Captured at Nightfall (Capture My Heart Love Story)

BOOK: Captured at Nightfall (Capture My Heart Love Story)
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Captured at Nightfall

Kitrisha Rasmussen


Copyright Page

Published by B&K Books, LLC

Marana, Arizona 85653


Copyright © 2013 by Kitrisha Rasmussen


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


The author published an earlier serialized version of this story online
under the name Kissed by Twilight under the pseudonym Kit1313.


ISBN: 9781467587044

Cover Design © B&K Books, LLC






This book would never be where it is today if
not for the vast sources of information readily available. I’d be even more clueless than I tend to be normally if not for the blessing of modern technology.

I write this story as an outsider. I’ve done my research, sure; but any mistakes are all on me.

Thanks to Kimberly Johnson for the medical advice.

Thanks to Brittany
Bennion, my cheerleader.

Thanks always to my family.

And special thanks to Brandon, my very own sex god of twelve-plus years, who doesn’t mind giving it to a girl straight even if she threatens to punch you in the eye. I really can listen . . . sometimes.

To you, the re
aders: If you love this story, my only request is that you give your thanks to those who serve.






To you, my fans, whose love of this book helped get it to where it is today.





Other books by Kitrisha Rasmussen


Children of Nod Vampire Series:

The Black Rose

Coming Soon:

Mask of Enoch



Table of Contents

Captured at Nightfall

Copyright Page



Other books by Kitrisha Rasmussen

Chapter one

Chapter two

Chapter three

Chapter four

Chapter five

Chapter six

Chapter seven

Chapter eight

Chapter nine

Chapter ten

Chapter eleven

Chapter twelve

Chapter thirteen

Chapter fourteen

Chapter fifteen

Chapter sixteen

Chapter seventeen

Chapter eighteen

Chapter nineteen

Chapter twenty

Chapter twenty-one

Chapter twenty-two

Chapter twenty-three

Chapter twenty-four

Chapter twenty-five

Chapter twenty-six

Chapter twenty-seven

Chapter twenty-eight

Chapter twenty-nine


About the Author




Chapter one


Lainie exclaimed. She jumped up and down in front of Allison, looking like a rocket ready to launch. Fingers carved into Allie’s upper arms, a restricting death grip which added exclamation to each excited bounce.

teeth chattered in her head. Her eyes dropped warily to her arms as she considered chewing them off to get away.

Lainie squealed again. “I can’t believe you’ve never heard of the UMMA!”

, Allie thought,
what was the deal with all the abbreviations!

UMMA apparently stood for Underground Mixed Martial Arts. OMG stood for Oh, my god.
Which was just about the same sentiment running through Allie’s head right then.

grabbed onto Lainie’s wrists and pried them away from her body. “Calm down, Lainie. Breathe, for heaven’s sake.” She eyeballed her friend’s face where blue eyes sparked and cheeks were flushed with excitement.

Boy, how she envied her. Allison Young—Allie—had been best friends with
Lainie since forever. They’d done all the important growing up stuff in tandem: lost teeth, speculated the birds and the bees, as well as the validity of Santa Clause, grown into training bras. They’d held each other through their first breakups, crashed into garage doors and ran stop signs as new drivers. And, even though Lainie was more into pom poms and Drill Team, while Allie tried to blend in with the wallpaper, nose stuck in a book, they clicked. Sisters almost.

introvert tendencies were more from circumstance, something that Lainie got about her even when they were little. She’d done her best to drag her along, and was always the shoulder to cry on. Allie’s dad had been out of the picture all her life, and her mom . . . well, her mom was complicated, even more so now. Bad with money and always on the prowl for the newest Mr. Right, bills, housework, and comforting her mom while she recovered from Mr. Wrong had mostly fallen on Allie since she was old enough to write a check. Not like she grudged her mom. Allie had realized long ago it was simply her mom’s nature. It’d been hard, though . . . being a girl with a woman’s obligations. She hadn’t been able to taste the extras in life that gave spice to growing up. She didn’t hang out with other kids, especially not boys, in Middle School and High School. Didn’t socialize other than the occasional blind date that Lainie dragged her on. It had made her awkward. Unsure of herself around people her age.

And then her mom had been diagnosed with an early onset of
Alzheimers and her whole world had to reboot. More duty. More stress. Her dreams of college and finally being free to live her life had vanished, seemingly overnight.

The disease had reached its pinnacle a few months ago and s
he’d finally put her mom in a home, something that about ripped her heart out to do, but Allie just didn’t know how to take care of her anymore; not while trying to hold down a job at the same time. The guilt killed her every day, especially now that she’d taken out a loan to go to college.

And all that money!

Three-thousand dollars just on tuition for this semester.
to do it, though. If she didn’t do something, she’d never be able to provide for her mom’s medical care. Medicaid and Medicare only went so far.

The worst part was that there had been this secret part of her. A part that lurked in a dark corner of her soul that was glad her mom was
finally being looked after by someone else. It caused her heart to flutter with traitorous excitement each time she thought of being able to go to school. To move away from her worries and some of her duties. That she could just be . . . a twenty-four-year-old girl, someone crazy and spur of the moment, someone who was currently being talked into going to a hell hole in the heart of the city to watch grown men pummel the ever-loving heck out of each other.

She looked at
Lainie and felt like she’d been sucked back into some kind of alternate universe. One where your only real worries ran within the parameters of a Jersey Shore episode.

pulled her down into their ratty, second hand couch and upped the wattage on her grin. “The UMMA is
the coolest underground fight club ever! It’s so scary, and the guys are totally hot, Allie. Seriously. Just think! Tonight we’ll be sitting up close and personal with a bunch of sweaty animals all riding a wave of testosterone while they pound the crap out of each other.” She fanned herself with a fluttering hand, ready to pass out. “Oh, my gosh! It’s going to be so totally epic! Maybe one of them will pull down the other’s shorts!”

This pried a
grin from Allie and she shook her head. “Have you even been to one of these things?” Eyes cut to the discarded flyer sitting on the particle board lamp table. “Doesn’t look like a very good part of town.”

Allie! It’ll be
. All the dangerous people will be in the ring, trying to kill each other.”

Allie knew tonight would rank up among
the stupidest things she’d ever done if she were to actually agree to this madness. Chances were pretty high that at least one of them would be going home missing a purse. The flutter in her heart returned as excitement blossomed, though. This was what she had craved. The first of many-to-come college exploits.

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