Broken (16 page)

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Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Broken
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Well, that caught my attention. “Really? What did she say?”

“Layton, please don’t do this to yourself.”

“I just asked a question, Reed. What was she saying?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. She was super pissed when Courtney told her Whitley’s been riding for years. Then, she just kept making comments.”

“Like, what kind of comments?” I wanted to grab him and shake it out of him.

“Dude, I don’t fucking know. Shit like, why were y’all taking so long to get back and what in the hell were y’all talking about. Layton, please don’t use Whitley. I like her. She seems really sweet. In a strange way, even Courtney is somewhat appealing.”

“She’s just a friend, Reed. I keep telling you that, and I’ve already told Olivia that. I can’t help what Olivia thinks. Are you staying here or going home to change?”

He looked down toward the floor. “Layton, it’s okay to move on. You know that, right? Mike would want you to be happy. And Olivia doesn’t deserve your love.”

I slapped him on the back and nodded. “I know he would, and I’m trying, Reed. I’ve only ever loved three people in my life since my mother died. Two of them left me, and I gave my heart and soul to Olivia. I just don’t think I can give it to anyone else.”

“Layton, you need someone to love. Everyone does. Just keep an open mind to it. That’s all I’m saying. I see how you look at Whitley, and I see how she looks at you. You’re both going to have to learn to let love back in.”

“What do you mean? What do you know about Whitley?”

Reed looked everywhere but at me as he started stepping back and forth.

“Reed!” I yelled.

“Fuck! Fine, but you can’t let her know that anyone knows. Please, Layton.”

“I won’t.” My heart was beating a mile a minute.

“I don’t know much, but I guess right when Whitley moved here, she went and saw Dr. Martin, and you know, Wes works there. Wes told me last night that Whitley had all kinds of bruises all over her body, including some really bad bruised ribs. She claimed she had been in a wreck, but Wes said it was classic abuse, and Dr. Martin questioned Whitley about it. I guess Whitley broke down and asked Dr. Martin not to tell a soul. She moved to Llano to get away from her ex and to start a new life.”

My knees about buckled out from underneath me, and I felt sick to my stomach. “Why in the fuck is your sister telling you that, Reed? That’s private information. Wes could get fired. Who in the hell else has she told?”

“Jesus, Layton! No one. The only reason she told me is because she saw me talking to Whitley, and Wes asked me to keep an eye on her and not to let her get hurt by some fuckwad. Wes was looking out for Whitley, Layton, that’s all. Wes told me she talked to Whitley. She really liked her and was just worried about her.”

I had to hold on to the counter.
Oh my God. What kind of an asshole would ever hit someone so amazing? Why would someone hit any woman at all?

“Reed…” I grabbed a chair and sat down. I put my head in my hands. I wanted to throw up. “But…she’s so headstrong. So…how could she ever let…how long?”

Reed shook his head. “I don’t know. Wes thought she’d heard Whitley tell the doc they’d been together since high school.”

“Fuck…that poor girl.”

“Please, Layton, don’t let her know you know. Wes could lose her job, and she instantly fell in love with Whitley’s sweet personality. Wes just wants someone to look after her.”

I nodded. “Of course…yeah, don’t worry, Reed. I’ll never bring it up to her.” I needed some fresh air. I stood and started toward the back door. “I need some air.”

“I’ll be by in a little bit. Layton?”

I stopped and waited for him to talk.

“Are you okay?”

I nodded and walked out the door. The moment I got outside, I practically ran toward the barn. When I got into the barn, I fell to the ground.

All I could see was her beautiful green eyes looking into mine—so sweet and innocent and so damn beautiful. The thought of some asshole beating her had my blood boiling over. If I knew who this guy was and where to find him, I would get on a plane and go beat the fucker until he couldn’t move.

“What am I supposed to do, Mike? I love Olivia…but Whitley has brought something out in me that I buried deep, so deep down inside. She makes me feel…happy…alive.” I laughed as I shook my head. “I’ve only known her two damn days. What the hell is wrong with me? Help me, Mike. I can’t take another woman hurting me. I won’t let it happen.”

I lay back and stared up at the ceiling of the barn. I closed my eyes and thought back to the day Mike and I had finished building this barn.

Senior Year

“Someday, Layton, you’re going to walk into this barn with the love of your life. You’re going to raise a family here. Both of us are.”

I laughed and smacked Mike on the back. “Dude, I’ve already brought Liv in here about twenty times while we’ve been building it.”

Mike frowned and walked to the other side of the barn to start putting up the tools.

“Why don’t you like Liv? I love her, Mike.”

He slowly turned and smiled at me. “Layton, it doesn’t really matter if I like Olivia or not.”

“It does, Mike. It means everything to me. When we get married, I don’t want my brother standing up next me, hating on the woman I’m about to marry.”

Mike took a deep breath and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “Layton, she doesn’t deserve you. She treats you like shit. I’m pretty sure she’s fucked around on you, and I just don’t trust her.”

“Wow. Shit, Mike, you certainly didn’t hold back. Olivia would never cheat on me—ever. You don’t know her like I do. She’s high-maintenance, yes, but I love her, and she loves me.”

Mike grinned as he walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Then, that’s all that matters, Layton. Just…please keep an open eye with her. I don’t believe in my heart that she’s the one for you. You’ve always had this dream of being with her. You’ve talked about her blonde hair and blue eyes.” He let out a gruff laugh. “Honestly, in my dreams, I see a beautiful brunette with stunning deep green eyes as the love of your life.”

I threw my head back and laughed. “Fucker…you just described your damn fiancée! I don’t think Jen would appreciate me moving in on her.”

Mike laughed and shook his head. “I’m just saying, please don’t rush into anything with Olivia. Get through school, we’ll finish up the house, and then let’s get our place up and running full speed. Keep your heart open, Layton. Keep it open for that one girl who’s going to wake up something deep down inside of you.”

I pulled out my cell phone and sent a text to Whitley.

Layton: It’s close to six. Y’all hungry?

Whitley: Yes! Done shopping, and I’m starving!

I sent her the address to where we were going to have dinner.

“This is where you’re taking them? Holy shit, dude. You do know that you’ve got thousands of dollars in your bank account, right?”

I turned around and looked at my favorite food trailer in Austin—Honky Tonk Hot Dogs.

“What? It’s a must to eat at a food trailer when you come to Austin. They’ll love it.”

“They’re from New York! Aren’t fucking food trailers all over the place there?”

I smiled as I shook my head and pulled out my ringing cell phone. “Hello?”

“Um…Layton, it’s Whitley. I don’t think you gave me the right address. The place where we are walking up to is like a food trailer park.”

I laughed as I looked up and saw them both girls walking toward us. Courtney had a huge smile on her face and was snapping pictures with her cell phone.

“It certainly looks like Courtney likes it,” I said with a laugh.

The moment I saw the smile spread across Whitley’s face, my heart started jumping around in my chest.

Why would anyone ever hurt such a beautiful soul?

I had to shake the image of her being hurt out of my head. I needed to push it back and wait until she was ready to tell me on her own.

Her eyes caught mine, and my smile grew bigger.

“I see you,” she said with a giggle.

“I saw you first.” I pulled my cell phone away and hit End.

When I looked over at Reed, he had his mouth hanging open.

“What in the hell is wrong with you?” I asked him.

He slowly shook his head. “Nothing.”

“Honky Tonk Hot Dogs? This is where we’re having dinner?” Whitley laughed.

I smiled as I leaned in and kissed her and then Courtney on their cheeks.

“Best hot dogs you’ll ever have. I know how to treat the ladies,” I said with a wink.

“Hey, Whitley, Courtney,” Reed said as he smiled at Whitley, barely looking at Courtney.

“Hey, Reed!” Whitley said.

Courtney smiled and just nodded.

“I’m starving. What should I order?” Whitley hooked her arm through mine, and we made our way up to the trailer.

“Well, my favorite is the Jesse Dayton’s Jumbo Deep-Fried Bacon ’n Brisket Oil Rig Dog. It’s a jumbo dog wrapped in bacon, fried, and then topped with brisket, onions, jalapenos, barbeque sauce, and cheddar cheese. My mouth is watering just from talkin’ about it.” I smiled.

“Um…holy shit. I don’t think I want to have a heart attack today,” Courtney said.

I glanced down at Whitley, and her eyes were wide open.

“You eat all that on a hot dog?”

She scrunched up her nose in that cute way. I was overcome with an incredible desire to reach down and kiss her.

Shit! I need to not feel sorry for her. That’s all this is. I know what happened to her, and I feel guilty. That’s it. That’s all this feeling is.

I just shrugged my shoulders.

“What are you getting, Reed?” Courtney asked.

“The Dallas Wayne Chili Mac Dog.”

Courtney turned and looked at him. “Oh. My. God. That sounds gross! Eww, mac and cheese on a hot dog? What the hell is wrong with the water in Texas?”

Reed laughed and walked up to place his order. He turned around and motioned for Courtney to order. She ordered The Scott Dog, and Reed never once took his eyes off her.

After I ordered, I pulled Whitley up next to me. The moment she touched me, I felt a shock run up and down my body.

Holy shit! That hasn’t happened in a long time.

The young girl behind the counter smiled at Whitley.

“What would you like, ma’am?”

“Well”—Whitley looked at the young girl’s name tag—“Callie, I’ll take an All-American Austin Honky Tonker with mustard and onions only.” She turned and looked at me with a smile.

“Really, cowgirl? You’re getting a normal hot dog?”

She smiled that drop-dead gorgeous smile of hers. “Yep! I’m just that boring.”

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