Bought by the Puma (Studly Shifters Book 1) (5 page)

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Authors: Ashley Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #Fantasy, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: Bought by the Puma (Studly Shifters Book 1)
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Whitney ducked behind the tree and waited as Grattidge walked past, merely a few metres away. He didn't seem to notice her; with the crowds around during the lunch hour she would have blended into the throng.

For a moment, she felt guilty for what she was doing. Simon was the one going after Grattidge and was preparing to do something. Whitney guessed he was going to take him out and after what Grattidge's men did to her she was more than prepared to get in line. This was Simon's job, not hers.

But after last night and her research on Bryce Grattidge that morning she knew she had to do something to help. Even if was just following the man and finding out his habits. Simon couldn't be everywhere and Whitney was more than happy to fill in the gaps.

She had dressed hurriedly after Simon left and called her favourite driver at her regular taxi service, asking to be taken into the city. Getting past the alarm system was easier than she thought; all she had to do was step over it instead of walking through the motion sensors.

She made a mental note to tell Simon his system was faulty but then discarded it; she didn't want Simon to know what she had done. It was best to keep this to herself.

Her driver was very surprised at where she was and teased that she had enjoyed her night out at the club more than he anticipated. Whitney had gone along with it, not willing to give away Simon's secret and why she was really there.

But the thought of having sex with Simon brought her out in a hot flush and certain parts of her body throbbing. Glad she had chosen to sit in the back, Whitney had squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to ease the throbbing and focused on watching the scenery go by.

Now she was in the city outside Grattidge's workplace, waiting for him to come out. It was a busy day and nobody seemed to notice her hanging around with a camera. They must have thought she was a tourist. Even with her size Whitney had an ability to blend into the background. She had no idea how it worked but she appreciated it right now.

After Grattidge walked past her, Whitney followed him at a discreet distance, ducking and dodging between commuters to keep him in sight. Towards the end of the block, Grattidge approached a restaurant, where they were setting up tables ready for the lunch rush.

A pretty woman was standing beside the door, wearing a floaty blue blouse and light grey slacks, her feet in high-heeled silver stilettos. Her blonde hair was styled in a fashionable bun with a delicate amount of makeup to her cheeks and eyes, her lips enhanced by colour that wasn't natural.

Whitney stopped and stared as the woman kissed Grattidge in a loving embrace. She recognized that woman. It had only been a moment but she had her etched into her mind. The woman Grattidge was with was Natalya, Simon's ex-girlfriend.

Evidently Natalya was trying to aim higher than what she had before. While Grattidge was a handsome man even in his forties, he couldn't match Simon in looks. Whitney wondered if Natalya knew her boyfriend was involved in criminal dealings.

She snapped off a couple of pictures and stared at the final one where Natalya was laughing with Grattidge, looking lovingly up at him. A heavy feeling settled in her stomach.

Simon was not going to like this.

Suddenly, she was grabbed from behind and hauled into an alley. Whitney struggled and started to scream but a hand clamped over her mouth and she was pulled up against a very firm body that didn't seem to strain itself as she struggled. She was turned and pushed against the wall, bricks scraping against her back. Firm hands gripped her shoulders and kept her in place.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?"

Simon. Whitney looked up and saw the anger. Simon's eyes were golden and it didn't fade. For a moment, she couldn't take her eyes off them. She had no idea how he was managing to do that but it was beautiful.

"Whitney, answer my question. You haven't gone deaf since I left you."

Whitney blinked, realizing that she had wandered off in her mind. She gathered her thoughts and glared at him.

"You scared me half to death, Simon." She accused.

"Never mind that." Simon growled and lowered his face to hers. "I told you to stay at the cottage."

"You didn't tell me to stay anywhere." Whitney shot back. "You just told me to be good."

Simon shook her, pushing her back against the wall.

"You knew exactly what I was talking about. Don't play stupid with me." He snapped. "How did you get down here, anyway? You can't drive."

"I used the same taxi service I always use to get me anywhere I want to go."

Simon looked down and saw the camera in her hand. He snatched it away and held it up.

"And where did you get this? It's not mine and I didn't pack a camera."

"It was in my laptop case."

Whitney could see the disappointment in Simon's expression and wanted to sink through the floor. She had upset him. That she didn't want to do. But Simon was not happy with her help at all.

Simon looked away and shook his head.

"I can't believe you duped me."

"I was trying to help." Whitney protested. "I can't help being behind a computer all the time!"

"But this is..."

Simon stopped and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Whitney was surprised when he leant his head further towards her and pressed his forehead against hers. It was almost like an intimate gesture. Simon released his breath.

"This is very dangerous, Whitney. Grattidge could literally rip you to shreds. You're jeopardizing my case by doing this."

Whitney was struggling to think. Having Simon touch her like this was making her hormones go haywire.

She pushed him away. She needed to think clearly and she wasn't going to be accused of jeopardizing anything.

"I think it's going to get jeopardized without my help. It's about to get very personal for you."

"What are you talking about?"

Whitney indicated the camera in his hand.

"Take a look. Last picture."

Simon lifted the camera and scrolled to the pictures Whitney had already shot. She could tell when he got to the ones with Natalya embracing Grattidge because his face went white. But Whitney resisted the urge to reach out and hold him, planting her hands on her hips as she glared at him.

"I think you've something more important to worry about than me jeopardizing your work."















Chapter 5: Love With the Enemy


Simon couldn't believe it. Natalya was engaged with Grattidge? This didn't seem real. But it was there on Whitney's camera - they knew each other and very intimately, judging from the kiss they were sharing.

How had they managed to meet? Natalya worked in human resources but Grattidge wouldn't have needed her professional services. They didn't even go in the same circles. Yet the woman he used to love was now with the man he had been assigned to get rid of.

Whitney was right. This was going to get personal.

If he let it.

After calling John to take Whitney back to the cottage, Simon had virtually dragged Whitney down the street to John's car. Whitney tried to fight him, saying she wanted to stay, but Simon wasn't having any of it. He warned her if she argued with him or did her antics again, she would be going to jail. He considered her lucky that he wasn't going to throw his mate in prison.

The threat of being arrested had shut Whitney up, although she was clearly not happy with the incident. She had got into John's car without arguments and then Simon went back to the restaurant, sitting at one of the outside tables. From there, he could clearly see Grattidge and Natalya in a booth, sitting on the same side and talking intimately between them.

Simon felt the anger grow as he sat there but he bottled it up as a young waitress took his order of coffee and brought it to him, pretending to read the newspaper left on his table while he waited.

Natalya didn't know what he really did for a living and she didn't know he was a shifter. But, nonetheless, this felt like a stab at him to get back at him for ending their relationship. She seemed to be sticking two fingers up at him to goad him.

It was childish and Simon knew it wasn't true but it still swam around in his head. He needed to talk to Natalya. While he didn't love her anymore, some part of him still cared, even after what she did to him. She didn't deserve to be dragged into this.

If only there was a way to talk to her without Grattidge about.

Then he saw his chance. Grattidge stood and kissed Natalya on the cheek before moving to the back of the restaurant, heading down a hall that had a sign pointing to the restrooms. Putting his newspaper down and leaving a hefty tip for the waitress, Simon entered the restaurant and made his way to Natalya's table.

"Hey, Nat."

Natalya looked up. She still looked good, maybe even better than she had been when they were together. Her eyes widened.

"Simon! What are you doing here?"

"I was going to ask you the same thing."

Simon slid into the booth opposite her and waited. He saw Natalya frown and sniff a little. Then her eyes narrowed.

"You lied to me." She accused.

"About what?"

"You're a shifter. You never told me."

How did she know that? Natalya was human. Simon decided not to try and bluff.

"I was going to tell you the night I caught you in George's bed."

"Bullshit." Natalya jabbed a finger at him. "I told you to tell me everything up front and you didn't."

"What would you have done if I'd told you at the start?" Simon shot back. "Walk away? Or run away?" He saw the answer in Natalya's expression and shook his head. "I thought so. That's why I didn't say anything."

"You still lied to me."

"And for good reason." Simon glanced towards the back. Grattidge hadn't appeared. They were clear for now. "What are you doing with Bryce Grattidge?"

"What's it to you?"

"If you know about me, then you know about him and what he is."

Grattidge's group hid their real identity from humans but their group was a part of a bigger community, not lone shifters like Simon's kind. They had bigger corporations, which often turned into bigger crimes. And if humans got involved, it wasn't long before they found out the truth. A lot of humans had disappeared due to being associated with them and threatening to tell authorities.

Despite their grudges, Simon didn't want Natalya to go the same way.

"Of course, I know what he is." Natalya reached up and started undoing her bun. "He's never lied to me."

"You sure about that?" Simon frowned and leant forward. "And how do you know about me? There are very few people who know I'm a shifter and they would never tell you what I am. So how did...?"

Then Natalya shook her head as she let her tresses fall about her shoulders. The collar of her blouse shifted and Simon saw most of a bite, the teeth marks white against the tanned skin.

He groaned.

"Oh, God. Nat."

Natalya and Grattidge had committed an act that was meant to be a once in a lifetime act, a sacred one.

"Bryce is my mate." Natalya fingered the bite lovingly, giving Simon a smug smile. "We've been together nearly a year now."

"We broke up nearly a year ago." Simon's eyes narrowed. "Were you cheating on me with him as well?"

"Come on, Simon, don't think you were the only one. You were hot in bed but they were far and few between because of your constant work schedule. I wanted more but you weren't prepared to give."

"If you'd waited, then you would've gotten more."

"But would I have been bitten and become your mate? Would you have done that?" Natalya snorted. "I don't think you would've gone through with it. Bryce has given me more than you ever could."

Simon knew she was right. Deep down, he had known she wasn't his mate. While he would have married Natalya, he wouldn't have bitten her. Chances were the marriage would have broken down if his mate had come along but Simon had been prepared to take that chance since he loved Natalya at the time.

But this was all wrong. Grattidge didn't consider the mating act between them to be sacred. He didn't see Natalya as special or any different to other women. The activities he and those two girls had gone through the night before had proven that. They were still imprinted on his mind.

"Bryce Grattidge has never given anything for free, not even with his girls."

"I'm his only girl, Simon." Natalya said proudly.

Simon snorted.

"Well, you certainly weren't one of the two girls I saw grinding on his face and cock last night." He saw her face pale and the smile slowly disappear. "You weren't having your pussy eaten by another girl while he fucked her. In the ass. I remember you saying you never wanted anal and threesomes were for trashy people." Simon shook his head, trying not to feel sorry for his ex.

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