Boys in Blue 01 - Bad Boys Bad Boys (3 page)

BOOK: Boys in Blue 01 - Bad Boys Bad Boys
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“Next time, you think you could work in a little nipple play?” Geo stifled a laugh at the dark look he received.
He slid behind the blanket, feeling smug. Excited, turned on and completely smug. If Mack’s annoyance were any indication, chances were good they might do that again. So, it wasn’t just him. Mack fought the attraction, too. Silence returned to the car. He wiped down the windshield. And his heart skipped a beat. “Sonofabitch is gone.”
Geo pointed to the driveway now missing a rather large navy SUV.

Chapter Three

Nix and Douglas were waiting for them when they reached the Chief’s office half an hour later.
“Report,” Chief Whitlow demanded.
“The suspect didn’t leave the premises before nine o’clock,” Geo said. He handed over the logbook which the Chief ignored.
“At nine forty-eight, you reported that the suspect’s vehicle had departed some time earlier.” The Chief stared icily between them. “What happened between nine and nine fortyeight when Covey escaped your notice?”
Geo’s mind raced with images. None he could share. Mack nudged him. Geo shook his head sharply.
“Well?” Whitlow yelled.
“We were engaged in discussion, sir.” Mack shifted his weight.
“Fighting,” Geo elaborated.
“That explains the split lips. So while you two lovebirds fought, our one and only lead in the investigation took off.”
Chief often referred to partners as
. This time he’d hit the nail on the head. Geo’s cheeks heated. Looking at Mack would be a bad idea.
“You two hit the conference room. We need to regroup if we intend to salvage this operation. Hell, I might even pull in rookies and suspend your asses. I don’t want to see you two until I’m ready. Get in there and work out your differences and don’t
bring them to a case again or I’ll have your badges.”
Geo and Mack agreed and headed for the isolated conference room. Mack slammed the door behind them.
Geo folded his arms across his chest and propped himself on the table, watching, waiting to see what Mack would do. He knew what
wanted to do. All of them involved getting Mack much closer. The weight of indecision had lifted from Geo. Mack knew Geo wanted him. Geo now knew that Mack had been turned on by the truth. Since Geo had no qualms about who he loved, the hard part was over. At least for him. With everything out in the open, secrecy no longer taunted him with
what ifs
. Geo
they were good together.
Mack paced, all traces of good humour gone.
“I’ve never lost a man,” Mack fumed.
“You gonna blame this one on me?” So they would talk about the case instead of the real problem?
Mack stopped and glared. It looked like he wanted to consider blame, but finally, he sighed. “No. Just as much my fault.”
It relieved Geo to hear it. The attraction had been mutual and undeniably strong. Neither one of them could have fought the lure. If Mack had shifted blame, he’d still be in denial about what they’d shared. It encouraged Geo to know Mack took responsibility for his part. There was hope yet. But how hard would Mack fight against the attraction?
It took some bending of Geo’s mind to grasp the idea that, whether housed in a male or female form, Mack could be
for him. He’d always assumed his preference would lean towards the female gender. It switched his gears, but the outcome was the same. It explained the attraction. After all, it had taken him three years to subconsciously accept a man might be his ideal lover, and that had come first in the guise of a dream.
What did Mack think? What would he do with what had happened between them? Transfer? Work through it? Think it was a moment of bizarre indiscretion? Hell, Geo hoped not.
Mack paced away from him. Geo checked out his ass, tipping his head to the side to get a better look at the firm, flexing muscle beneath his faded jeans. He’d shrugged out of his leather coat. The navy blue police T-shirt didn’t hide the wide muscle-packed shoulders or the ridged chest when Mack turned to pace back.
As he watched, Mack’s cock filled. It stood out in relief beneath the faded denim.
“Quit looking at my dick,” Mack ordered.
“Just noticing that you put it away to your right. I’m a lefty.” Amused, Geo realised they’d switched roles. Now Mack brooded and Geo teased. He must have really flipped Mack on his head. So to speak.
The material which had been loose enough to flex in the crotch area stretched taut. Geo’s own cock swelled in appreciation. Yeah, whether Mack knew it yet or not, he was taken. Not a chance Geo would let him get away easy.
“Well, quit it.”
“Mack, there’s something you should think about.”
“I have every intention of fucking you when we get out of here,” Geo said, matter-offact.
Mack froze mid-step. “Why the fuck would you say something like that?” He jerked his head around as though anyone would hear them through the conference room walls. “Shut up. Don’t say shit like that.”
He paced some more and stopped in front of Geo. Geo raised his brows, waiting for Mack to come to the same conclusion he had.
“What happened back there wasn’t real. We fooled around and got carried away with shit we have no business messing in. You’re my partner so I’m not gonna squeal to the chief that you’re a fairy. But you gotta cut this shit out.”
“I’m no fairy and neither are you,” Geo corrected.
And we’re back to denial.
“Damn straight.”
Great word choice, Mack.
“But I
attracted to you, and I’m not gonna sit here and pretend there isn’t something going on between us.”
“I’m gonna settle down and marry a nice girl some day,” Mack insisted.
“I haven’t found a girl I want to spend time with as much as I want to spend time with you. I certainly haven’t found one who makes me as crazy to fuck her as you do.”
“We aren’t fucking.”
“Did you tell your cock, because I don’t think he’s in the loop.”
They both looked down at the stretched denim. Mack swore, readjusted himself.
“Chief’s gonna be in here any minute. You might want to make your dick behave before he walks through the door. I’m guessing he’d notice the wood in your pants,” Geo said, calmly.
Mack swivelled and resumed pacing. Fucking Geo? Yeah, the idea had merit. Fucking Geo forever sounded pretty good too—except he wasn’t gay. You couldn’t spend your life with a guy if you weren’t gay. But he hadn’t heard of any classification which said a straight guy who wanted his dick in another guy’s mouth wasn’t secretly gay.
He didn’t listen to musicals. He loved the hell out of sports. He left the toilet lid up at home. He’d plastered a picture of Pam Anderson above his bed in college. Didn’t that prove he was straight?
“Just answer a couple of things,” Geo said.
Mack didn’t want to. Sounded like a trap.
“Did you like what happened in my apartment?” Geo asked.
Mack’s stomach twisted with lust when he thought about it. His balls ached for a repeat. He nodded abruptly.
“Did you like what happened in the car?”
Wrapping his hand around Geo’s thick cock, watching the man writhe desperately for release Mack could give him? The battle of kisses? Seeing Geo out of his mind for Mack’s mouth? His cock jerked.
“Yeah,” Mack muttered reluctantly.
“What’s the first thing you think of when I tell you I want to fuck you inside out?”
Made him ache like hell, is what he thought of. That and beating Geo to it. Mack could easily sink his cock into Geo right now. Maybe lick his balls—fuck. This couldn’t be normal.
“Geez, Geo!” Mack whirled. “Don’t say shit like that.”
“The walls have ears.”
“Tell me, and I won’t press the point,” Geo said.
“The first thing that comes to mind?”
Mack grabbed Geo’s shoulders. Geo looked back insolently as though the conversation bored him. His arms stayed folded across his chest. Brooding charm. Geo had always been good at placid, brooding charm.
“First thing I think is, I want to watch you do it. Second thing is I shouldn’t want to watch you do it. Third is, my dick is doing the thinking for me and wants your perfect lips stretched over it to suck me off again. Fourth is why the hell am I thinking that way?”
Geo’s lips tugged into a smile. His dimple teased Mack. How could a guy be that fucking sexy to another guy? It made no sense.
“So you’re saying you’re confused,” Geo summed up neatly.
Mack stepped closer. He hesitated in front of Geo, waited for him to back away or say something to discourage him but he didn’t. Mack kissed him. This time there was no struggle for dominance, just tasting, feeling, exploring the firm contours of his mouth and the slick texture of his tongue.
Geo remained perfectly still except for that acquiescence. Mack revelled in the way Geo’s breath hitched. Yeah, he definitely wanted more of this but how much? How long? Would they tire of each other then slap each other on the back and say, “It’s been nice”?
When he finished, Mack pressed his forehead to Geo’s, sharing air and space, relishing in the magnetic scent of aroused male.
“One more question,” Geo said.
Preferably down my throat.
“If I walked out this door and hooked up with the next sex kitten to cross my path, would you be okay with that?”
Mack groaned. “Fuck, no.”
“Me either. Doesn’t make you gay.”
“What the fuck does it make me, then?” Mack backed off. “Tell the chief I have paperwork to finish. He can find me at my desk when he decides to show up.”

* * * *

“I’m giving you one more shot,” Chief Whitlow announced four hours later. “The rookies won’t work out for you?” Geo asked.
“You and Mack get out there. Dominic pulled a wiretap from the office phone. There’s a

meeting behind the elementary school on Hemlock tonight. I need you two in place and hidden before it goes down,” Whitlow said, ignoring Geo’s sarcasm. “Don’t fuck it up this time.”

“You got it,” Mack answered, his jaw like iron and hands shoved into his slacks like he was shoring up stubbornness. No eye contact.
Fine. Two could play that game. Did Mack think Geo
being attracted to a man who insisted on being a stubborn asshole?
Geo remained silent on the ride over. They parked down the street in front of a gas station and walked a circuitous route towards the school. Full darkness would drop in less than an hour, and finding cover in the bare-bones branches of shrubbery wasn’t going to be easy. Mack hefted the stakeout blankets and his pack, trudging in silence as he did so.
The back of the school stretched out clear and open. A meeting going down here would either be in the bordering tree-line or up against the building. But the building provided a significant blind spot from the street and easy access to the parking lot. Getting close would be a challenge.
Mack seemed to relax once they got settled and he realised Geo wouldn’t push the issue of their changing relationship. After their last exchange, when Mack confessed he didn’t want to see Geo with a woman for sex, Geo had hoped they’d reached a crossroads. Then Mack had gone silent.
What was he thinking? Did Geo asking about where they stood come too soon?
Geo crawled forward on his elbows and lifted his binoculars to his face. Twigs rustled beside him where Mack did the same. Inches apart which might as well have been a wall separating them.
“Great head doesn’t make a relationship,” Mack sighed as though from a great distance. “Fuck. Never thought I’d have to say that after college.”
“Did I ask you to marry me?”
Mack snorted. Geo sensed Mack look at him, but he kept his eyes trained on the back of the building. A second slip would cost his badge.
“What do you want?” Mack asked warily.
“I’m not your wife. I don’t need undying confessions.” He only needed Mack to admit to his attraction. It would be a start.
“Would be a nice,” Geo agreed, grinning.
Silence settled between them again. The back of the school remained clear. A couple of kids running past with their parents pointed at the playground equipment and moved on.
“Not sure I can share you if there’s sex,” Mack said, finally.
“Physical exclusivity? What if I want someone to talk to?” Geo swallowed hard, trying to sound nonchalant when Mack’s line of conversation made Geo’s heart pound with renewed hope.
Mack put down the binoculars and picked up a camera. He snapped a couple of shots of the car which had just pulled up. “Teenagers necking,” he muttered. “They’re gonna fuck up the investigation.”
“Log it.” Geo let the investigation intrude. It eased the tension, gave them both room to think about their words.
Mack pulled out the book, noted the time and the frame number of the shots. The couple took off after twenty minutes of car rocking. Full dark descended. Mack handed him the night binoculars.
“We’re partners. You should talk to me when you got stuff goin’ on,” Mack muttered as he polished the night lens of his camera.
“Sex and communication. Sounds like strings.” Again, Geo prayed his steady voice sounded matter-of-fact and hid his growing excitement. Could Mack be coming around?
“You’re my best friend, man. Am I supposed to quit talking to you about shit?” Mack didn’t seem as pleased about the conclusions he drew for himself.
Geo put down the binoculars and looked at him over his shoulder. “No. I’d have to beat your ass if you stopped talking to me. But what you’re asking for sounds a lot like a relationship from a guy who just wants head.”
Mack shrugged. As they both laid on their bellies, it came off more like hunching.
Geo returned to his surveillance. Kissing the confusion away probably wouldn’t go over well. But he wanted to. A lot.
“I’d miss talking to you.” Mack’s words growled sullenly.
Geo wanted to laugh. “You can pick up the phone any time you want, no matter what you decide.”
“I’d let you call me.”
“Now who’s being a girl?”
Mack dove at him, taking Geo to his back. “Take it back.”
“No. You playing hard-to-get is kinda funny,” Geo said. Sexy, too, especially with the stubbly pout shadowed by night and the day’s regrowth of beard.
“God, I want you.” The words came out like a revelation.
Mack rubbed his groin against Geo’s. The ground had been cold, but Mack quickly heated him up. Geo reached up and pulled him down for a kiss. He parted his legs and let Mack slide between them. Mack hissed, slid his hands under Geo’s coat, fumbled with his shirt and finally reached bare skin.
“Cold hands, shithead,” Geo complained happily.
But he temporarily lost thought as his partner’s fingers tangled and rubbed over his chest and Mack’s hips rocked rhythmically against his. Geo grabbed Mack’s ass and pulled him tighter, making the friction of their jean-clad cocks sweeter.
Mack’s tongue duelled with his. His whiskers burned and prickled Geo’s cleanly shaven face in an erotic punishment of promised sex. Had he decided or just given in to temptation? Geo wondered. Fuck if he cared, right now.
Headlights flashed over them, and Geo quickly dumped Mack on his ass. “Later. We’ve got company.”
“Fuck, later. Drop your pants and spread ’em. I’ll take care of business while you watch for the deal.”
“Nice, Mack. Subtle.” But the words made his stomach flip with anticipation.
Another car drove in and already Covey had walked to the apex at the back of the building where classrooms and hallways vee-ed to make a duck-in. Two other men hopped out of the second car and walked towards him. They had a briefcase.
“Looks like murder for hire to me,” Mack muttered. He held up a listening cone with a recording device attached. “Fucking too much background noise to make it out clearly.”
“Gimme that. I’ll go in closer.” The sooner this case ended, the sooner he’d have Mack to himself.
“Fuck you will. You’re as big as I am, and unless you’re invisible, they’ll see you.”
“It’s dark, and I’m quieter than you,” Geo reminded.
“And if they see you, you’ll get shot. Who’ll give me head, then?”
Geo wrested the cone away and slipped into the darkness. “I love you, too, asshole,” he whispered.

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