
Read Broken Online

Authors: Kelly Elliott

Tags: #contemporary romance

BOOK: Broken
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Copyright © 2013 by Kelly Elliott

All rights reserved.


Cover Designer: Angie Fields,
i love it design studio
Editor and Interior Designer: Jovana Shirley,
Unforeseen Editing
Photography by


No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except
for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


Visit my website at


ISBN-13: 978-0-9887074-9-8


Chapter One: Whitley

Chapter Two: Layton

Chapter Three: Whitley

Chapter Four: Layton

Chapter Five: Whitley

Chapter Six: Layton

Chapter Seven: Whitley

Chapter Eight: Layton

Chapter Nine: Whitley

Chapter Ten: Layton

Chapter Eleven: Whitley

Chapter Twelve: Layton

Chapter Thirteen: Whitley

Chapter Fourteen: Layton

Chapter Fifteen: Whitley

Chapter Sixteen: Layton

Chapter Seventeen: Whitley

Chapter Eighteen: Layton

Chapter Nineteen: Whitley

Chapter Twenty: Layton

Chapter Twenty-One: Whitley

Chapter Twenty-Two: Layton

Chapter Twenty-Three: Whitley

Chapter Twenty-Four: Layton

Chapter Twenty-Five: Whitley

Chapter Twenty-Six: Whitley

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Layton

Chapter Twenty-Eight: Whitley

Chapter Twenty-Nine: Layton

Chapter Thirty: Whitley

Chapter Thirty-One: Layton

Epilogue: Courtney

Thank You

Song Playlist

This book is dedicated to my husband, Darrin, and my daughter, Lauren.


It is also dedicated to anyone who has ever felt lost and broken at some point in life.


Graduation Night

“Oh, sweetheart, you look beautiful! Roger is going to go nuts when he sees you in this dress.”

I turned and looked at my mother and then back in the mirror. I smiled at my reflection.

I’m so blessed.
I was blessed with wonderful parents, with the greatest best friend in the world—who had picked out this dress for Roger’s graduation party—and with the handsomest and sweetest boyfriend ever. Roger was the love of my life.

“Mom, you know Roger is leaving right after graduation to work for his dad’s company in New York City. He wants me to go, and I really want to.”

My mother sighed. “College, Whitley.”

“Mom, I want to learn all about the party-planning business. I want to have my own company someday. New York City is the best place for me to get started.” I rotated and faced my mother. “Don’t be mad.”

“Ah hell, Whit. That usually means I’m going to be mad.”

I let out a small laugh. “Mom, I talked to Michelle Durkin. She said I could start working under her as soon as possible. She’ll teach me everything she knows about parties, weddings, birthdays, and reunions. Everything. Mom, this is something I really want to do. And who better to learn it from than your best friend from college?”

“Whit, you’re so smart. You can get into any college you want. Your father and I are both doctors. Why don’t you want to go to med school?”

“Ugh, Mom! I don’t want to be a doctor. I can’t even stand to see a paper cut. Please, Mommy, I really want this. Plus, I can be with Roger. I love him more than life, Mom.”

My mother smiled and glanced over my shoulder. I turned to see my dad standing there, smiling.

“Do we let her?” my mother asked my father.

When he looked at me, his smile grew. I’d already talked to him about New York. I hated to say it, but I had my daddy wrapped around my finger. He would do anything if he thought it would make me happy. I tried not to take advantage of that, but this time, I used it for my benefit.

“I guess we let her. You know, Whit, if things don’t work out, all it takes is one phone call. One call, and I’ll personally come take you away from that hellhole of a city.”

My father hated New York City. We lived in Rhinebeck, New York, and my parents loved the country and small-town life. I, on the other hand, couldn’t wait to leave Rhinebeck and move to New York City. I loved the country life, but right now, I needed to be a city girl for a bit.

I jumped up and down and clapped my hands. “Don’t worry, Daddy! Nothing would ever make me want to come back here! Roger is going to make me so happy.” I ran into my father’s arms.

“He better, baby girl. He’s promised me that his only goals in this life are to make you happy and keep you safe.”

I smiled as I thought of Roger talking about New York City and how wonderful it was going to be. His dad was starting him out with his own condo in Manhattan and a more than generous pay to learn the family business. It would be nothing but parties, shopping, and more parties.

I can’t wait to start my new life with Roger!

Life couldn’t get any better.

Present Day

The moment his fist hit my face, I felt extreme pain in my jaw.

Tonight might be the night he finally kills me.

The force of the blow had been so strong that I was literally seeing stars. I stumbled backward, and I started to fall down the cold steel stairs that I hated more than anything.

I saw the look on Roger’s face.
Is he smiling?

Then, all I could see were the metal beams across the ceiling as my body began falling back. My head slammed against one of the stairs.

Holy shit! My head…oh God, it hurts.

After I hit the bottom landing of the staircase, I slowly stood, and the room started spinning. I saw Roger walking up to me.

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