Boys in Blue 01 - Bad Boys Bad Boys (2 page)

BOOK: Boys in Blue 01 - Bad Boys Bad Boys
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Wicked images of a hungry kiss in the dark stilled Geo as he stepped off the elevator the next day. An old lady shoved him from behind. He apologised and moved off to the side, brow furrowed as he searched for some memory just out of reach.

That dream had really messed with his head. Geo no longer knew what was real and what wasn’t. Still, the clouded image of Mack’s surprise-widened eyes millimetres from his stuck fast.

Had he? Why couldn’t he remember it? Did he like it? Who the hell was he kidding? Of course, he’d liked it but had Mack? Geo scrubbed his brain for any trace of reaction, sensation, and came up empty.
Had to have been another dream.

He sighed and walked out front, keys ready, sunglasses in place against the bright afternoon sun. He went to his usual spot, but the car wasn’t there. Bad enough he’d woken with a hard-on again. Now he’d not only be thinking about kissing Mack all day, he’d but misplaced his car. Shit.

He gingerly swung his head to see if he’d parked somewhere else instead but didn’t see his little black Toyota. Considering his hangover, he had one other ace in the hole to try.
“Mack, where’s my car?” he demanded into his cell phone.
A long silence greeted him. Then, “You don’t remember?”
“Shit. It’s at the bar, isn’t it?”
“Yeah. I drove you home.”
“You could have left a note. I’m out here in the parking lot looking for my ride.”
“Figured you’d remember last night pretty clear.”
Something about his tone, his low gravelly half-whisper, pricked Geo’s attention. Nerves fluttered in his stomach. “Why?”
“No reason.”
The persistent image of the kiss popped mercilessly to mind. Geo’s breath caught, his ears rang. “Did…uh…did anything weird happen I should know about?”
“Weird how?”
“I dunno. There’s this image that keeps bugging me. Something which might have happened in your car?”
“Just the car?” Mack asked.
Geo heard the tension in his partner’s voice. The way he’d said
just the car?
Like Geo should have remembered something else. “So you’re saying something did happen?”
“Hang on.” Fabric rustled against the mouthpiece, and Geo could make out the muffled vibrations of Mack’s deeper tones mixed with higher pitched ones. Family. “Can’t talk now. I’m at my mom’s.”
“You gonna pick me up tomorrow for the stakeout?”
“Mack. We okay?” Geo asked.
“I don’t know, man. I’ll see ya Sunday.” Mack rang off.
* * * *

Mack swung his backpack into the rear seat. Did Geo really not remember what had happened last Friday? Mack wasn’t sure if that relieved him or disappointed him. How often did Geo give guys head? Nothing in their partnership had ever suggested the man was a fairy or that Mack was the centre of his little fantasy.

Beer loosened inhibitions. It didn’t change people’s personalities. Still, it had been great head. If Geo had been a woman, Mack would be chomping at the bit for a repeat. Shit, every mile closer to Geo’s apartment, Mack’s dick throbbed harder.

He glared down at the thick ridge behind his jeans’ zipper. “You liked that, did you? It was a guy, you brainless moron.”
A guy. His partner. His best friend. He loved the man, sure, but sexually? It had never entered his mind. Sometimes, it felt like they were on the same wavelength. They finished each other’s sentences, and both of them with dark colouring had earned them the label ‘the twins’ around the department. Forget that Mack was black Irish and Geo was Italian. The heavily muscled builds, similar height, colouring, and propensity towards masculine dominance had sealed the deal.
Maybe male dominance had been the thing. Two guys drinking and both working together and seen as part of the other. Maybe Geo had gotten sick of it and wanted to show Mack who the boss was. In a drunken stupor, it might explain the blow job, but their similarities as detectives were peppered with compatible differences.
Mack was more boisterous. Louder. Geo tended towards silence and brooding charm. Between them they could interrogate anyone and come out with something. Good cop, bad cop. And the ladies…well, the ladies didn’t stand a chance against Geo.
Geo oozed sex appeal. His ground-eating stride was predatory and lithe. He flashed those pretty silver eyes, and women creamed their panties. The rare flicker of a dimple in Geo’s cheek when humour lit his features made even Mack smile in appreciation for the good-looking man.
He’d learned something else two nights ago, too. When Geo went down on a man, the dimple came out to play. Sexy as hell.
“Shit,” Mack muttered as the thought registered.
He jerked the wheel towards Geo’s parking lot, spilling hot coffee in on his thigh. He jumped up in his seat as his foot came down on the brake. He snatched several tissues and blotted his lap. “At least my dick is back to normal.”
Geo jogged over to the car and slipped in. “Let’s get going. Douglas and Nix are off duty in a few.”
“I’m goin’,” Mack said, pulling back into traffic and heading towards the edge of Maple Grove where it bumped borders with Fridley.
“Start talking,” Geo said. He twisted the top off a water bottle and chugged half of it back before looking at Mack again.
Mack stole a glance, noting the dip of Geo’s dimple. Mack’s cock stirred to life. He shifted, slightly raising his right hip to obscure Geo’s view if he looked. Mack had been thinking about that mouth since Friday night. After his brain began working again. Difficult not to think about that mouth after what it had done to him. And after the blow job, he’d been left with the self-examination. What did it mean that he’d enjoyed it? Was it a symptom of great head regardless of the giver or something more ominous?
Unlike Geo, it seemed, Mack remembered everything in sharp detail. Painful, arousing, sharp detail.
“About what?” Mack asked.
“What’s bothering you.”
Mack opted for a change of subject, not sure he could discuss the topic which most occupied him. He reached in his back pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. “Love note from Maddie.”
Geo laughed and put the water bottle between his legs as he opened the note. Mack shot a look, thinking how much the stiff water bottle looked like a cock sticking up from Geo’s groin. He nearly missed the turn.
He could hardly comprehend a kiss and now he had jumped straight to cock? What the fuck? The kiss had more than thrown him. It had crossed some wires in his brain. It had to have, because after the kiss, Mack had wondered what kissing him back would feel like. He didn’t think he’d go so far as to want Geo’s cock in his mouth, but the idea of looking at it held appeal. Fuck, had Geo gone and made him gay?
“She thinks I’m handsome. She,” Geo laughed sharply. “She wants me to give her a sweet sixteen kiss.”
“She’s already sixteen.”
Geo shrugged. “She thinks her first kiss should be by someone she trusts.”
“That’s bullshit. She has the hots for you, and she wants to get her groove on. Don’t touch her.” Geo kissing Mack’s little sister twisted something in his gut. He knew how the man kissed, how sensual it felt to be held in place while Geo did it. Maddie wouldn’t be able to handle it. It would send her on hormonal overload. Yeah, that’s why he didn’t want Geo kissing her. The only reason.
He chanced a look at Geo profile. His dimple took the angles and softened them when he smiled. Smiling and sucking, the only two things Mack knew of to make that illusive trait come out of hiding. Maybe kissing, too. He’d have to look next time.
Geo snorted. “I wouldn’t. Her big brother would kill me. Besides, I think she’s missed the point about me being a cop and her being underage.” He waggled his eyebrows at Mack, wrenching a reluctant grin from him. “So this is it? This is what’s bugging you?”
They turned the last corner. Mack pulled up behind Douglas. Or was it Nix? Creepy-ass guys. Alien detective people with pasty skin and no sense of humour. The other guys took off. Mack settled in and turned off the car. The exhaust plume would only give them away. He checked the backseat and was relieved he’d remembered the blankets.
“Nothin’s bugging me.”
Except that your mouth is the most fascinating thing on my mind right now, and I have no
reason for thinking about you
“Friday,” Geo reminded. “When I called you the next day, you were distinctly uncomfortable about Friday. Since I can’t trust my memory, you wanna tell me what happened?”
“No.” Mack couldn’t explain it to himself. How could he explain it to Geo?
“So you’re going to keep giving me the cold shoulder?”
Better than the hot cock in my pants.
“How about if I tell you what I think I remember?” Geo asked, suddenly finding the cap on his water bottle absorbing.
“Go for it.”
This ought to be interesting.

Mack watched him from the corner of his eye. Geo looked out the side window towards a naked maple. He took a deep breath and cleared his throat.
“I keep seeing your face. Really close and kinda shocked.” Geo reached up and pulled on the collar of his coat. He ran the zipper up under his chin and tucked the lower part of his face in the neckline, hiding his mouth from Mack. “I think,” he started, bringing his mouth up again and staring straight ahead. “I think I might have done something drunk and stupid.”
“Like?” Mack’s pulse thrummed hot and heavy in anticipation of Geo’s words. Putting them out in the open for both to hear would give credence to what he remembered. Solidify the event as fact. Did he want that?
Geo’s shoulders twitched, like they didn’t fit right or he’d stopped a shrug. “Like a kiss or something. Dude, I didn’t kiss your ugly mug, did I?” Geo’s jaw ticked. He shoved his hands in his coat pockets and fixed his eyes on something down the road.
“Yeah.” What else did Geo remember?
“Shit.” His gaze dropped to the dash. He squinted then resumed looking down the street. “Sorry, man. Beer fucks me up.”
“No shit.” Fucked Geo up. Fucked Geo’s mouth with his cock for sure. Yeah, beer had changed a few things between them.
“Bet that would change Maddie’s mind.”
Mack laughed uneasily. “Yeah. Yeah, it would.” He scratched the whirl of his ear and decided to throw it out in the open. “But not nearly as much as the other thing.”
Geo looked sideways at him. His eyes narrowed. “What other thing?”
Mack cocked an eyebrow as he shifted to face Geo. He wanted to read every nuance of Geo’s expression. “Fuckin’ A, Wilson. You swallowed my cock.”

Laughter exploded from Geo in disbelief. “Fuck you, asshole. In your dreams.” Mack wasn’t laughing. He squirmed in his seat, and his face had taken on a ruddy hue. “I’ve never sucked cock before, and I sure as hell wouldn’t start with your—” Another memory. His mouth full. Short black curls zooming in and out of his vision. A

shout. Geo sucked in a sharp breath. His stomach tipped dizzily, echoed by a sharp, eager pull from his filling dick.

“You remember,” Mack said. He checked his watch and studied the front door of the stakeout house. “It’s eight-thirty. No one in or out. Make a note.”
Geo fumbled with the logbook, grateful for the interruption. He noted the change in expected routine. “Got it.”
The men were silent for a long time.
Geo tried to coax the memories forward yet they remained a blur of motion and twisting bodies. Trying to escape? Trying to get closer? Mack’s cock finally in his mouth, and he couldn’t remember it? Fuck that. Fate sucked ass. He’d been dreaming about the moment in vivid clarity, but the actual moment had been lost to
What had it felt like sliding between his lips? Tasted like? Geo’s mouth watered. Wait a minute.
Geo half-turned in his seat to view both the street and his partner. Mack didn’t look happy. He looked pissed.
“Quit looking at me,” Mack groused.
“I’m thinkin’ that I was drunk, and you weren’t. How the hell did I get the jump on you to suck cock, and you not stop me?”
Mack squirmed. “Took me by surprise. Thought you were about to puke, and the next thing I know you have my pants down.”
The memory of Mack’s short and curlies zooming in and out persisted. The only way he could have sucked cock like that was—
“You weren’t soft.” The realisation dawned on him with a measure of incredulity.
“You weren’t, either,” Mack countered.
“Yeah.” Geo started laughing. Couldn’t help it. Mack’s look told him he could kill. It only made Geo laugh louder because reluctant recipient or not, Mack’s cock had been at attention for the deed. Obviously, his partner had been aroused. “I remember you shouting. Must’ve been a good blow.”
Mack’s lips twitched. He turned away his face. Shrugged. Silence stretched between them. “Fucking best head I ever got,” he said after a few minutes, laughing.
Geo laughed with him, feeling some of the tension break. “Dude, I don’t remember it. No, I’m serious,” he said when Mack seemed disbelieving. “Clearly you don’t have a memorable cock.”
Mack reached over and shoved him.
“I vaguely remember being close enough to kiss you but not actually doing it. And I remember your short n’ curlies. That’s it.”

That almost pissed Mack off. He’d been stressing about the incident all weekend, worrying about the stakeout. Forgetting about Friday hadn’t been an option for Mack since he couldn’t get Geo out of his mind. Couldn’t erase the haunt of him bearing down on Mack’s turgid staff. And Geo didn’t remember it. Pricked his ego.

“You’d have remembered if I’d kissed you back. Never had complaints before. Come ’ere, and I’ll kiss you solid this time,” Mack joked, trying to make light of his discomfort. Once Geo joked back, they’d be in familiar territory again and could forget the whole thing. Maybe.

Amusement flickered over Geo’s face. “How do I know you’ll stop there? My modesty is at stake.”
Geo batted his lashes at him, and Mack grinned. He really did have pretty eyes. A puff of breath formed from between Geo’s parted lips. He reached back without looking and brought forward a plaid flannel blanket.
Mack found himself staring at Geo. He’d been too stunned to react at the time, but now he remembered, and it didn’t seem like such a bad thing to think he might have enjoyed it even more if he’d kissed Geo back.
“Fuck me,” Mack swore under his breath. “This stakeout is gonna be too long.” Especially if he kept thinking about his partner’s hungry mouth and silver eyes. He sounded like Maddie, damn it.
“Nine o’clock and suspect hasn’t left for work,” Geo said, logging the information in the book. He put it down. “Go ahead.”
Mack’s breath stalled. “Ahead with what?”
“Kiss me solid. I owe you, and I have no memory of it. Couldn’t have been that good.” Geo shrugged, but Mack detected some nervous rigidity in his face. The rest of him was under the blanket, huddling for warmth.
“I don’t kiss dudes,” Mack said. He looked long and hard at Geo’s mouth. He
wondered though. About Geo. Not about other dudes. Only because the line had been crossed once already and because Geo seemed to understand the curiosity. Did he wonder about Mack, too, knowing he would keep the secret like so many other personal matters over the years?
“Neither do I,” Geo answered, his beautiful lips twisting with ironic humour.
Cold seeped into the car. The windows fogged to the point where Mack could no longer make out distinct shapes. He reached back, bending sideways around the bucket seat. His shoulder and upper arm brushed Geo. Accidentally on purpose. He couldn’t explain why he’d needed to touch Geo. The intimacy of the conversation perhaps. Mack found the paper towels and wiped down the inside of the windshield.
Geo pulled the water bottle out from under the blanket and took several long, plasticpopping swigs. Mack watched Geo’s throat work. Watched the angled line of his jaw lift and his lips wrap around the opening. Mack’s cock throbbed, remembering how those lips felt wrapped around him
. It made him hot. Horny. Pissed him off because Geo controlled him in a way he would never let another man control him. Excited him. Irritated him. Barbed him into making choices he had no desire to make.
Or did he? Kissing Geo’s water-slicked lips suddenly seemed like a really good idea.
Mack grabbed the bottle, spilling some of the cool water on the blanket. Geo’s lips curled into motion, ready to rip out a sarcastic comment, no doubt, but Mack leaned over the centre console. He grabbed the throat of Geo’s coat and lugged him close.
“This is payback, got it?” Mack snapped. Payback. Not lust. Not for Geo.
“Yeah,” Geo breathed.
Mack’s lips came down on Geo’s. Without the beard stubble, the sensation was slightly different. Softer, fuller. Annoyance that this kiss made his cock strain, his heart race faster than any kiss he’d had before, reared to the forefront, and he nipped Geo’s lip in punishment.
Geo shoved him off. “Fuckin’ bit me.”
Mack made another grab for him. Geo’s fist clipped the underside of Mack’s jaw, stunning him. Then Geo took over, grabbing Mack’s head between his hands and devouring his mouth. His breath rushed over Mack’s lips. He inhaled, and it was like breathing Geo’s soul deep into his lungs.
Mack grappled with Geo’s coat, shoving him with one hand, pulling him back with the other. Their lips broke contact. Both men, panting and crazed, had fisted the other’s coat. Geo made a move first, darting forward to recapture Mack’s mouth. Mack met him, angrily pressing his lips to his partner’s until they hurt, gasping and pressing again as they each sought to win a battle.
Geo shoved him backwards against the driver’s side door. He shoved his hand down the front of Mack’s jeans and stroked his cock savagely. Mack twisted and pulled Geo’s hand out then bodily shoved him back to the passenger side.
Warily Mack looked down at him. God, Mack wanted him. How could he want him? It was wrong or twisted. It had to be to want Geo this bad.
Geo seemed as confused as he and had the same thick ridge in his jeans, too. Giving in to the urge which seemed at once foreign and familiar, Mack manoeuvred around the steering wheel and clamped his hands on Geo’s hips, dragging him closer. The intensity of his lust—no, curiosity—pounded through his veins with a demand to see, touch, taste. To give back to Geo what had been done to Mack. To force
to question his own sexuality the way Mack had been, and force Geo into the same hell of confusion and rage and desire with no apparent solution Mack could easily accept.
He didn’t wait for Geo to catch his bearings. Mack lowered his friend’s fly and reached inside. Geo grunted as Mack’s hand closed around him, pulled him out then began to pump.
Geo tried to sit up, but Mack held him down with one hand while he relentlessly pumped Geo’s cock with the other. His partner writhed but didn’t try to break free. Instead, he locked one hand around the wrist holding him and the other around Mack’s forearm, silently urging him on.
“Oh, fuck,” Geo moaned. “Not supposed to feel this good. Fucking calluses on your hands.”
Pre-cum shimmered over the top of the plump head, and Mack used it to slick Geo’s shaft. Experimentally, Mack leaned down and ran his tongue over the slit, levelling a look at Geo which dared him to comment. Geo’s eyes glazed over. His lips parted on gasped pants. The tendons in his neck tightened, and he dug his nails into Mack.
Lust hazed Mack’s thoughts until taking Geo’s tip into his mouth seemed like a good idea. The texture surprised him. The tanginess was a lot like his own cum. Mack’s mouth cleared the rim, popping his lips over the ridge which had Geo thrusting upward to give him more. Geo’s bucking hips and powerlessness to do anything more than feel and allow Mack to take him however he chose seared Mack’s chest with triumphant pleasure.
“Coming,” Geo moaned. “Fuck. I’m coming, Mack.”
He fisted a hand in Mack’s hair encouraging him off the tangy knob. Mack clamped on him tight lips and suction.
Geo grunted, jammed his hips upward, and forced his cock deep into Mack’s mouth. Mack held a gag in check as Geo grunted in rhythm with spurting cum deep into his throat.
Mack sat up, choking. “Damn that stuff is foul.” He wiped a sleeve across his lips and grabbed Geo’s water bottle, draining it. Cool plastic touched him where blazing skin had been, but nothing could wipe away the numbness brought on by engorged straining flesh rubbing over sensitive lips. Or Geo’s musky male smell burned into his memory.
Had he thought doing Geo would cancel out Geo doing him? Had he thought at all? With blinding intuition, Mack knew he’d never be able to forget the feeling of Geo’s cock in his mouth.
Next to him, Geo straightened up and tucked himself away. “What are you going to do about that?” he asked, nodding at Mack’s lap.
“I’m gonna ignore it.”
Shut up before I beg you to suck me off again. I don’t want to want you.
“Let me know how that works out for ya.”
“Piss off,” Mack snarled.
“Can’t. You sucked me dry then drank my water. I’m too dehydrated to piss.”
“You think this is funny?” Mack roared. “What the fuck kind of straight guys do what we just did?” And that was the real question. The one which had been plaguing him from the moment Geo had kissed him and opened his eyes to something far more intoxicating and far more dangerous than he’d known existed.
“Flexible ones.”
“And to think my sister wants to kiss that mouth.”
Fuck if I don’t want to, too.
“Why not? You did? Are you telling me now you didn’t like kissing me? Sure have a funny way of showing it,” Geo said.
“Fuck off.”
“Not until you admit that you liked gettin’ me off.”
“Piece of shit.”
“You’re projecting again. Didn’t the police therapist talk to you about that?” Geo asked. “
Fuck off

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