Captivated (8 page)

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Authors: Susan Scott Shelley

BOOK: Captivated
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Deep, even breathing, and
then she murmured in her sleep. He grinned.
“Good night, sweetheart.”

He didn
want to wait to feel her in his arms, or her body pressed against his. When he
was with her, his frustration faded. She wouldn’t be back in L.A. for another
week. No way would he wait that long to feel her again.



a crazy, loud, and amazing performance on Friday night, which ended in a two
a.m. diner stop for the band and their co-headliners, Assertive Ire, Irisa didn
get to sleep until just before sunrise. Thankfully, the band had a rare
Saturday off. Irisa slept until eleven, checked in on Jayne and the guys, and
then spent the next few hours working while the Riptide game played in the
background. Every time “Cut Down”
on, her pulse jumped. She did more watching than working, but couldn
tear her gaze away from the TV. When the game ended, she looked at her to-do
list and swore. Not even one thing accomplished.

A knock on the door drew
her away from the spreadsheets on her screen. A glance at the bedside clock:
five. Nearly time for dinner. Maybe one of the guys wanted to grab some food.
have to send them away, settle for room service, and spend the rest of the
night playing catch-up.

She peered through the

Dom stood in the hall.
She blinked and felt the blood rush from her head. She flung the door open

“I was in the
neighborhood.” A half-smile curved his lips. He looked way too good in a navy
t-shirt showcasing toned muscles and wide shoulders, and faded jeans slung low
on his hips.

Her fingers itched to
reach out to him but she held back.
“How did you know which
room was mine?”

“I ran into Zander in the

She stepped back and
allowed him entrance. When the door closed, he slid his arms around her back
and brought her against him.
“You sure it’s okay that I’m here?”

Behind his confidence, a
hint of doubt lingered. She cupped her hand at his jaw, intent on chasing it
very okay.”

Another smile, and then
his head dipped low. Wetting her lips, she strained toward him. The room tilted
as his mouth closed over hers. Warm lips, talented tongue, and light nips of
his teeth tore a dizzying sensation through her like a hurricane.

His hands roamed low and
brushed her skin just above the waistband of her shorts. She gripped his
shoulders and angled her head for another storm-brewing kiss.

Clever fingers drew
patterns on her skin, higher and higher up her back, and then he groaned deep
in his throat.
“You’re not wearing a bra?”

Reality snapped into
focus. She pulled back enough to glance down at the pink tank top and striped
sleep shorts she
’d tossed on for a day of comfortable
hotel room wear. “I, ah, guess not.”

His gaze darkened and
focused on her chest. His thumb stroked her side, high on her ribs, close to
her breast.
“Your skin’s so soft.”

Twisting to meet his hand
would be so easy. She wanted his hands on her, wanted to tear off his shirt and
explore the muscles she
’d felt there. But how well did she really
know him? Oliver’s deceit had taught her a valuable lesson. Never give too much
too soon.

But the stroking felt so
good. She cupped his cheek again.
“I should get dressed.”

“Don’t do anything on my
account.” The teasing tone accompanied the slow slide of his hands down her
back. His heated touch left her skin. He took a step back and shoved his hands
in his pockets. “You’ve been in here all day?”

“I had some work to do.”

He eyed the desk
cluttered with her computer and papers.
“You work too much.”

“Not enough, actually,
today. I spent the afternoon watching you. I mean, watching your game.”

“Yeah?” His brow quirked
and he gave her that sexy half-smile again. “Want to walk on the beach? It’s a
shame to miss out on something right outside your hotel window.”

“Give me five minutes to

She took closer to ten,
but he didn
’t seem to mind. When they reached the beach, he
linked their hands together.

The sand felt good
between her toes. The crashing waves, seagull cries, and salt-tinged air were
better than going to a day spa.
“I remember the first
time I saw the ocean. It was soon after we’d moved here. We walked to the
water’s edge and the waves scared me. I remember grabbing my dad’s hand and

“It must’ve been scary,
coming here, not speaking the language.”

“Everything seemed so big
and scary. We came here as refugees. My mom was a pharmacist and my dad was a
physician over there, but their credentials weren’t accepted here, so they ran
a cleaning service. We struggled for a long time. Zander and I helped out as
much as we could. I owe them so much for bringing us to a country where we had
more opportunities. That’s why it’s so important for us to be successful, to
show them all the struggle was worth it.”

“I’m sure they’re proud
of your success.”

“I like to think so.
Being able to take care of them now is a good feeling.” She slowed her pace,
enjoying the feel of his hand in hers. “What were your teammates doing tonight?
Are you supposed to hang out with them on road trips?”

“Usually I would be
hanging out with them, but no way was I passing up the chance to see you.
Slade’s my roommate. He’s a few years younger than me and still into the bar
scene. He reminds me a lot of my younger brother. It’s better when we’re home
because then we have Liam with us. They keep each other out of trouble. It’s
not the same being out without him.”

“Sounds like you and Liam
are pretty close.”

“He’s a good friend. One
of the most loyal guys I know. Anyway, I’m sure Slade’s found something to do.
If it’s not a bar, he might be with Adam and his wife.”

“That’s right, he’s
married to Gemma Hudson. I love her movies.”

“She’s good for him.
Hell, they’re good for each other. Adam’s a lucky guy.”

“You seem like you’re
pretty lucky, too. You have great friends and an adorable dog, you’re one of
the best players in baseball, and you live in a beautiful apartment with a
killer view.”

He stopped walking and
turned to face her.
“And I’m with you.”

A smile bloomed.
that, too.”

Large hands cupped her
face. He bent his head, eyes open and watching hers as he came closer. His
expression intense, with a mix of curiosity. Something sweet welled in her chest.
Wind whipped around them, tossing her hair into their faces. His fingers
threaded through the strands, holding them back and holding her close. He
kissed her like she was a dessert to be savored. Slow, nibbling kisses and the
tease of his tongue.

After a long moment, he
drew back.
“If you don’t mind a bit of a drive, I found a place I
think you’ll like.”

She had trouble regaining
her breath. Man, that guy could kiss.
“What is it?”

“You’ll see.”

Twenty minutes later,
they pulled up in front of a Victorian mansion, painted pale green and white,
complete with gables, a tower, and a wrap-around porch.

“What’s this?”

He smiled.
a dessert-only restaurant. We’re having a wine and chocolate tasting.”

“You’re targeting my
favorite food groups. It’s a good thing I skipped dinner.” She climbed out of
the car. Roses winding through trellises perfumed the air. He’d picked up on
her chocolate addiction. He paid attention.

“I’ve seen the menu.
They’ll feed you enough dessert to make up for it.” His hand rested on the
small of her back as they made their way inside.

Ornate without being
overly done. The room was stunning. At its center, straight out of a fairy
tale, sat a staircase with wide wooden steps curved at the bottom, the railing
and intricately carved spindles polished to a high shine.
at the staircase. It’s beautiful. I’ve always wanted to live in a house that
has one like this.”

“So you could slide down
the banister? It’s perfect for that.” He ran his hand over the post.

“When I was growing up, my
mom learned English by watching old black-and-white movies. A few of them had
very grand staircases. I always thought the most romantic thing was when the
hero would carry the heroine up them.”

He grinned.
into a happily ever after, huh?”

“Of course.” She laughed,
feeling foolish for admitting it. Some silly, romantic notions were best left
unsaid. She countered with a shrug. “But I’ll settle for the staircase.”

“No happily ever after
for you?” His gaze trained on hers, his eyebrows lifted. Only a hint of the
teasing smile remained.

Picturing Dom sweeping
her into his arms and carrying her up the stairs in dramatic movie hero fashion
was too easy. Heat curled low in her core and spread out.
isn’t like a movie.”

Thankfully, the hostess
arrived and seated them.
“We have nine pairings for you this

“Nine?” Irisa grinned at
Dom. “I can’t wait. That’s a lot of chocolate.”

“And a lot of wine,” he

“Planning on taking
advantage of me later?”

Surprise and brief
embarrassment registered on his features.
“No. I mean, yes. Wait.”
He rubbed his forehead. “Let’s try that again. No pressing any advantage. We
don’t have to rush into anything.”

She reached across the
table and linked their fingers.
“I was only teasing. But
I appreciate what you said. It’s been a long time for me. I’d rather savor each

He smiled.
too. But please eat enough. I don’t want your brother calling me tomorrow if
you show up at breakfast with a hangover.”

Laughing and talking,
offering each other tastes, and seeking opportunities to touch, they sampled
squares of white chocolate paired with a slightly sweet ros
milk chocolate and Pinot noir, dark chocolate and Merlot, chocolate infused
with sea salt paired with Zinfandel, chocolate peanut butter cups and tawny
port, chocolate-covered strawberries with sparkling wine, caramel truffles and
Madeira, mint-infused chocolate with Shiraz, and finally, a rich chocolate cake
with port.

“I think I’m in heaven.”
Irisa sat back in the chair. A pleasant buzz from the wine and chocolate and
Dom’s company left her warm and happy. “My chocolate levels are restored.”

“Glad I could help you
out.” He winked and downed the glass of water he’d requested.

The hostess suggested
they stroll around the grounds, claiming the gardens were not to be missed in
the moonlight. Lush with trees and plants and strings of twinkling lights, the
garden seemed steeped in magic. And reaching for Dom
hand seemed as natural as breathing. They wandered twisting paths dotted with
benches and gazing balls and fishponds. Roses and hydrangeas and colorful
flowers she couldn’t identify by name perfumed the air.

She stopped beneath a
trellis covered in twining vines.
“Thank you for tonight.
This is beautiful.”

“The best view is from
where I’m standing.” Dom grazed his thumb across her palm. He lifted his other
hand to the back of her head and they met in a kiss that spiked her blood and
weakened her limbs.

During the ride back to
the hotel, Irisa studied his profile. He
’d gone out of his way to
see her and plan something special. She needed to do something for him, too.
“When are you back home?”

“We fly home tomorrow
night, then San Fran is visiting us for a three-game series. It’ll be good to
get home, play in our ballpark, and see Liam and Champ. I have Thursday off.”

“We’ll be back home on
Wednesday, then we have a show in L.A. on Thursday. Would you want to come and
watch it from backstage?”

“Really? From backstage?
With you?”

“Sure. I’ll get passes
for you and any of your teammates who might want to come.” A stab of
disappointment lanced through her when the hotel came into view. Too soon.

Dom pulled into a parking
spot facing the ocean.
“That would be great. I told you I’ve
never seen them perform live, right?”

She caught movement out
of the corner of her eye. Zander and Jayne walking toward the beach. Then
Brendan and Landry racing after them.
“Speaking of the band…”

“Late night swim?”

“I have no idea, but
we’re short one member, so I should probably go and find out why.”

“So we’re saying good
night here?”

She nodded.
really glad you surprised me. I had a great time tonight.”

“Me too.” He raised their
joined hands to his lips. “I’ll see you on Thursday?”

“I’ll drop off the passes
to your apartment before I head to the arena. If you’re at all interested in
watching sound check, then you can come in with me.”

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