Broken #4 (The Broken Series - Book #4) (5 page)

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guy must be in love, Natalie. Look at the seats we are sitting in. Either that,
or you give a mean BJ.” Julie laughed, enjoying herself. I couldn't help but
laugh; Julie was a riot.

seats at the fight were magnificent, but Jet wanted me as close to him as
humanly possible. And hello, I was his girlfriend, after all―shouldn't I
get great seats? I noticed however that Katie managed to get herself backstage
with the teammates. She was going to be part of his corner for the evening, but
I refused to let it bother me.

to be honest, Julie, I haven't got that far with Jet. The penetration alone was
quite breathtaking, though. The guy is good, and to be honest, I can't get
enough of him.”

kidding me? Well don't start bragging or anything.”

I'm being honest here. But I am very eager to get the opportunity to give him

my God, are you in love with this guy?”

quiet. We don't need to get into that here. You don't want me to get stoned by
all his adoring fans, do you? Besides, it’s a little early for love, don't you
think. I was just nominated to be his girlfriend like a week ago.”

I've heard of love at first sight, haven't you?”

cackled. “Well as you well know, that certainly wasn't the case. We almost
killed each other for the first few weeks, and poor Jet, every time I think of
the first time we met, I'm surprised the guy didn't curl up into the fetal
position after that.”

was laughing pretty hard at that point. “Yeah, you were a real prize that night
for sure. Drunk and bitter at the bar and you wouldn't even look at the poor

and then he asked me to dance. As if I even know how. What a spectacle that
would have been.”

dancing isn't exactly your strong suit.”

were dying laughing in our seats, and I think we were even starting to draw a

the moment you all have been waiting for! Come on out,

Julie, he's coming out.”

crowd, as usual, were losing their minds screaming at him as he came down the
aisle toward the cage. My hard was beating hard in my chest as I watched him
come down, with his team in tow. He looked so
thought I would lose my mind. Katie wasn't far behind him as she brought up the
rear of his cornering team. The crowd was calling out his name in a fury, and
it was obvious that he had some very loyal fans. Jet rushed into the cage and
circled it, awaiting his opponent’s arrival. I admired him as he circled the
cage, and I could tell he was searching for me in the crowd. When our eyes met,
he grinned devilishly. He was a little cockier when he was fighting, and I
liked seeing that side of him. Actually, I liked seeing all sides of Jet. I was
definitely a lucky girl.

gasped as the other fighter came out and headed down the aisle toward Jet.

so hot!”

whose side are you on?”

“Oh, sorry.
He is hot, though. Like, ‘I would
throw my own mother off a train just to go out for dinner with him hot’.”

bent over in fits of laughter again, and I hoped our behavior wouldn't get us
kicked out. We weren't even drunk or anything.

love you. Julie, you are so funny.”

“Thanks, girl.
if Jet beats him up, I'm taking him home to give him a pity fuck.”

laughed loudly as the crowd continued to go wild around us. It was a blessing
it was so loud in the arena because if people were to hear our conversation,
they would probably think we were nuts.

joined Jet in the cage, and the two fighters positioned themselves in their
respective corners and waited for the bell.

the ring of the bell, Curtis charged at Jet. The movement was so abrupt that it
took me aback. I almost fainted when I saw Jet's head fly to the side from the
impact of Curtis's punch.

saw the blood from his eye and my stomach dropped.
“Oh, God.”

not a big deal, Natalie. It's not like he's never been punched before. Try to
breathe,” Julie said with a giggle.

I could hear were the sounds of bone cracking against
and it turned my stomach every time. God, why had I agreed to come and watch
this? Curtis pummelled Jet with three blows all at once, and all to his face.

couldn't bear to watch, but Julie shook my shoulder until I looked back at the
Thankfully Jet recovered quickly
from his attack and came up with a front kick as Curtis was coming back into
him. After that he followed it with an uppercut and a left hook. Curtis took
both hits and stumbled backwards.

swung again, but Jet blocked it, and they exchanged jabs for a few minutes
before the bell rang and they returned to their corners. Jet's coach was
applying something to Jet's wounds, and then gave him a drink of water, all the
while yelling at him. This fight was just as important to Coach as it was to
Jet. He had been training with Jet for so long that it was important to him
that Jet be successful. I wished I were up in the corner with all of them,
hearing the advice they had for Jet, and cheering him on for the next round. I
felt a pang of jealousy when I saw Katie lean in and whisper intensely into
Jet's ear. She tapped his shoulder and went back to the corner with the other
teammates. I wondered what she had said to him. What words of encouragement had
she given him, and would her words be what caused him to win that round? Did
she have that kind of effect on Jet? I shook my head and decided to let it go.
That was, until Julie opened her big mouth.

can't believe that Katie girl is in his corner. That girl has some balls, I'm
telling you. Do you think she used to be a guy?”

with that body I don't. Julie she has the kind of body that makes guys want to
commit sin.”

started laughing.
“Yeah, no doubt.
She's probably been
ridden pretty hard by the teammates, so don't feel so bad.”

laughed. “Ugh, stop it, Julie. I was literally just trying to get her out of my
head, and you start in like that? Are you crazy?”

“A little.”

you really think she has slept with a bunch of them?”

knows? It's always hard with girls like that. They are really aggressive so she
could be skanky or maybe even a lesbian. Maybe she's just sick of men in

she's definitely not a lesbian or else she would be after me and not Jet.”

worry about her, Natalie, if Jet wanted her he could have had her, but he
picked you instead.”

smiled as I looked back up at Jet. He was nodding his head, looking angrier
than ever. The bell went off and they went at each other with kicks flying and
punches slamming. It was so brutal that the smile that had been on my face was
wiped completely off again. Jet feinted to the side, and Curtis punched, but
missed Jet by a landslide, but it left an opening for Jet to slam a right cross
right to the side of Curtis's head. When Curtis recovered, it was the perfect
opportunity for Jet to come in with an uppercut to the face that connected so
hard to Curtis's jaw, he staggered backwards. It took him a moment to recover
his footing, but then he was back at it. He swung out his arm but Jet ducked
and came back with a punch to the ribs, gut and face, all landing perfectly.
Jet pulled back again and waited to see what Curtis was going to do next.

came in and threw another punch, aiming for Jet's face, but Jet blocked the
punch, returning with one of his own. He slammed his fist right into Curtis's
face, dropping him to his knees. When Curtis got back up he started in toward
Jet when suddenly Jet spun with a high kick and connected with Curtis's head,
dropping him again.

was bleeding and although he was doing well, every now and then he allowed
Curtis to get a couple of body shots in. He was doing this to get Curtis close,
because when Curtis got a shot in, Jet threw in a few of his own, because he
was ready for whatever was coming his way. I hated when Jet got injured; I
loathed it, in fact, even though it was his job. It was part of all the choices
he had made for his own life. I would never suggest that he quit, but I also
felt gutted every time he took a hit. I just wanted to run up there, kiss him,
and make him feel better. I looked over at his parents, and although his dad
was stone- faced, his mother looked exactly the way that I felt.

stood up and hit Jet in the face, causing his head to swing even though his
body stayed firmly planted on the cage floor. Jet swung back and hit Curtis
even harder. They got into a clinch, and then shoved off from one another. I
knew Jet hated going to the ground and would avoid it at all costs. Jet charged
at Curtis, looking like a madman with blood pouring from his head, and he hit
Curtis with a series of
, pow, pow
punches. I smiled as pride for Jet washed over me instantly. He truly was in
his glory up there and he was one hell of a talented fighter, I hoped his
father could recognize that while he sat and watched his son do what he loved.

started to back off as Jet hit him against the cage. Jet kept him there,
throwing some hard knees into his body. Jet was hitting him hard, but Curtis
wasn't going down easily.

realized I had been holding my breath the entire time, and I expelled the air
from my lungs. I looked over at Julie, alarmed, and she took my hand in hers
and squeezed it.

was a spectacular fighter and watching him move in rhythm was part of the
reason I was so crazy about him. This was surely his calling, and I couldn't
imagine Jet doing anything else with his life. Hopefully his dad could see that
as well, and would
off of him. Jet used pure gut
instinct and smarts when he fought. He plotted his rounds and flew through them
living in the moment.

was just so focused as he pummelled Curtis, hitting him mercilessly, crushing
him in a pool of his own blood. It was shocking just how much blood ended up on
the cage floor and nobody blinked an eye. It was just okay for two men to just
destroy each other until the bell rang in a round.

grinned as he looked down at his opponent who wasn't about to get back up for
more. He looked around at the crowd and there was blood dripping from his
eyebrow down to his nose. My heart was beating furiously in my chest, and I
feared that I would throw up. How embarrassing would that have been for Jet to
have a girlfriend who couldn't watch him fight? His corner was going nuts, and
the fight was called.

endorphins were going through Jet's body at that moment and that would prevent
him from feeling any pain. He's proud, I can tell, and driven to push the
limits of every fight. I was spent just from watching him and unsure of what
was going through my man's mind at that moment. He was strong, handsome, and in
control of his destiny. I turned to look around at the crowd screaming for
their king of the ring, who just won yet another fight. He had just won the
nationals, and he was sitting pretty right on top.

winner of the nationals for tonight's fight is Jet! Ladies and gentlemen, here
is your winner!”

crowd went wild, and Jet's team rushed into the cage to congratulate him. I
tried to ignore the fact that Katie wrapped her arms around Jet in a tight hug.

turned to Julie who was grinning, and she hugged me hard. “Congratulations,
girl, your man is on top.”

I guess that means you are grabbing the loser for that pity fuck.”

laughed. “You got it!”

looked back in time to see Jet leaving the cage and heading back to the locker
room. When he caught my eye, he grinned and winked at me.


was no after party after the fight that time, even though Jet could probably
have used the booze. His body looked a wreck, and it always amazed me how these
fighters were willing to do those things to their bodies for the sake of being
a fighter. He was in a lot of pain from the fight, and there was bruising
popping up everywhere. I wanted to touch the bruises, put my mouth against them
and make him feel better. I did not like the look of his bruised and battered
body. His opponent definitely looked far worse than he did, however; no one
ever seemed to get out of a fight unscathed.

watched silently from backstage in the locker room as his family went up to him
and congratulated him on his fight. I didn't think that it was my place to
stand over there with him when he was having time with his family. I didn't
want to interrupt, especially with his father there. Everyone was gushing and
his mother is fawning all over him about his injuries. Moms were like that; she
could still be beaming there with pride over her son but the thought of him
being hurt in any way probably broke her heart. I giggled as I watched everyone
hugging him. Despite their problems, it was obvious they all loved each other.
His father patted him on the back, and although he remained straight faced, he
didn't say one bad thing about the experience, and I could see that Jet was
beaming with pride. He must have loved that his father made the effort to come.

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