Bronwyn Scott's Sexy Regency Bundle (276 page)

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Authors: Bronwyn Scott

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Collections & Anthologies, #General

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'The retribution the Ottoman army meted out to them was horrific. Villages were plundered, women and children were killed. The army finally advanced to Dimitri's village in Negush. He'd been taken prisoner earlier and I had seen him just once. He made me swear to look after his family. He knew what was coming and that he faced certain death.'

sound at the door intruded.



The Viscount Claims His Bride

away from Valerian, startled by the noise.

rushed forwards, a thousand apologies falling from his lips. 'My lord, they would not wait to be received. My lord.. .

large group of men flooded on to the terrace behind Steves, led by none other than Lucien Canton.

Valerian rose, placing himself as shield between and Lucien. His face was grim, set in threatening lines. But

rose beside him, lacing her

hand through his. Fear lanced through her. She wished she'd told Valerian about the letter. Lucien wasn't here to squabble over her. He was here for Valerian. 'I love you, Val,'


hastily. His hand tightened around hers in response and then he let it go.

'What is the meaning of this, Canton? You cannot just invade a man's home at will.' He crossed his arms, looking imposing and making the most of his two-inch height advantage over Lucien.

Canton thrust forwards a legal-looking document.

'I find anything is possible when one has a warrant for arrest,' Canton said icily. 'The rules no longer apply to you, St Just. You're under arrest for a crime of the highest order.'

Valerian managed to not look surprised. He merely raised his eyebrows and said, 'What would that be?'

Lucien met him with a level stare. 'That would be treason, my lord.'

Chapter Seventeen

'Treason? On what grounds?' Valerian responded in a tone that suggested he found the claims laughable.

Lucien was not appreciating the humour Valerian found in the situation.

fought the urge to

warn Valerian not to toy with Lucien's temper overmuch. Valerian might not be concerned, but was scared. This was her fault. She should have been more discreet when refusing Lucien's proposal. She should not have come to so

soon after rejecting Lucien, giving him the impression she'd chosen Valerian over him. She should have told Valerian about the letter. He would have been prepared.

'I do not care for your

claims of innocence,

St Just. You know exactly what you've done. And I know it too. You killed British allies at the Negush Uprising in 1822 for the express purpose of assisting the rebellion,' Lucien spat out.


The Viscount Claims His Bride

felt Valerian stiffen beside her. 'How convenient it must be to label someone a traitor for unproved suppositions that occurred eight years and two thousand miles away,' Valerian snapped. 'I had no idea it was so easy to paint someone with the traitor's brush these days,' he mocked. 'Now, get out while you can. My footmen will not hesitate to use force.'

'And neither will we.' Lucien gestured to the men with him. 'I've brought a few of his Majesty's finest to ensure that you come with us in one way or another. Although you think the claims are flimsy, there are those in power who believe the claims are well substantiated,' Lucien said with a sneer.

'Did your father get you the warrant?' Valerian would not be cowed by the Lucien's assertion.

would have laughed if the situation wasn't proving to be so dire.

One of the soldiers stepped forwards. 'I am sorry, for the inconvenience. You will have to come with us and explain yourself to the justice system.' He held out cuffs. 'If you would please come peaceably.'

'Where are you taking him?'


around Valerian, cold horror knotting in her stomach.

'To London. It is where all good traitors are tried.

And hung,' Lucien added.

'Stop this right now, Lucien. You've gone too far and you have no proof, only suppositions,'

tried vainly to reason. She could not believe Lucien would do this. The wonderful, sunny morning was turning nightmarish.

For the

time since he'd intruded on to the


back terrace, Lucien seemed to notice her.

did not drop her gaze from his intense stare. She was not certain what Lucien would do in regards to her.

She expected he might rail at her in his jealousy. She thought he might bring up the damning letter he'd sent warning her. But Lucien did something worse than what she anticipated.

'Gentlemen, if you would excuse me. I would like a private word with the Duchess.' He was all politeness and manners. 'Perhaps we could step inside?' he suggested when she hesitated.

Valerian looked ready to tear Lucien to bits. 'If you harm her, I will see you dead.' Valerian's eyes flashed with menace as Lucien offered her his arm.

'Dig a little deeper, St Just,' Lucien snarled before raising his voice. 'Did you hear that, gentlemen?

The viscount is threatening me with bodily harm.'

Once inside, Lucien faced

with an in-

scrutable expression. 'Philippa, I am sorry you had to be here for this. I would have spared you if I could have. I did try to warn you.' Lucien was all sympathetic friend.

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