Captive By The Billionaire: (A BBW Erotic Romance)

BOOK: Captive By The Billionaire: (A BBW Erotic Romance)
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Captive by the Billionaire Series.
Book 1

Nora Stone

Mahogany Publications

Copyright © 2014 Nora Stone

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher

Chapter One

sat on my couch and looked at the screen, gaming through the night.  This was what I did on a typical Friday night, and it was what I loved.  I wished I could do this all the time, but I knew I had to work sometime.  That was the problem with my life, I loved to do some things but most of them didn’t make the money needed to survive.  It could be harsh being a plus-sized woman, who wanted to just be left alone, but sometimes I could finally get out of her fake life and into the reality of the video games I was playing.

lightly cussed at the screen when the monster let out a magic attack and destroyed one of my party members.  That was another reason I couldn’t get a job as a professional gamer: I was only good at Japanese RPGs and most people played stupid first person shooters.  It was such a pain in the ass, but I tried to make it work.  Besides, why deal with others when I could just have a little bit of fun on my own?  That’s what I really loved, the feeling of loneliness and sanctuary that comes with gaming.

As I beat the battle, I sighed.  Even though I loved my lonely life I
did miss hanging out with friends.  As I got older, I didn’t really seem to like other people my age.  Most of them loved to go out and get drunk, and although I dabbled with that in the past, I didn’t really see the appeal of it.  Because of my disdain for it however, I was now lonelier than ever and it did hit home a little bit when it came to actually dealing with people.

The pho
ne suddenly rang, rousing my out of my stupor and thoughts.  I went over to my phone and looked at the caller ID.  It was my friend Stephanie, a former roommate of mine from college.  I didn’t really talk to Stephanie anymore, at least not since she decided to go out with one of the biggest douchebags ever and decided to leave me all alone.  Nevertheless, I picked it up and sighed for a moment before speaking.

“Hello?” I

“Hey there Trista it’s Stephanie.  How are you?” she asked.
  She seemed so fake and phony, that I had to believe that she was setting me up.  There was no way that Stephanie would desire to hang out with me out of the blue and not want something out of it.

“What do you want?  You haven’t called me since college,
and that was years ago.” I replied.  I wasn’t in the mood for people’s bullshit and instead wanted to get back to my game.

“Oh I just wanted to invite you to a party in NYC.  I think you’d love it.  Besides, do you even get out these days?  Or are you too busy
trying to play video games?” She cooed. 

knew exactly how to get under my skin, and as she said that I gripped the phone, being careful not to break it.  “Fine.  When is it?”

We’ll come and pick you up in the limo,” she replied bluntly.  There was a hint of malice in the communication and I felt a bit nervous when I heard that.

“Alright.  What should I wear?”

“It’s an after-five event honey.  You can think of something,” she said in a condescending manner.  I fumed when I heard that, but managed to keep her cool as I listened to my friend talk about what I should wear. 

“Alright.  I
guess I’ll see you then,” I replied.

“Alright.  See you then!" S
he said.  As I clicked off the receiver I looked at it, thinking about what to do next.  I really wanted to go, but at the same time I didn’t know if I could trust my so-called “friend”.  This woman was a leech and she probably was just doing this in order to make fun of me in front of various people.  She did that a lot back in the day, but back then I wanted to be one of the cool kids and I did a lot of that in order to get attention from them.  However, most of the time it backfired on me and that didn’t go over as well as I thought.

I sat around trying to think of what to do next.  It was pretty obvious what it was, but I didn’t know what to do.  However, the only thing I could think of was to just go with what they said. 
Besides, it would be the first night in a while when I wasn’t sitting on my ass trying to beat a witch or something.

After finishing up the battle and heading to the save point, I turned off the game and got ready.  I decided to just wear one of my
many black dresses.  Hopefully this would hide some of my insecurities and make me look more slim and sexy.  It was low-cut, so it showed off my breasts very well.  That was really the only asset I did have that really got the attention it deserved.  However, I wasn’t’ just trying to do this for attention, I wanted to make a name for myself and hope to God that I could still make a good impression in this city.  I mean, things could be different now.  College was a few years ago and I didn’t really have the confidence I do now.  I still have shitty confidence, but at least it was a tiny bit better and I was able to stand up for myself.

After curling my hair and putting everything I needed in a purse, I heard the familiar knock on the door.  It was similar to how it
was back in the day where Stephanie and her friend Rachel always showed up in my room and then proceeded to torment me and make me feel like crap.  This time however, I had a bit of an advantage.  I could leave whenever I wanted, and if I wanted to be alone I could.  I wasn’t trying to impress anyone at this point.

I went to the door and opened it, revealing Stephanie in the sluttiest mini
dress I think I’ve ever seen on her.  It was so short that I thought her butt was going to be exposed in it.  It was also low-cut, revealing her fake breasts.  I knew they were fake since she had a doctor’s note to be gone from classes for two weeks while she had the surgery.  After that, she didn’t do any sports and only walked around as needed.  They were bigger too, and they were super perky.  I didn’t see the appeal of fake boobs, but I guess when a girl doesn’t’ have them they can be a real confidence booster.

“Wow, you actually dressed up for this,” Stephanie said as a greeting.  I rolled my eyes at the snarky greeting.
“Well hello to you too.  I dressed up for this.  You told me it was a black-tie affair.  If I knew the dress code was the sluttiest dress you could find, I would’ve worn something different,” I replied with equal malice.  I didn’t really like her, but hey it was better than sitting around all night.  I never got to experience the city life here anyways.

Ooh you’re so ferocious!  I like that.  Glad you finally started to stand up for yourself.  By the way, Rachel is in the car.  We should head out.  The party started an hour ago but I love to be fashionably late.” She replied.

“Yeah I bet you love it when your period is fashion
ably late too.” I mumbled.  Stephanie shot me a dirty look but I just smiled as we walked over to the car.  Thankfully it was a nice night out, and if the party sucked I can just hide out in the car or something while I waited.  Or I could go for a stroll around the park. Either way, an escape plan was a must for tonight!

When we got in
to the limo, I sat across from Rachel and Stephanie.  Rachel was in a similar black dress, but this one was strapless and showed off her own fake set of boobs.  I swear, I don’t know how I got stuck with the fake boobs girls, but apparently I did.  Rachel’s skin was also overly tanned, and a part of me wondered if that was even safe for her to do. Yet, I shook my head in response. I didn’t really care what they did as long as they didn’t’ rope me into their little games.

After about an hour drive into the city, we went out of it again.  I wondered why in the world we did
that, and as if Stephanie read my mind she responded.

“This is where the party is going to be at.  The guy hosting it wanted to have it
at his place.  I told him he should just do it at a club, but he didn’t like my response.  Oh well, this is the last time I go to one of his shitty parties,” she stated.  I looked at her with confusion.

Why did you say this party was shitty?  Moreover why am I invited then?”

“Well I felt bad for you.  You seem to never get out these days.  It’s unhealthy, and I think you really should.  You’re not getting any younger you know.  Or skinnier,”
Stephanie said.  Rachel laughed at the comment and I flushed.  I hate it when people made fun of my weight.

“Whatever.  I only agreed to this because I’m bored,” I said.

“Well that’s fine with me.”

The limo finally pulled into the front entrance of the mansion.  I shed in relief as I got out. 
I was greeted by a doorman that looked at me with a shocked look on his face. As he simply let Rachel and Stephanie in, I turned to the man with a questioning glance.

What do you want?”

The doorman looked at me for a second before responding.  “Sorry, I just have never seen you before.  You don’t seem like the type
to come to one of these parties.” He explained.

That’s because I don’t.  Honestly I find them stupid.  But hey, what else is there to do on a Saturday night besides get drunk and hope to God all your problems get better in the company of shallow idiots like these people.” I snapped.

The doorman laughed as he held the door open for me.  “I like your humor.  I don’t’ see enoug
h of it these days.  Come on in.” He replied before I waltzed right in.  I looked around the place, and I immediately felt disgusted.

This was something like a college frat party except slightly more refined and everyone being a few years older.  Yet I could see so many of the same
stereotypes starting to pop up everywhere and it was a bit sickening.  There were the guys all getting drunk off of the beer and wine, girls trying to throw themselves at every guy in the room, and even the ones who just sat in the corner mumbling to themselves and trying to think of how to get home tonight. It was all there, and I got to see everything.  It sickened me, but at the same time I knew that it was true.  I was surrounded by fakes and I hated it.  I felt like it was best to just sit in the corner and think about something else.  Maybe this would all be over soon and I could finally get over all of this.  Maybe this was all a dream too, and I was going to wake up from this nightmare in my bed with my Hello Kitty pajamas on and hugging my stuffed frog.  Yes I still slept with stuffed animals sometimes, so sue me!

Yet I knew this wasn’t a dream
, instead it was nothing but a nightmarish reality.  I was being sucked into the past that I thought I discarded.  Except now, instead of some dorky sweater that I bought, I was in a black dress that didn’t’ suit me at all.  I liked to dress up, but not in something like this.  I preferred dressing up as video game characters more than anything.  This wasn’t the type of dress-up I thought I would ever be playing again.

I started to walk around, heading over to the food table.  At least this place had some pretty decent food, and I could just munch on that while I wait this out.  I looked over and saw Stephanie and Rachel talking to two guys.  Of course
they would leave me to go flirt with other men, that was their mission in the first place. I made a mental note to never go out with these guys ever again, and if they invited me I would run the hell away.

Luckily, t
here was chocolate fountain here, and after a moment I grabbed a few strawberries and dipped them in chocolate.  That would suffice and help me out, at least for the moment.  I could tide over my pain and boredom with strawberries.  I sat down, but just as I did I looked over.  My mouth immediately went agape and I thought about the first place I could run away to.  There was nowhere though, and I was stuck like an insect in a spider’s web.

Standing r
ight across the room from me was my ex-boyfriend Grayson, and right on his arm was a woman that I was all too familiar with.  As soon as he looked at me he began to make his way over to me, and I had nowhere to run.

Chapter Two

I thought about hiding under the tablecloth for the rest of the night, or at least until he left.  Yet there he was walking right towards where I was.  His girlfriend looked at me with a catlike grin, a ferocious smile that indicated that she won.  He had her, and there I was left hanging out to dry.

When he came over he looked at me with a fake smile,
I gave a dry smirk in response.  It was all I could do to not punch him in the face.  I really wanted to, don’t get me wrong, but I also knew that doing that could lead me straight out the door.  And I didn’t’ have my car with me, so I’d be screwed.  Plus I didn’t want to make a really bad impression in front of all the guests either. 

looked around, trying to see if I could make an excuse to use the bathroom.  This place was so big though, and there wasn’t anywhere to run.  I was trapped, and after a couple more minutes he finally made his way over to me.  He looked at me like a lion baring its teeth, like he was the winner and I was the loser.  It sadly wasn’t too far from the truth, but I hated to admit that to people and tell them I was weak.

“Why if
it isn’t my pathetic ex Trista.” He stated.

“Hey there Grayson.  What brings you away from your
crappy life of playing sports and getting drunk with your douchebag friends?” I replied with the same tone.

“Well I was here because I’m friends with the host of this party. 
He and I go way back.  By the way, did you gain more weight?  I can’t believe that me breaking up with you could make you look even more pathetic than it did before,” he replied.

I was fuming at this point.  How
dare he make fun of my weight when he was a bit chubby as well! Sure he was a football player, but he was also a lineman and most linemen were extremely built and looked huge.  Grayson was no exception, but it seemed like he got bigger since I last saw him.

“Well I need to keep myself big.  I have to make sure I’m able to continue to look great while on and off the
filled.  Besides, Gina loves the way I look.  Don’t you?” He replied.  He turned to her and she blushed and smiled her fake smile.

“Oh I do.  He loves having a sexy supermodel as a
girlfriend,” she simply replied.  I hated how she looked.  She was extremely skinny that I thought she had an eating disorder, and she also had fake bleach-blonde hair and fake little blue eyes that were probably contacts.  She was the epitome of fake and I wanted to punch her with my bare hands along with Grayson.

“I bet he does.  So has his fat ass broken your back yet Gina?” I asked with malice in my throat.  If he was going to be a dick then two could play at that game.

“No because I don’t have to worry about dying by whales like how I felt when I was with you.  Seriously though, you should lose weight Trista.  You’ll never be on top if you don’t.  Yes I mean that both sexually and in the realm of popularity as well,” he said.

I wanted to punch him so badly.  Yet as I looked around the guards watched me with a wary
eye.  They would love to kick me out if they saw me do one thing wrong.  I totally didn’t belong here.

I never belonged anywhere. 
I felt like a social loser.  I was so different from everyone that it hurt me to even think about it.  Now that I was in front of so many people, I could see even more why I was so different.  They all loved a different world, a world of shallow image stuck people that I didn’t’ seem to be a part of.  That’s why I didn’t like associating with people in person, and the best people in my book to deal with were the ones who were online, and who didn’t have to view you with some warped idea of beauty.

“Well we better get going.  Besides, I think Gina and I want to celebrate our health and how great we look.  By the way Trista, where’s your date?  Is he
invisible?” Grayson asked. 

I blushed at those words.  I
haven’t had a date in a very long time.  Most men didn’t attract to me, and when they found out about my obsession with video games and Japanese culture, I was pretty much an outcast regardless of everything.  I tried to talk to men online as well, but even they found me too weird in some cases, especially with my desire to read certain types of comics and such.  My love life sucked!  And if I were to find love ever again, I probably would think it was fake or I would jump for joy.  Either way though, it was like I didn’t know what to do or I was stuck in this rut of trying to fix what I didn’t have.

“I don’t have one,” I said.

“Really?  So you came here alone?  Wow you are pathetic,” he replied. “Shut up!” I snapped.  “I came with Stephanie and Rachel.  They invited me out and I decided to go with them.  I didn’t know I would be at such a crappy party.  If that was the case I would’ve rather stayed home,” I explained.  It was the truth. I did think home would be more attractive at this point then this failure of a party and my attempt at trying to be cool enough for something like this.

“You’re not cut out for this Trista.  You rely
on them too much and I think they just want to use you. They want to see you cry, and so do I.  You’re pathetic, and you should be ashamed of yourself.  You should go home and get your life together! ” He said with disgust. 

I was about to respond but he walked away before I could.  I really wanted to punch him, and I could feel my fists becoming closed.  I told myself not to though; it wasn’t worth it and I didn’t need to use my energy on such a harmful guy.  He was bad karma, and I didn’t need to think about bullshit like that.  I had better things to do anyways.

I went back and started to eat more of my strawberries, not caring what anyone thought of me.  So what if I wasn’t a toothpick?  It’s not like I can magically get rid of my weight at the push of a button.  I tried to, but most of the time working out just made me feel worse and I didn’t like doing it in front of people.  I also got nervous when the trainers were extremely condescending towards me and my weight.  I hated it.  I wanted to just die when they did that, but they left me there and continued their onslaught on my body and making fun of it inadvertently.  I didn’t know what to do, so I quit going to the gym and learned to get used to my body the way it was.

I sat around trying to get Grayson off m
y mind.  It was hard to though, he was the guy who dumped me for a supermodel.  When we dated in college, he told me that I was the best girlfriend that he ever had.  Everything was perfect until he became very condescending towards me, and wanted me to lose the weight that I had.  However it was hard to because it took a lot of work and I didn’t have any support from him.  Yet he begged me to and told me that if I didn’t he would leave me.  I didn’t’ know if he was serious or not until the day I walked into our shared apartment and saw him having sex Gina in our bed! 

After our horrible breakup, I fell into a deep depression
and ate more than enough ice cream after that.  Of course my so-called friends Rachel and Stephanie, wasn’t supportive after my breakup with Grayson, in fact they just dismissed it and they said that I brought it on myself! It wasn’t funny, and frankly I told them to get the hell out of my life when they said that.  I needed a break from every body, I far away from campus and finished my degree while working as a secretary.  I then got the job I have today working as a cubicle slave for a very prestigious company.  I have a very comfortable life financially, but I don’t know what to do about the other parts. I liked being alone, and that was what I thought was best for me. I just wish that I had someone around that understood me.

I continued to eat
more strawberries before realizing how stupid this all was.  Why was I even here?  I wanted to leave.  However, just as I was about to make my exit, loud music began to play and someone announced a special somebody coming in.  It was probably some sort of socialite that had the IQ of a twig.  Yet when I looked up, it was none other than the infamous Ethan Gray. 

Immediately Stephanie and Rachel ran over to me, pointing at him.  “
Look at him, isn’t he gorgeous?” Stephanie said.

“He is,” I replied.  That was the understatement of the year. 
He was super sexy, and I was shocked at how he looked.  He seemed like the perfect guy, and he was only a few feet in front of us.  He had dazzling blown hair that was dark and hung over his face, along with beautiful icy blue eyes.  His body was very toned from all the pictures online that I’ve seen of him, and he had a very pretty smile.  He was the youngest billionaire to date, and all the women wanted him.  It was pretty obvious why, but most of them thought they might have a chance with him.  I knew that wasn’t the case, but he was a very nice piece of eye candy for the evening.  Even though he probably won’t give me the time of day, I could still admire him from afar.

However, he started to make his way over to us and I looked at him with shock. 
Stephanie and Rachel started adjusting to make their boobs look bigger, hoping to catch his attention. Yet Ethan completely ignored them and made his way over to me, and instead of telling me off, he simply looked at me with a smile on his face.

You look like a new face.  I’m Ethan Gray,” he stated.

I was in shock.  What the hell was I doing?  I was standing in front of one of the richest men in the world, and here he was giving me the time of day.  I don’t know if this is a sweet dream or a hellish nightmare, but I was going to jump on this.

“Hey there. I’m Trista,” I replied nervously.

That’s a really pretty name.  Say do you want to dance?  I think you are the prettiest girl here.” He suggested.

I was in shock.  I could tell form the
looks Stephanie and Rachel gave me that they were pretty pissed. Rachel stopped playing with her brown hair and gave me daggers and Stephanie stopped pretending to be nice and instead gave me the bitchiest look ever.  But at the moment, I felt something different.  I didn’t care anymore! I was the popular girl here at this moment, and they were nothing but washed-up has beens.

“Sure.  I would love to.
” I replied.

Ethan smiled and I could see the perfect pearly whites.  He
grabbed my hands and started to pull me to the dance floor, and I knew that right then and there tonight was going to be a night I would never forget.

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