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Authors: Lisa Harrison Jackson

Can't Stop Loving You (15 page)

BOOK: Can't Stop Loving You
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Chapter 18

here would be no conversation with Kendrick that evening. When Kaycee finally got Sidra calmed down, the two hung out for a while. By the time Sidra went home, it was late. Kaycee called Kendrick the second Sidra backed out the driveway, but his phone just rang. She tried to call him twice before she went to bed but she still couldn't reach him.

Sleep evaded Kaycee. Her thoughts were on the man who played lead role in her dreams.


Jireh's morning crowd had grown into a comfortable mixed crowd of regulars: early-morning walkers, senior citizens, self-employed business owners and college students.

Kaycee recognized many of them as she entered the front door and greeted them with a hello and a warm smile. After exchanging pleasantries with La Jetta and Nichole, who were working the front end, she took a deep breath and headed toward the back.

Melody was busy prepping vegetables for salads while Rafael busied himself with side dishes. Otis sat on a stool propped up before a table where he was going over paperwork and barking out orders.

“Hi, Ms. Kaycee,” Melody greeted.

“Hi, Melody, how are you?”

“Could be better.”

A concerned frown lined Kaycee's forehead. “What's going on?”

Melody shook her head. “It's not me you should be worried about.”

“What are you talking about?” Kaycee asked.

Melody stepped closer. “Everybody trippin' around here and I'm just keeping to myself because the air is negative.”

“Negative?” Kaycee repeated.

Melody nudged her head toward the back. “First it was Mr. Otis. He came up in here acting like a grouch, but I know he got good reason because he hurt his ankle and all, but Mr. Rick is another story. He came up in here, didn't say good morning or nothing. When I went back there to talk to him, he advised me to go back to the kitchen.”

“He said that?” Kaycee asked in disbelief. Despite how much the staff tried Kendrick he never lost his cool.

Melody nodded. “So, I'm going to stay in here and do my work, then go home.”

Kaycee looked toward the offices and shook her head. She had a good idea why he was acting that way.

“Don't worry, Melody, we'll work it out.”

Just at that moment the office door opened and Kendrick stormed out. His eyes surveyed the room before stopping on Kaycee. The gentleness that she was accustomed to seeing was missing, replaced by a coldness as he looked her up and down.

“Where's your uniform?”

“What uniform?” Kaycee asked. She had never been required to wear one before.

“Everyone in the back kitchen must wear a white smock.”

“Since when?”

“Since always,” he replied. “Get a smock, Ms. Jordan.”

He walked away before Kaycee could get a word in. Melody gave her an I-told-you-so look.

With an exasperated sigh, Kaycee trudged off in search of a smock. On the way, anger and frustration built up inside. She knew that Kendrick's distant behavior had a lot to do with her choosing to stay with Sidra over him the previous day. It wasn't as though she hadn't tried to make contact with him afterwards.

The rest of that day, the back of the restaurant resembled a communist sweat shop. The tone had been set. There was no talking, only production. Kendrick saw to it by emerging from his office every so often to comment if it looked like they were off task. By lunchtime, he had to don a smock himself and jump in due to Otis's inability to move around.

Kendrick and Kaycee worked side by side without exchanging a word. The tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

A couple of times they bumped hands reaching for the same utensil, but rather than apologize as they normally would have, they continued to work in silence. When Kendrick had to reach for a pan above the area where Kaycee was working, he accidentally bumped into her again. Kaycee looked up at him as if waiting for him to apologize, but he only returned her stare. Finally, she rolled her eyes and moved out of the way.

After the lunch crowd had tapered down, Melody went on lunch and Otis went home. Rafael stepped out in the back to smoke a cigarette, leaving Kendrick and Kaycee in the kitchen.

Kaycee was in the middle of frosting a cake. She was so engrossed in what she was doing she did not notice Kendrick approaching her from behind.

It wasn't until she felt him standing close behind her that she inhaled a quick breath. Rather than acknowledge his presence, she continued working without a word.

Kendrick slid his arms around her waist, fitting her body tightly against his and placed a kiss on the back of her neck. His tender act caused her to exhale. She didn't like being mad at him.

His hands moved up to her waist where he gently turned her around so that they were facing each other. There was no need for words, for their eyes showed it all. The pain, the exhaustion, the love, the apology.

He slowly lifted her onto the work table and wrapped her in his arms. Kaycee closed her eyes, savoring his touch. She needed his touch. They pulled apart, but their lips moved closer together like magnets until they met with an electrifying kiss.

What had started out as a gentle brush of lips against lips quickly turned deep, passionate and needy.

A guttural groan escaped Kaycee's throat as he teased her, pleased her and eased her with tongue skills that promised more, had they been in another place.

Bracing himself firmly between her thighs, Kendrick pulled her tightly against him and kissed her forehead.

“I hate it when we fight.”

“Me, too,” she murmured, caressing his back. “I'm sorry for leaving you.”

“You were just being a good friend. I can't be mad for that. Is she okay?”

Kaycee looked up at him with love-filled eyes. “I don't want to talk about Sidra right now. It's all about you and me.”

Kendrick chuckled. “We better stop before somebody walks in on us.”

“Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn,” Kaycee replied, borrowing the line from
Gone With the Wind

“I know, I would like to spend some time with you. How about I come over tonight?”

Kaycee's face lit up, “I would love that!”

“I'll drop by around eight,” he said, and covered her mouth with his own once again to taste the sweet nectar beyond her lush lips.

At that moment the back door opened. Kaycee jumped off of the table and scrambled away from Kendrick. She turned her back to make it seem like she was working on something.

Rafael entered. He looked at Kendrick then at Kaycee and back to Kendrick and smiled knowingly.

“Ms. Kaycee,” he called out her name.

Kaycee spun around. “Yes, Rafael?”

“It appears you have some frosting on the back of your smock,” he announced, walking past her toward the dining room.

Kaycee flushed with embarrassment. When Rafael disappeared behind the door, the two fell against each other in silent laughter.

“We would make terrible secret agents,” Kaycee whispered. “The British Secret Service would not have either of us.”

Kendrick nodded in agreement as he held her against him, not wanting to depart from her touch.

He pressed his lips against hers again, “I…can't…stop.”

“I know,” she murmured against his neck, her tongue tasting the sweet warmth. “But we have to.”

He pulled back, his breath ragged. “I think it's probably best that you go home. Get some rest and I'll be there tonight, okay?”

“Okay,” she replied. They exchanged one more kiss before pulling apart. Kaycee's legs felt like jelly as she walked away, all the while knowing that this night would be the one to change things between them forever.

Chapter 19

t eight on the nose, Kaycee's doorbell rang. Before answering, she padded across the plush carpet in her bare feet to the guest bath for a final check in the mirror.

The simple beige silk spaghetti-strap dress with flowing skirt looked both romantic and comfortable and complemented the wet-look curly hairstyle she'd chosen. She topped off her look with a pink-and-beige orchid pinned in her hair.

Soft music and candlelight provided the perfect backdrop for a romantic evening. Kendrick had called ahead to let her know that he was bringing the food and she'd told him that she would provide the dessert. What he didn't know was that dessert lay beneath the folds of her dress.

She opened the door and smiled at the sight of him standing there as he had before, laden with bags but this time also carrying a dozen red roses.

“For me!” she squealed with excitement. Instinctively they leaned in at the same time for a kiss as if they'd been doing it forever.

“You look really good,” he commented, stepping back to admire her.

Kaycee blushed. “Thanks. You look pretty good yourself.”

His orange shirt complemented his bronze complexion but its pairing with the casual black slacks did justice to his powerful build.

She took his hand and led him into the family room where a romantic setting for two awaited them. The coffee table was laid out Japanese-style with red silk oriental placemats and matching throw pillows on the floor for seating. The only lighting was generated by two slender candles in the center of the table and the fire in the gas fireplace.

Kendrick placed the bag on the table.

“You know, it seems like you're always bringing me food,” Kaycee teased, sidling up beside him like a playful girl. “What do you have in there?”

“I picked up a little something from one of my favorite restaurants,” he replied as he reached inside the bag. “We have salmon pizza, creamy curry soup, grilled fresh fruit—and to drink—white cranberry mojitos!”

She smacked her lips. “Sounds delicious.”

Kendrick was about to lay out the spread when he noticed that neo-soul artist Kem's CD was playing.

He paused, his eyes lighting up, “Don't tell me you like Kem, too?”

“I love Kem. Have you seen him in concert?” Kendrick nodded, “I caught him at the jazz series at Stone Mountain.”

“Me, too!” Kaycee said, amazed once more by another shared interest.

Before she could think about it, Kendrick took her hand and pulled her into his arms for a slow dance in the middle of the floor.

His actions caught her off guard. Being spontaneously pulled into dance was not something that happened to her every day. When the song ended and another began, his pace slowed down.

“You know, this song has a lot of meaning to me,” he announced in a whisper.

“How so?”

“Because it reminds me of something familiar.”

“And what would that be?”

“Us,” he replied.

Kaycee paused, wondering if her ears had deceived her.


Kendrick proceeded to explain by reciting the lyrics as Kem sang. Each time he sang a line, Kaycee would cut in with a comment.

“But when we met, neither of us was acting perfect,” she replied in response to the line about meeting the perfect stranger. She recollected stumbling around on one stiletto. Never would she have guessed that a situation so negative would have drawn them so close together.

Kendrick continued singing about how the sun was shining on Kaycee.

“But it was dark out,” she interjected.

He ignored her comment and stated how the Lord was smiling on him.

Kaycee sighed with a sweet smile. “He was?”

He finished with the chorus which also happened to be the title of the song, stressing the words that he couldn't stop loving her. His words tapered off as he stared deeply into her eyes, letting Kaycee know that he was very serious.

Her breath caught as his confession pierced her heart and illuminated her body like a ray of sunshine. Feelings of joy and contentment lifted her. She paused before returning the sentiment wanting to make sure that she wasn't just imagining anything and that they were both on the same page.

“Did you say what I think you said?” she asked.

He nodded.

“You…you're saying you love me?” she asked softly, wanting confirmation.

He closed his eyes and slowly nodded. “I don't know when it happened, but you were right when you said that everything about us seems so right. I think that's when I knew I loved you, too.”

With that he lowered his head and pressed his mouth sweetly against hers. Kaycee exhaled as he moved his mouth to trail kisses down her jawline and neck.

“I wanted to tell you that day when your friend came over and interrupted our talk,” he murmured against her skin between kisses. “I've tried everything to convince myself that it couldn't work. The age difference, our working relationship—but I couldn't stop my feelings. Truth is, Kaycee Jordan, I can't get over you no matter what I do. So I'm not going to fight it any longer. We have something special and we deserve to allow it to grow. I want to give it a chance.”

Kissing him softly, she cradled his head against her own. Their bodies swayed only slightly to the beat as they absorbed the lyrics to the song as if Kem was performing it just for them!

When the song ended, Kaycee took Kendrick's hand, brought it to her mouth and kissed the back before placing it on her breast where her heart beat rapidly underneath.

“You got it now.”

His brow raised in uncertainty, he asked, “What do you mean?”

“You got my heart,” she whispered. “And with it comes my complete love and devotion.”

“Then I guess I better take care of it,” he said, leaning over to kiss the warm skin on her shoulders where his hand had rested moments earlier. He continued planting slow, deliberate kisses on her neck and bare shoulder where he proceeded to tease the spaghetti strap down with his teeth.

He smoothed his hands over her silky shoulders so that both straps now dangled, threatening to release the flimsy material and display her nakedness.

With seductive eyes, Kaycee took Kendrick by the hand. “Show me how you can take care of me,” she challenged.

She led him over to the fireplace. Along the way, she retrieved the pillows from the table, and laid them before the hearth. Holding his hand, she lowered herself to the floor on top of the pillows.

Kendrick reached to unbutton his shirt, but Kaycee leaned up on her knees and grabbed his hands before he could begin. She then pulled him down to his knees so that they were kneeling before each other.

Slowly she began unbuttoning his shirt. When the last button came undone, she pressed her hands against the silky hairs on his rippling abdomen and slid them up to his sculpted chest.

She knew that Kendrick had a nice build because his clothes seemed to fit him well, but the proof was seeing it without covering. She shivered with delight, deciding right away that she loved his body. At forty-eight, Kendrick had a body that could give any man half his age a run for the money.

She leaned forward and kissed him in the center of his chest, her tongue swirling through the soft hairs. Kendrick groaned and reached to pull her into his arms, but Kaycee caught his hands in her own. She held them to his side while she continued tasting him.

Glancing down between them, she could see that he was ready to receive her. With a naughty glint in her eye, she lowered the straps of her dress to reveal her full breasts, swollen with desire. His breath caught as her soft flesh melted against his when she closed the space between them.

When he tried to reach for her again, Kaycee stopped him by entwining her fingers with his. She rained kisses up his arm onto his shoulder and across his chest before capturing his mouth with a sexy bite.

“Stop teasing me, woman,” he groaned.

“Am I teasing you?” she asked with a swirl of her tongue.

Kendrick couldn't take it any longer and responded by freeing his hands and pulling her into his embrace. He repositioned their bodies so that they were lying on the floor with him leaning over her. He looked down into Kaycee's beautiful face as feelings of love flooded his mind and heart.

“Kaycee, I love you.” He kissed her, the realization both exciting and frightening him. He'd never thought he could start over following his wife's death, but with Kaycee he could see a whole new chapter of his life unfolding and he wanted to pursue it with all that he had. “I really love you.”

“I love you, too,” she whispered.

With skillful hands, Kendrick slid the dress over her hips and was surprised to find her wearing nothing more than a string as a pair of panties.

“What the—”

“You like your dessert?” she asked with a playful smile.

“Yes!” he emphatically replied.

He quickly tossed his shirt to the side and undid his pants, kicking them across the room. When they were both finally free, they began to explore each other with kisses and caresses, savoring the feel and touch of each other's bodies.

Kendrick was gentle, especially when he dared to explore her most secret place. It was a journey Paul had refused to take, but one that Kendrick traveled with boldness and much skill. He made Kaycee feel like a prize the way he handled her. He was slow and tender, making sure that she received every bit of enjoyment in the process.

Kaycee had never known what she was missing. She felt as if she was being sucked up into a cyclone, spiraling out of control then knocked totally immobile. When Kendrick gripped her hips and proceeded to do some things with his tongue, Kaycee thought she was going to disintegrate. She couldn't describe what was happening because her tongue was tied from the blissful fire burning in the core of her body.

Kendrick moved away for a few minutes to protect them both by slipping on a condom. When he returned, he kissed his way back up her body until he reached her mouth where he kissed her deep and hard.

Instinctively, Kaycee braced herself to receive all of him. Although he had waited for this moment, Kendrick took his time. He wanted them both to savor the feel. He eased himself in, then out several times until she begged him to stay. Finally, when Kaycee couldn't take his teasing any longer, she locked her legs around his, causing them to connect deeper. The impact made her see stars.

With the hardness and vigor of youth, Kendrick made love to her as though their lives depended on it. Kaycee quickly picked up his rhythm and matched his strokes with her own. Suddenly her body trembled, unrestrained yet totally satisfied, leaving her murmuring Kendrick's name over and over and over again. In the intimate glow of the firelight, man and woman became one.

BOOK: Can't Stop Loving You
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