Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) (17 page)

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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Pearce took Cindy’s hand. “You wouldn’t understand, darling. It’s just Mom’s preference.”

His mother returned to the table, and the conversation remained general during the rest of the meal. When they were finished, Mrs. Rexford told the men to go relax in the living room. Cindy and Kira had already started gathering the dishes to take into the kitchen.

“Why don’t you go rest and put your feet up,” Kira suggested to Mrs. Rexford. “We’ll load the dishes in the dishwasher and put the food away.”

“Thank you. My legs and feet are hurting. I’m getting older.”

Pearce flashed a worried look at Cindy, but smiled when he saw Kira looking at him. He shrugged. “I hate to be without her.”

Kira nodded and followed Cindy into the kitchen. “I’ll rinse the dishes. You can put them in the dishwasher.”

Cindy placed herself between Kira and the machine. For the first few minutes they didn’t speak. Which turned out to be good since Pearce made an unexpected visit to fill his wineglass. After he’d left, Kira heard his father and brother talking to him.

“Are you scared of him?” she asked Cindy.

“Yes. He did something to me. My head’s confused. And he keeps trying to do it again. I blocked some of it out earlier today.”

“Good. Use visualization. Picture a golden net protecting you. Stare into his eyes, but keep the picture of the golden net around you, in your head. Pretend he’s getting through to you.” The voices in the living room went silent.

Cindy put the last item into the dishwasher as Mrs. Rexford came in with Pearce right behind her. “Pearce will help me with the pie. Thank you for your help. You two can join the others. We’ll serve the dessert and coffee in a minute.” She shooed Kira and Cindy out.

“I can help, and Pearce can go with Cindy.” Kira studied Pearce’s expression.

“No, I insist on helping my mother, but thanks for the offer.”

Kira left after Cindy. Her uneasiness had increased. Positioning herself so Pearce couldn’t see her, she went out the side door. Tiptoeing around, she peeked in the window. Mrs. Rexford was getting cups and saucers down, and Pearce had his head stuck inside the refrigerator.

His mother glanced around. “It’s the plate covered with foil, Pearce. I made your favorite, strawberry pie.”

Pearce took off the foil and set the pie on the wooden table. “It looks delicious, Mom.”

“I’m going to get the pink plates from my china cabinet. The pie will look beautiful on them. It turned out very well.”

She hurried out of the room. Kira ducked just in time as Pearce glanced toward the window. She waited a second and peeked again.

He’d pulled a tiny vial out of his pocket and shook the liquid over the left side of the pie. He began cutting that part and had the slices ready when his mother returned. Quickly putting those slices of pie on the plates, he carried three of them into the living room.

Kira flew back inside right after him. She rushed into the room, pretended to slip, and banged into Pearce, flinging pie across the room. Mrs. Rexford’s pink plates crashed to the floor breaking into many pieces.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Pearce snapped at her. Mrs. Rexford rushed in.

“My beautiful plates.”

“It’s all right, my dear.” Lonato’s father stood and went to her side. “I’ll buy you a prettier set. The one you’ve been admiring in town.”

“But…my pie.”

“We’re all so full, we don’t need dessert,” Lonato said.

Hakan grabbed a broom from behind the kitchen door. “Why don’t you go for a ride with your husband? When you get back the living room will be all cleaned.”

“A good idea.” Mr. Rexford practically carried her to the car.

“Well, you all can clean up this mess. I’m taking Cindy home.” Pearce took her hand and pulled her along behind him. Soon, both his car and Lonato’s parent’s car were gone.

“What happened?” Lonato asked. “You aren’t a clumsy person and it was evident to me, Hakan, and my dad that you deliberately knocked him down.”

“He poisoned half the pie while your mother got the plates. The pieces he had with him were full of poison.”

“I’ll kill him. He tried to poison us and my dad. I was right about him all along. But even I didn’t want to believe he could be this horrible a person. What an evil man he is to be able to kill innocent people without a qualm.”

“You can tell your dad what’s going on, but don’t tell your mother yet. We need to call Mitch, get all the leaders together and see how we want to handle this.” She told them what Cindy had said. “The poor girl’s fighting him as much as she can.”

“Did you find anything in the car?” Rex asked Hakan.

“A bag was in the trunk. I didn’t take time to check what was inside.”

“Kira, dump the pie in a plastic bag. We’ll take it to our scientist for them to check. Put on gloves. Remember, the poison may go through our skin even mixed in the pie. I’ll put on gloves, too, and clean this up. Hakan, check the bag, and call Mitch while you’re at the car. We need to move fast.”

“When Pearce thinks about what happened, he’ll figure out you were onto him,” Rex said. “And he’ll be more dangerous than ever.”

Chapter Eleven

Cindy’s heart rate went into overdrive when Pearce parked his car at her house and charged around to the passenger side. He yanked her out and then propelled her toward the door.

She tried to pull herself free of his iron grip. “I’m tired, Pearce. I don’t want you to come in tonight.” Her head hurt, and fear of him made her feel sick.

Pearce swung her around in front of him and scowled. “I don’t care what you want. Unlock your front door.”

Fearful of what he might do, she put the key in the lock. Pearce knocked her hand away and opened the door. He shoved her inside. She lost her balance and fell at his feet.

He kicked her in the ribs. “You stupid woman. This time I’ll get you completely under my spell.” Leaning down, he pressed his hands hard on each side of her head. “I should smash your skull, and I will after you are of no more use to me.”

Cindy whimpered. The pain inside her skull was intense. His palms pressed harder, and she screamed in agony until finally everything went black.

* * * *

Pearce lay Cindy on the sofa and pressed the first number in his phone contacts.

“Hello. If you are calling there must be problems.”

He told his birth mother about all that had recently occurred. “Have you heard of the Flaming Beauty bird?”

“Our ancestors learned much about the earlier Commandos’ home planet. It’s reported the ones who came to earth had never seen such a bird, but if they did, she would be there to protect and save them from evil.”

“There’s a woman here who can shift into the Flaming Beauty bird.”

A harsh laugh came across the line. “It is time to test if this legend is true. If it is, we’ll see which of us has the strongest powers. I sensed you were having problems, my son. I’m headed your way. Go back to the ranch and do as I say this time.” She told him her plan. “I’m quite excited. I haven’t had a chance to show my true self in a long time.

“When we take control of the three tribes, you and I will rule. You won’t need Cindy. But until this is over, we’ll use her for whatever purposes we want.” She ended the call.

Cindy’s eyes began to flicker open. Pearce helped her sit up. “I have good news, my dear. A woman will arrive here soon. You told me your mother hasn’t visited you since you moved to Wyoming, so you will introduce my guest as your mother. Do you understand? You will do whatever we tell you, no questions asked.”

Cindy nodded.

“Say it,” he demanded.

“I will say and do whatever you tell me.”

“Good girl.” He gripped her cheek tightly and leaned down into her space. “If you don’t, you’ll die.”

He walked to the door. “Sleep. You’ll wake rested.”

* * * *

Rex waited for his parents. Kira and Hakan had gone ahead to the main ranch house. His mother looked tired when she returned. She barely glanced at Rex before going to her bedroom.

“Dad, can we talk?”

“I think we need to. We’ll go in the kitchen and put on some coffee.”

“We cleaned the house, and all the pie has been sent to the lab.” Rex walked in the kitchen and sat at the table. He watched his father pour coffee into the coffee filter, water in the reservoir and turn the pot on. Then he sat and faced Rex.

“Was the pie poisoned?”



“Kira had an uneasy feeling. She crept outside and watched through the window. When Mom went to get the plates, Pearce sprinkled the poison on half of the pie.”

“No, you lie.”

Pearce and his father jerked around to look at the doorway. His mother, dressed in her nightgown, held on to the doorframe. Her face was white, and her eyes blazed with anger. She stomped into the room and over to Rex.

“You’ve always hated Pearce. How can you tell such lies? He’d never do such a thing. Why, he would have poisoned his father if that was true. I won’t believe he’d ever harm either one of us. Your friend, Kira, overreacted.”

Mr. Rexford pulled her onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “I suspected Pearce was up to something, and I’ve been glad he stayed away from the ranch as long as he did. He doesn’t let you see his evil side.”

“No!” She beat on her husband’s shoulders and arms. “I’ll never believe what either of you say.”

“Mom, the pie is at the lab. They will tell us that poison is in it. Kira saw Pearce sprinkle a liquid on one side of your dessert. He took those slices to me, Hakan, and father. Kira saved our lives.”

“You’d believe anything she said. Wait and see. There will be no poison in my pie.”

Rex stood. “I’d better go, Dad.” He glanced at the coffeepot. “May I take a cup with me?”

“Certainly. Help yourself.”

“Aren’t you afraid it’s poisoned, too?” His mother mocked him.

“My dear, Rex is our son. We should have paid heed to him long ago when he tried to tell us Pearce was mean and vindictive. I believe Pearce is evil and will kill you and me, if given the opportunity.”

She jumped out of her husband’s lap. “Both of you are traitors. I don’t believe you and will have nothing more to do with either of you.” She left the room.

“I’m sorry, Dad.”

BOOK: Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Desire Their Queen [Wyoming Warriors 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)
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