Candy Apple (4 page)

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Authors: Tielle St. Clare

BOOK: Candy Apple
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She gave a brief thought to how she must look, naked,
touching herself, a fully dressed man with his mouth between her legs, but the
thought vanished, insignificant. All that mattered was the tongue fucking her
pussy and the slight pain in her breasts as she pulled and teased her own
nipples, loving the extra wave of sensation.

But soon it was too much. Pleas and moans bounced off the
clean appliances, echoing back to her. She knew the sexual demands for more
came from her but she wasn’t aware of saying the words. Only that she needed

He sucked on her clit, a wicked pulse that illuminated every
nerve in her pussy. She cried out and grabbed the counter, trying to keep her
knees from collapsing as the wicked jolts of pleasure expanded to the rest of
her body.

A strong, male body rose before her. She blinked and tried
to get his face into focus.

“Fuck, that was beautiful,” he muttered a heartbeat before
he covered her mouth in a kiss.

Her mind still floating from the heady orgasm, she barely
noticed the tiny “crunch” from the kitchen floor.

Nathan didn’t seem to be aware of it either as he plunged
his tongue into her mouth. She moaned as the taste of her own pussy filled her

He dragged his head back and looked down at her, close
enough that she could see the hunger in his eyes. “You taste amazing,” he

The words caressed her body, sending renewed flutters into
her cunt.

The words caressed her body, sending renewed flutters into
her cunt.

He stepped back. “I—oh, damn.” He looked down. “I stepped on
your glasses.” He bent down and picked them up, offering them to her. “I’m
sorry. I wasn’t thinking. I just set them down.”

She squinted at the twisted frames and shattered glass. They
were useless now.

“Do you need them to see?”

“What? Oh, no.” No need to tell him she was blind as a bat,
right? “Just for reading.”

“Good. I’ll replace them.” As if that closed the subject for
him, he bent down and kissed her, and suddenly she didn’t care if she could see
clearly or not. The commanding press of her lips melted her insides. His hands
slid up and replaced hers, cupping her breasts. The rough calluses of his
fingertips teased her increasingly sensitive skin.

Wrapping one arm behind her back, he pulled her torso up as
he leaned down and covered one tight peak with his lips. He laved her nipple,
sucking and stroking the flat of his tongue across the rounded tip. The steady
pressure built and she felt every pulse of his mouth, tiny jolts of heat
flowing from her nipple into her pussy.

She blinked and stared blind at the ceiling above his head,
trying to keep her sanity.

He jerked his head back, saliva making his mouth glisten. He
didn’t speak. He bent down and scooped her up in his arms. She yelped and
grabbed his shoulder, holding on for dear life.

She’d seen this in movies and might have even fantasized
about it, but knew it would never happen to her. She was a little too heavy.
Nathan didn’t seem to mind. He strode out of the kitchen and up the
freestanding stairs as if she weighed no more than a laundry basket.

And when he placed her on her feet, he wasn’t even breathing

“Wow.” She couldn’t stop the word from leaving her mouth.

Being almost blind had its advantages now. She couldn’t see
the room around her beyond blurry shapes, nothing to distract her from thanking
him for making her fantasy come true. She threw her arms around his neck and
pulled him down for a kiss.

He didn’t seem to mind her aggression, actually seemed to
like it. He growled and drove his tongue into her mouth. Renewed heat rushed
into her pussy and she pressed up against him, needing to feel him inside her.

He walked her backward until the backs of her knees bumped
into the mattress. She dropped down on the bed but didn’t let go, reaching for
the buttons of his shirt.

“Naked,” she muttered, standing up and kissing him as she
worked the buttons on what she knew had to be an expensive shirt. He didn’t
seem to care. He yanked the front edges apart, popping several buttons off.
They hit the hard wood floor with tiny “clinks”.

For a moment her mind snapped back to the reality that Jason
never would have ruined one of his shirts that way, but then the delicious body
in front of her pushed the thoughts from her brain. She spread her fingers wide
on his chest, savoring the strong powerful muscles rippling beneath her hands.

It no longer mattered that she couldn’t see. She could
touch. And taste.

She’d always been a bit oral and leaned in, finding his
nipple and stroking her tongue across the flat peak. He hissed in a breath but
didn’t move out of the way so she did it again. Remembering how he’d lavished
attention on her nipples, she did the same, sucking lightly, biting down
gently. She lost herself in the sensual pleasure, his groans and pleas driving
her on.

Confidence made her bold.

She slid her hand down the front of his trousers and wrapped
her fingers around his thick erection. Timing the strokes of her hand with
licks of her tongue, she soon had him rocking against her, fucking himself into
her palm.

No, carrying her up the stairs hadn’t made him out of breath
but he was practically panting now. She’d never felt so powerful, and just a
little wicked.

She bit down again, a little harder. He shouted and pushed
her away, shoving her back with enough force to drop her onto the bed.

She stared up at him, startled out of her fog.

“Damn, babe, you’re going to make me come without even
getting inside you,” he muttered. She could see enough to watch his frantic
movements. The trousers disappeared and she heard a drawer open. Seconds later
the telltale sound of a condom wrapper ripping open made her squirm.

His weight pulled down the edge of the mattress as he
climbed over her. He dragged her higher on the bed, positioning her. He leaned
down and placed one kiss on her lips.

“Babe, I’m not going to last long. This is going to be fast
and hard.”

“Yes!” She bent her knees and clamped them around his hips.

The thick head of his shaft nudged her entrance and she
forced a shallow breath into her lungs. She could already tell he was bigger
than Jason. He rocked forward, easing in an inch or so before retreating.

Despite his warning that this would be fast and hard, he
took his time, slow shallow penetrations before pulling back. The wicked surge
and retreat just made her pussy slicker and every time he filled her, she cried
out. He kissed her, capturing the sounds as he worked his cock deeper and
deeper until finally he was fully seated inside her.

He licked at her lips. “You good?”

She blinked up at him. This close, he was fully in focus and
she could see the hunger tainted with concern in his eyes. “I’m perfect.” She
pushed up and kissed his beautiful, soft lips. The boldness returned, she met
his piercing blue stare. “Now fuck me.”

That command seemed to free something inside him.

He pulled back and drove into her, filling her passage in
one long stroke. A bright shiver ran through her pussy and she wrapped her legs
around his back, pressing him deeper on the next thrust.

As he’d warned, it was fast and hard and Tasha loved every
moment of it. With each stroke into her pussy, he whispered hot, sexy things
about how her cunt was made to take his cock, how beautiful her tits looked as
he fucked her.

She arched her back, her body straining for more of the
delicious sensations. Nathan rocked inside her, pulsing, deep thrusts that
massaged her clit and her pussy with steady pressure.

He scraped his hand through her hair, tugging on the curls,
tipping her head back. He kissed her, hard and deep, just like his cock moving
in her passage. The kiss didn’t last long, both of them desperate for breath.
But he trailed his lips down her jaw, hot kisses strung together.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” he whispered against her ear,
pausing to bite down on her lobe. The brief spike of pain sent a shockwave into
her pussy. Nathan groaned as if he felt it too. “Damn, the way you squeeze my
dick. So hot and wet.”

It amazed her that the reserved businessman liked to talk
dirty during sex.

His words filled her mind as his cock filled her
body—seducing strokes that made her crave more.

He slid one hand over her breast, smoothing without
grabbing, just touching, rubbing his fingers back and forth over the taut
nipple. Tiny jolts zipped into her core and she arched her back, wanting more.
She moaned and cupped the back of his head, pulling him down, wanting to feel
his lips on her breast.

There was just the hint of a smile before he took her nipple
between his lips and sucked lightly. Then harder. Every draw of his mouth sent
a new flood of heat into her pussy, making the ache even stronger. She wrapped
her legs around his waist and squeezed needing him deeper.

“That’s it, babe. Show me what you want. Take it.” He rode
her fast and hard.

Her shout resounded off the high ceiling and bounced back to

“Fuck yeah.”

Nathan pumped into her once, and again, filling her one more
time before tension ripped through his body.

Chapter Three


Dear Diary,

I know Heather and Cait are both thrilled with their men
but I’m a simple girl. I want one man who will love me. To be honest…I wouldn’t
know what to do with two men.


Tasha rolled over, her muscles aching in unfamiliar ways.
Damn, it had been years—meaning never—since she’d had a night like that. Every
sensual moment crowded into her brain—the car, the kitchen, the bedroom. She
blinked and stretched, moaning as she worked out the tiny kinks.

After the first time in bed, there had been the shower and
then back to bed for a long session. She blushed just thinking about that. He’d
eased inside her slow and deep, no rush, just soft, sensual thrusts that
caressed every inch of her pussy. She moaned and pushed herself upright,
looking around the room.

Not that she could see much.

With her glasses crushed beneath Nathan’s shoe, her world
was one big blur. She managed to stumble her way into the bathroom. Using her
finger, she scrubbed her teeth with toothpaste then gargled with the mouthwash
sitting on the bathroom counter. It wasn’t perfect but it should make her

Knowing her hair had to be a mess, she did her best to
straighten the curls and smash it back down on her head. She could only hope
Nathan remembered her appearance
her hair looked like she’d stuck
her finger in a light socket.

She went back in the bedroom and found her panties draped on
the end of the bedpost. She giggled, not knowing if they were left for her or
as a trophy.

Somehow she couldn’t imagine Nathan taking trophies.

She dragged them on, which gave her some amount of comfort.
Except her dress was downstairs. She thought about digging through Nathan’s
closet for a shirt, but that seemed a bit intrusive for a first night together.
And given her almost blind state, she wasn’t sure how she was going to find
something to wear while she went in search of the dress.

But he was gone, leaving her with a kiss and a whisper that
he had to go to the office for a bit…he’d be back. She knew what that meant—at
least what it meant when Jason said it—he’d be gone all day.

She could slip downstairs, grab her dress and call a cab.
Even if she ran into Nathan, he hadn’t minded her topless last night. The memory
made her smile. She’d never gone on a house tour quite like that. Or ended one
in such an explosive manner.

Her pussy heated as she thought about Nathan sinking to his
knees, pulling her panties down—him fully dressed while she was naked.

She opened the door and listened. No strange noises. She
didn’t think Nathan would mind if he found her topless but she didn’t want to
be flashing anyone who might have dropped by.

She padded down the stairs. The white blur in the living
room was her dress, but a noise echoing from the kitchen drew her attention.
She peered around the corner and saw Nathan, standing at the sink. From this
distance, she could really only see his shape and the fact that he wore blue
jeans on the bottom half. Didn’t look like he was wearing a shirt, but from
this far away, it could have been a tan shirt and she wouldn’t have any idea.

Her first reaction was to slip into the living room and put
the dress back on but dang it, her “first reactions” hadn’t worked out well in
the past. They’d led her to not take chances—to stick with something or someone
because it was comfortable.

No. She was going to be bold. She’d done it last night when
she’d agreed to come here and look where it got her—well fucked and craving

What would Heather do?

Tasha snagged her lower lip between her teeth and took a
breath before walking into the kitchen. Her steps were silent across the floor.
Nerves fluttered in her stomach but she didn’t let that stop her. She walked
right up, and wrapped her arms around Nathan’s waist. The smooth skin beneath
her hands revealed he definitely wasn’t wearing a shirt. Heat exploded under
her palms and she pressed close, letting her breasts plump against his back.

“Good morning,” she murmured, pressing up on her toes and
kissing his shoulder. Her nipples tightened and she felt a lovely zing of
pleasure as she moved against his skin.

“Uh, good morning.”

The memories of the night before assailed her and she
moaned, imagining returning the favor to Nathan.

“Seeing you here gives me all sorts of wicked ideas.”

“Thank you?”

He sounded more confused than intrigued but she slid her
hand down and found his erection pressing against the front placket of his
jeans. Oh he was interested all right.


Hezekiah Morgan, known as Kiah to family, friends and anyone
who didn’t want to be smacked, felt his eyes widen as the female body pressed
against his back.


The side of his mouth pulled up into a smile.
Nathan would be pissed if he could see this now.

The woman’s hand slid around Kiah’s waist, down, her fingers
flowing over his growing erection. Hell, it had been weeks, if not months,
since he’d been out with a woman, and the sight of Nathan and the fluffy pixie
last night had kept Kiah
for hours.

Her fingers tightened on his cock and he groaned,
remembering how she’d looked as Nathan had gone down on her. Kiah had had the
perfect view from the door of his bedroom, and though he’d known better,
he should have walked away, he hadn’t been able to pull his gaze away. Those
pretty tits, that soft, curved ass just made to be cuddled up against a man’s

His fingers gripped the edge of the counter and he told
himself not to pump against the almost delicate hold on his cock, though fuck,
his body fought his mind’s instruction.

The woman clearly thought he was Nathan. They looked enough
alike—their fathers being twins—that they were mistaken for brothers far more
often than cousins.

“As much as I love the idea of your hand on me, I—” He
turned around and gulped. Holy crap. Her breasts were bare and she wore those
same sexy panties. Candy-apple red and perfect for her shape, clinging to her
ass and hips. They were just made to rip off her body.

He tensed, waiting for her to realize she’d made a mistake
and had the wrong man. Waiting for the scream of protest or the stumbling

She took a step back, her lower lip looking plump and
delicious as she stared up at him. She blinked and looked right at him.

“But what?”


“You said you loved the idea of my hand on you but…?”

Dang, that sounded like an invitation.

He gave his head a shake, reminding himself that she was
Nathan’s woman and while he enjoyed pissing off his cousin…fucking the man’s
girlfriend was a bit over the top, even for him.

But then she reached out and placed her fingers over the
hard bulge of his cock, straining against the fly of his jeans.

“I love the idea of your hand but I love the thought of your
mouth even more.”

The words fell off his tongue but he couldn’t regret them.
Not when he saw the wide smile that curved her lips. Or the way her tongue
peeked out, as if she was anticipating his taste.

He opened his mouth to say something stupid like “you know
I’m not Nathan, right?” but she blinked up at him—stared right at him—and then
dropped to her knees. Clever fingers quickly undid the fly of his jeans. He’d
gone commando this morning, pulling his jeans on to go to the kitchen to make
coffee. His cock pressed forward, hard and getting harder with each caress of
her hand.

Once again the noble side of his brain that was easily
silenced—thank God—came alert to say this was Nathan’s woman. But then she
leaned in and licked, a kitten stroke of her tongue on his shaft as if she just
wanted a sample.

She seemed to find his flavor pleasing because she grinned
and licked again, a little longer, a little harder. She cupped his shaft and
brought the tip to her lips. Heat enveloped the head as she first lapped then
swirled her tongue around the broad tip.

Her hands worked the base of his shaft, sliding deeper and
cupping his balls.


She raised her eyes and smiled up at him, then opened those
pretty pink lips and surrounded the head of his cock with wet heat. He groaned
and pumped his hips, just a shallow thrust, wanting to be deeper. She hummed
around his cock and let him in, taking him to the back of her throat.

Fuck. He had to stop this, he knew he did, but he couldn’t
pull away from the sexy warmth of her mouth.

She slid her hand up to meet her lips, wrapping her fingers
around the base of his shaft. She couldn’t quite reach around the full girth
but every inch of his dick felt covered.

Slowly she pulled back, sucking hard as she retreated. His
eyes rolled to the back of his head. He leaned back and once again grabbed the
counter but this time to keep his knees steady. She slowly bobbed her head up
and down on his cock, taking him a little deeper each time. She closed her eyes
and released a soft moan. The tiny vibrations rippled through his dick.

He held on, fighting the urge to fuck her mouth. Instead, he
let her work his shaft at her pace, a pace that was going to drive him insane.
Her fingers floated and fluttered along his shaft, teasing.

“Baby,” he whispered, sliding his fingers into her hair. “I
need more.” He could feel her smile and groaned and he feared he was going to
be trapped forever, his cock hard, but damn, he wasn’t willing to pull away,
not from the sweet seduction of that mouth.

But then her lips tightened around his shaft. His shout
echoed through the kitchen but she didn’t stop. She just slowly retreated, sucking
hard and long before allowing him to slip back inside. The sweet grip of her
fingers squeezed his cock with every stroke. His dick was surrounded and
squeezed and fuck, he wasn’t going to last much longer.

“Fuck, baby, just feels so good.”

Her head slowly picked up speed, his shaft rocking a little
faster, a little deeper with each stroke. Her hand circled the base of his cock
while her lips and tongue worked the top. She rubbed her tongue on the
underside of the head. The top of his head tingled like it was going to blow


Her lips clamped down and she bobbed her head on his shaft.
He knew this was the end. He couldn’t hold back any longer. He tried to warn
her but his random mutterings of “baby, please, I’m—baby!” probably didn’t
communicate it accurately.

She seemed to understand because she slid one hand off his
cock and up to his abs, petting, letting him know she wasn’t going anywhere.

The sweet suction on his cock pulled all thought from his
brain. He rocked his hips forward, shallow thrusts, maintaining just enough
awareness not to choke her. But it was too much. His cry rang through the
sterile kitchen, bouncing off appliances and coming back to him.

He poured into her mouth in steady pulses. And she took him,
swallowing every drop.

Strength left his legs and only the power of his arms held
him upright.

She eased off his cock, smiling, a look of self-satisfaction
on her face. But damn, he wanted to see pure satisfaction—the sated look of a
woman well fucked.

“Here.” He reached down to help her up. “Let’s take care of

She stood up but danced away, shaking her head, a wicked
smile lighting her eyes.

“I’m good.” She licked her lips. The movement made his cock
twitch. Damn, one look from her and he was ready for more.

“I should be getting home.” She reached out and ran the tip
of her finger down the middle of his abs. “Give me a ride?”

“Hell yeah.” He shoved his cock back into his jeans, his
mind on giving her a full, hard ride.

“I’ll just get my dress.”

She spun around and walked into the living room. The sight
of her sweet ass rocking back and forth with each step hypnotized him for a
moment and he couldn’t move. Once she’d finally disappeared, he gave himself a
shake. The dress. That’s right. He’d seen it on the living room floor. Big
white fluffy thing. How the hell was he supposed to get her on his bike wearing

At the thought of her straddling his bike, his cock gave
another twitch. Damn, to see that sweet body in full leathers. Oh yeah.

Nathan would—

Shit. Nathan.

Oh hell. He hadn’t meant to let Nathan’s girl suck him off.
It had just sort of happened. But how was he going to explain this to his

* * * * *

Feeling bold and a little daring—Heather would be so
proud—with the taste of him still on her tongue, Tasha bent over and picked up
the dress. Her body vibrated with need but she pushed it aside. She’d wanted to
do that for him. Just him. At least for now.

Her stomach fluttered nervously. Nathan seemed different
this morning, more relaxed, casual. Even the tone of his voice was a little
different but she’d been under the influence of the dress last night. Well, the
dress, wine and a shot of tequila. Still, she didn’t regret it. How could she?

By the time he entered the living room—she hadn’t seen him
go upstairs—she’d put the dress back on, knowing it would be easy enough to
take it off once she got home.

“Not sure how this is going to work.”

She stopped and looked up. He wore a leather jacket. At
least she thought it was a leather jacket. It could have been a full-on fur
coat from what she could see.

“All I’ve got is my bike.”

What about the sexy red car?
Oh, he’d said something
about his cousin living here. Maybe he’d taken the car.

Wait, bike?
Part of her hoped he meant a bicycle
though how the hell she was going to find her way home on that, she didn’t

“It’s no problem. I can get a cab.”

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