Body (42 page)

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Authors: Audrey Carlan

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“I’m sorry, Chase.” The tears start again and drip onto his hands. He closes his eyes.

“My feelings for you, Gillian, are so much stronger than anything I ever felt for her. Not having you in my life, by my side, would be the end of me. Don’t you understand? I love you. I want to make you my wife,” he pleads. “Don’t leave me. Please promise me that you’ll never leave me.” A single tear tracks down his cheek, and I lean over and kiss it away, tasting the ocean of his sadness.

“I won’t leave you. I promise.” I know this time that it’s the truth. I could never leave him. I couldn’t bear to be without him. He’s a part of me. Chase will always be a part of me. There’s no denying it now and nowhere I could run that he wouldn’t find me and bring me home.

“Marry me?” he says, searching my eyes.

“Chase, I’m not going to marry you right now. We’ve only been together a few months. Besides, you’re just asking because of what happened this evening.” I sigh, letting out the breath I’ve held since the moment the words “marry me” left his kissable pout.

“You think so?” He jumps up and goes into the closet. He comes back and kneels down in front of me once more. He pulls out a black velvet box and my palms start to sweat. “You think this is spur of the moment, huh?” He shakes his head and smiles. “I already have the ring, Gorgeous. I got it a couple weeks ago. I was waiting for the perfect opportunity. Now when you’re questioning my love, my commitment, I’m willing to forego romance for reality. I want you forever. Please be my forever.”

He opens the black velvet box and a platinum diamond ring is nestled in the center. It’s made of three lines of large bright sparkling diamonds that wrap completely around the circle. It’s incredible, like nothing I’ve ever seen. “Each band represents something special.” His fingernail touches one delicate band. “One for our past, our present and our future.” My head springs up and searches his eyes. Just like my soul sisters. The trinity. “I want to be a part of your everything. Marry me.” His eyes sparkle and swirl, the most intense blue I’ve ever seen.

“Yes,” I whisper.

His head snaps up and his gaze holds mine. “Yes, as in yes, you’ll marry me, or yes, you believe me?” He clarifies.

“Yes, I’ll marry you, and yes, I believe you.” I’m not at all shocked by the weight and depth of my answer. Chase and I were only ever meant to be together.

He puts the ring on my left hand then kisses it. “I’m going to make you so happy, Gillian, I swear!” Those delicious lips slant over mine. He pours everything into this kiss and I accept it all. His control freakiness, attitude, frustrations, over-protectiveness, sexiness, and most of all his undying love for me. Anything and everything he gives, I will own and give back in spades.

He pulls away quickly. “Let’s get married tomorrow!” he says excitedly.

“No,” I say flatly and he blinks a few times.

“Next week?” he says hopefully, layering on the sexy crooked grin.

“No. A year from now,” I offer.

“An entire year? You want me to wait to make you mine for a year?” He sounds incredulous.

“If you love me, you’ll wait.” He knows my statement is final. He got me to agree to marriage, he’s going to have to put in the time to prove his commitment.

“Move in with me then?” he barters. The man is always negotiating something. Probably why he’s so insanely wealthy.

“Okay.” I agree. It’s a solid compromise.

“Okay?” he smiles.

“I’ll move in with you. But, you have to move Maria into one of your secure buildings that has video surveillance and a doorman, oh and rent controlled.” I add.

“Done. She will not pay a dime!”

I take a deep breath. “That’s not what I said.” I roll my eyes.

“Baby, I’ll give you the world.” He kisses me and slides his hand up my leg to settle on the lacey fabric surrounding my thigh. “You’re wearing stockings?”

I smile into his kiss.

He groans. “You know what they say about a woman who wears stockings? She’s inviting a man into her most private--”

“Oh shut up and kiss me!”



I blow on my morning vanilla latte, courtesy of the lovely Bentley. Chase is munching on his fourth fresh baked cookie. I actually watched him dunk the cookie into his coffee. Note to self…never share a cup of coffee with my fiancé, it’s liable to have cookie crumbs in it. I watch Chase as he hums and flips through the pages of the Sunday paper. He’s beyond happy this morning. After everything that happened last night, I still feel a bit raw and needy for his attention, but twirling my engagement ring around my finger repeatedly with my thumb definitely helps my insecurities. I love feeling the weight of it against my hand, knowing its meaning, anticipating our future together. It’s the stuff true dreams are made of and I’m going to enjoy every moment.

“A package has arrived for you Ms. Callahan.” Austin enters the room and sets the box on the living room table. Chase snuggles into my side and kisses my neck. I hold up my hand and look at my new engagement ring sparkling in the morning sunlight shining through the windows. He smiles against my neck.

“It looks good on you,” he murmurs against my ear. I turn and kiss him lightly.

I remove myself from Chase’s grasp none to easily, and grab the package. I open the box and pull away the tissue paper. Inside I pull out a handful of black and white photos. They are all of Chase and I very close up. One was taken a month ago, several others were taken over the past few weeks. In every picture, Chase’s head is cut or crossed out with a deep red X across his image. My hands start to shake and Chase jumps up and grabs the photos, scanning them quietly.

“Fuck! Jack!” he yells. Both Jack and Austin race into the room.

I pull out the soft fabric that’s deep within the box. My hand catches on soft lace and a sticky substance. I pull it out and realize it’s a pair of my underwear and a matching bra in deep purple. I drop the items on the table and stare at my hand. There’s white sticky gunk all over it. Chase grasps my wrist, takes a long look. His nostrils flare, his face turns white hot with rage. His jaw clenches and that nasty tick pounds out a beat along with his anger. Instantly I know what the substance is. It’s my admirer’s semen.

I close my eyes. My body starts to shake. The stalker went into my apartment, found my undergarments, and jacked off on them before throwing them in a box to mail to me. Chase drags me to the kitchen and puts my hand under the water. He pours soap over my hands, and I scrub them. I grab the sponge and scrub roughly against my skin with the scratchy side.

“Gillian, stop. It’s off, you’re clean,” Chase says and pulls my hands away from the sink, then kisses each one. “Take a few deep breaths.” He mimics me and we both take five deep breaths together. The panic lessens and I’m much calmer as we walk back into the room.

“He’s escalating,” Jack holds the newest note in his hand.

“Read it,” I demand.

“Baby, I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Chase coos.

“Read it, Jack. Now!” I implore. Chase wraps his arms around my waist and I take comfort in his strength leaning back into his embrace fully.

“Go ahead, Jack,” Chase confirms. “She needs to know what we’re dealing with.” 


I told you that you couldn’t hide from me. You will be mine. Nothing and no one will stand in the way of our reunion.


I close my eyes and try to contain my temper. A burning hot rage sweeps across me, and I start to pace the room. The satin robe Chase gave me in New York trails behind me. I pick it up and slam it in a circle as I turn and pace the other direction. Traitorous tears build, and I’m ready to scream at the top of my lungs. Why now? Why is this happening to me? Haven’t I suffered enough? Isn’t it my turn to be happy? Tears pour down my cheeks, and I wipe them away, bristling with irritation.

“Baby, it’s okay. I’m going to take care of you. Nothing is going to happen to you under my watch.” His arms wrap around me pulling me into the safety of his arms, his love. I nod against his chest and cling to him. I’m so tired of this.

“This ends here. Double the number of men. Jack, I want intel on this. Austin, she goes nowhere, and I mean
without you. You are officially her shadow. If you can’t handle that responsibility, I’ll find someone who can.” His voice is tight, strained.

“Sir, I will do what it takes to keep her safe. I will protect her with my life.” Austin stands tall and puffs out his chest. His jaw is stiff, his hands clench into fists. Chase looks him up and down a moment. He gives him a manly nod that somehow communicates more than words would.

“Leave us,” Chase says over my shoulder then brings his forehead down to mine. Fresh tears pool and fall as he holds me and we breathe together.

“Gillian, I will handle this. You are safe with me. We’re going to have a long, beautiful future together. Okay?”

I nod.

“Don’t worry about this.” Chase nuzzles my neck and lays a sweet kiss just behind my ear. “I love you,” he whispers.

“I love you more.” After I’ve calmed down and he’s taken a round of ten breaths with me I feel a bit more like myself.

We settle on the couch and he holds me for a long time. “Now can we please celebrate our engagement? I can’t wait to tell the girls.” I smile as he cups the sides of my neck with both hands, tips his head back and laughs. He’s so beautiful when he’s smiling.

“That sounds like an excellent idea. But first, let’s celebrate privately
” He pulls me against his chest. One hand tunnels into my hair at the nape tipping my head back for a slow and deep kiss. Shivers rush through my body and down to my toes.

Chase and I spend the rest of the morning celebrating our love. He’s certain his team will solve the stalker issue sooner rather than later. For the first time in my life, I’m going to let someone else take care of me. Allow my safety and happiness to be protected in the hands of the man I love. No more living in the past and fearing the future. From now on, I will focus on the life I’m building with the people I love and feel secure in the knowledge that today, the present is beautiful.

The End…for now.


Chase and Gillian’s story continues in MIND: Book 2 of the Trinity Trilogy. Read further for an excerpt.


Excerpt from MIND (Trinity Trilogy: Book 2)


“So you like it then,” Kat beams up at me while I sit on the arm of the couch.

Looking down at her sketch all the air leaves my lungs in a whoosh. My heart may have actually stopped because I couldn’t move. In all the years of my life I have never been witness to something so magical. It was a dream, a vision of lace and sparkles. Even in charcoal and miniature in size it stole my breath. “It’s everything I ever hoped for, Kat,” I spoke, emotion garbling my words, tears spilling down the sides of my face.

“Oh honey, don’t cry!” she hugs me to her. “This is a happy occasion. No tears.” Her smile is lovely and sincere.

I pick up the sketchbook and hug it to my chest not caring if some of the pencil marking rubs off on my white tank. “Oh my God, I’m getting married!” I sob happily. My three best friends crowd around me in a group hug. I show Bree and Maria the amazing design and both promptly note little facets they like best. It was moments like these that I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I’d spend the rest of my life loving these women. They would always be a constant source of supreme love and support and I was the luckiest girl in the world.

“I love you guys, so much!” I whisper as they squeeze the life out of me.

“We love you more,” they each laugh repeating the words I always say to them, filling my heart to bursting. The happiness so big and thick I thought it might rip through my chest in a fiery ball of light blinding all in its glory.




What a joke. I listen straining to hear her voice. Only Gillian. She was crying and my spine tingles thinking maybe that rich bastard broke it off with her. Nope. Finally her voice rang above the others as my love and those three bitches fawn over something about her upcoming wedding. Little did they know there wouldn’t be a wedding. I’d make sure of it. Mother fucker moved the timetable up on her nuptials. Probably scared of what I’d do between now and then. Just means I have to work faster.

The women though were a problem I’d eventually have to deal with. The four of them were inseparable and I wanted Gillian to count on me and only me for all of her pleasure. If she needs something, it would be me that gives it to her. No, soon enough each one of them would be dealt with. I was already working on my plan to pick them off, one by one like the plucking of a flower petal on a ripe daisy. Kathleen and Maria would be more difficult since they now had steady boyfriends and Maria was dating that pig Thomas Redding. I’d tangled with him in the past, though he had no idea at the time. A grin slips across my face as I catch my reflection in the mirror.

I turn down the mic on the recording device I installed a couple weeks ago in her apartment. That rich fucker had only recently hired her a body guard. Good thing I was ten steps ahead of him. Her apartment had been easy enough to break into. Then the extra key she’d kept on top of the bookcase in the home was easy to copy and put back before anyone was the wiser. I’d spent more time in her apartment recently than I’d care to admit. The feeling made my gut twist into knots. It couldn’t be avoided. I
to be near her. Just being around her things, smelling her perfume, lying in her bed gave me a blessed moment of peace. The rage that swirled heavy in my veins only cooled when I felt her presence envelope me like she used to. She always had that ability. Calming me, allowing me to push back the beast within. Obsessively working out helps with the excess energy but not enough to quiet the mind. I need her with me. Knowing she was mine for all time would be the only thing to make me whole.

I grab the wires I need and delicately connect them to the slick side of the cylinder. Slowly I maneuver them carefully to ensure the appropriate contact with the glass and metal. With pride I examine the newest edition to my plan. Only decision to make now was who would be blown to bits first? I’d love to take out Chase Fucking Davis. Seeing his body parts fly into the air alongside one of his expensive toys, like his Porsche or Aston Martin would be doubly satisfying. Taking out Jack Porter the ex-military man in the process would be the ultimate revenge for stealing my princess.

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