Caitlyn and the Alien Protector (Intergalactic Brides 7) (10 page)

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Authors: Jessica Coulter Smith

Tags: #BIN 07693-02481

BOOK: Caitlyn and the Alien Protector (Intergalactic Brides 7)
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Caitlyn held out her hand. “I’ll put it on her and take the first round.”

Cosmir looked around at the predatory women. One of them actually winked at him. He gave a mock shiver as he faced Caitlyn again. “You’re going to leave me alone with

Caitlyn laughed.

“It’s not funny,” he muttered.

With a flirty look in her eyes, Caitlyn moved closer. She planted a hand on his chest then went up on tiptoe and planted a kiss on his lips. It was enough to stir his interest, yet chaste enough for a setting filled with children -- just the right amount of heat. When she pulled away, he was too dumbfounded to say anything.

“Now that I’ve staked my claim, they should stay away.” With a saucy smile, she took Katy’s hand and walked away.

Cosmir sank onto the bench seat and pulled his phone from his pocket. Opening the camera, he waited for Caitlyn to look his way again before snapping a picture. Not wanting to miss out on an opportunity to capture the day, he followed them discreetly, snapping pictures when they least expected it. He’d seen enough human movies to know that you were supposed to take pictures of your kids. This was the first time he’d taken any of Katy, and it seemed right that Caitlyn be included.

Katy eventually began to slow down. After a few more games, Cosmir decided to call an end to their afternoon of fun. He shot off a quick text to Jake to meet them at Mama Rosa’s and gathered his almost-family and hurried them out the door. Mama Rosa’s was across the street, but Fun Zone had a rule about leaving your vehicle in their lot if you weren’t inside the establishment, so Cosmir moved it while Caitlyn and Katy walked across the street.

He met them just inside the door at Mama Rosa’s and smiled when he saw Jake was already there. It didn’t take long to get a table and soon Katy was busy with crayons and a paper placemat.

“The three of you look good together,” Jake said.

Caitlyn rolled her eyes. “Subtle.”

“What?” Jake shrugged. “I’m just telling the truth. Katy could easily be yours. I’m sure people who saw the three of you together today assumed you were a family.”

Cosmir watched as Caitlyn’s cheeks flushed a becoming pink.

“Stop harassing your sister,” Cosmir said. “She didn’t have to come out with us today, but she’s been really great helping with Katy.”

Amusement flashed in Jake’s eyes and he turned toward Katy.

“What do you think, Katy? Wouldn’t Caitlyn make a great mommy?” Jake asked.

Katy stopped coloring long enough to blink up at him, look around the table, then focused on Jake again. “A new mommy?”

“You want one, don’t you?” Jake asked. “Someone to do your hair and help you buy pretty dresses?”

Katy looked at Cosmir, as if seeking permission to speak her mind. He gave her a nod of encouragement and she turned her gaze back toward Jake. She tightened her grip on the crayon then dropped it on the table.

“Mommy didn’t want me.”

Jake reached out and tugged on one of her curls. “I know, sprite. Sometimes mommies and daddies do bad things, like leave us, but that doesn’t mean a new mommy would leave you too.”

Katy looked at Caitlyn, then cautiously reached out and took her hand. “Will you be my new mommy?”

Caitlyn seemed at a loss for words and Cosmir wanted to smack Jake on the back of his head for putting her in that position. She’d made it clear she didn’t want a relationship with anyone right now and her brother had cornered her. He opened his mouth to step in, but she shot him a look that made him shut up.

“Katy, anyone would be very lucky to be your mommy, but I’m afraid it’s a little more complicated than that. Your daddy and I would have to get married for me to become your mommy, and I don’t know that we know each other well enough for that.”

Katy sucked her bottom into her mouth and seemed to think it over a minute.

“But after you know Daddy better you can be my mommy?”

Caitlyn smiled at her. “Let’s take it one day at a time. But I promise that one day you’ll have a mommy again, even if it isn’t me.”

Well, that was a depressing answer.

The waitress came and took their order and Cosmir hoped the conversation would take a different turn. He didn’t want to get Katy’s hopes up that she’d get a new mommy anytime soon. Not that Cosmir was opposed to the idea, especially if Caitlyn was the new mommy. He definitely wouldn’t mind having more children with her. Cosmir nearly grinned when he thought about the fun they could have making those children.

“So, you have Katy the next two days?” Jake asked Caitlyn. “What are the plans? Anything fun?”

“Well, Cosmir set up a doctor’s appointment for her tomorrow at the Terran station. And I guess, depending on how late we get back, we’ll get lunch somewhere and maybe watch some movies at home.”

“I try to put her down for a nap around two,” Cosmir said. “Obviously, it doesn’t happen every day, but she’s not so grumpy at night if she’s had a nap.”

“I’ll see that she gets one,” Caitlyn said. “No grumpy girl on my watch.”

Cosmir smiled and watched as Katy continued to color and ignore them.

“Maybe we’ll come see the two of you,” Caitlyn said. “We could pack a lunch for the four of us and eat on those picnic tables around the back of the fire station. I’m sure Katy would love to see her daddy.”

And would Caitlyn love to see me too?
His gaze caressed her as she smiled and laughed at something Jake said. The more time he spent with Caitlyn, the more he wanted to be around her. Being away for a few days while he worked wasn’t going to be easy, but at least he knew his daughter was in good hands.

Their food arrived and Katy reached a hand toward her spaghetti. Caitlyn quickly intercepted and handed her a fork, then showed her how to get the spaghetti on the utensil and eat. More went on Katy’s face and clothes than in her mouth, but his daughter seemed to enjoy the attempt so he left her to it. So what if she needed new clothes and a bath? As long as she kept smiling like that, he’d let her do anything she wanted. Well, within reason.

By the time they were finished and Katy had been somewhat cleaned up, his daughter was yawning widely and her head was starting to droop. Cosmir lifted her into his arms and Caitlyn and Jake followed him outside. He buckled Katy into her car seat then turned to see Caitlyn and Jake hugging. Jake slapped him on the shoulder and said something about seeing him tomorrow, but all Cosmir could focus on was the way the sunlight made Caitlyn’s hair shine blue-black. It looked beautiful, like a raven’s wing.

“What?” she asked, wiping at her face. “Did I get pasta sauce on me?”

He shook his head.

“Then what?” she asked with a laugh. “You’re starting to make me paranoid.”

“Just admiring how beautiful you are.”

Her cheeks flushed and she smiled before getting into the SUV.

The drive home was quiet as Katy dozed in the backseat. Cosmir parked in the driveway at home, but Caitlyn shooed him away when he went to get Katy.

“You go open the house and I’ll get Katy,” she said.

“Speak of the house, remind me to give you the spare keys tonight. If I forget, I keep them in the far right kitchen drawer toward the back. They’re on a planet key chain. I think it’s supposed to be Mars.”

“Not your planet?”

“They didn’t have any.” He smiled. “I don’t mind supporting other worlds.”

“As long as little green mutant looking Martians aren’t going to land here anytime soon, you can support the planet all you want.”

Cosmir laughed. “After seeing the different species from my world and several others, your planet still thinks Martians look like those bulbous headed figures you like to put on anything sci-fi?”

She shrugged. “Old habits die hard, I guess.”

Cosmir turned off the alarm in the house and followed Caitlyn to Katy’s room. Caitlyn was very careful as she laid Katy in her bed and removed her shoes. The little girl sighed and rolled onto her side, tucking her hands beneath her chin. Caitlyn pressed a kiss to Katy’s curls before joining Cosmir at the door. He started to go to his daughter and kiss her as well, but he worried he might wake her up. There would be plenty of time for kisses later.

Caitlyn fastened the baby gate across the doorway and pulled the door mostly shut. With a hungry look in her eyes, she prowled closer to Cosmir and wrapped her arms around his neck. His eyebrows rose in surprise, but he held still to see what she had in mind.

“Do you know what I thought every time those women at Fun Zone looked your way?”

“He leaves wet towels on the floor, you can have him?”

She smiled. “I think I can handle the wet towels, but you’ll know if my patience ever wears out from picking them up. No, what I was thinking was ‘back off, ladies… he’s mine.’”

He was pleasantly surprised. “I thought you weren’t ready for a relationship.”

“I’m not. Not really, but I can’t seem to keep my hands off you either. Every time we kiss, even the small kiss at Fun Zone, makes me want more. I felt you watching me at the restaurant and I wanted to reach for your hand, but I didn’t want to get Katy’s hopes up. I want you, Cosmir. I don’t think I can do the relationship thing right now, but I won’t lie and say I don’t desire you.”

“So… what’s that human phrase? Friends with benefits? Is that what you’re asking for?”

“Would that be so bad?”

“And if I decide I want more than that?”

She shook her head. “I can’t lose someone again. If I get engaged a second time, it will be to someone with a safe job.”

“You mean a job that causes so much stress he has a heart attack or stroke? There’s no such thing as a safe job, Caitlyn. Every relationship is a risk. You risk losing them because they walk out the door or because they die, but some things are worth it.”

“Are you saying you don’t want me?” she asked, pulling away a little.

“I’m saying that there may come a time that I want more than you’re willing to give, and I’m not sure where we’ll go from there. Even if we’re only intimate at night, people are bound to notice that things are different between us. What if Katy notices?”

Caitlyn chewed on her bottom lip. “I don’t want to mislead Katy. I love her already and I wouldn’t do anything to hurt her.”

“Would being married to me really be so horrible? I mean, if things progressed between us to a point that you could see yourself sharing a future with me, do you think you could take a chance again? I’ve done the casual sleeping arrangement thing before and it was dissatisfying and left me feeling empty. I don’t want that anymore, Caitlyn. It gave me Katy and for that I’m grateful, but I want more than just sex. I want to feel close to someone. I’ve never had that before.”

Her fingers tightened in his hair. “Can we start with baby steps? Do the friends with benefits thing to start and see how it goes? I have no doubt you’ll rock my world in the bedroom, but maybe after we’ve lived together a little while longer I’ll feel more comfortable labeling our relationship?”

Cosmir wasn’t sure he liked that arrangement, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. It seemed he could either have Caitlyn on her terms, which in his opinion sucked, or not have her at all, which sucked even more. He couldn’t deny that he desired her and wanted more than the teasing kisses she’d given him so far, but how far was he willing to go to have her in his bed? He’d promised himself that the next woman he took to bed would be a potential mate. Then again, maybe she was and she just didn’t want to admit it. She claimed to already love Katy, how hard would it be to get her to fall in love with him too?

“I’ll accept your terms as long as you agree to keep an open mind.” He smiled at her. “I won’t lie and tell you I’m happy about the friends with benefits label, but if that’s all you’re willing to give, then I’ll take it for now.”

Caitlyn pressed her lips to his, her tongue snaking out to lick across his bottom lip. Cosmir opened to her, feeling her tongue twine with his. With a growl, he deepened the kiss, taking everything she was willing to give and demanding so much more. Without breaking from her, Cosmir lifted her into his arms and carried her to his bedroom. He kicked the door shut and settled Caitlyn on the bed, drawing away from her only long enough to strip his shirt over his head.

Her eyes went wide and he heard her inhale sharply. He flexed a little, smiling at the pinking of her cheeks as her gaze devoured him. He’d heard that Earth’s females loved a male with his physique and that had certainly proven true so far, but it was nice to see that he affected Caitlyn enough that her chest rose and fell rapidly as she licked her lips. Cosmir reached for his belt buckle and teased her by slowly pulling the strap through it. She watched his every move as he slid the belt from his jeans and let it drop to the floor.

“Stop teasing me!” she demanded, reaching for him. She unbuttoned his jeans and shoved them down his legs, leaving them tangled around his ankles and boots.

Cosmir laughed at her enthusiasm and quickly stripped out of his shoes and jeans. His boxer briefs molded to him and her hands trailed over the fabric, as if she couldn’t wait another moment to get her hands on him.

“I think we’re a little uneven,” he said.

Caitlyn stood abruptly and whipped her shirt over her head. Cosmir grinned as it dropped to the floor and she shimmied out of her shorts, kicking off her shoes in the process. The panties and bra she wore complemented her porcelain skin, the pale blue contrasting nicely with her bright blue eyes. He reached out a finger and traced a satin strap down to the slope of her breast.

“Pretty,” he said, his voice going husky.

Caitlyn grasped his hand and slid it down until it cupped her breast. She pressed against him and went on tiptoe to kiss him once more. Cosmir enjoyed the weight of her breast in his hand and the way it molded against his palm. As he kissed Caitlyn with a hungry urgency, he grasped the front of her bra and popped the clasp, sending the garment down her arms to puddle on the floor. His lavender skin looked beautiful against her porcelain tone. Watching her nipples pucker in the air conditioning made his cock even harder.

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