Bought by the Puma (Studly Shifters Book 1) (6 page)

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Authors: Ashley Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: Bought by the Puma (Studly Shifters Book 1)
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"You're not his mate, Natalya. Shifters are only meant to mate once in their lifetime unless there are extenuating circumstances and being with other people sexually once mated doesn't appeal to the truly mated. Bryce was fucking two women last night in his apartment and if he can do that when he's mated to you, it's obviously not a fated thing."

While he had been talking, the smile had completely disappeared from Natalya's face. Her face was even paler and a look over horror passed across her eyes. She shook her head in denial.

"You're lying."

"I'll get the proof for you." Simon sighed. "I don't love you anymore, Natalya, but you do need to get out while you can or Bryce is going to dump you by the wayside like he does with everyone else." Deciding he needed to leave, Simon stood, giving Natalya one last look. "If you're lucky, you can walk away with your life."

Spying Grattidge coming out of the restrooms, Simon made a quick retreat. Even before he was out the door, he heard the shouting and the accusations. Even though it was petty, he allowed himself a small-satisfied smile.

But that was one woman dealt with. Now he needed to deal with another.

His beast purred. It was telling him that it was about time that he finally did something about his mate.









Whitney had the TV on but she wasn't paying attention. She was nervous, her mind going over every scenario that could happen when Simon got back and confronted her.

He was mad. That much Whitney could ascertain. He was mad at her for disobeying him and he was mad that his former girlfriend was now in an intimate relationship with the man he had been ordered to take out. The conflict he had to be feeling now must be huge. She wished she hadn't had to give him the news.

It was clear he still hankered after the woman. And Whitney couldn't blame him; Natalya was beautiful. Whitney couldn't hold a candle to her. Even though she considered herself attractive, it all came down to her weight. Natalya was slim and toned and she probably worked out every day.

Whitney had rolls that refused to move, big thighs and huge breasts. While she wasn't obese and she was comfortable as she was - curves were curves, after all - it didn't do her confidence any good when a handsome man came along and he had to choose between the two of them.

Then Whitney had no chance.

She had been deluding herself that Simon would see her as anything beyond a nuisance. She shouldn't have attempted to stay to make him change his mind that she was both a help to him and attractive to him; that was the stupidest thing after going to that club alone that she could have done.

When Simon got there she was going to tell him that she was going home and leave him alone as he originally requested. She didn't want to make things worse for him and if he was focusing on Natalya, it was just going to make her miserable.

It was mid-afternoon when Simon finally returned. Whitney saw his car pull up and stood, smoothing her hands down her dress. She could feel the tension coiling in her body, knowing this would be a hard thing for her to do. She hoped Simon would calm down enough for them to come to an agreement; no way would Whitney harm his investigation in any way.

Simon came in, closing the door with a sharp slam behind him. Whitney mentally prepared herself and opened her mouth as Simon strode up to her. But she didn't get any words out as Simon grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her against him, covering her mouth with his.

God, the man could certainly kiss. His mouth coaxed Whitney's open and his tongue tangled with hers, one hand cupping the back of her head while the other hand holding her firmly round the waist. Whitney clung to his shirt and kissed him back, her head spinning. This wasn't a confrontation; it felt more like a seduction. A passionate one.

Not that she was complaining.

Simon pulled back, his eyes glowing. He was breathing heavily.

"Don't ever scare me like that again."

Whitney swallowed. Her heart was pounding.

"Then don't block me out." She countered.

"Do as you're told and I won't."

Whitney heard the double meaning in the statement. Her panties grew damp and her pussy clenched. It liked the sound of that. She nodded.


Simon nodded and swallowed. Then, he released her and stepped back, moving back towards the door. Whitney was stunned. What was going on?

She followed him, slamming the door shut as he opened it.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"To cool off." Simon's eyes were still glowing. "We barely know each other. You don't want me pawing you."

Whitney looked him over. Everything in his body was tense, coiled ready to spring. His jeans looked rather tight around the crotch and Whitney saw the impressive ridge pressing against the zipper.

She licked her lips. Simon groaned.

"Don't do that, Whitney, or you're not getting rid of me."

Whitney decided she was going to take the initiative this time. Simon was not going to do anything; it would have to be up to her.

She reached out and turned him so he had his back flat to the door.

"You are not going anywhere." She lowered her hands to his jeans and undid the button, lowering the zipper and reaching in. "Not after getting me hot and bothered."

To her amazement and delight, she found that he wasn't wearing underwear. His cock was long, longer than she had come across, and thick. Whitney shivered, thinking of what his cock could do. Would he even be able to fit inside her?

She wanted to find out.

Simon hissed as her hand slowly pumped him, resting his head back against the door.

"I like to be respectful to women." He sounded strangled.

"That goes out the window for now." Whitney pushed his jeans down over his hips and lowered herself to her knees, giving him a saucy look. "I don't want to be respected, Simon. I want to be fucked."

She had barely got to her knees when Simon grabbed her and pulled her to standing. The heated desire in his face had Whitney gasping. She hadn't seen him like this before. Hell, she hadn't seen a man like this before. She had no idea how empowering it felt.

"As long as you know," Simon growled, "That I demand complete control in the bedroom."

Whitney's pulse jumped. She nodded.

"I've been looking for a man who wants that." She breathed.

Simon growled and pulled her against him.

"God, Whitney."

He kissed her and Whitney met him stroke for furious stroke. He felt pent up, as if he had been holding on to this for some time. Whitney's body tingled as he ran his hands all over her body, going down to her backside and squeezing it hard.

Then he moved them, shifting Whitney so she was sitting on the stairs. Simon stopped the kiss and moved back, breathing heavily.

"Take off your clothes."

Whitney didn't need to be told twice. As Simon straightened up and stepped back, she unzipped her dress and pulled it off, tossing it onto the floor. She undid her bra and slipped out of her bikini briefs, dropping them on top of her dress. Then she leant back against the stairs, propping up on her elbows, and spread her legs.

She saw Simon's eyes zero in on her pussy, which was free of hair. Whitney waxed regularly and liked to have her pussy free of her wiry hair.

Simon groaned and quickly divested himself of his clothes, kicking off his sneakers behind him so they banged against the door. Tossing his socks onto her clothes, Simon pumped his cock, a drop of pre-cum appeared and he smeared it over his cock.

"On your hands and knees. I want to fuck you."

Whitney had done doggy style before but it hadn't really appealed to her. She liked to see the man's face when he was having sex with her. But with the look on Simon's face and his words, she knew she couldn't resist.

She rolled onto her front, elbows on the step and her feet on the floor, tilting her backside at him. Looking over her shoulder at him, Whitney locked eyes with Simon as she reached between her legs and touched her clit.

She saw Simon's eyes flare, the golden glow almost too bright for her. His eyes were focused on her pussy. Whitney circled her clit with her finger before sliding it into her pussy. She had never played with herself in front of a man before; Simon was making her do naughty things she had considered embarrassing. Now she felt sexy, empowered.

Simon came forward and pushed her hand away, putting it back on the step. Whitney gasped when she felt the head of his cock rubbing against her pussy.

He teased her for a moment, tracing her lips and nudging her clit. Then he thrust. Whitney's gasps turned to moans as his large girth pushed inside her, stretching her further than she had before.

Simon didn't wait for her to get used to his cock. Gripping her hips hard enough to bruise, he began to fuck her, pumping her pussy relentlessly with his balls slapping against her pussy. Whitney's hands clenched into fists as she thrust back, taking more of him in. This felt exquisite. They had barely done any foreplay and already Whitney was speeding towards her orgasm.

Simon didn't let up even when Whitney reached her peak and screamed his name, her pussy clamping around his cock. If anything, he thrust even faster, jack-hammering into her pussy as Whitney's first orgasm merged into a second one and she was left shuddering from the high.

A moment after her second orgasm began to abate Simon let out a shout and thrust one last time, Whitney feeling his seed filling her. Then he leant over her, pressing his forehead to her back, his breath cool on her skin. Whitney slumped against the stairs, resting her head against the step. Her head was spinning.

If sex with Simon was like this all the time, she should have tried to seduce him earlier.

She was so limp from the exertion that when Simon pulled out and pulled her into his arms, carrying her up the stairs to the bedroom, that Whitney didn't resist. She wanted more.

And when Simon laid her on the bed, she got more.















Chapter 6: The Finale Night


Simon leant against the back door and watched as Whitney stood on the grass, wearing tight yoga pants and a sports bra, going through her yoga poses. He had discovered that she was a yoga fiend and practised it three times a week. Because it wasn't quite big enough in the lounge and the weather was nice, Whitney had taken to practising in the back yard.

He liked watching her. She was fluid in her movements, first reaching up to the sky before swooping down to grasp her ankles and placing her head on her knees. Simon had discovered how incredibly flexible she was; some of the positions they had tried in bed had been both eye opening and incredible. He didn't think he'd had more fun in bed in his life.

Their sex was beyond steamy. Whitney was more than prepared to be told what to do, eagerly following his commands. Simon couldn't believe how pliable she was to his orders and followed without arguing. Natalya had questioned him whenever he gave orders but she had been a challenging personality. Looking back, Simon knew that was when they would clash and break apart.

While Whitney was submissive and allowed him to tell her what to do, Simon never pushed it. And he let her take control as well, choosing sessions when he would let her take charge. It was hard letting go and handing the reins over but he was glad he did; Whitney's prowess was amazing. He couldn't get enough of her.

They had done more than just have sex in the last two weeks. During the day, Simon would go out and track Grattidge, finding out his routine and finding as much evidence as he could.

Whitney would stay at the cottage and work on her own thing. The talk of her helping him nail Grattidge had been dropped, their time together too precious to be speaking about things like that. They did their own thing and came together in the evening, with Whitney cooking before they watched a movie or spent the rest of the night talking.

Either way, they always ended up having sex.

Simon preferred, however, to think of it as making love. And he did love Whitney. She was quick-witted, funny and sweet. There was a lot more to her than met the eye and Simon never tired of finding out something new about her. He even managed to talk to her about his past and growing up in foster care after losing his parents as an adolescent.

But he hadn't told her about being a shifter. Not yet. He didn't think she could handle that just yet. Until he knew of her feelings towards him, he was keeping that to himself. At least, until Grattidge had been dealt with. It was too dangerous to take a mate while there was a dangerous man out there.

Simon wasn't taking chances with his mate.

Whitney stretched up against towards the sun and lowered her hands to the ground, placing her palms flat on the grass. Simon couldn't take it any longer. He prowled across the grass and wrapped an arm round her waist, rubbing his hardened cock against her backside. Whitney slowly rose, wiggling her bottom against him with a giggle.

"Like what you see?"

"You know I do." Simon cupped her breasts and squeezed as he thrust against her backside. He nipped at her neck with his teeth, holding back the urge to lengthen his fangs and sink them into her skin. He growled. "And I know you're doing this to drive me crazy."

Whitney purred. She turned in his arms, running her hands up his chest. Simon saw a worried look pass over her face.

"You're going after him tonight, aren't you?"

Simon blinked. He hadn't said anything about Grattidge for two weeks since the day after they had had sex for the first time. How could she know?

"How do you know that?"

"I'm guessing." Whitney shrugged. "The way you've been acting. Everything is getting intense, especially in bed. You're building up to something."

Simon chuckled and squeezed her ass.

"You're too smart for your own good."

Whitney stood on her tiptoes and nipped at his jaw.

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