Caitlyn and the Alien Protector (Intergalactic Brides 7) (11 page)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

Tags: #BIN 07693-02481

BOOK: Caitlyn and the Alien Protector (Intergalactic Brides 7)
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“I want you, Caitlyn, but if you’ve changed your mind, now is the time to say so.”

“Don’t stop.”

It was all the urging Cosmir needed. His lips fastened around a rosy peak and he sucked gently. Caitlyn moaned as her fingers scraped through his hair to settle on the back of his neck, holding him closer. He released her nipple and moved to the other side, giving it just as much attention. As his hands caressed her perfect, pale skin, he watched as it pinked with arousal.

“You’re so beautiful.”

“Fewer words and more of your lips on my skin please.”

Cosmir chuckled, but gave her what she wanted. He trailed kisses down her throat, through the valley of her breasts, and gently nipped her flat stomach. Her legs spread as she arched beneath him and he couldn’t help but thrust against her heat. It felt like his cock was going to rip through his underwear at any moment so it could sink into her warmth.

His tongue dipped into her navel before licking a trail to the curls at the juncture of her thighs. With gentle hands, he slid her panties down her legs and dropped them on the floor. The musky scent of her teased his nose and he practically salivated as he wondered what she tasted like. His gaze fastened on her face, watching for any sign she might not like what he was about to do, then his fingers held her open as he lapped at her sweetness. She gasped and jerked before widening her legs.

At least I know she likes it

He licked and sucked at her delicate softness, the tang of her exploding on his tongue. His cock throbbed in his underwear, the material growing damp from his need. Caitlyn squirmed beneath him and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out. He needed her, craved her.

Cosmir brought her to the edge again and again, but never let her come. He teased and tormented until she was begging him for more. Her nails clawed at his shoulders as he sucked on her clit long and hard. Caitlyn cried out her release and he kissed his way back up her body. He nearly ripped his underwear, he tried to get out of it so fast.

“Do you still want me?” he asked, the question nearly killing him. If she said no, he would back down, but gods he hoped she didn’t.

“Please, Cosmir.”

Another thought occurred to him -- one he should have had before he’d started all this, damn it. What did the humans call them? “Condoms. I don’t have any condoms.” A hot flush moved up his face. “I don’t -- I haven’t needed them. Not since…”

As if reading his mind, she shook her head. “I can’t get pregnant. Not now.”

He’d have to ask more about that later. For now, all he wanted was her. His arms braced on either side of her, he bucked his hips until his cock brushed against her curls. Her hands curled around his biceps as he eased inside of her, stretching her tight sheath. Cosmir groaned at how perfect she felt. The slick, wet heat of her welcomed him as he thrust in and out, moving slow to savor the moment. Her passion glazed eyes stared at him, a soft smile curving her lips.

Sweat glistened on their skin as their flesh slapped together. The sounds of their mingled breath and her soft cries filled the air. Cosmir felt a tingling in his lower back that traveled to his balls. He was so damn close, but he wasn’t going to come without her. He braced his weight on one arm as he reached between them, his fingers strumming her clit until she thrashed wildly beneath him. As Caitlyn cried out her release, Cosmir let go and came deep inside of her. He’d never felt so complete, so right in his entire life.

Cosmir rolled to his side and threw an arm across her waist. He placed a kiss on her shoulder and snuggled her close. She hadn’t said anything yet and he worried what she might be thinking. He rose on his elbow to look at her and smiled when he realized she’d fallen asleep. He’d literally fucked her until she’d passed out. It was definitely a first, but the steady rise and fall of her chest assured him she was all right.

He got out of bed, pulled the sheets down, then picked up Caitlyn and settled her head on a pillow. Cosmir made sure the house was locked, the alarm set, and the lights were out before he returned to the bedroom and slid into bed beside her. He’d never slept beside a woman before, and he was glad that Caitlyn was the first.

Chapter Nine


When Caitlyn woke the next morning, Cosmir was already gone. She glanced at the clock and realized she’d have to leave soon if she was going to make Katy’s doctor appointment. With a smile, she stretched and relived her incredible time with Cosmir last night. He’d been fantastic and so attentive. She’d never enjoyed herself more.

There was a dull ache between her legs, but it was the best kind. She knew every step she’d take today would remind her of Cosmir, but she didn’t regret for one moment what had happened between them last night. Caitlyn rolled out of bed and pulled on Cosmir’s discarded shirt before padding down the hall to her bedroom. She peeked into Katy’s room and found the little girl already awake. She was dressed and sitting on the floor reading a book.

Caitlyn went to her own bedroom and selected an outfit for the day before hurrying to the bathroom. While Katy was occupied, she wanted to take her shower. She washed quickly and left her hair wet when she was finished. She preferred blowing it dry, but there wasn’t enough time. Caitlyn went to Katy’s room and stepped over the gate.

“Are you ready to go see the doctor?” Caitlyn asked, not sure if Katy even knew what a doctor was.

Katy held up her book.

“I see you’re reading. You can take it with you if you want. Have you had breakfast?”

“Daddy made pancakes.”

Caitlyn smiled. She could picture Cosmir cooking while Katy patiently waited in her high chair. He was great with her, especially since he’d only recently discovered he had a daughter. The man was a natural with kids, and she could easily see him surrounded by several more. Did he even want brothers and sisters for Katy? Or was he one of those parents who was content with just one child? Not that it was any of her business. That was between him and the woman he claimed as his mate.

And if there was a dull ache in her chest as she thought of him with another woman, it was between her and her screwed-up heart. She couldn’t tell him with one breath that she didn’t want a relationship, then ask him not to see anyone else. It wasn’t fair for her to monopolize his time, not when she didn’t have forever on her mind. There were worse fates in life than being stuck with a man like Cosmir and his adorable daughter, but Caitlyn wasn’t sure she’d ever be ready for something like that. Not after everything she’d been through.

Caitlyn checked Katy’s bag and grabbed it before picking up Katy and carrying her to the front door. She nibbled her lower lip as she tried to remember the code to the alarm, and blew out a sigh of relief when she entered the right one on the first try. After locking up the house and resetting the alarm, she carried Katy out to her car, thankful that Cosmir had the foresight to install Katy’s car seat in her car.

“Katy, we’re going to be in the car for a while. Do you remember the Terran station? Where the other men like your daddy work?”

Katy nodded.

“We’re going there today for your appointment, and then we’ll go see Daddy when we’re finished.”

Katy smiled and clapped her hands. “Daddy.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

Caitlyn started the car and headed toward the highway. It was a long drive, but she was happy to take the sweet girl to the doctor. Cosmir had mentioned that he didn’t believe Katy had ever seen a doctor before -- at least, he knew she hadn’t seen a Terran one -- and there were probably shots that she would need. Caitlyn didn’t know the first thing about Terran children, but surely they vaccinated like humans did. How else did they keep from contracting diseases?

The trip went by quickly with Katy playing quietly in the backseat and humming along with the radio. Caitlyn pulled into a space outside the Terran station and unbuckled Katy. She let the little girl walk and held her hand as they approached the reception desk up front.

“May I help you?” the woman asked.

“We’re here to see the doctor. This is Cosmir’s daughter, Katy.”

“Go straight back, then turn left at the first corridor. When it opens up into a space like this, you’ll see the medic symbol above the door to the clinic. Is Jerick expecting you?”

“Cosmir said Katy had an appointment for this morning.”

“If you get lost along the way, just stop and ask any of the Terrans wandering around. They’re a friendly lot.” The woman smiled. “I hope the appointment goes well.”

“Thank you.”

Caitlyn followed the woman’s instructions and led Katy back to the clinic. When they entered, a chime sounded. The waiting room was empty and no one sat at the front desk. A moment later, a Terran in a lab coat came out and smiled at them.

“Good morning. I’m Jerick.” He held out a hand.

Caitlyn shook hands with him. “I’m Caitlyn, and I believe you’ve already met Katy.”

“I remember her briefly when she was brought here from the airport. This will be my first official visit with her, though. Why don’t the two of you come on back, and we’ll get started.”

Caitlyn tightened her grip on Katy’s hand and they followed the doctor into the back. Jerick opened a door and motioned for them to enter. Caitlyn walked over to the exam table and lifted Katy onto it before stepping back to give Jerick some room to work.

Katy seemed skeptical and inched closer to Caitlyn, but for the most part, she sat still and let the doctor examine her. Several scans were done and some blood was drawn, which Katy didn’t like at all. When he was finished, he handed her a sucker and helped her off the table. Katy immediately ran to Caitlyn and lifted her arms to be picked up.

“Is everything okay?” Caitlyn asked.

Jerick rubbed a hand across his chin. “Everything seems fine. She has a rare blood type that we seldom see, but that won’t be a concern unless she ever needs an operation. I’ll send Cosmir a message with my findings, but overall I’d say you have a healthy little girl. Most of her teeth are in, but she’ll get a few more molars over the next year or two. Hybrid babies tend to develop a little differently than either of our races, so sometimes it’s a guessing game.”

“No shots?”

Jerick paused. “We don’t give shots on our world, but then we don’t have many children living on Earth. I know a doctor in another state who has dealt with alien children on Earth, and some hybrids. I’ll ask his advice, but I don’t believe Katy will need any inoculations. She should be immune to Earth diseases because of her Terran heritage.”

“If we need to come back, a little later appointment would be great. It’s a long drive to make in morning traffic. Katy was an angel the entire way here, but I can’t promise she’ll do that every time.”

“I understand. And if at all possible, I’ll come to you next time.”

“Thank you, Doctor Jerick. I know Cosmir will feel relieved that Katy is healthy.”

“Call me with any concerns. And if Katy should get sick, call immediately. I’ll either borrow a helicopter to reach you sooner, or I’ll find a human clinic that will be able to treat her until I can reach her.”

Caitlyn shook his hand again and led Katy back out to the car. She wasn’t looking forward to another long trip home, not just yet, and knew Katy probably didn’t want to be cooped up in the car either. She wasn’t overly familiar with the area, but Caitlyn did remember there was a mall nearby. She drove there without incident and parked near the main entrance.

Caitlyn didn’t have Katy’s stroller, so she held the little girl’s hand and hoped she would stay close by. If she lost Katy in the mall, Cosmir would never forgive her. The doors of the mall slid open and they stepped into the air-conditioned interior. A large carousel greeted them and Katy squealed and bounced. Caitlyn dug through her purse for a few dollars and let Katy pick out a horse. She stood beside her and wrapped an arm around Katy’s waist to make sure she was secure as the horse moved up and down. When the ride ended, Katy clapped her hands and begged to ride again.

“We’ll come back another time with Daddy and ride, okay?”

Katy pushed her lower lip out but didn’t fuss as she was taken off the carousel. They passed one of those stores where you could make your own stuffed animal. Katy wanted to go inside, but Caitlyn was worried that Cosmir would be upset over missing such an occasion. She steered the little girl further into the mall and they came across a toy store. Katy’s eyes grew wide as she looked at the baby dolls, and Caitlyn realized she hadn’t seen one in Katy’s room.

“Do you want to pick one out?” Caitlyn asked.

Katy nodded, her gaze never leaving the dolls. It took her a while, but she eventually picked one with red hair and green eyes. Katy hugged the box to her chest and smiled up at Caitlyn.

“Ari,” the little girl said.

“You want to name her Ari?” Caitlyn asked.

Katy shook her head.

“She looks like Ari?”

Katy nodded.

A sudden burst of jealousy hit Caitlyn. She didn’t know who Ari was, but obviously she’d been someone special in Katy’s life, which meant there was a good chance she was a friend of Cosmir’s. The question was just how close of a friend was this Ari? They may have had an incredible night last night, but she didn’t delude herself into thinking that he’d been celibate since moving to Texas. Katy was proof he hadn’t been before that.

What the hell am I thinking? We’re just friends with benefits. I have no claim on him whatsoever. He can see whomever he wants to see
. But somehow that little pep talk didn’t improve her mood any. It made Caitlyn realize that while she might not be ready for a relationship, she didn’t want to share either. She paid for Katy’s doll, helped remove the doll from the box, and handed it to Katy. The little girl wrapped her arms around the doll and kissed its cheek. Caitlyn’s heart warmed as she watched Katy love on the baby doll.

“Did I have hair too when I was a baby?” Katy asked.

“Hmm. I’m not sure, Katy. I didn’t know you then, but some babies do have hair when they’re born, and other babies don’t have any.” Caitlyn ran her fingers through Katy’s curls. “But you know what? As lovely as your hair is, I bet you’ve had hair since the day you were born.”

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