Read Boot Hill Bride Online

Authors: Lauri Robinson

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Western

Boot Hill Bride (18 page)

BOOK: Boot Hill Bride
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mind focus on her. With skill and due diligence, he tuned into

making her feel as wonderful as he did.

He led the way, gently at times, forceful at others until

together they climbed to the top of the earth. It was there

they completed the ceremony, gave themselves to one

another with explosive abandonment. Howard held her close,

his heart full, as they tumbled back down to earth.

And that was just round one. Hours later, when early birds

twittered outside the tent announcing morning would soon

arrive, Howard wondered if they'd slept a wink. He wasn't

tired, just the opposite in fact. His body felt so satisfied he

probably had more energy than a dozen men. She let out a

little moan and wiggled closer into his embrace. He lowered

his head to run a trail of kisses down the side of her face.

"Mmm, I like that," she mumbled in his ear.

"Hmm, so do I," he admitted against her skin.

"I like you," she said, kissing the side of his ear. "I like you

very, very much."

He tugged the blanket down exposing two spectacular

breasts, which he promptly began to caress. Trailing his

kissing down her neck, along her collar bone, he asked, "I like

you very, very much, too. But how about I show you, instead

of telling you?"


Boot Hill Bride

by Lauri Robinson

"Oh, I think I'd like that, very, very much," she said.

He liked it, too, to the point that later, when they both lay

flat on their backs, panting, and sunlight filtered through the

thick canvas, he hated the thought of crawling out of bed. As

if she read his mind, she rolled onto her side and cuddled her

head into the crook of his shoulder.

"Do we have to get up?"

He brushed a kiss to her forehead. "I'm afraid so." His sigh

lingered in the air. A giggle shook her body. A scowl tugged at

his face, and he glanced down. "Just what do you find so


A wide smile made her nose wrinkle and sent tiny sparks

dancing in her eyes.

"You." She inched up and kissed his chin.

Her breasts teased his skin, made him want her all over

again. The thought of getting out of bed became quite

horrendous. He grabbed her and lifted her to lie on top of him

from hip to shoulder. Running his hands over the silky skin of

her back, he asked, "And what about me is so amusing."

She flipped her head, tossing her hair out of her face.

"Everything," she said. "Everything about you makes me so

happy I can't stop smiling. I just want to giggle with delight."

The admission filled him with joy. He kissed the tip of her

nose. "I know the feeling."

The bang and clang of pots and pans made them both turn

toward the side of the tent. Neither could see anything, but

he imagined her mind conjured up the same as his, and

simultaneously they began to laugh.


Boot Hill Bride

by Lauri Robinson

Happier than a daisy in the sun, Randi planted a wet,

promising kiss on Howard's lips, and then with a touch of

regret, rolled off his chest. "I believe that is your mother

calling for my help." The night had been extremely fulfilling

and far more pleasurable than she'd ever imagined.

He followed her to the edge of the bed. "I believe you're

right." His hands wrapped around her waist from behind.

Wide fingers met in the center of her stomach while his lips

kissed her back, from shoulder blade to shoulder blade.

"You keep that up, Mr. Quinter, and I'll never make it out

to help her." The boldness she'd found last night still lingered,

and the power it brought was wonderful.

"Really, Mrs. Quinter?" His kisses went lower.

She giggled and pried his fingers apart so she could rise.

"Yes, Mr. Quinter." Still holding both of his hands, she

twisted about, feeling no embarrassment standing naked in

front of him. Tugging, she took a step backwards and

insisted, "Now come on before she sends one of your brothers

in here to get us."

He stood, and her eyes couldn't help but move up and

down so she could drink in his magnificent body. She stepped

closer and lifted her face.

"Kiss me one more time, and I'll help you get dressed."

One brow rose, and a hint of mischievousness flashed in

his smoldering eyes. "You will?"

"Of course. I helped you get undressed, the least I could

do is help you dress." She let her fingers walk up his arms,

but really wanted to push his dangerously appealing body

back onto the bed and have her way with him.


Boot Hill Bride

by Lauri Robinson

"Am I really married to you, or is this some kind of a

dream?" he asked.

She had already wondered that same thing and stretched

on her toes to let their lips meet. "If it's a dream, please don't

wake me up. Please don't ever wake me up."

They lingered over the kiss, and another, and yet another

as they helped each other recover garments strewn about as

if a miniature tornado had set down in the tent the night

before. By the time they were presentable enough to exit the

tent, Randi's blood was hotter than the coffee pot perking

atop the camp fire.

If they knew what had transpired the night before, neither

Ma nor either of the brothers said a word and breakfast

happened just as it had every morning since she'd arrived.

Except for the fact her heart sang, and her body played a

harmonic tune that reached to the sky and encouraged the

sun to brighten its shine. There was also the fact that Howard

delayed leaving until after the boys had traipsed off to the

building and Ma had secreted herself into her tent. As the

hum of the treadle sewing machine emitted through the flaps,

he pulled Randi to the backside of the storage tent to steal a

few kisses, which she gladly gave.

With her heart flying about inside her ribcage faster than

bees gathering pollen, Randi waved good-bye as he scooted

off to meet a man climbing down from a large wagon. She

lifted her skirt and twirled around until the world spun before

her eyes. It was as if the universe had opened up and filled

her soul with something so good and bright it was impossible

for her to fathom it all. Giggling with delight, she skipped


Boot Hill Bride

by Lauri Robinson

back to the fire pit to clean up the breakfast dishes and begin

preparations for the lunch meal.

The week passed with glorious bliss, but more than that

Randi found strength and determination with her new status.

Not only was she Howard's wife, in every way, which was

utterly splendid, it was as if he also shared his willpower and

grit with her. She felt driven, as if there was nothing or no

one who could shatter the perfection of her world.

The man in the large wagon had proven to be the plumber

Howard spoke of, and the man had been busy installing pipes,

sinks, tubs, and all other sorts of things. She could hardly

wait to see the finished product and to test out one of the

porcelain bathing tubs the boys had hauled into the hotel.

Somewhat lost in the thought, she entered the supply tent

in search of a new bottle of ginger. She was crouched over a

large box when familiar hands grasped her hips. In one swift

movement she was twisted about and kissed until her head

spun so fast she thought it might jump off her neck and sail


She giggled, and then whispered against her husband's

lips, "Hello."

"Hello, my sweet." Howard trailed kisses along her chin.

"And to what do I owe this unexpected pleasure?" she

asked, totally enjoying his action.

"I want to show you something." He lifted his face and met

her gaze.

Her breath caught as she spied the excitement in his eyes.

She wrapped her arms around his waist, ready and willing for

whatever was to come.


Boot Hill Bride

by Lauri Robinson

"What is it you want to show me?" She ran her nose along

the underside of his chin and placed a tiny kiss right in the

hollow of his throat.

His hands roamed from her lower back to her shoulders

and back down again. Every stroke kindling the fire he'd set

to forever glow in the pit of her soul.

"It's a surprise," he said in his husky tone that made the

flames leap a bit hotter.

Her tongue darted out to catch a taste of his neck as she

continued to nuzzle. "I like surprises." She stepped closer and

rolled her hips across the front of his britches.

One of his hands settled in the small of her back, holding

her hips firmly against his groin. With a low, husky chuckle,

he said, "Some days I can't believe you are the same shy,

little girl I found in my bed one morning." A touch of

apprehension made her lips stall for a split second. Then he

added, "I'm so lucky you got over your shyness."

"And I am so lucky it was your bed I crawled into that

night." She nipped at his neck with her teeth and rubbed her

breasts across his chest.

His hands grabbed her waist, and he lifted her into the air

as if she weighed no more than a feather pillow. Her hands

flew to his shoulders and held on while she looked down upon

his superbly handsome face. Nothing had ever filled her with

such immense joy as simply looking at him did. Suspended in

air, she leaned down to capture his lips in a perfect union.

He lowered her to the ground and held her close until the

merger ended. By then neither of them could breathe. Their

teasing had turned into a raging fire of need.


Boot Hill Bride

by Lauri Robinson

"I think we should go see your surprise before I decide

there's plenty of room in this tent."

"Plenty of room for what?" she asked innocently,

pretending to glance about at the boxes, crates, and gunny

sacks full of food stuffs and cooking supplies.

His laugh sounded like it was filled with a growl. "As if you

don't know my sweet, little vixen." He gave her rump a

playful slap, and then tugged her toward the door.

March had flowed into April, and the wonderful smells and

sights of spring filled the air. Randi lifted her face to the sun,

thankful for not only the warmth and brightness, but also for

the way it appeared springtime was inside her, too.

"I don't have a clue as to what you mean," she said,

glancing back to the tent. "There's barely room to turn around

in there."

"I know," he laughed, wrapping an arm about her


She laughed, too and wrapped an arm around his waist as

they ambled toward the building site. Snake waved to them

as they grew closer. He no longer spent his time building,

instead he'd set about preparing the ground for a lush lawn

complete with rose bushes, a lilac hedge, and several fruit

trees. Already tiny sprigs of grass covered the turned soil,

and large stepping stones had been placed so customers

would be able to take evening strolls through the grounds.

"What's he working on today?" she asked, waving back to

the brother.

"I'm not sure. He said something about a fountain."

Howard frowned.


Boot Hill Bride

by Lauri Robinson

"Really? A fountain. Will it have a fish pond as well? Could

we get some of those little gold fish to swim around in it?

Wouldn't that be wonderful?"

"Would you like a pond with gold fish swimming in it?" he


"Yes, wouldn't you? I bet it would be the only one in

Kansas." She added the last part hoping it sounded less

frivolous and possibly more focused on drawing in customers.

"If you want a fish pond, I'll have him build you a fish

pond." His tugged her closer. "Is there anything else you


She laid her head against his shoulder and kept it there as

they walked from one stepping stone to the next. "No, I think

I have more than I ever imagined having," she said honestly.

No one had ever asked her what she wanted, nor asked

her opinions on things, yet Howard did. Every night, cocooned

in their bed, sedate and satisfied, he'd tell her what had

arrived that day for the hotel, ask her opinion on how rooms

should be set up and decorated, or question her on what she

thought they still needed to purchase to make the hotel the

finest around. It all had increased her self-esteem to the point

some days she felt downright shameful of how boastful she'd


They climbed the back steps, which now hosted a spacious

porch, complete with handrails. Once inside, Howard swung

her about to settle both hands on her shoulders.

"You're also much more than I ever dreamed of."

The seriousness of his tone made the smile slip from her

face. His gaze seeped into her with all the heart-filled passion


Boot Hill Bride

by Lauri Robinson

she felt lying beneath the comfort of his weight every night.

She reached up and ran a hand deep into his blond, tousled

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