BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6) (76 page)

BOOK: BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6)
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Brogan tossed her the keys to the shed and asked her to go and fetch some crates of beer. It was mid-afternoon and the sun was at its hottest. As she crossed the parking lot out back, her skin felt on fire and she could hear the hiss of insects all around her. It was a quiet day; half of the bikers had disappeared early morning and the rest were either sleeping or out riding.

She kicked open the door to the shed and stepped carefully through the boxes and tools littering it. Since he was a kid, she had been terrified of scorpions and this was exactly the sort of place a nest could be hiding. She moved things with the tips of her boots and when she reached the crates she was about to bend down and lug one up under her arm, she heard the door creak behind her.

She spun around to see Dylan standing there. For once he wasn’t wearing his leathers but a black vest with a pair of low-slung ripped jeans and a belt with a huge buckle. He was sweaty and dirty and Courtney instantly felt her breath catch in her throat. His arms were tanned and bulging and his eyes were on her again, burning her with intensity.

“You scared me,” she whispered as she moved back slightly.

“Need a hand?” he asked, taking a step forward.

Courtney stood still and Dylan reached down and picked up the heavy crate. He lifted it onto his shoulder and walked back towards the door.

“Come on then,” he called to her as he made his way back across the parking lot.

Courtney followed him, completely dumbfounded at his eagerness to help her when they had barely spoken a word to one another. He kicked the door to the bar open with the toe of his boot and strode inside, thudding the case of beer down on the floor and pointing at it.

“Don’t ask a lady to do a man’s work,” he said sternly to Brogan.

Brogan didn’t respond. The two men stared at each other and Courtney could feel the tension in the air. She looked from one man to the other and she could tell something was about to happen, so she felt the need to intervene.

“It’s alright,” she said quietly. “I mean, I do work here.”

Dylan turned and glared at her before pointing his finger at Brogan again.

“I mean it,” he said before turning and walking out the front door.

Courtney felt her arms shaking and her heart racing. She was tingling all over and her sex throbbed in her panties. What had just happened? Was Dylan claiming her? Was he moving in and wanting to make her his?

She looked up at Brogan who had a sheepish expression on his face. He coughed and turned to Courtney.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “I shoulda got the crates.”

Courtney smiled at him, feeling guilty. She didn’t understand how all this drama had occurred out of nowhere. She helped Brogan unpack the beers and then decided to take a break. She went up the stairs and pushed open the door to her room.

Her window was open and she looked out over the desert and the highway. Dylan was sitting out there, next to his big silver Harley. He was smoking and looking up at her. She bit her lip and felt her body tense up. She had never wanted someone so much in her entire life.

He stood up and glared at her before throwing the cigarette onto the ground and stomping it out with his boot. They didn’t say a word to each other and they didn’t move a muscle. Courtney was so nervous she couldn’t breathe and her heart pounded in her chest.

After a few moments, he started walking towards the door to the bar. His fists were clenched and he didn’t once take his eyes off hers. She could hear him stomping inside. His heavy boots were coming up the stairs and her heart was racing so fast she thought she was going to collapse.

As the door swung open, it almost came off its hinges. Dylan strode powerfully into the room and was on her before she had a chance to register what was happening. He pushed her up against the wall and ran his hands up the length of her smooth, curvy body. He wrapped his fingers into the waistband of her denim shorts and tugged at them. His kisses were hot and passionate as he pulled her shorts down and slipped his hand between her legs, touching her through her panties.

Behind him the door was still open and he moved back, taking her with him, as he still kissed her and ran his hands all over her. Courtney gripped his huge arms, feeling tiny in them, and then pushed her huge, heaving breasts up against him. Dylan closed the door and turned the key. She could hear the bike engines and knew the bar would be full in a matter of moments.  

“I’ve been thinking about this since the second you walked in here,” he whispered.

He leaned forward and his lips skimmed hers. Courtney felt a new rush in her panties as he pressed himself up against her, and she could feel the hardness of his cock as it poked into her side. He pushed her back onto her bed and grunted. He was so hard and the outline of his dick was visible beneath his jeans. Courtney felt herself ripen and the heat rose within her. She was soaking wet and desperate for him. He slowly climbed on top of her and slipped his tongue into her mouth as he pinned her arms high above her head. She was so hungry for him, she trembled beneath him. As he scooped her up in his huge arms and pulled her onto him she let her hand wander down and feel his manhood through his jeans. She gasped when she felt it. It was so big and she could tell he was going to be powerful.

It had been such a long time since she had been with a man that she found herself scared and timid. This seemed to turn Dylan on even more, and he rolled her onto her back and pinned her hands down into the pillow. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he put all of his weight on her and thrust against her. Even between their clothes it felt incredible, and Courtney knew that she had to have him inside her. 

He ran his hand up her side and slipped her shirt up before pulling it off over her head. She wasn’t wearing a bra and her huge breasts bounced free. He gasped when he saw them and pulled one hungrily into his mouth. He sucked on her nipple gently and buried his face in them. They were so huge, he was in a trance with them as he pushed them together and felt how soft and voluptuous they were. Courtney pulled at his vest and took it off over his head. His abs were rock hard, huge and covered in tattoos. He was nothing like any other man she had ever been with, and his intensity and ruggedness were the biggest turn-ons she had ever known. He started to kiss her  neck as he slipped his hand between her legs. She moaned as his fingers found her sex through her panties. They were soaking wet and as he slid his hand inside them and felt her hot, engorged pussy, his eyes went wide and he bit his lip.

“Oh my god, Courtney,” he whispered.

She moaned in ecstasy as his fingers lightly massaged her opening before he moved slowly and deliciously up to her clit. The feeling when he applied just the smallest amount of pressure nearly sent her over the edge, and she gasped and bucked against his hand. He stared at her intently as he took hold of her hand and guided it down to the huge bulge in his trousers and unzipped his fly. His cock was so big and perfect that as he pulled down his jeans and revealed it she gasped and felt herself open up in anticipation. He was so huge and thick, just looking at it was inflicting pain, but she still couldn’t wait to have it inside her. She opened her legs wide as she could and looked at it before rubbing herself against him. She wrapped her hand around his perfect veiny shaft and moved it up and down, and with each stroke his breathing got faster.

“That’s it,” he whispered, “Yes.”

His tip was so red and engorged it looked like he could cum at any second, but he pushed her back forcefully and climbed back on top of her.

Courtney looked up at him and at his amazing body as he held onto his massive length and positioned himself right at her opening.

He took hold of her by the neck as he slid himself into her so deeply that it felt as if he was going to tear her in half.  The pain rolled through her and she gasped with shock, but it quickly subsided as he thrust himself in and out of her and gave way to the most intense sensation she had ever felt. Her pussy was so slick, wet and juicy that his cock glided in and out of her with ease. He grunted as he fucked her, harder and harder. He was so strong, and as he pinned her back and used her body in every way imaginable, Courtney couldn’t believe what she was doing. She had never slept with someone she barely knew, especially someone dangerous. The danger oozed out of him, and she hated to admit that it was getting her off. As she wrapped her plump thighs around him, he powered into her deeper and she threw her head back in ecstasy.

“Umm!” he grunted as he bunched up her hair into his fist and pulled her face closer to his. He kissed her and thrust into her harder. He was hitting her spot so perfectly she knew that she wouldn’t be able to stop herself from cumming. He pulled out of her agonizingly slow and teased her with the tip of his dick. He rubbed it up and down her soaking wet slit before plunging it into her again. The heat was building inside her and she couldn’t control it. As she gripped onto his arms she unraveled in a wave of pleasure beneath him and she clamped him inside of her with her legs.

“Yes,” he panted.

His strokes were in perfect rhythm and he was breathing so heavily the whole room seemed to be shaking. He thrust into her one more time and his whole body tensed as he emptied his huge load inside of her. His pent-up frustration came spilling out of him and into Courtney. She felt his hot spurts hit her inside walls as he grunted and twitched inside her.

“Fuck,” he whispered as he kissed her neck.

He collapsed on top of her with his full weight and his breathing was deep and fast as he slowly withdrew. His cum started to run out of her and it felt amazing. Courtney looked up at him and smiled. Had she really just fucked a biker she barely knew? Or was it some kind of crazy dream?

“Wow,” she whispered.

He was panting and catching his breath, but his dick was still rock hard and she knew he could easily go again. She ached all over and his hot spunk dripped from her pussy, but she was still hungry for him. She knew after just one taste she was never going to be able to get enough.

“You’re a bad girl,” he said gruffly. “Just the way I like it.”



They dozed in the late afternoon heat and Dylan wrapped his hands in her hair. She held herself close to him and breathed him in. He was so strong and powerful, and she felt tiny and safe in his arms. As the day turned to dusk he rose from the bed and stood silhouetted against the setting sun light.

“What are you running from, bad girl?” he asked as he squeezed her tight. She had always felt as if he could read her mind, but this only confirmed it.

“My old boss,” she admitted. “I accidentally lost some of his money, but I don’t think he believes me. Said he’d kill me if he ever saw me again.”

Dylan leaned up on his elbow and looked at her.

“You serious?” he asked.

Courtney nodded and wrapped her arms around herself.

“Said he’d kill my family too,” she said shaking her head, “I had to leave, I had to keep them safe.”

Dylan nodded as if to say he understood and then he got to his feet.

“You’re safe here, with me,” he said. “I’ll look after you.”

Courtney smiled. “Thank you.”

“I’m leaving tonight,” he said with a disappointed tone.

Courtney said up and pulled the bed sheet around her.

“What do you mean?” she said confused.

“I have to go west,” he reached down and tipped her chin up with his index finger. “A big job for the club, but I’ll be back in a few weeks.”

few weeks
?” she shrieked. “But… you can’t leave.”

“I’ve got to babe,” he said as he pulled on his jeans, “I don’t want to, but I’ve got to…”

“But we’ve just…” she began.

“I know, trust me the last thing I want to do is leave you here and go to work… But I had to make you mine before I did to make sure you wouldn’t go anywhere.”

Courtney felt a smile creep over her face.

“Just passing through?” he said with a grin. “I don’t think so.”

“Okay,” she smiled coyly, “I’ll wait.”

“It’ll be worth it, trust me.” He leaned forward and kissed her tenderly. “And you don’t have to worry about your ex-boss. Only a little pussy would threaten a gorgeous girl like you, and he certainly won’t get away with it.”

Courtney smiled at him and knew that her heart was open to him already. She could feel herself falling in love with him, even after just one encounter. He was the most amazing man she had ever met.

As he dressed and she heard the roar of the bikes outside, she knew without a doubt she couldn’t leave without seeing him again. He was her man and she owed it to him to wait.

When he kissed her she fought back the tears and quickly got dressed so she could go to say goodbye. She went downstairs with him and they both walked through the bar and to the front door. When they got outside and he climbed onto his Harley, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him deeply. The others watched them and she knew what they were all thinking… Now it all made sense. Dylan didn’t want the scrawny, cheap girls that hung around The Buckhorn. He wanted someone like Courtney. Someone curvy, sexy and classy with the appeal of an old school Hollywood siren. 

As they all rode away, Dylan turned back to look at her and she blew him a kiss. It felt cruel that he should have to leave so soon after they had got together, but she knew he would be back and it meant she had the excitement of waiting. Until he returned, she would work hard and rest. She had the feeling she was going to need all of her strength on his return.


The weeks passed slowly, and with each day the air seemed to become more dense and unbearable. Courtney sat in the bar every evening and watched out the window. Each time she heard the thunder of the bike in the distance, her ears pricked up and she hoped it would be Dylan.

Brogan knew when they would return but didn’t tell her. There was also the proud part of her that didn’t want to ask. Even though it was killing her not knowing when she would see him again, she didn’t want to show the other men around The Buckhorn how much she cared for him. She needed to keep her guard up around them so no one tried to sabotage what they had. She had heard about members being territorial and suspicious and she didn’t want any of them to take a disliking to her, so she mainly kept to herself.

A few weeks passed, and there was still no sign. Courtney hadn’t been feeling well so she told Brogan she couldn’t work that night. She curled up on her bed with the electric fan on and closed her eyes. It seemed so much hotter lately and she fanned herself with her hand. She rolled onto her side and when she opened her eyes they fell instantly on the calendar at the side of her bed.

It took a while to dawn on her, but she realized that four weeks had now gone since she and Dylan had been together and in that time she hadn’t had her period. She sat up quickly and felt her heart hammering in her chest.

, she thought,
surely not…

BOOK: BULL: MC ROMANCE (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 6)
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