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Authors: Julie Hyzy

Buffalo West Wing

BOOK: Buffalo West Wing
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Table of Contents
Praise for
“The ever-burgeoning culinary mystery subgenre has a new chef-sleuth ... Olivia Paras, the first female White House chef, just wants to focus on her job: cooking for the president’s family, preparing state banquets, and getting ready for the annual Easter Egg Roll. However, when one of the guests at a state dinner dies, everything changes ... Hyzy does a great job of keeping us interested in all of these problems, and the backstage look at the White House proves fascinating. Recipes are included for Eggcellent Eggs.”—
“A quickly paced plot with a headstrong heroine and some recipes featuring eggs all add up to a dependable mystery.”

The Mystery Reader
“A gourmand’s delight ... Julie Hyzy balances her meal ticket quite nicely between the glimpses at the working class inside the White House with an engaging chef’s cozy.”—
Midwest Book Review
“The story is entertaining, the character is charming, the setting is interesting ... Fun to read and sometimes that is exactly what hits the spot. I’ve found all of Hyzy’s books to be worth reading and this one is no different.”

Crime Fiction Dossier
(Book of the Week)
“[A] well-plotted mystery.”—
The Mystery Reader
“Pulse-pounding action, an appealing heroine, and the inner workings of the White House kitchen combine for a stellar adventure in Julie Hyzy’s delightful
State of the Onion
.”—Carolyn Hart, author of
Laughed ’Til He Died
“Hyzy’s sure grasp of Washington geography offers firm footing for the plot.”—
“Topical, timely, intriguing. Julie Hyzy simmers a unique setting, strong characters, sharp conflict, and snappy plotting into a peppery blend that packs an unusual wallop. Hyzy’s research into the backstage kitchen secrets of the White House gives this series a special savor that will make you hungry for more.”
—Susan Wittig Albert, author of
Holly Blues
“From terrorists to truffles, mystery writer Julie Hyzy concocts a sumptuous, breathtaking thriller.”
—Nancy Fairbanks, bestselling author of
Turkey Flambé
“Exciting and delicious! Full of heart-racing thrills and mouthwatering food, this is a total sensual delight.”
—Linda Palmer, author of
Kiss of Death
“A compulsively readable whodunit full of juicy behind-the-Oval-Office details, flavorful characters, and a satisfying side dish of red herrings—not to mention twenty pages of easy-to-cook recipes fit for the leader of the free world.”—
Publishers Weekly
Praise for the novels of Julie Hyzy
“Deliciously exciting.”—Nancy Fairbanks
“A well-constructed plot, interesting characters, and plenty of Chicago lore ... A truly pleasurable cozy.”
—Annette Meyers
“[A] solid, entertaining mystery that proves her to be a promising talent with a gift for winning characters and involving plots ... Likely to appeal to readers of traditional mysteries as well as those who enjoy stories with a slightly harder edge.”—
Chicago Sun-Times
“The fast-paced plot builds to a spine-chilling ending.”

Publishers Weekly
“A nicely balanced combination of detective work and high-wire adventure.”—
Kirkus Reviews
“Riveting ... A twisty, absorbing, headline-current case. First rate.”—Carolyn Hart
“A well-crafted narrative, gentle tension, and a feisty, earthbound heroine mark this refreshingly different mystery debut.”—
Library Journal
Berkley Prime Crime titles by Julie Hyzy
White House Chef Mysteries
Manor House Mysteries
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PUBLISHER’S NOTE: The recipes contained in this book are to be followed exactly as written. The publisher is not responsible for your specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision. The publisher is not responsible for any adverse reactions to the recipes contained in this book.
A Berkley Prime Crime Book / published by arrangement with Tekno Books
Berkley Prime Crime mass-market edition / January 2011
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eISBN: 9781101480878
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To everyone from Bouchercon 2009
A big shout-out to Margie McGuire, who suggested this book’s title during one of our famous Blackberry Breakfasts. Thanks, Margie! And to Rene Baumgartner, whose famous chocolate chip cookies morphed into wings for this story.
Special thanks to my wonderful editor, Natalee Rosenstein, as well as Michelle Vega, Megan Swartz, Kaitlyn Kennedy, and Erica Rose at Berkley Prime Crime. Thanks also to the folks at Tekno, especially Marty Greenberg and John Helfers. I owe a great debt to the incomparable Denise Little, who keeps Ollie cookin’.
Every writer needs support and I’m incredibly fortunate to have my blog-sisters at MysteryLoversKitchen. com, and my cozy-mates at
to rely on for both morale-boosting and cheerleading. I’m very lucky to be friends with these amazing writers.
I would be nowhere without my family. It’s impossible to put into words how much they mean to me, but I know they know, so it’s all good. Love you, Curt, Robyn, Sara, Biz, Paul, Mitch, Grandma, Auntie Claudia, Kitka, and Violet. We miss you, K’Ehleyr.
Thanks to Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and Thriller Writers of America for camaraderie and support, and thanks especially to readers who are willing to take a chance on new authors. You’re the best!
“HURRY UP, OLLIE. IT’S ALMOST TIME,” CYAN called from the center hall.
“Go ahead, I’ll meet you there!” I shouted back. I placed my inelegant creation on the oven’s center rack, gave it a final critical glance, and reminded myself there was a first time for everything. Especially in the White House. Shutting the oven door, I quickly washed and dried my hands, then hurried to join Cyan.
The musty fragrance of old papers, books, photos, and historic paraphernalia hit me the moment I stepped into the curator’s office. That familiar “library smell” mingling with the delicious aroma of fresh coffee caused me to slow down and take an appreciative breath. This was a room where I could get lost for hours at a time.
Like I’d ever have that luxury.
Stocky and bearded, our curator, John Weaver, maintained his office with loving efficiency. Archived materials were kept off-site, but in here he crammed as much as he could into every available nook. He was extraordinarily well organized; I’d seen him produce obscure artifacts within moments of a president’s request.
Right now, however, his office swarmed with people. Huddled around a tiny television, staffers jockeyed for position. I caught sight of Cyan’s red ponytail—she’d managed to claim a spot up front. My second in command, Bucky, stood directly behind her. Among the others present were our florist, Kendra, her assistant, and several new people. I was the last to arrive and stood on my toes, hoping for a glimpse of the TV screen. But everyone clustered in front of me was too tall.
BOOK: Buffalo West Wing
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