Buckskins, Boots & Bondage (Cowboy Kink) (7 page)

BOOK: Buckskins, Boots & Bondage (Cowboy Kink)
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Fifteen years ago, if someone had told him tying a woman up and fucking her senseless would incite an intense orgasm, he would have said they were crazy. But life had certainly changed, beginning with the realization that the real happiness he and his brother sought depended on a woman to share who accepted both of them as Masters. Who wanted to build a life with both of them.

Meeting Angel Cruz had been like stepping into the middle of a fireworks display. Usually, he was the one who held back. Who tested the waters. Put up the caution flag. Especially after what happened when he and Tucker had tried a permanent relationship once before. With Holly, who had tossed them out without a backward glance. And now he needed to be extra careful since they were playing in their own backyard, something they’d never done before.

But Angel was lightning in a bottle. Exotic. Erotic. Unbelievably responsive. And that crackle of electricity was more than sex. He knew it down to the soles of his custom Lucchese boots. He kept reminding himself to maintain a slow pace, regardless of Tucker’s enthusiasm. But after the other night, he was hornier than a teenager and almost salivating at the things he wanted the three of them to do.

He was the one who told Clint exactly what he wanted in the room the three of them would share tonight. He also made it clear that he expected them to have the room overnight. Tucker had pestered the shit out of him so okay, he’d try to go along with his brother’s instincts. His body certainly wanted to.

Tucker clapped him on the back. “Glad you’re getting into this a little more, bro. ‘Cause I swear she’s what we’ve been looking for. And tonight we’ll find out exactly how compatible she is sexually.” He sipped his drink. “I’m getting tired of just the two of us in that big house, and we aren’t getting any younger. I want us to be settled.”

Justin gave him a tight smile. “We’ll see. I said I’d try to have an open mind. That’s the best I can do.” His face sobered. “But I don’t intend to let my reservations get in the way of off the wall sex.”

But first she had to show up. What if she’d changed her mind? What if she’d decided he and Tuck weren’t what she was looking for?

Stop it. This isn’t you. You’re the level head here, just like Tucker said.

They almost hadn’t come tonight. Reece Halliday had called just as they were closing the office for the day with some disturbing information.

“You guys having trouble with any of your clients?” he asked.

“No,” Tucker, who’d taken the call, answered him. “Why? What’s up?”

“I don’t know much, but I heard someone’s out for your asses big time and they’ve hired a high-priced law firm to do it.”

“Are you sure?” he frowned. “I really can’t think of anyone.”

“Well, maybe I heard wrong. I’ll nose around and see what else I can find out.”

The lure of seeing Angel had been too strong, so they’d put their worries aside and showed up as they planned.

About the time he was ready to tap his watch to see if the battery was dead, he saw her enter the lounge and the sight of her made his cock harden painfully. She was wearing buckskin again tonight—a short skirt that left nothing to the imagination and a vest with all but one button open. Her breasts were exposed to the nipples and bounced slightly as she walked. The boots tonight were chocolate brown, and her wonderful thick black hair was braided with strips of buckskin woven into it.

She smiled the moment she spotted them and headed right for them. Rather than waiting for Tucker to take the lead as he usually did, Justin rose and, as soon as she was close enough, cupped her face with his hands and gave her a deep, hot, open-mouthed kiss. As if she’d been as hungry for them as they were for her, she opened her mouth at once and welcomed his tongue. He licked every inner surface, drinking her sweet taste. Their tongues danced together in a heated waltz until Tucker’s voice broke into their cocoon.

“Don’t you think you should leave something for me, big brother?” he asked in an amused tone.

With a supreme effort, Justin broke the kiss, struggled to get his breathing under control and sat back down on the couch, arranging Angel on his lap. With a flick of his fingers, he opened the button on her vest, spilling her breasts out to where he could palm each one and rasp his thumb across the nipples.

Tucker shifted on the couch so his hand rested easily on her thigh and slid up beneath her skirt. The nipple Justin was teasing hardened instantly against his touch, and Angel’s breathing hitched unevenly. He wanted to tie her up and fuck her right this minute, but he and Tucker had agreed they’d do a little more talking first. Only damn, it was hard when his cock was shoving insistently against his fly.

“I have to confess,” Tucker said lazily, “we Googled you this week.”

Angel tensed.

Justin nibbled the lobe of her ear. “Easy, darlin’. We just wanted to know a little about you. The public you.”

“So you saw my profile on the M&D web site?”

“Uh huh.” He traced little lines with his tongue in the delicate shell of her ear, trying to relax her. “You’re a very sharp lady. Bright. Moving up in the world.”

She was still tense on his lap. Justin palmed one of her breasts and rubbed it gently. He nodded at Tucker who was working on her pussy. But something was bothering her.

Justin licked her ear again. “What is it, darlin’? You mad because we looked you up? We liked you so much we wanted to know a little more about you.”

“And so what did you think? About my being ‘bright? Moving up in the world?’”

“We thought how lucky we are to have found someone who has a brain to go with her body,” Tucker said. “We might look like dumb cowboys, but both of us have masters degrees in agribusiness from Texas A&M.”

“I don’t think you’re dumb cowboys at all,” she protested.

“And brains don’t scare us. So let’s forget about all that and think about tonight.”

“Yeah,” Justin added, “because I’m damn horny. I think it’s time we moved to the room we reserved.”


Angel had been pleasantly surprised that Justin, the quieter of the two, seemed to be taking the lead tonight. She’d thought Tucker was the dominant partner, but now it seemed they shared that role. Good. That eliminated so many problems and created a good comfort zone in the situation. No one was threatened by anyone else.

She just hoped they weren’t threatened by her. Their words had eased some of her anxiety, but old hurts had a way of clinging.

Stop it. Enjoy yourself.

As soon as Justin locked the door to the room, Tucker flipped the switch to let some soft music filter in through the recessed speakers. A press of a button and a faint aroma of sandalwood drifted into the room.

The two men undressed her in what seemed to be an orchestrated rhythm, smoothing their hands over her skin as they unveiled each portion.

“I want to see that beautiful hair loose like it was the other night.” Justin’s voice was husky as his fingers deftly unwound the braid and eased out the strips of buckskin. He kissed her bare shoulders as he threaded his fingers through her hair to spread it out.

“Take off your clothes,” she pleaded. “I like to look at you.”

Tucker chuckled. “We can do that. After.”

“After what?”

“After we get you arranged the way we want.”

Justin took the buckskin he’d removed from her braid and used it to bind her wrists behind her. When he finished, his hands smoothed over the curve of her ass before he trailed his fingers through the hot crevice. Angel shivered as he lightly rimmed the puckered ring of her anus. “Tucker got to fuck you here the other night. Tonight, it’s my turn. I’ve been thinking about it all week.”

Anticipation curled low in her tummy. Justin’s cock was slightly bigger than his brother’s, and she could imagine it filling every inch of her.

While Justin stroked his hands up and down her hips and over her ass, Tucker was sucking her nipples, pulling them with his lips and scraping them with his teeth. When they were swollen and stiff, he picked up a set of clamps from the table and slowly fastened each one in place.

“Adding a little something extra tonight,” he told her.

Lean fingers slid through the slick lips of her pussy, finding and tweaking her clit. The next thing she felt was the cool kiss of metal as a tiny clamp closed around the bundle of nerves. She looked down and saw that a chain was looped from one nipple clamp to another with a third strand of chain linking to the clamp on her clit.

Tucker yanked lightly on the longer piece of slender metal, and heat surged through her nipples and her swollen bud. She bowed slightly forward, wanting to squeeze her thighs together against the sudden rush of need in her pussy.

Justin lifted her in his arms and carried her to a low padded bench, arranging her on her knees with a pillow to support her head. When his hand came down on one cheek of her ass, she shook with the sensations that spread to her thighs and the lips of her cunt. Then a second blow fell, and a third.

Tucker’s chuckle was low and heated. “Man, we could spank your ass forever, Angel girl. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one that turns a prettier shade of red.”

Justin pinched one buttock cheek lightly before smacking her flesh again. But then, instead of more spankings, his fingers probed her anus, spreading gel on the outside and easing inside the hot dark channel. One finger then two, scissoring to stretch the delicate tissues.

“A little extra treat tonight.” Justin smoothed his palm over her buttocks, then brought his hand down one last time. “Take a deep breath, darlin’.”

Angel obediently drew in her breath as one pair hands spread the cheeks of her ass while another pressed the familiar tip of a dildo to her well-lubed anus. She loved the feeling of helplessness that having her hands bound gave her. But even more, she loved the harmony in which the two men worked. Tucker lightly pinched and soothed her ass as Justin slowly but steadily inserted the dildo until she had taken it all.

The toy was hard and unyielding, sliding in increments into her hot dark tunnel. Her body seemed to expand to adjust to it as Justin inserted it deeper and deeper. As it pressed against the thin membrane separating her rectum and her vagina, heat spread into her pussy and her inner muscles spasmed with need. She felt full. So full. Holy shit, she felt as if the biggest cock in the world was in the grasp of her body and still she wanted more.

Justin bent his head and nipped her earlobe then murmured, “Good girl. Do you like having your ass filled that way?”

“Yes. Yes, I do.”

“Good, because later on, my cock’s replacing the dildo and you’ll like that even more.” He reached in front of her and tugged on the chain connecting the nipple clamps to the one on her clit. Electricity zinged through her, the muscles in her pussy clenching in need.

They lifted her and turned her on the bench so she was facing them. In unison, they toed off their custom dress boots and pushed them to the side. Next came their shirts and slacks, and finally their boxer briefs. Angel swallowed hard as the two magnificent cocks sprang free, one from a dark nest of curls, the other from a lighter one. Both had plum-colored heads with tiny drops of fluid sitting atop the slit. Sacs hung beneath them and lay heavily against hard-muscled thighs. Angel’s mouth watered just looking at them.

“We always try to be fair about things,” Justin said in his slow drawl. “It’s important that all of us be satisfied. What we’d like, Angel darlin’, is for you to suck each of us off, if you don’t think that’s too much. Then I’m gonna use my mouth on you while Tucker sucks those gorgeous tortured nipples. That sound okay to you?”

Okay? Did that sound okay? Were they kidding?

At the same time, she really appreciated the consideration they were showing her and that invisible something that she’d felt from the beginning snapped between them again. She barely knew them, yet already she sensed a connection that was more than just the sex.

“Angel?” Tucker prompted.

She blinked, realizing they were waiting for an answer from her. “Yes, that’s fine. Of course I want to.” She wet her lips. “Who goes first?”

“Me, darlin’.” Tucker stepped forward. “I get to fuck that beautiful mouth first tonight, so open wide.”

Angel balanced herself on her knees, spreading them enough to give herself balance and opened her mouth. Tucker held his shaft lightly as he guided it past her lips into her mouth, sliding it over her tongue.

“Good.” His voice was slightly uneven. “That’s real good. God, your mouth feels like heaven, so hot and wet. Now tighten your lips around it.”

She did, moving her head up and down and letting her lips drag against the soft skin covering the steel-hard cock. He filled her mouth so completely she had to work to bring her tongue into play, but she managed to swirl it around the head each time she drew back. When she slid back down to the root, she scored it lightly with her teeth. He tasted incredible, the flavor of his musk tantalizing.

Glancing to her left, she saw that Justin had wrapped his fingers around his own cock, lightly stroking from root to tip as his eyes drank in the sight of her sucking his brother’s rod. Heat shimmered through her and the pulse in her cunt beat faster.

Tucker threaded his fingers through her hair and clamped them against her head, guiding her movements. His hips moved now, accelerating the pace, and she sucked harder and faster. His hands steadied her as she moved with the rhythm. His cock swelled even more and a groan rumbled up from his chest.

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