Bring me to life (The golden collection) (26 page)

BOOK: Bring me to life (The golden collection)
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He waited a few seconds. "That was an impressive speech, Miss Dawson." He placed both hands in the air. "Okay, I surrender. I  have acted very childish today." Finally we agreed on something. "I would hate you to leave too. I like having you as my PA. Let's start afresh. Pretend nothing happened."

I nodded. "Thank you" I went to turn on my heel to leave.

"Oh Miss Dawson, could you grab me some lunch" he asked after me.

I turned and looked at him.

Had my  Maxwell returned? From the look of his eyes and the smile he was.

"It will be my pleasure, Mr Thomas."




              How I wanted her pleasure. I ran a hand through my hair this was becoming the hardest day of all. I didn't want to be cold towards her but it was a way of coping. Two weeks and she was going to be Mrs Blake Waterman. I slammed my fist down in anger.              

That smug bastard, walking in here and busting my nose. Who the hell did he think he was? I should of called the police and get the posh boy prosecuted.

An evil smile appeared on my lips.

I could imagine him being arrested and thrown in a cell. That would teach the fucker to mess with me. Then my mind turned back to Georgina. It was lucky I liked Georgina more otherwise I would do right now.


I loved her to the moon and back.

Just being in her presence broke my heart. Why did I let her go? I gave in when it got too difficult. I put my business before my happiness. Now she was ringing her friends planning wedding dresses. The idea made me cringed.

The phone rang  looked like it was back to normality.

"Hello, Maxwell Thomas is speaking" I answered.

"Mr Thomas" the lady began. "Guess what I am doing this very minute?" Her voice sounded cold and irritated.

I sat up in my seat. I knew exactly who it was. "I have no idea, Mrs Waterman. What are you doing?"

"I am planning my son's wedding" she hissed.

"What a delightful way to spend your day!" I replied sarcastically. He even had to get mummy to sort out his wedding. I laughed wondering if mummy still tucked him in at night.

No that was my girl doing that.

"NO!! Its not delightful!!" she yelled down the phone. I moved the phone away to protect my ear drums. "I'm giving you to their wedding day to do something to stop it. If you fail.. I will take back my money and watch your company smash to the ground. Do I make myself clear?"

I rested my head on the back of my chair.

Fuck!! I didn't need this right now.

"Okay I'll try my hardest."

"Oh no" she laughed. "There will be no trying you WILL do it!" with that she hung up. I placed the phone back. What was I meant to do? I couldn't afford to give the money back. Great, I was stuck in the corner and there was no way out.

Was everything turning  into shit lately??

I was still deep in thought when Georgina returned with my lunch.

"Here you go" She smiled placing a sandwich and a packet of crisps on my desk. She was just about to leave the office.

"Miss Dawson" she stopped and looked at me. "Why don't you eat your lunch in here with me?"

Her mouth opened but no words came out. She walked back over to my desk and sat down in the chair opposite. She pulled out her sandwich from the bag. She looked up and smiled. I loved her smile and the way her eyes lit up at the same time. I took her lead and started to eat my sandwich. We sat for a few moments in comfortable silence. I remember reading once that a couple who were comfortable being together in silence were more likely to stay together.

You're not a couple!!!
I was hating that voice in my head.

"So," I said. "A wedding in two weeks?" She nodded and carried on eating. "Why the rush?"

She shrugged her shoulders and tilted her head to the side. "Blake's mother is organizing it and she donated some money to the church. They said we could have it on 26th" Her eyes looked down at her sandwich. "I would of preferred longer.... Let's not talk about this. I'm dying to know did Amber and Brett get together?"

I swallowed what was in my mouth and laughed. Only she would be mentioning that uneventful weekend with my sister. "Yep!"

"So Libby is well gone?"

"I would believe so." I stopped eating and looked over at her. I had missed spending time with her. It killed me to think she was sleeping in Blake’s bed. The thought made my stomach churn. I could feel the lumps raising up in my throat. I had to think of a way to distract myself. "How about we go for drink after work to celebrate?"

She stopped eating and began biting down on her lip. She was deep in thought. "I'm not sure... Blake will be expecting me to be home by Six and if he found out ..." she stopped and pointed to my nose. "Well, I don't want him to hurt you again."

It was time for the Maxwell  Thomas charm.

"How about we leave early today go for a drink and I get Cinderella home before six?" I gave my  knicker combustion smile. I would do anything to spend some time with her. I would sell my soul for one more touch of her lips.

"You will get me home dead on six?" She asked her eyes were serious but yearning at the same time. How could one woman make me feel completely turned one with just one look. I slowly nodded and shifted in my seat; My arousal was getting uncomfortable.

A big grin appeared on her lips. "You got yourself a date, Mr Thomas."


              Dead on half four we left work. The best thing about working in the Oxford city centre was there was a bar and café on every corner. We stepped outside and I immediately took hold of Georgina's hand. It took her by surprise and she didn't pull away. I looked over at her and smiled. She smiled back. Blushing a little. We walked for a little and stopped outside O'Neils. We stepped inside, Georgina went in search of a table and I grabbed the drinks.

"What you thinking about?" I asked as  I placed the drinks down. She looked on edge and was scanning the room. I guess to make sure there was no one here who may know her or Blake.

"I'm just being paranoid" She took a sip of her drink-vodka and orange her favourite. She looked up "What if he finds out?"

I took a sip of my beer. "How is he going to find out?" I put my beer down and reached over grabbing her hand. Our eyes locked. With my free hand I ran my finger down her cheek. I watched as she took a deep breath and didn't let it out. Her eyes were yearning with desire and they were begging me to kiss her. I slowly shook my head. I couldn't go back there again. Not because I didn't want to because if I started to kiss her soft lips I would never let her go.

She pulled her hand away and looked down at her glass. "I think I should go."


"Because.." She downed the rest of her drink. "We can't be trusted alone together out of work. See you tomorrow, Mr Thomas." She grabbed her bag, coat and was gone.

I looked at the door hoping she would run back in-but it didn't happen. I looked over at the empty glass. Her lipstick marks still impressed into it. I ran a hand through my hair and leant back.

Why didn't I just kiss her?

Why was a such a fucking girl sometimes?

I loved her to the moon and back. She was everything I needed and wanted. I couldn't wait to see her tomorrow. Even if she was now sticking with my own Golden rule.



*   *   *




It was Wednesday already. I normally hated them but today I felt myself in a hurry to get to work. When I arrived Georgina was leaning over the desk. She was wearing that skirt again. The one that showed off her perfect arse. She turned to face with her big smile. The blouse fitted her perfectly, a few buttons were undone and I could see a hint of a black bra. What was she doing to me? Had she worn this one purpose. I rubbed my face.

Calm yourself down Maxwell
the voice began.

"Morning, Miss Dawson" I cheerfully said as made my way into my office. "May I just say how mighty fine you look today."

"You can" she blushed. "Thank you the top is new."

I eyed her up and down. By the look on her face I was welcomed to do so. "Suits you" I hushed. I shook my head. I couldn't get mesmerized in her beauty and sexiness.

WORK!!! The voice yelled.

"Ummm... Coffee when you're ready." She smiled and entered my office.


              How much longer could play this game? I was really struggling to keep my hands off her. This was beginning to become an out of control obsession. I sat down at my desk. I was fed up with this urging feeling. This constant need for her and the ongoing thought that I will never have her.

Georgina came in and placed the coffee on my desk. Giving me a great view of her cleavage. I wanted to bite my fist to hide my frustration. I turned away. Not today I couldn't mess up today. I had to go along with her wishes. I was THE boss!!

"You okay?" she chirped raising an eyebrow. I looked over. Was she doing this on purpose for me? Was this one of the games she had created. How turned on can I get Maxwell?

I nodded and she walked out. Right I had to pull myself together. I had a business to run and a PA I wanted to bang.


Why was this all I could think about?

If I wanted to I could go out tonight and pick up any woman I wanted. Why wasn't I doing that any more? I sighed because I didn't want anyone else. ..

"Maxwell!" Jan the managing director came running into my office. She was smiling ear to ear. "We did it!" she yelled, jumping up and down and clapping her hands.

I looked bemused and shocked. I had never seen Jan act like this. She was normally cool and head strong. It must be really good news. "What happened?" I noticed Georgina was standing in the doorway laughing at Jan.

"The American contract" she screamed. "We got it!"

I opened my mouth in shock and Georgina came running into the office. I stood up ran over to her and scooped her up spinning her around in the air.

I put her down and turned to Jan. "Seriously?" She nodded and I gave her a hug. I couldn't believe it. Finally I was out of the shit. We had spent months trying to get this contract and now we fucking had it. My business was back on top and it felt fucking great. I stood back and relief filled me.

"Right, tell the broad we are all going out for champagne breakfast!" I ordered Jan. I turned to Georgina. I could see how happy she was for me. "Will you come?"

She slowly shook her head, she walked over to my desk and sat down in my chair. "I don't think that's a good idea do you?" Her eyes looked at the computer screen and then to me. "What's this?" she leaned forward and took a better look at it. I walked round to her and took a look.

It was my screen saver.

She looked up and placed a hand over her mouth. It looked like she was going to cry. I hoped for a good reason.

"It's my screen saver" I placed a hand on her shoulder. "I found the images on the camera Blake threw at me." The screen saver was made up of lots of different pictures of Georgina in a peach dress. She was posing and the smile on her face was amazing. She looked like a classic model even with the pouting.

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