Bronwyn Scott's Sexy Regency Bundle (262 page)

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Authors: Bronwyn Scott

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The Viscount Claims His Bride

smooth, male

Her fingernails lightly raked his

nipples, causing Valerian to gasp in sensual delight.

Empowerment swept through Philippa. She reached for the waist of his trousers and the rigid length of his manhood. At her touch, everything transformed. They came alive as lovers, no longer tender friends but something much more demanding, more animate.

Heat engulfed them. She felt

hands on

her body, caressing as they made short work of her clothing until she was entirely naked to his hot gaze.

His green eyes burned with an incinerating desire.

In a fluid motion, he bent and grabbed her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. He followed her down on to the mattress, surrounding her with his taut body, aroused and ready for love.

She offered up her body and he took it, suckling at one breast, then the other, worshipping with every kiss and caress.

arched against him, caress-

ing his hair, his shoulders, anywhere she could reach.

The man who rose over her was magnificent and wild, treating her to pleasures she had not imagined existed. She parted her legs for him, feeling herself growing unabashedly damp from his efforts. He sank between her thighs, taking himself in hand and manoeuvring smoothly to her entrance. He tested her readiness. She felt herself stretch at the fullness of his member, accommodating, taking, begging for more until she felt his sex pressing against her very womb, so deep was he inside.

He moved and began the ancient rhythm, his breathing coming in ragged pants. She closed her



eyes and gave herself over to the sensations surging through her. She felt as if she was standing on the edge of a cliff, each step taking her closer to an edge where something wonderful awaited if she would only jump.

She wrapped her legs about Valerian's waist, urging him on, to help her jump. Her hands clung to his muscled shoulders. She could feel the unbridled strength of his arms as he kept his full weight from pressing down on her. She started to shudder.

'Open your eyes, Philippa.'

Her eyes flew open at the last moment. She heard herself gasp in pleasure as she plunged over the cliff, soaring and falling at the same time. And Valerian was with her, shuddering his own release, his eyes dark with his passion, his body slick with his exertions. He collapsed against her, spent. She could feel the fast thump of his heart and knew her own pulse was racing in the glorious aftermath of what they'd done.

Valerian shifted to his side and she snuggled into the nest of his body, revelling in the safety and warmth of his strong arms. Nothing could hurt her here, nothing could reach her. 'Val?' she whispered.

'Hmm?' His hand tightened around her waist.

'I never hated you. I couldn't bring myself to do so, not really.' In her drowsy state, she recognised it for the truth it was. She'd wanted to hate him, she'd forced herself to it. But it had been a hard battle and tonight she was glad it was one battle she had lost.

awoke late the next morning, giddy with her realisations. She was free to love Valerian. For


The Viscount Claims His Bride


time in years, she could follow the dictates of her heart and never mind the doubts her mind tossed up as facts.

arm was still around her

waist. When had she ever slept so soundly that she hadn't moved an inch? But when

she ever felt

so secure that she could lay down her burdens long enough to sleep undisturbed?

Behind her, Valerian began to stir. She squirmed experimentally and felt the jut of his straining morning erection against her buttocks. Wanton desire rocketed through her, along with a healthy measure of curiosity. Could last night be repeated or was the intensity of her feelings unique? Would she feel that way each time she made love She was out of her depth here. It had never been like this with Cambourne. She'd not known how powerful a coupling could be until last night.

Valerian nipped at her earlobe, whispering love words as he positioned himself. Dear lord, he was going to take her from behind. Such a strange position caused her a moment's panic. She tensed.

'Val? What are you doing?' She knew, technically, but she wasn't sure it worked in practice. 'Does this actually work?'

Valerian gave a low, sensual chuckle and hugged her close. 'Yes. Relax and let me show you. I won't hurt you. This is new to

His free hand gently

rubbed her shoulders, massaging away the tension.

'This position is a woman's gift to a man. She is at her most vulnerable here,' he explained softly. 'But it allows a man to penetrate her more deeply than other positions.'


He gave a gentle thrust.

gasped. There

was something exceedingly decadent and yet wondrous about the position. There was no doubt that she had all of him and she revelled in the feel of him so completely entrenched inside her. It didn't take long for either of them to reach their pleasure, Valerian holding her tight as he poured his warm seed deep inside her.

He held her close, letting his release shudder over him in waves. She was silent, a sure sign her mind was rampant with questions, thoughts.

She dared her question once the initial wave of ecstasy had subsided. 'Is it supposed to be like this all the time?' She turned in his arms to face him, pushing hair back from his face.

'No, not always.' Valerian answered carefully. It was inevitable she'd ask, wonder about the that had floated back to England, most of them clear exaggerations of a truth only he knew. He rather wished she hadn't asked at such an inopportune time, though, when he'd rather lie with her in peace instead of fencing with her dragon of a temper.

She seemed to contemplate his answer. 'Has it been like this for you before?'

An even worse question than her

one. 'Not

really.' How could he explain to her that a man could enjoy such a release on a purely physical level without the emotions that had accompanied what passed between them? How could he make her understand that there was a different sort of satisfaction to be had, but that it didn't compare in the least with what he'd done with her? Nothing ever would.

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