Candy Apple (5 page)

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Authors: Tielle St. Clare

BOOK: Candy Apple
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“No. I’ll take you home. Where do you live?”

She told him and he nodded. “We can make that work. Just let

He disappeared again and when he returned moments later he
was carrying two handfuls of stuff. She squinted but could only make out the
color—black. He came close and the dress shifted. Tasha grabbed the material at
her waist, holding it in place.

“These are my cousin’s. They’ll be big but should work.
You’ll just have to hold the dress out of the way. Sit down.”

She sat down. He grabbed her leg and lifted, tipping her
backward on the couch. “What the heck?” The skirt poofed up around her and she
knew she was flashing her panties at him.

Not that he seemed to mind. He ran his hand over the inside
of her ankle, stroking the soft skin and sending shivers up the insides of her

He just chuckled. “Sorry about that.” With that one foot in
his hand, he slid a boot up her leg. The black leather stopped at her knee.
They weren’t sexy and they sure as hell didn’t match her dress—very little
did—but she liked the feel of the leather against her skin.

“These will probably be a bit big,” he said as he pulled the
other boot onto her leg. “But they’ll protect your legs.”

He dropped her feet to the ground and pulled her to
standing. The dress immediately plunged to the floor. “Oops, sorry about that,”
she said.

“I don’t mind.”

She glanced up and even though she couldn’t actually see his
expression, she could tell he was staring at her chest.

“But, I don’t think you can ride home wearing boots and a
leather jacket.”

Feeling sassy, she turned around and pushed her ass out.
“And panties. I’m wearing panties.”

“Trust me. I know.” He smacked his open palm across her ass.
The jolt zipped through her body and she straightened. Heat rushed across her
skin and she tried to tell herself it was embarrassment but she was more than a
little sure that part of it was pleasure.

“Why don’t you just give me the jacket?” She held out her
hand, reaching behind her. “It will be easier if I put it on, you know, because
of the dress.”

He seemed hesitant, but finally handed her the jacket then
stepped back. With him out of range, she pulled the dress back into place then
tugged on the leather coat. It was a little snug over her chest. She yanked the
zipper up and felt her breasts squeeze together.

He groaned and Tasha could just imagine the picture she
presented. She glanced down. Her cleavage was close enough that even she could
see it. Her breasts looked huge and about to fall out of the dress. Thankfully
the jacket held everything in. She dragged the zipper up the final inches and
struggled to breathe.

“You okay?”

She nodded, not wanting to use precious air to speak.

She followed him outside and across the driveway. She knew
nothing about motorcycles and the only detail she could see was the color was
red. Candy-apple red if she wasn’t mistaken.

Tasha chuckled. Well, he had said it was his favorite color.

He handed her a matching red ball. As her fingers closed
around it, she realized it was a helmet. He came close, as if he was going to
assist her, but she’d just gotten the jacket on over the dress and didn’t want
to have to go through that process again.

“I’ve got it.” She stepped back and tugged on the helmet,
fighting for a moment to get the chinstrap closed. By the time she’d finished,
he was already straddling the bike. Dang, she wished she could see. He had to
look amazing on that bike.

Hopefully she
see him again. She didn’t think
this was a one-night stand. It didn’t feel like one. And the next time they
met, she’d be able to see him properly, watch those long, strong legs straddle
that bike. A low, sexy flutter ran through her pussy at the thought.

Knowing that the dress wouldn’t fall off while she was
sitting, she came up behind him, hiked up the fluffy skirts and tossed her leg
over the back. She plopped down on the seat with more force than she’d


“Don’t worry.” He reached back and patted her knee. “Now,
can you keep the dress out of the way?”

She nodded and scooped the multiple layers of material up
and into her lap. The boots covered her legs almost to her knees, leaving just
a few inches of thigh visible.

He gave her a quick rundown on where to put her feet, how to
lean into turns, then he started it up. The rumble shook the seat and sent
powerful vibrations into her pussy. She gasped. He once again put his hand on
her knee, this time sliding up a few inches.

“You get used to the vibration,” he shouted over the noise
of the bike. “I’m going to stay off the main roads so don’t be surprised if I
look like I’m zigzagging through neighborhoods.”

She nodded, knowing he probably wouldn’t be able to hear

“Hold on.”

She leaned in and wrapped her arms around his waist as he’d
instructed. The mound of dress between them didn’t let her cuddle up close but
her knees pressed against his thighs.

Air rushed past as the bike roared into the street. She
screamed as he sped up, her hands tightening around his waist. His chest shook
and she knew he was laughing. He reached back with his left hand and patted her

True to his word, he took side streets, following some
random GPS in his head. She’d lived on this side of town for years and she
didn’t know about many of these roads.

Finally, he pulled down the familiar street that led to her
house. It was technically Heather’s house. When Heather’s parents died almost
two years ago, she’d asked Tasha to move in. Tasha was actually Heather’s aunt,
but she was only a few years older than her niece and they’d been raised as
cousins, almost sisters.

He guided the motorcycle into her driveway, pulling close to
the garage doors.

The ride over had kept the dress mostly in place—it really
didn’t have anywhere to go when she was sitting—and the tight leather jacket
had kept her chest covered, even if the leather had teased her nipples with
every breath.

The bike’s vibration and being pressed so close to the hot,
strong body in front of her had kept her pussy wet and aching. If he’d taken
the bike on the highway, she probably would have come.

She smiled at the idea. They’d have to try that sometime.

Nathan killed the bike engine. Knowing she had to time this
perfectly, she lunged off the back and out of range before he could move. The
dress stayed in place. In fact, it tightened around her rib cage once again,
which was good because she didn’t want to flash her neighbors.

And since she was unable to see beyond twelve inches, she
had no idea who might be out mowing their lawn on a sunny Saturday morning.

Nathan sat on the bike. Even with her blurry vision, he
looked strong and sexy. A little dangerous. Dang. Last night, he’d been sexy
and wicked but in a different way. There hadn’t been the element of danger.

A rush of heat flowed through her core. She liked this
bad-boy biker side of her lover. And kind of liked the idea of being a biker

He took off his helmet and Tasha did the same, stepping
close enough to hand it back to him, before dancing away.

He probably had things to do and who knew if he wanted this
to go beyond one night but a bravery Tasha rarely felt outside of the kitchen,
spurred her on.

“Would you like to come in?”

He seemed to hesitate, so she unzipped the top of the
leather jacket. The edges of the material spread wide and revealed the deep
cleavage created by the wedding dress. Even though she couldn’t really see him,
she had to believe he was staring at her chest.

Feeling bold, she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the
side of the garage, mostly hidden from the neighbors. She put her back against
the wall and dragged him a little closer.

As expected, the dress dropped like a stone, pooling around
her ankles. His sharp intake of breath made her smile and she unzipped the
jacket the rest of the way. The sides pulled back and she let it hang open, the
cool rush of air and soft lining teasing her sensitized nipples.

The scent of hot leather filled the air. Heat crossed her
cheeks and she closed her eyes, tipping her head back against the wall of the
garage. A strange decadence swelled inside her—to be outside, practically
naked, cool air touching her nipples and hot, sexy man over her.

His legs moved to the outside of hers, the rough material of
his jeans teasing her thighs.

He leaned in, sliding one hand up to cup her breast. Her
nipples were still a little sensitive from last night but he seemed to know
that and rolled his palm across the hard peak, light touches that flowed into
her core. The wicked caresses made it difficult to breathe.

His lips covered hers, taking away her ability to think. He
nibbled at her lips, soft kisses that made her crave more. She pressed up on
her toes, opening her mouth, flicking her tongue out and caressing his upper
lip. He retreated but she could feel his smile as he placed one more kiss on
her lips.

“Not yet,” he whispered.

He dropped to his knees and kissed the soft skin where her
thigh and hip met. He snapped the elastic edge of her panty. “Hmm, my favorite

She giggled. “I know.”

Kiah lifted his head and peered up at her. How could she
know that? He glanced at his bike. Right. The candy-apple-red bike probably
gave it away.

He ran his hands up the insides of her knees, spreading her
thighs just a little wider. The sexy panties weren’t the skimpiest he’d ever
seen but something about them and the woman wearing them inspired him to rip
the red silk off with his teeth.

He leaned in and bit one of the straps, tugging it down.

She laughed and groaned, the sound moving straight to his

“We can’t,” she whispered. He raised his head. She leaned
back against the garage, head tilted back, eyes closed. Those full, firm
breasts revealed between the open flaps of Nathan’s jacket. “Not here.” She
blinked and looked down, smiling as she ran her fingers through his hair.

“Where’s your bedroom?”

She nodded toward the side door leading into the house.

He glanced at the door. The fastest way to get where he
wanted to be was to take charge.

“Do you trust me?”


“Hold on.” That was all the warning he gave her before he
leaned in, placed his shoulder against her stomach and stood, draping her over
his shoulder.

Chapter Four


Dear Diary,

I think I need to get new glasses.


Tasha yelped and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“What are you doing?” she asked, breathless. The soft press
of her breasts against his back made him groan. He squeezed her round ass and
started walking.

“Fireman’s carry. We can move quickly.” He turned and headed
toward the door.

“Wait. My dress.”

He spun around, snagged the dress with his left hand and
continued the trek toward the door. It was unlocked, which surprised him a
little, but he decided fate wanted him inside this woman as much as he did, so
he went with it. He opened the door, nodded to the two guys sitting at the
kitchen table and kept walking.

“Tasha?” one of the men called. “Are you all right?”

“Fine!” she shouted back. “Except for dying of
embarrassment,” she muttered.

The fluffy gown wrapped around his ankles and he tossed it
aside. She hadn’t seemed too worried about it landing on the pavement, so he
didn’t think she’d mind it hitting the floor. He patted her ass and started up
the stairs. “You have nothing to worry about unless one of those guys is your
boyfriend.” He paused. “Husband?”

“No!” She squeaked and Kiah savored the sound. “My
roommate’s boyfriends.”

“Plural? Hmm, that’s an interesting idea.” He stopped on the
landing. “Which way?”


He turned right.

She smacked his right ass cheek. “

He swung around the other direction. There was only one door
at the end of the hall so he assumed it was the right one. He opened the door
and smiled. The room looked like the woman in his arms felt—comfortable,
cheerful with just a hint of wildness.

He carried her to the bed and upended her, dropping her on
the mattress. She landed with a soft thump and a scream. Kiah couldn’t help but
smile. The sides of the leather jacket flopped open, leaving her breasts bare.
She blinked up at him, wide-eyed and a little startled. Fuck, she looked sexy.

“Don’t move,” he commanded, reaching down and grabbing the
heel of one boot. Since it was clearly two or three sizes too big, it slid off
easily. He kissed the inside curve of her foot. He’d always had a thing for
feet. Nothing too weird—but he did like feet, especially pretty pink toenails.

Keeping that foot on his shoulder, he grabbed the other,
pulling the boot off and tossing it to the side. He gave that one a kiss as
well. Tasha—he now had her name—shivered and arched her back. The motion did
wicked things to her tits, making them shimmy and sway nicely, just begging for
his mouth.

But it was the luscious round ass that called to him. His
palms actually tingled as he thought about giving that smooth, sexy flesh a

He groaned and rubbed his hands up and down her calves. She
closed her eyes and let her hands flop on the mattress. Kiah licked his lips.
He could stare at her for hours but he wanted to do more than stare and he sure
as hell didn’t want to lull her into sleep. He leaned down and nipped her
ankle. The tiny bite shocked her. Her eyes popped open and she looked up at
him, squinting for a moment as if she wanted to put him back in focus.

The confused expression faded after a heartbeat.

“Didn’t want to lose you there,” he said.

“Never.” The word and her smile came across sensual and

He bent over, hooked his thumbs into the waistband of those
sexy red panties and pulled them beneath her hips. She lifted up enough so he
could drag them up her legs, freeing first one leg and then the other.

Her hand wandered down the front of her body to the space
between her thighs, shielding her pussy from his sight.

“Suddenly shy?” he teased, as he stepped back, lowering her
legs to the bed. She giggled and snapped her knees shut, tipping to the side.

“A little.”

He took off his jacket and tossed it over a chair then
reached over his back and pulled off the t-shirt. On a normal ride, he would
have worn full leathers and never let her on his bike without protection, but
once he knew how far they were going, he’d known he could keep off the main
streets. Having responded to every corner of the city in his rig, he had a
virtual map in his head.

“You have nothing to be shy about,” he said as he bent over
and pulled off his boots. He wasn’t too worried that Tasha wasn’t watching him.
He wasn’t performing a striptease. He just needed to get naked now. Her top
knee slid forward, tipping her hips to the side and highlighting the delicious
curve of her backside.

She thought she was hiding her pussy but all she was doing
was making her ass look plump and round, perfect for his hand.

“Keep going, baby,” he commanded as he opened his jeans. His
cock sprung out hard and ready. Hell, with the sight of that gorgeous body,
he’d recovered from his first orgasm within minutes. He shoved his jeans down
and stepped out of them. Leaning over, he traced his fingers across the slope
of her ass, urging her onto her stomach.

She hesitated for a moment. He reached out and slid the
leather jacket off her shoulders, tossing it to the floor. She was naked now.
Beautifully naked and just a little bit innocent. Damn, he needed to taste.

He bent down and nipped her left butt cheek. She yelped and
slapped her hand back, tapping him on the side of the head. Her fingers
fluttered against his chin with no real force.

He chuckled and took the opportunity to retaliate, smacking
his palm across her ass.

Her head snapped up. She blinked and stared at him, her gaze
a sexy mix of shock and curiosity.

“You hit me first,” he said. He ran his hand over the spot
he’d spanked. “Besides, your pretty ass would look lovely, all pink and

She made a strange garbled noise that sounded a bit like
panic, but she didn’t roll away from him. He couldn’t resist one more tap,
watching the sensation move through her body. He hadn’t hit hard enough to
leave any sort of mark. He’d have to explore this next time. If there was a
next time. For now, he needed to be inside her.

His cock had clearly forgotten that she’d just sucked him
off thirty minutes ago. His dick was hard and ready to fuck.

“Come on, baby. I want to feel that sweet ass against me
when I fuck you.”

His sexy voice moved through her body, the wicked words
settling in her pussy, making her ache to be fucked.

Her chest tightened. She forced her lungs to expand and
rolled over. Her cheeks heated up but she knew he couldn’t see her. She’d never
been comfortable in this position. Not because of the roughness or animalistic
nature to it, but because it meant she had to show off her ass and she wasn’t
comfortable doing that.

But she trusted Nathan.

Only he didn’t quite seem like himself this morning. A
little more flirtatious, a little more aggressive.

Not that she minded. The change sent heat flooding into her

His hands smoothed across the curve of her bottom.


“Upper drawer,” she said, pointing in the general direction
of the bedside table beside him. She was on birth control pills but for some
reason she and Jason had never gotten past using condoms. Maybe because part of
her knew it wasn’t a long-term relationship.

She brushed the thought away. She wasn’t going to think
about Jason here.

Nathan. All her focus was on Nathan.

The mattress shifted as he moved behind her. His fingers
slipped between her thighs. “Fuck, I knew you’d be wet,” he muttered. “You’ve
been wet since you had my dick in your mouth, haven’t you?”

The rough question moved across her skin like a caress.

“Yes,” she moaned.

The tip of his cock pressed against her opening and her
spine arched. From this angle, his shaft felt huge. The heat filled her aching
pussy, setting her nerves alight. He’d taken her hard last night, more than
once, so she was a little sensitive but the sweet pressure in her cunt was too
much to resist. She pushed her hips back, easing him deeper.

“You ready for me, baby?”

She blinked at the headboard, trying to figure out what was
different about that statement. “Baby”. Last night he’d called her “babe”.
Surely it couldn’t be that important, the lusty portion of her brain pointed
Let the pretty man fuck you.

“Yes,” she finally said. The last letter had barely escaped
her mouth and she forgot all about names and changes. He plunged inside her,
his cock filling her passage so perfectly. A soft cry escaped her lips.

“Fuck, that’s it, baby. Let me hear how much you want this.”

He drove in deep. It burned a little but the pleasure far
outweighed the tiny streaks of pain. Her body needed this. The words wouldn’t
form in her mind. He drew back and pounded into her again. A gasp escaped and
he chuckled, low and sexy, a little bit arrogant.

But she couldn’t stop her body from moving against his,
rocking back, meeting each thrust.

“Oh yeah.” His hands tightened on her hips and he started
fucking her, long solid strokes that filled her and set every nerve ending
alive inside her pussy. His cock plowed deep, pulsing against the walls of her

Her body was primed from the ride home and the previous
night and soon she was pumping her ass back, sending him deeper with every

“Fuck, baby, I’m not going to last much longer.”

She moaned her agreement, not sure her pussy could take much
more. The ache from being fucked hard last night blended with the sensual
pleasure but she needed to come.

As if he read her mind, he reached around and slipped his
finger into her. The delicate caress across her clit sent her sailing over the
edge. She screamed, the sound escaping before she had the mental power to bury
her face in the pillow.

His shout followed seconds later as he slammed his cock into
her one more time, holding himself deep as his climax overtook him.

The strength in her arms gave out and she tumbled face first
onto the mattress, his softening cock sliding out of her pussy. She moaned as
he left her.

“Shh, baby, I’ll be right back.”

He rolled off the mattress. The light in the bathroom
flicked on and moments later she heard the toilet flush.

Heart pounding, she lay there with her eyes closed, trying
to recapture her breath. Heat covered her back as he crawled into bed,
snuggling up behind her.

“That was amazing, baby.” He kissed her shoulder then let
his head drop onto the pillow next to hers, his face buried in her hair. He
slipped one hand around her waist and pulled her close, almost beneath him.

Slowly the world returned to normal and she could breathe.
She couldn’t move much with his weight on hers. Not that she really wanted to
go anywhere. She was perfectly content just where she was.

Memories of the previous night and then again this morning
warmed her cheeks. She kind of liked this new, daring Tasha.

Then his stomach growled. She smiled, smushing her face
deeper into the pillow.

“Would you like some breakfast?” she asked, wiggling her
hips, thinking he’d roll away. Instead his hand scooped beneath her hips and
eased her ass back against his groin. He pressed a kiss on the back of her
shoulder. A growing hard-on slid between her ass cheeks.

“Not really thinking about food right now.”

His sex-roughened voice sent a new round of flutters into
her pussy. Not sure she could take him again, but more than willing to try, she
arched her back and rubbed her ass against him.

He groaned. The hand that had been wandering over her skin
drew back and he tapped his open palm on her ass. The tiny little jolt made her

“Getting sassy there.” He reached around, fingers sliding
across her stomach, and dipping down between her legs. A new surge of moisture
flowed from her pussy. “How about—”

Another rumble echoed from his stomach and Tasha laughed.

“How about I make you some breakfast?”

He nodded against the back of her head and he shifted away,
enough for her to roll out of bed. She grabbed her robe off the side chair
where she’d tossed it last night.

Wow. Last night.
She’d completely forgotten how the
evening started. Jason was not her true love but maybe Nathan was?

She barely knew the man and she’d gone to bed with him. So
totally not like her but she wasn’t going to worry about it. Last night—and
this morning—had been amazing and for once in her life she was going to try to
go with the flow. No guarantees how long this attitude might last. She really
liked her plans.

She tossed the robe over her shoulders, glancing back at the
man lying in her bed. His head was turned toward her but without her glasses
on, all she could see was dark hair and an outline. She had no idea if his eyes
were open or not, so she decided to act as if he could see her. She grinned and
headed to the bathroom.

Deciding that Nathan could wait for breakfast long enough
for her to take a quick shower, she jumped under the spray and soaked her hair,
letting her mind wander as she went through her daily routine mechanically.

Breakfast sounded good. She’d make him something special.
She’d trained as a chef after all. She concentrated on baking these days and
honestly, she didn’t get to do much of that unless she was trying out a new
cookie recipe. It would be fun to cook for someone else. Maybe if Heather was
home—oops, and Heather’s men.

Tasha rinsed her hair.
Looks like I’ll be cooking
breakfast for a crowd this morning.

Heather’s men.

Tasha chuckled. Goodness, she couldn’t even imagine.
Besides, with Nathan as her lover, she didn’t need a second man.

She didn’t linger in the shower. She had a hot man in her
bed waiting for breakfast.

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