Broken Heart 01 I'm the Vampire, That's Why (38 page)

BOOK: Broken Heart 01 I'm the Vampire, That's Why
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"But a few must've escaped."

"Enough to retaliate by bombing the gym."

"And to kidnap Patrick." Panic burbled through me again, but I quelled the clawing fear. He wasn't dead. I would
if Patrick was dead.

I also knew that the Wraiths would return to Broken Heart. If Ron had escaped the destruction of the caves, he would come back with a lot more bad guys. Not only to get the cure for the disease he'd probably put out into the vampire world, but also for revenge. He seemed like the kind of guy who relished punishing people.

While Lor checked out the front, I hurried toward the back. On my right was the tiny hallway that led to the restrooms. At the end of it was the opened door leading to the storage room. In less than a minute, I'd found the entrance to the basement.

A bare bulb hung from the ceiling, its paltry light barely illuminating the space.

"Patrick!" The swords clattered to the concrete and I rushed to him, kneeling on his left side. "Lorcan!

He's down here!"

Within a second, Lor was kneeling on the other side of his brother.

Patrick's shirt was missing. And his shoes and socks. All he wore was the pair of black Dockers I'd last
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seen him in. He looked paler than usual, but other than the big gaping hole in the middle of his chest…

God oh God. Who was I kidding? I tried not to give way to panic.

"It'll heal," I said, hearing the desperation in my voice. "He's a vampire. An ancient one. He has more power in his little pinky than most vampires have in their whole bodies. This is nothing. It's… a… a scratch."

"Jessica. They took his heart."

I looked at him, not understanding. Vampires were dead. We didn't need things like hearts and lungs and bladders. So, Patrick wouldn't have a heart. He'd live. That was the important thing. He'd live.

"When a human is Turned, certain organs are no longer needed and they shut down," explained Lor in a quiet voice. "However, we need our hearts. After we feed, we require the heart to pump the blood through us. Once it does, it shuts down."

"But I thought a vampire could only be killed if his head was cut off or he walked into the dawn. I mean… a stake to the heart won't kill us, right? He's alive right now."

"Because he's ancient and stubborn." Lor looked at me, and I saw the truth in his gaze.

"You can't expect me to say good-bye to him. He's my soul mate. I love him."

"I'm so sorry, Jessica," said Lor. "But a vampire can't live without a heart." He paused, obviously gauging how to comfort me. "If it's any consolation, you're lucky you are not bound to him. Otherwise—"

"I know. I would be dying, too. Except Lor… I am dying." I waved him away. "Go away. Just…

please. I'll call you in a minute."

Lor turned into mist and slipped away, leaving me alone with Patrick. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I understand now. At least… I think I do." I took a precious second to steady myself then hollered, "Ruadan, you get your ass here now!"

He appeared instantly, kneeling on the opposite side of his son, where Lor had been moments ago. He looked down at his dying boy, for the second time in four millennia, and smiled sadly.

"You could've mentioned this part," I said.

"Well… that's the problem with seeing into the future. Too many variables." He brushed a lock of hair away from Patrick's forehead. "It's easy to sacrifice for a child."

That was the last thing I expected him to say. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"A child earns sacrifice just by being beloved of his parents. For a woman, born of her body. For a man, created by his seed. Is it a difficult choice… your life for the lives of your children?"

"No. Of course not. My kids are important. More important than anything. Even me."

"Yeah. I know. And I think it's easier to give up your life for your kids than to risk your heart for the love of a soul mate."

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What a stupid thing to say. I looked at Patrick. He was leaving the world before I could right the wrongs between us. I loved him… and Ruadan was sitting here asking me how much I loved him. If I loved him more than my children. Damnation. Love wasn't a strong enough word for how I felt about Patrick. "He said something to me once. Something important. And beautiful.
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," said Ruadan. "My heart is within you."

I nodded. I got it. I finally freaking got it. And it was okay. Patrick had gone beyond the veil to find me, to return me to the earthly plane. He'd given me back my life twice and never asked for one thing in return. How was that for love? For sacrifice? "You'll make sure Jenny and Bryan go toParis ? And if you do get them Porsches, you make sure they go to driving school. Or rocket school. I'm not sure what the classification of a Porsche is."

"What are you saying, Jessica?"

"His heart," I said softly, "is within me." I looked at Ruadan, resolved. "What are you waiting for? Give it to him already!"

"You would give your heart to him so that he would live? What about Jenny and Bryan?"

"I'm their mother. My only wish is for them to be protected, happy, and loved. They have all of those things because of Patrick. And so do I." I waved my hands at him. I was terrified to do this. To make this offer. My mind flew to my kids who seemed content enough in the RV. Jenny played with her Bratz dolls.Bryan had discovered an Xbox and a stash of Pepsis.
Ilove you
, I sent into their minds.
I love you,
my babies

I looked at Ruadan. "Well? Go on. Give my heart to your son."

Ruadan grinned. "You already have." He looked down at Patrick. "Is she always so melodramatic?"

"Sometimes," croaked Patrick, his eyes opening. "But she's so cute, I put up with it."

"Patrick!" I leaned down and peppered kisses on his face. "I'm here. Oh honey, I'm here. I love you.

Don't forget that, okay? I love you a lot."

"I know,
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"Are you ready, Jessica?"

"Yes." I held Patrick's hand, staring into his gorgeous silver eyes. "I love you," I said again. "I don't think that can be overstated." Then, taking a deep breath, I looked at Ruadan and waited.

He put out his hand, palm side up, and aimed it at my chest. In amazement, I watched gold glittering swirls form. With his other hand, he pointed at his own chest. Red magic seeped out, whirling to join the gold. They bound together, a circle of pulsating light, and drifted like a big snowflake into Patrick's chest wound. "I call upon the
and the
," Ruadan prayed. "To heal their son, flesh of their flesh, magic of their magic. So do I will it, so mote it be."

I watched in terrified amazement as the whirling lights weaved into a heart. A real heart. The pulsating organ connected to the veins. Then the flesh sealed itself and within seconds, no wound existed at all. I stared at Patrick then looked at Ruadan, mouth gaping.

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"Neat, huh?" he said. "I like the sparkling lights the best."

?" I asked.

"Yep. Need a hand up, son?" He grasped his son's shoulder and hauled him to a sitting position.

"Thanks, Dad."

"You kids have fun!" He disappeared. Just
… and he was gone.

Patrick pulled me into his lap and kissed me until I was a puddle of goo. I wrenched my mouth from his and stared at him. "I don't understand."

"My father's a show-off, love."

"But the whole heart business…"

"The important thing, Jessica, is that you were willing to give your heart for mine. You love me that much?"

"Duh." I traced his face from temples to jaw. Happiness trilled through me. I loved this man. And he was mine oh mine. Woo-hoo! "Wanna go have hot all-the-way monkey sex?" I waggled my brows.

"So, you want to bind? You're sure?"

"Oh yeah. But I don't just want a hundred years." I cupped his face and looked at him, my beautiful vampire, and said, "I want you forever."

"It just so happens," said Patrick, "I have forever free."

My New Family

by Jennifer Matthews O'Halloran

My name is Jennifer. I am almost ten years old. I am
a vampire. Sometimes I wish I was a vampire so that I could bite my dumb big brother Bryan. He is a butthead.

I have a new daddy. His name is Patrick. He says I should always remember my real daddy. And just

'cause he died doesn't mean I have to stop loving him. I like Patrick.

When my new daddy and my mommy got married, Patrick gave her the same ring she always wears. I watched him put the heart on the outside of Mommy's finger. He says that means her heart is occupied.

Then Mommy put a chain with this pretty silver coin on it around his neck. Then they kissed and it was all

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