Briefcase Booty (7 page)

Read Briefcase Booty Online

Authors: SA Welsh

Tags: #GLBT, #Gay, #Contemporary, #Holiday, #BDSM light

BOOK: Briefcase Booty
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When his hands were free he had a moment’s thought that this was all a terrible mistake, and he should never have come up here after Luka. He should have stayed in his nice, safe, heterosexual world.

Luka’s hand came up to his face again. “Peter? I’m sorry if I pushed. Please talk to me,” Luka whispered sounding scared and upset. “

Peter finally snapped out of the fear when he heard how concerned Luka was. He realized he was sitting up now. Lifting his head he saw Luka sitting right in front of him, hands in his lap. The fingers were digging harshly into Luka’s thigh.

Grabbing Luka’s hands, he lifted them off his friend’s leg. They’d done this before. Luka had always crumpled in on himself when he was upset, and took the blame for others’ issues.

“Luka, I’m so sorry. I freaked, I couldn’t stop myself. I liked what we were doing…” Peter broke off as he remembered how excited he’d been when Luka took control. “But maybe I was being over-ambitious for my first bite of the man cherry.”

As he’d hoped, his choice of words brought a laugh out of Luka—but his friend still wouldn’t look at him. “I still want you. I do. I just don’t think I’m ready yet for the whole shebang. After all, isn’t there some rule not to fuck on the first date?”

Luka finally lifted his head, and Peter wanted to kick himself. If he hadn’t been so damn jumpy, then Luka wouldn’t have thought it was his fault. “I think that only applies to straight people. But we can go slow,” Luka said softly, with a hint of a question at the end.

“Hmmm, not too slow I hope. Just maybe let’s leave the ropes for when I graduate gay sex 101, yeah?” Peter was still nervous, his heart beating faster, but his penis was starting to take interest again as he stroked his hands up and down Luka’s muscled arms.

Luka followed his theme and grinned. “Like an end-of-year exam?”

This time Peter took control and brought Luka to him. He pushed up so Luka was kneeling and he was sitting on Luka’s lap. “Better.”

This position put him higher than Luka, and he could cling on to those big shoulders as he bent his head to catch Luka’s lips. The previous kisses had been light and testing, but this one…Peter let himself put all the mixed up feelings he had into it.

He speared his tongue past Luka’s lips, and moaned when Luka not only let him but answered by playing back with a stroke of his own.

“Much better,” Luka agreed before diving back into the kiss.

Contracting his leg muscles, he bobbed up and down, pushing his renewed erection into Luka’s hard stomach. Luka’s abs were so tight and defined Peter could ride his dick along the ridges.

Luka's body was hot and heavy against his, while the man's cock left him a wet trail on his hip and lower stomach. “Faster,” he whispered.

The kiss turned hotter as Peter nipped at Luka’s bottom lip. Luka responded in kind, and added a light slap on his ass. The part of him that had liked it when Luka tied him up wanted his friend to spank him again, but Peter pressed it down. He didn’t want to risk another freakout.

“Close,” he grunted into Luka’s mouth.

Moving up and down faster on Luka’s lap, he wound his hands round Luka’s neck, lifting himself closer. It was messy and rough, and he made noises he’d never made before that must have sounded like a wild animal caught in a trap. But he kept going, kept rubbing against Luka’s solid stomach and tilting his pelvis to catch the cap of Luka’s erection on his hip bone to make the other man gasp.

“Not yet,” Luka growled, and Peter found himself once again on his back with Luka between his thighs. This time he didn’t panic when he heard a tube opening. Soon after, Luka’s right hand wrapped around their stiff pricks while the other clamped onto his hip, keeping him in place.

He’d never used lube before to jack himself off, but now he knew he wouldn’t be doing without it ever again. The delicious sliding ease of the lube let Luka hold him tighter and move faster. Luka seemed to know exactly what he wanted, even before he did. The head of his dick felt as if it was on fire, the pressure rising up in his balls.

“Please make me come, Luka,” he begged, feeling like he wasn’t in control of his own body. Peter slid his hands down Luka’s back and dug his fingers into Luka’s side, and then his lover squeezed and twisted in a way that shocked all the breath from his body. Luka eased up on the base and focused on the head, pressing his thumb into the swollen slit.

“Ahh!” His hips snapped up and Peter shook with the force of his orgasm, as bright light lit up behind his eyes.

He was blind for a minute, but when it passed he looked up to see Luka looking down at him, mouth open and eyes heavy. Peter had pins and needles in his calves, but he managed to roll Luka over so the man was on his back. Despite Luka not pushing or asking for anything, Peter knew his lover wanted more than a hand-job.

Scooting further down the bed, he climbed between Luka’s knees.

“I’m not saying I’ll be any good at this, but I want to give you pleasure,” Peter said, licking his lips nervously. Staring down at the penis in his hands, he savored the hot steely flesh.

“Just watch your teeth and I’ll be in heaven, Peter. I’m clean, but do you want a condom?”

Luka’s breathing was short and shallow, that wide chest rising and falling rapidly, muscles rippling. Peter was mesmerized, and wanted to touch and tease. Luka said he was clean; so was Peter. “Not needed.”

Taking a deep breath, he bent and licked the top of Luka’s dick experimentally.

The taste wasn’t bad, just salty mixed with something he’d never tasted before. He made a fist around Luka’s cock and started pumping as he eased the swollen head into his mouth.

He couldn’t take the erection very far into his mouth without gagging, but he hoped keeping one hand moving on the base and his eagerness made up for his lacking technique. Luka’s balls were big and heavy in his other hand, and he rolled them the way he did to himself when he jacked off.

They felt different, and the smooth hairless skin let him see exactly what he was doing and made it easier for him to explore and find out how Luka liked to be handled.

Luka was clutching at the bed sheets, scrunching them up in his fists. Peter flicked his eyes up to see Luka’s face thrown back, eyes closed and mouth open.

Peter carefully tried to keep his teeth covered and switched between licking and sucking the head in his mouth. The taste of Luka got stronger, more intense, and the balls in his hand grew tight and high.

“Oh god!” Luka cried, twisting on the bed.

Peter barely had a second’s warning before Luka exploded in his mouth, shooting streams of semen to the back of his throat. He barely stopped himself from choking, holding a hand up to his mouth as he coughed. In a second, Luka withdrew and pulled him up so they were face to face. “It’s okay. Breathe. Spit if you need to.”

When he had enough wits about him to breathe properly, Peter batted his eyes at Luka. “Wow, that’s the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to me.”

Luka blushed then hit him playfully in the arm. “You had me worried.”

“I’m fine. That bit might take a bit of practice, though,” Peter said casually. Apart from the freak-out part in the middle, this was the best sex he could remember ever having, and they hadn’t even gone all the way. Sex with Kayleigh had been cold and impersonal, and she never wanted to do anything other than straight missionary without foreplay.

Luka nodded, but then seemed to hear the implications of what he’d said. “Practice? You can use me any time you want,” he offered with a tired smile. “The trick is to swallow, and keep swallowing.”

“Loukas will probably be up calling for food in an hour or two. Quick nap, then shower?”

Luka smiled, this time showing teeth and Peter had that feeling of being a rabbit in headlights. “Only if you let me return the favor in there.”

Like Peter was going to turn that down. “Deal.”

Peter felt he should offer his room for the nap, but he was honestly too tired to move, and he just wanted to stay cuddled next to Luka for a while.

“Think you may want to sleep in my room tonight?”

Luka rolled onto his side facing him and didn’t say anything for a minute, and Peter started to get nervous. Had he read too much into this? Yes, Luka had just gotten out of a relationship, but he thought this was going somewhere.

“I’d like that, Peter. I’d like that a lot.”

“Good. Now, what’s the protocol on who gets to be the big spoon and who gets to be the little spoon?” Peter couldn’t actually believe that had come out of his mouth.

Thankfully, Luka took it in his stride and simply pushed Peter over until he faced the other way, and then molded to his back. Okay, it looked like he was going to be the little spoon. Did that mean he was going to be the little spoon in bed always, and in other… activities?

“Stop thinking so hard, Peter. You can be the big spoon later, I’m a switch. Now go to sleep,” Luka mumbled sleepily, throwing a heavy arm over his waist.

Now what did

Lifting his head, he turned to try and look at his lover. “Luka?”

The only answer he got was a soft snore, and Luka hugged him tighter, like a teddy bear. Maybe he did think too much. Letting his head fall back down to the pillow, Peter sighed and let himself relax into Luka’s warmth.


Chapter Six



Something hard prodded him awake, and he groaned, hitting out at it unthinkingly. Maybe his alarm clock had grown legs just to come and kick him in the back. The evil thing would if it could.


That didn’t sound like his alarm clock. Even the evil one with legs he didn’t imagine sounded like that. Then he realized that the thing poking him was actually a person.

“It’s me. God, you’re violent after a nap,” Luka grouched, and Peter turned in time to see Luka wearing a pair of shorts and rubbing his arm.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, sitting up and trying to look as if he wasn’t freaking out. He’d slept with Luka. He’d rubbed off with the man, and wanted to touch every inch of the smooth tanned skin on Luka’s body. And he still wanted to touch and taste and let Luka own him, but it was all a bit much to process when his body was still trying to convince him to go back to sleep.

“Relax, Peter. I swear I can see all the thoughts spinning around in your head. I’m not expecting you to roll over and let me mount you,” Luka laughed, sounding thoroughly amused.

“Well, excuse me for not being gay boy of the month when I’m half asleep,” Peter grumbled, scratching his head and falling victim to a big yawn.

“Hey, now. Us gay men don’t vote for gay of the month until the third. We break for the holidays,” Luka played along, rolling his eyes at him as he tried to snuggle back under covers.

Then Luka did something truly evil and cruel; he stood up and ripped the covers away.

“Stop being a slug-a-bed and get your fine ass in the shower.” Being ordered around was kind of hot when Luka had his hands on his hips like that.

Glaring, Peter reluctantly got out of bed and started searching for something to wear that wasn’t ripped so he could go check on Loukas. “And how would you know anything about my ass? I’m not saying it’s not fine, because it is, but you only wish you were that lucky—and can I borrow some shorts to go check on Loukas?”

Smirking, Luka stretched, drawing attention to the way his muscles moved and expanded. Oh, that was cheating. “You flashed me near everything you’ve got yesterday, loverboy, and no need to get dressed. I just looked in on my little pirate mate, and he’s up but happy playing with the parrot, so I think he might fall back to sleep soon. He seems like his dad—loves his bed.”

Ahh yes, Peter had managed to block the flashing incident from his memory. “Was he nibbling on the eyepatch?”

“Uhh, no. He was just cuddling the toy and talking to it, but he seemed happy,” Luka answered, looking confused. “Why?”

“He nibbles the edges of whatever toy he holds when he’s hungry, but if he’s still talking then we’ve got time for that shower you promised me,” Peter explained while checking out the rest of Luka’s body.
Damn, just damn.
“We have time for some kissing and stuff too,” he said quietly, hating how shy he sounded. Peter thought that now they’d slept together, as in actually slept, he’d find it easier to try and seduce Luka—but it still felt weird and uncomfortably new.

Luka smiled and looked as if it was no big deal, but Peter got the feeling he’d passed some sort of test. “And
huh? Good to know.”

He jumped back into the bed and snatched the covers up over his hardening cock. He was not hiding. He wasn’t.

Peter gulped when Luke sexily shucked the shorts, and he was surprised there wasn’t a comedy boing-boing soundtrack, as his penis got hard so fast there wasn’t enough blood left in his head to work his brain. “Naked?”

“Why, yes I am, thank you for noticing,” Luka sniggered, standing there as naked as the day as he was born, without a stitch of self-consciousness that Peter could see. And there wasn’t a single thing he couldn’t see at that second.

“So, what I propose, Mr. hot-shot lawyer, is that we give it the good old college second try on you acing Gay Man Love 101. What do you say?”

Peter wasn’t completely sure he was able to say anything, but damn if Luka didn’t make a good argument. “But I didn’t study,” he said nervously. The last thing he wanted was to freak out like last time when things were getting serious.

Luka didn’t seem fazed at all, though. “The good thing about a pop quiz is that you don’t have time to stress out. But we can always stop and do some extra studying instead,” Luka suggested giving him a reassuring smile.

“Not that I don’t appreciate the analogy, because I do, but I just don’t have the brain-power to figure out what the hell you just said when I can see all your...bits and pieces,” Peter complained, motioning to Luka’s body. There wasn’t a single thing on that man’s body that wasn’t absolutely perfect and distracting.

Luka bit his lip, and Peter knew that look well enough to know it meant the man was doing his best not to laugh at him. “I’m glad you like how I look. Analogies aside, since your poor brain does look likes it’s coming second in the blood-supply priority list, I want to make love to you—but if you aren’t ready, we can do something else.”

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