm flush in their wake. She put her hands behind her and rested her weight on them, leaving her hips free to move in response to Anthea’s gentle strokes. She met each thrust, bucking against the fingers that sought the fire between her legs. She couldn’t stop the long, loud groans that wrenched out of her lungs.

So, she thought, when the tremors had subsided, this is what breakfast with Anthea is like. I could get used to it.

She stopped herself there… so they got along well in bed. As she had told Harold, it took much more to make a relationship. Anthea had seemed inexperienced and shy, but now Shay knew better. She remembered the aggressive dyke she had seen Anthea with… the one she had called a Porsche. Anthea could be into one night stands even if she didn’t look it. Nobody looked like her sex life, Shay thought.

“I think I’ll make breakfast now,” Anthea said.

Shay sat up, aware that Anthea’s shoulder had been very comfortable. She didn’t want Anthea to move even a foot away. The burning between her legs persisted; she’d never felt heat like this before. She slid off the kitchen island and wrapped her robe demurely about her body. The heat from her thighs was almost painful. It was painful. When they sat down to eat the omelets, Shay winced. Something was going on. She was wet from Anthea’s lovemaking and from wanting more. But something else … she straightened in her chair nonchalantly. She took a bite of omelet. It was delicious. The jack cheese and chilies were mild… perfect for breakfast. She ate about half, then couldn’t take another bite. The burning sensation was intense. She sat up straight, but it made no difference.

“Are you okay?” Anthea looked across the table in concern.

“Oh, sure.”

“Are the chilies too hot?”

“No, uh, they’re fine.” Shay exhaled rapidly through her nose. “I’m just, I think there’s, I… .” She didn’t know how to say that she thought her body was having some sort of violent reaction to sex. It was terrible. She was allergic to Anthea.

Anthea tipped her head to one side. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look odd.”

“I don’t know what it is,” Shay said slowly. How could she explain it? She looked around the kitchen, anywhere but at Anthea. Her embarrassed gaze fell on the remains of the fresh green chilies. The chilies! In spite of her embarrassment, she burst out laughing. “I need to get back in the shower. You had

chili oil on your fingers. My vagina isn’t up to spicy foods.” With a gasping laugh, she rushed out of the kitchen to the bathroom.

Anthea followed, making horrified sounds. “I don’t believe it. That must hurt like hell. Will the shower help?”

Shay sighed with relief as she bathed her tender flesh with cool water. She sat down in the spray. “How can I fill the tub instead of shower?”

Anthea flipped a lever on the spigot. She sat on the edge of the tub as it filled. “Is there anything I can do?”

“Wash your hands,” Shay said. She could smile now that the burning sensation was subsiding.

“I did that before I finished making breakfast. But I should have before I….” Anthea blushed red again.

Shay turned the water off and relaxed for a minute. “You sure do know how to show a girl a hot time.”

“Please stop,” Anthea said. She hid her face. “This is mortifying. I’ve never done anything like that in the kitchen and look what happened!”

Shay pondered Anthea’s remark. Maybe Anthea wasn’t as experienced as she had seemed. Maybe she was just damned good in bed. Or they were just good together. Shay was pleased that no other lover had been with Anthea in the kitchen. Maybe there were other rooms they could inaugurate as well. “If we practice good kitchen hygiene in the future we shouldn’t have this problem.”

Anthea peered through her hands. “Future? You mean you might forgive me for being so stupid?”

“Forgive you?” Shay stood up and started the

water draining out of the tub. She drew a towel around her hips. “The effects of the chilies are all gone and I’m still on fire.” She swallowed, her tongue suddenly thick, her throat tight. She stepped out of the tub. “Take me back to bed.”

Anthea’s lower lip trembled but she stood up without comment and led Shay back to the bed.

Out of concern for hygiene in a food preparation area, Shay took another shower before leaving for work. Every inch of her body felt covered with Anthea’s scent and desire. Since her blouse — recovered from the garden below the deck — was dirty, she borrowed a few items of clothing from Anthea to save the time of going home again… a T-shirt, panties, thin socks for her loafers. They were all too big, but they were scented with Anthea. She was fifteen minutes late to work. As if she cared.

Anthea leaned against the wall outside the pizza parlor and watched yet another pair of teenagers in corsets and garters walk by. Things had changed since the last time Anthea had gone to see the Rocky Horror Picture Show. It had been playing at the theater across the street every Saturday night for a very long time. She hadn’t realized that now kids went to see it half-naked.

She felt a little anxious waiting for Shay like this. They hadn’t exactly made plans for her to meet her after work, but Anthea couldn’t help herself.

Shay finally emerged from the darkened restaurant. She looked tired, but when she saw Anthea waiting for her she looked pleased.

Anthea glanced across the street and had an inspiration. “I was wondering if you’d like to take in a movie.”

“Rocky Horror? I haven’t been in ages,” Shay said. “I reek of pizza.”

Anthea leaned closer. “I never noticed before, but pizza is pretty sexy.”

“Flatterer.” Shay glanced over her shoulder, then pulled Anthea into the shadow of the pizzeria doorway. Anthea returned Shay’s fierce kiss, her hips pressing Shay against the door.

When Shay finally released her, Anthea took a deep breath to clear her head. “What was I saying?”

“Movie,” Shay said. “You don’t really want to go to a movie, do you?” One hand slipped up the front of Anthea’s sweater.

Anthea shivered. Shay stepped closer to Anthea, brushed an imaginary hair from Anthea’s face. Anthea shook her head.

“My apartment’s not very far, you know.”

“Yes, I know.”

Shay turned and Anthea fell into step next to her. Once they were away from the main drag, Shay took Anthea’s hand and they walked comfortably together.

At the door, Shay fumbled for her keys. “Let me get the light,” she said, going ahead of Anthea.

“No, don’t get the light,” Anthea said softly. “Take me to bed, Shay. We don’t need light there.”

Shay groaned, low and powerful, and reached for Anthea. She fit perfectly into the crook of Shay’s

arm. Shay kissed her gently and held her. Anthea, once they were down on the bed, silently sent thanks to the secretary in the Car Pool Services department who had written Anthea Rossignole on a form and sent it to Shay.

Anthea caressed the side of Shay’s face, wishing for more kisses, kisses gentle and sweet. This was so slow and soft.

Shay brought the palm of her hand up against Anthea’s wetness. Anthea surged against it.

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