Captivated (5 page)

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Authors: Susan Scott Shelley

BOOK: Captivated
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“Well, then. Maybe next


Her lips were too
tempting. He leaned in.

She smiled and rested her
hand on his chest. Her touch was firm enough that he didn
try moving in any closer, but it didn’t seem like a brush-off. Her fingers
still lingered on his chest, but now curled into the fabric, either holding him
in place or anchoring herself. He wasn’t sure which and didn’t care. All that
mattered was her hands were on him. And she stood close, only inches away. He gave
in to the urge to tuck her hair behind her ear. The silky strands slithered
through his fingers. Her eyes closed and her head tilted into his touch.
Needing more, he brushed the pad of his thumb across her full lips. Her sigh
shot bullets of lust into his groin. He fisted his other hand to hold himself
back from diving in and devouring.

spent a long time thinking about kissing Irisa. If she wasn’t ready quite yet,
he’d wait. Anticipation would only make the reward sweeter. He liked that she
didn’t seem fazed by what he did for a living. He liked that after an hour in
her presence, he’d mellowed more than he had in months. He liked her, period.

“Just so I’m clear, are
you involved with anyone?”

Her eyes blinked open,
revealing mossy green flecked with brown, and misted with desire.

Relief swelled in his
chest. He trailed his thumb over her lips again.

Her gaze clouded then
“Are you?”


Her fingers trailed up
his chest and her hand cupped his cheek. They stood together, holding each other—for
a moment, for an hour, time didn
’t matter. The elevator’s
ping broke the spell. 

Her gaze pinned him, as
if she were searching for something and not able to find it.
should go in. I have an early call.”

He let a fingertip trace
her face from her brow to her chin.
“Good night.”

“You too.” She stepped
back and inserted her key into the lock.

He waited until the door
closed behind her before making his way to his apartment. When he climbed into
bed a few hours later, he wondered if her bedroom lay under his. The idea, both
sweet and sexy, held an odd combination of comfort and turning him on. What did
she sleep in? Probably something silky, as satiny smooth as her skin. Would she
sleep curled up or stretched out?

He was determined to find



night at the ballpark, Irisa stood in the executive box with Jayne as the band
chatted with members of their road crew on the field. Tension had coated the
air during practice the day before, with Luke
’s surly demeanor
squaring off against Zander’s temper. Her plan of bringing Jayne to practice in
hopes of encouraging the guys to get along hadn’t worked. But today, for all
outward appearances, they seemed to be okay from her bird’s-eye view.

Even though her focus
should have been on the band, her gaze kept drifting to the Riptide
dugout. The band’s appearances on local news shows and a few snags with the
tour had kept her away from the pub. She hadn’t seen Dom for over a week, but
she thought of him every time she approached her front door. Holding back and
denying herself his kiss had been hard. She’d regretted it as soon as she’d
closed the door that night.

The Jumbotron camera
panned the dugout, giving her a better, closer view. Dom looked way too good in
his Riptide uniform. The blue and green accented his golden skin. She
felt the hard muscles in his chest, and the way he filled out his uniform
confirmed the rest of his body was just as muscular.

Jayne turned to her.
you think they’ll do okay?”

“The Riptide? I have no
idea. I hope they win.” A win would ensure high spirits, and she wanted
everything to go perfectly.

“No. I was talking about
the band.” Her friend’s gaze returned to the field. “They weren’t getting along
at all the day I met them or at practice yesterday. They seemed okay on the
ride over here, but still…”

Making too much of the
fighting now would only worry Jayne, and maybe make her reconsider keeping the
job. Irisa couldn
’t let that happen. “They’re fine. They
know how to pull it together for the fans.”

The opening strains of
the song rang out from the speakers. Pride for her brother, Luke, Landry, and
Brendan swelled.
“Zander’s so happy. Look at his face. I
didn’t realize how much performing here means to him.” He’d sold out stadiums
across the world, yet he’d been ecstatic because his hometown team wanted him
to perform the National Anthem at one of their games.

The team stood in a line
outside the dugout. She watched Dom. Hat over heart, he watched the band.

The patriotic song never
failed to move her. Luke
’s voice had never been so strong. When
the last chords faded, and Luke thanked the fans, she rolled her shoulders and
released the breath she’d been holding. The band strode by the Riptide players,
receiving handshakes and high fives. Then the players took the field.

Jayne turned away from
the window.
“I’ll be right back.”

Irisa nodded, her
attention on Dom. He tossed a ball to the left fielder with fluid movements.
That warm smile, that muscled body—his presence commanded attention. And her
seat in the plush suite was too far removed from the energy of the field, and
too far away to get a better view of him. Helpless to look away, she watched
him until the door to the suite banged open.

Zander strode in,
grinning, fist raised in the air.
“Man, we did it.”

She hugged him.
played great. I’m so proud of you.”

“Hey, my harmonizing sold
it.” Brendan nudged her brother out of the way. No drums for this gig, but he’d
pulled off the background vocals perfectly.

“Sorry, man.” Landry
sauntered in and snagged a beer from the table. “Without the guitars, you don’t
have anything.”

“You kidding?” Luke
grabbed the bottle from his hand. “I could’ve been solo out there and they
would have loved it.”

They were all smiles and
high on exhilaration. She
’d take the friendliness as long as it
would last. “You really knocked it out of the park. Perfect pitch.”

Groaning, Zander shook
his head.
“Two baseball references, back to back? I guess your
car is still tuned to the sports radio station.”

Heat flushed into her
grab something to eat and drink.” She pointed to the table laden with food
behind her.

The crowd
cheer drew her attention back to the field. She grabbed a bottle of water and
dropped into the closest seat. “Guys, shh. I’m trying to hear.”

“You realize this isn’t
like watching it on TV, right? There isn’t a running commentary from the
broadcaster.” Luke sat next to her and treated her to a rare smile.

“I know that.” She
playfully slapped his shoulder. “I’m just trying to absorb the experience,
that’s all.” She was saved from further explanation as Jayne came into the
room, followed by the road crew, and greetings rang out.

The first inning passed
quickly. Before she knew it, the familiar guitar riff from
Down” blared over the stadium as Dom walked to home plate. To her left, Zander
and Brendan high-fived each other. The crowd cheered. Then the Jumbotron’s
camera panned from Dom to their suite, landing on the band. The cheer turned
into a roar.

“Landry, wave. Zander,
Luke, smile.” Instructions rolled easily, but weren’t necessary, especially for
their drummer. Brendan jumped to his feet and pumped his fists, making the
crowd go wild.

The camera shot back to
Dom. His big body, so powerful, poised at the plate, ready to swing.

She leaned forward,
elbows on her knees. That intensity, that focus, that strength. He swung the
bat and connected with the ball. It sailed deep into the field and hit the
grass between two Rattlesnake players. His legs pounded the dirt; he rounded
first base, and held up at second. The camera stayed on him long enough to show
him exchanging words with the Rattlesnakes
’ second baseman. She
wondered if they were friends, until a close-up of their faces revealed
narrowed eyes and scowls.

When the camera focused
back on the batter at home plate, she kept watching Dom. And when he started
running toward third base, she grasped her hands together, holding her breath,
willing him to make it in time.

The crowd roared and she
have a clue where the ball had landed or what the other batter had done. But he
kept running too, and Dom didn’t stop at third. He crossed home plate, and
seconds later, the other player did, too. She jumped to her feet and cheered.
Exhilaration stole her breath. His smile, when the camera focused on the
dugout, quickened her pulse.

And she had to wait eight
more innings until she could see it up close.


played the entire game as though a championship was riding on the outcome.
Every time he came up to bat and the opening bars of
Down” played, the stadium’s screen flashed to the band. The band waved, and the
audience cheered. Irisa’s presence charged him with extra energy. With every
move he made, he was hyperaware that she was watching. And knowing she was
watching made him even more vigilant about not making any mistakes. He thought
he’d played it cool, until both Adam and Slade mentioned that he needed to turn
down his intensity several notches.

The game remained close
throughout, with the Riptide ahead by one run at the top of the ninth inning.

Two outs for the
Rattlesnakes, and Marc Platt was the last at-bat for his team. He knocked the
ball right up the middle. Right toward Dom. No way would he let that guy get on
base. Eye on the ball, he ran and reached, and reached, and dove across the
grass. Relief outweighed elation when the ball slammed into his mitt. He
clutched the leather over it and rose to his feet. Cheers and stomping feet
rang out from every side of the stadium. Game over.

He tossed the ball into
the crowd seconds before his teammates surrounded him, piling on in
celebration. Flanked by Slade and Adam, he walked toward the dugout.

Platt the Jerk stood by
first base, slowly removing his batter
’s helmet and
methodically placing his batting gloves inside. Glaring at him. Waiting for


Slade, fresh off his
first game back in the lineup, gestured toward the Rattlesnake.
is that guy’s problem?”

mitt tapped Dom’s shoulder. “Don’t engage.”

“I know, I know.” But his
shoulders tightened and fists followed suit. If Platt had something to say,
he’d better say it.

A gray and blue blur sped
in from the warning track. Fin the Shark, riding the four-wheeler he used on
the field, zoomed closer. He passed Platt, and grabbed the helmet from his
hands, then continued on his way, cutting a zigzagging path toward the
’ mostly empty dugout.

head whipped around, following the shark’s path. “What the hell?”

Dom couldn
hold in his laugh. His teammates cracked up, too. Slade grinned. “Way to go,

The rest of the Riptide surrounded
them, pushing past Platt to join in the celebration.

Dom filed behind them and
headed into the locker room. He actually received a
job” from Dusty before he hit the showers. Next up, meeting Irisa and The Fury.
Adrenaline spiked his blood and fueled his movements. Dressed and back in the
locker room in record time, but not as fast as some of his teammates. Slade and
Mario crowded around Irisa. He didn’t like that one bit.

He started toward her,
but Zander stepped into his path.
“Hey, Dom. Great to meet

Meeting his favorite band
was a highlight he didn
’t think he could top, aside from winning
the championship, or scoring a date with Irisa. He shook Zander’s hand. “I’m a
huge fan.”

“Likewise.” Zander nodded
as the rest of the band joined them. “Maybe someday we can take batting
practice with you.”

“Any time you want.”

“My sister mentioned you
have a charity event next month. We’re in.”

“Yeah? That’s awesome. I
appreciate it.” And it gave him one more opportunity to spend time with the woman
who’d dominated his thoughts.

More of his teammates
crowded into the room and drew the band into conversations. And more of them
drifted over to Irisa and the redheaded woman who stood with her.

Dom chatted about the
tour and the team and baseball in general with Zander. Slade came up to them.
are we going for food?”

“Lorenzo’s?” Dom named
the closest restaurant to the ballpark.

“Good plan, man.” Slade
slapped him on the back and turned Zander. “Do you and your guys guys want to
grab a bite with us?”

As they talked, Dom
surveyed the room. Luke and Landry chatted with Adam, Brendan chatted with
Mario, and Liam chatted and turned on the charm with Irisa. Dom excused himself
and muscled his way across the room. He smiled at Irisa and nudged Liam out of
the way.
“Slade’s looking for you.”

“I’m sure he is.” Liam
grinned. “Nice meeting you, Irisa.”

Finally, Dom had her to
himself. And he wanted to keep it that way. He shifted his stance and hopefully
blocked her from his teammates
’ view. She smiled, and his heart
slammed against his ribs like he was rounding third. “Hey. Enjoy the game?”

“I really did.” She
gestured to her brother. “You met all the guys?”

“Yeah. They’re great.”

“Your teammates seem
nice. Liam’s very funny and Slade’s very sweet.”

Sure, they were great
guys, when they weren
’t trying to compete for her attention.
“They’re good guys.” But enough about them. “You look beautiful.”

Her skin glowed, set off
by thick gold bracelets. Lights glinted off her hair, and her green sundress
teased over her curves.
“Thank you.”

He stepped closer to her.
The springtime fresh perfume was a welcome change from the usual locker room
don’t you take a break from your guys, and I’ll take a break from my guys, and
let’s grab something to eat.”

Her eyes widened.
know the band’s going out with your teammates, right?”

“Yeah. I suggested
Lorenzo’s to them.” He shrugged. “I’m around these guys twenty-four-seven most
of the year. I see them more than I see my dog. And you probably see your band
even more.”

“But don’t you want to go
with them?” A line formed between her brows.

“Not if I have the chance
to spend time with you.”

Her gaze turned
analytical, as though she was measuring his words, but against what, he didn
know. All he could offer was his honest preference. “So what do you say? You
and me? I know of a place that has chocolate wine.”

She smiled and her
sculpted brows rose.
“Chocolate wine?”

He nodded and gave in to
the urge to brush her hair over her shoulder.

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