Buckskins, Boots & Bondage (Cowboy Kink) (8 page)

BOOK: Buckskins, Boots & Bondage (Cowboy Kink)
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“I’m coming, darlin’,” he growled. “Don’t lose a drop.”

And she didn’t. His cock pulsed in her mouth as he spurted his release, and she swallowed hard, tilting her head to let the thick fluid slide down the back of her throat. He moved one hand to grab the chain connecting to her clit and tugged hard on it. Intense pleasure/pain surged through the furled knot and up to her distended nipples. A shiver skated over her body as he pulled it again and again. One final thrust of his hips, one final release, and he rested his hands on her shoulders, spent and depleted.

Tucker withdrew carefully, using one lean finger to tenderly wipe a little drop of fluid that clung to the head of his dick then rested it on her lower lip. Angel swiped her tongue slowly across her lips, her eyes fixed on his, and she was pleased to see the flare of heat.

“Easy, Angel girl.” His chest heaved. “You might kill me if we’re not careful. I need some breathing space here.”

“Then move aside,” Justin told him, nudging him so he could take his place in front of her.

Lust curled in her stomach as she pressed the flat of her tongue on the head of Justin’s cock. Lordy, he tasted just as good as his brother. And his male scent was just as arousing.

“You ready, sweet thing? Or you need a few more minutes to catch your breath?”

“How about a little wine to refresh her?” Tucker suggested.

He reached toward a cooler sitting on the table near the bench, lifted out a bottle of wine, and poured some into a wineglass. Angel’s eyes widened when she saw the label, her favorite. A riesling from one of the Hill Country wineries. A warm feeling coursed through her as she realized they’d taken some care with tonight’s arrangements, even checking on her favorite wine. She’d had a lot of threesomes since she started coming to Rawhide and, while the men were always attentive and took care she was as satisfied as they were, they hadn’t paid attention to the little details. The things that told her she was something more in their eyes.

They feel it, too, that extra something. But I have to be careful here. Find out what it is they’re looking for.

Justin held the wineglass while she drank from it, slow sips, letting the crisp flavor roll around on her tongue, feeling the soothing effect of the wine as it coursed through her. One of his strong hands steadied her head, his thumb caressing her temple with a gesture that was tender and affectionate.

“Thank you,” she told him when half the wine was gone. “I’m good to go.”

“Me, too, darlin’.” His voice held the rough edge of unfulfilled lust. “Me, too.”

His cock was just slightly larger than his brother’s, and it stretched her lips as he eased it along her tongue. His fingers threaded through her hair, holding her head to move it at a better angle.

“Tilt your head back,” he commanded.

Angel obeyed, tipping it back as far as she could. She breathed through her nose as Justin slid his cock over her lower lip into her mouth. He eased the swollen shaft over her tongue slowly until the head touched her throat. She had to force herself not to gag as he filled every space in her mouth and still she hadn’t taken all of him.

“Slow,” he ordered. “Slow and steady. You can do it, Angel. I want all of me in your mouth.”

He rocked his hips back and forth, shifting her head to accommodate each forward thrust.

“Teeth,” he commanded.

Angel obediently scraped her teeth lightly over the velvet skin, the rounded head of his cock pushing further down her throat with each movement. She willed the muscles of her throat to relax. Closing her eyes, she gave herself over to the seductive rhythm, lips tightening, cheeks hollowing as she worked the hard length of him.

Her mouth was stretched to the ultimate, and she had to suppress the urge to hurry. Justin obviously intended for this to last until she was at the limit of her endurance, and she did her best to accommodate him. At last, she felt the pulsing of that huge cock inside her mouth, the sign that his orgasm was imminent.

When he came, it was with forceful spurts that filled her mouth. She swallowed convulsively with each pump of his hips, each pulsation of his shaft, until she’d drawn the last drop from him and he eased himself from her grasp.

“She’s a damn treasure,” Justin muttered to his brother. “How did we get so lucky?”

“We won’t be unless we give her what we promised earlier. You know we always keep our word.”

“Then let’s get to it.” Justin lifted her in his strong arms. “I’m definitely in the mood to show her how grateful we are.”

Carrying her to the bed, he laid her down and loosened the buckskin binding her wrists. He rubbed her arms to ease the strain then pulled them over her head, retying the leather strips to the headboard. Tucker lay down beside her, one large hand smoothing over her skin and cupping each breast. Justin crawled up between her legs, spreading them wide and bending them at the knees so her feet were planted firmly on the mattress. With his thumbs, he peeled back the lips of her cunt, leaving her pussy completely open to his hungry gaze, and Angel knew she was dripping wet. Just the anticipation of what was about to happen made her throb with hunger.

“Beautiful,” Justin breathed, staring at her exposed intimate flesh. “Don’t you agree, bro?”

But Tucker could only mumble his answer as his mouth was closed around one hard, pebbled nipple. The bud was so tender from being clamped that even a slight suction sent arrows of heat through Angel’s body. He pulled on the chain again, increasing the pleasurable bite of pain and sucked harder.

When Justin trailed a line with his tongue the length of her slit, Angel arched her hips off the bed. Already so aroused from having both brothers fuck her mouth, the slightest touch to any of her intimate areas was like setting a match to every nerve. And the Davis twins definitely knew what to do with their mouths, no doubt about it.

As Tucker sucked and lightly grazed each nipple, his warm hand making soft circles on her tummy, Justin lapped every inch of her inner and outer pussy lips, stopping now and then to flick the tip of his tongue back and forth over her distended clit. Soon she forgot everything except the kaleidoscope of sensations rocketing through her body. And adding to it all was the thick dildo filling her ass, one more area of stimulation when her body was already being pushed to the limit.

The moment Justin slid his stiffened tongue into her pussy and at the same time pinched her clit, her orgasm broke loose. The brothers drove her further and further into an erotic fog as they worked her through the spasms, wringing the last shudder from her, the last pulsation.

At last she lay spent, limp, chest heaving as she dragged in air, heartbeat racing.

“Rest, baby,” Justin murmured in her ear. “The evening’s just begun.”

She was barely aware of Tucker easing the clamps from her body and rubbing soothing balm on the tormented tissues. Or of the soft kisses they showered everywhere on her body. Or the gentle strokes as they brought her down from her orgasmic high. She only knew she felt adored and coddled and whatever was going on she didn’t want it to end.






Chapter Six


Angel sat in the high cab of the dual Davis Feedlot pickup, Justin on her left behind the wheel, Tucker on her right, his arm draped casually across her shoulders. Sunlight kissed the pastures and rolling landscape of the Hill Country, creating beautiful images as they sped down the highway toward La Mirada. On any other occasion, she’d be mesmerized. But today butterflies danced an irregular rhythm in her stomach as they drew closer and closer to the small town.

Six weeks had passed since their first night together at Rawhide. Six weeks of the most incredible sex she’d ever experienced in her life. But more than that, each night together had been a building block toward a more permanent relationship.

They’d only in the last week or so really begun to explore what was happening among them. Talked a lot about themselves, opening up a little more each time they were together. Tiptoeing around what no one had come right out and said—was there a chance to make this permanent?

The emotion was there, no question about it. What they shared at Rawhide was intense because of that emotion, because of the feelings they were all a little nervous about stating out loud.

Angel sensed that old hurts were hanging around on the twins’ side as well as hers. A failed relationship like the one she had? Whatever it was had apparently affected Justin more than Tucker because, except during sex, it was obviously that he was holding back. No one had come right out and talked about where they might be headed, but today was a big step forward.

Although they’d learned a lot about each other, shared stories and history, this was the first time they’d be together outside the protected environment of the club. They’d picked her up right after lunch with plans to show her their life outside the club. The brothers wanted her to see the feedlot and their home just on the edge of town.

And later they were invited to the Hallidays’ for barbecue with some other friends Reece and Katie wanted her to meet.

“They’re all in the life,” Tucker assured her, “so you don’t have to feel self-conscious about anything.”

“But none of them has a ménage arrangement, right?” she’d asked nervously.

“No,” he answered. “But it’s not anything they’d see as unusual, either.”

But what about the rest of the town?

What if they moved forward with the thing they were all dancing around? None of them had yet openly expressed their real feelings about each other, or said the big “L” word. It was almost as if they were afraid to take that last big step forward.

Angel couldn’t have asked for two more compassionate or caring men when it came to sex. Any lingering reservations she had about latent jealousy or possession had long been set to rest. And in the soft, relaxing times between intense sexual activities, they talked easily with each other. But now they were taking the whole thing “outside,” so to speak. And she was doing her best to conceal the sudden attack of nerves. What if this turned out to be another situation like the one with Brad and Hal?

“It’ll be fine, Angel,” Tucker said, taking one of her small hands in his larger one. “We just want you to see where we live and run our business. Get a flavor for the countryside. See if you like it.”

“Because?” she asked

“Because,” Justin answered, “I think we all know the direction we’re headed, even though we’ve been dancing around it the past couple of weeks. The two of us have…very strong feelings for you, so it’s important to us that you’re comfortable with our lifestyle here.”

Angel wiped one hand on her jeans. “Lifestyle. Right.”

“We haven’t really talked a lot about the future, darlin’,” Tucker added. “We wanted you to see firsthand what we’re all about. But I think even before we say the words, we all know where this is going.”

“And your friends and neighbors?” she prompted.

“Our friends will accept however we live and our neighbors can adjust or not.”

“What about your customers?” she persisted. “Wouldn’t it affect business if you had living arrangements so different from everyone else’s?”

Justin’s chuckle was only partially humorous. “We run the best feedlot in this part of the state. As long as we keep doing that, customers will stick with us.”

Angel wasn’t all that sure. And she had her own situation to think about. Masterson was still dangling the possibility of the junior partnership like a carrot just out of reach on a long stick. She knew the firm expected exemplary behavior of its staff, but she hoped a partnership would be the insurance that they’d turn a blind eye to her living arrangements. If it came to that, did she have the guts to move forward without that safety net?

“I can hear your brain sizzling,” Tucker teased. He squeezed her shoulder. “Relax, darlin’. Everything will be fine.”

Angel wasn’t so sure, but she had to tuck her thoughts away because they’d reached the feedlot. A split rail archway marked the impressive entrance with a sandblasted sign that read Davis Feedlot hanging from iron hooks. Barbed wire fencing stretched in either direction and disappeared as it wound around the property. Justin rolled down his window, leaned out and punched a code into a pad on a metal stand. Iron gates swung open smoothly, the truck rolled through and the gates shut behind them.

Angel had grown up in Texas but her exposure had been more to cities than ranchland. Her nodding acquaintance with cattle and horses had been via the few rodeos she’d attended. She was flabbergasted at the sea of brown, black, and white hides stretching further than she could see. Through the open window of the truck, she could hear the bawling of the cattle and something that sounded like moaning.

“Are they all right?” she asked nervously. “They sound like they’re in pain.”

Justin laughed. “That’s just good conversation in cattle language. Come on. We’ll introduce you to the ‘family.’”

She was slightly hesitant when Tucker leaped down then reached a hand to help her out.

“It’s okay,” he coaxed. “We don’t bite and neither will they.”

She knew if she wanted this situation to move forward, she’d better get over whatever was spooking her. Justin came around and took one hand while Tucker curled his hand around the other and they led her toward the pens. Two pickups were carefully maneuvered among the cattle, each with a cowboy in the bed who threw down a bale of hay whenever they reached what looked like a long metal feeder. As hot as the day was, the workers riding the truck beds had stripped off their shirts and their tanned skin and muscular bodies gleamed with a combination of dust and sweat. If she wasn’t so besotted with the Davis twins, any of them might have made her mouth water.

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