Body (40 page)

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Authors: Audrey Carlan

BOOK: Body
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He fucks me harder than he has ever fucked me before. Relentless in his thrusts, his balls slap against my lower lips, making my clit swell and tingle painfully. Every thrust is as if he’s trying to tear me in half. He puts his thumb in his mouth and wets it and then circles it around the tiny hole of my anus. On a deep thrust he shoves his thumb deep into my backside. I cry out as he fucks both my holes crudely. I can’t see, I can’t think, I can only feel every delicious inch of his cock hammering into me over and over again, bringing me to the point of no return.

“Woman!” On the last word, he slams into me so hard my teeth rattle. We both come, screaming into the open office. His body falls over mine and I struggle to hold us both up in my position over the arm of the couch. We take huge gulping breaths, trying to come down from our high but never wanting to leave Heaven.

“Shit, Baby, I don’t know what came over me,” he says. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” His voice is concerned and breaches my post orgasmic haze.

“Do I look hurt to you?” I grin saucily and stand. “Never been better. I’m also sorry I came at you like that. I definitely didn’t intend to have the reaction I had when I got here.” I slip my skirt in place and walk to the bathroom across the room. He pulls up his own pants and follows me, hovering near the door. I pee and wipe myself clean. He hands me a warm wet washcloth, and I remove any additional residue from our lovemaking.

“Anytime, Baby.” He grins wickedly. “Any time you want to take advantage of me sexually, consider it an open invitation.” He laughs.

We right ourselves and Chase informs me that he needs to settle a few things before we leave for the day. I decide to visit Phillip on the 20
floor and catch up with him. I phone Maria, explain what happened with the second round of flowers and that I won’t be meeting them for lunch today. She says she’ll notify the girls but will expect a call to touch base with them this weekend.



Phillip envelopes me in a huge bear hug, and I hold on a little tighter than normal. He walks me to the cafeteria to sit and catch up over a sandwich. Halfway through the cafeteria line he realizes that we’re being followed.

“Gigi, there’s a huge guy that I’ve never seen before following us. He’s been watching us ever since you met me on the 20
floor. He took the elevator with us and now he’s standing off to the side wall watching you like a hawk. Actually, I think he’s watching me more than you.” I smile and realize he’s noticed my Rambo.

I wave to Austin and he nods but continues to scan the room. “That’s Austin Campbell, my own personal bodyguard, courtesy of one rich control freak boyfriend.” I smile and he laughs, then waves to Austin.

We sit and eat our lunch and catch up on everything. I explain what went down in New York with “The Bitch” and then about both flower deliveries, as well as the fear that’s starting to cripple me and steal my freedom. He didn’t like hearing about “the Bitch” and the fact that she looks like me. He’s suspicious of Chase’s motives, too. He doesn’t know Chase like I do though. Even though the past few months have given him ample opportunity, the two of them really haven’t clicked like I’d hoped they would. Won’t stop me from wishing for it.

“So, Phil, what’s up with you and Bree?” I decide to go straight for the belt, though not the same way I went for the belt with Chase. I grin remembering how I took his cock deep into my throat. I cough and continue. “I can’t believe you haven’t slept with her yet.” 

His mouth drops open. “She told you?” He shuffles a hand through his hair then scratches the back of his neck.

“Are you kidding, dumbass? She told all of us that after four months you haven’t taken her to bed. What’s the matter? Maria thinks your dick is broken.”

“God, this is so embarrassing.” He shakes his head and looks down at his food. “I just...I don’t know, I’m feeling gun shy since Angela. Bree’s different. She’s the kind of girl you marry, not the kind of girl you love and leave.” Understanding dawns on me.

“You don’t want to fall for her? Do you think that you’d be betraying Angela if you did?”

He nods solemnly. “Something like that, yeah,” he admits. He’s such an amazing man. He doesn’t want to soil his dead wife’s memory or the relationship they had by allowing himself to love again.

“Phil, Angela loved you and would want you to be happy. She would want you to find love again. Bree’s not trying to be Angela, she knows that she could never be her and she’d never try. She wants to love you in her way, share a relationship with you, one that’s only between you and her.”

“I guess. I just, I’m not ready for marriage again.”

“You don’t have to be. Bree’s not ready either. Just have fun, let yourself enjoy the feeling of falling in love.” He gifts me a small smile. “And for God’s sake get a frickin’ babysitter and fuck your woman already!” I say with as much raunch as I can muster.

He chokes on his soda. I pat him hard on the back as he hacks and coughs. “Jeez Louise, Gigi. Okay, okay!”

“Her birthday is in a couple weeks. I’ll be deeply disappointed if you don’t plan something spectacular for her, and I don’t mean a present.” I nudge him in the side with my elbow.

“Alright already, Dr. Ruth, I have to go back to work.” His eyes are bright and he pulls me into a Phil style bear hug. All arms with a side dose of heavy squeezes.

“Yeah, I’m going to go to the Penthouse and take a long hot bath. I love you.” I kiss his cheek and give him a hug.

“Don’t let “the Bitch” get you down tomorrow at the party, Gigi. Most women pale in comparison to your beauty and brains. And if Chase needs a good ass kicking to remind him of what he has, just say the word.” He enters the elevator and goes down. I hit the button prepared to go up to the Penthouse.

“Where are we going now, Ms. Callahan,” Austin asks as I place my thumb into the LED screen to access the Penthouse. It scans and the elevator lifts.

“I’m heading to the Penthouse for a long bath and a nap. You going to watch me take a bath?” I ask with a wink. He blushes a deep red.

“Um, no Ma’am. I’ll just check the premises and wait in the security viewing room off the entryway. If you plan to leave, you know where I’ll be.” He continues, “You staying home for the night, Ma’am?” The elevator opens to the Penthouse floor.

“Home,” the word dangles on my tongue. The thought of this being my home isn’t altogether unpleasant. It’s downright appealing. I’m getting more used to sharing a space with Chase and rather enjoy waking up next to him each morning. Getting kissed like the Dickens before he’s off to work each day isn’t too bad a start to a new day either.

“Yes, Austin, I do believe I’ll be staying home for the night.”


Chapter 20


I add the finishing touches on my makeup and then take a long look at myself in the mirror. The Gucci black lace dress hugs my curves like a second skin. The slip dress underneath is white and shines through the large lace cutouts. With the white inner layer, my breasts and hips are accentuated, exactly the look I was going for. The boat style neckline cuts across my clavicle delightfully. My breasts look like two ripe peaches itching to be bitten. I turn and view my back. The dress dips really low in a deep u shape, completely open. The scalloped edge does naughty things to the line of my back making the dips in my lower back perfectly visible. Chase loves an exposed back. I can already imagine the tips of his fingers trailing along the bare skin and down my spine.

The dress lies daintily against the top of my knees. I step into my new heels. The heels are platform and add an additional five inches to my height. I plan to tower over “the Bitch” tonight. My hair falls in long mahogany red curls around my face. Very circa 1940’s Veronica Lake. An extra serum adds that much needed dose of shine. One last swipe of “Perfect Peach” lip gloss and I’m ready to dazzle.

I enter the living room and Chase is on his cell phone. I listen for a moment.

“Yeah, we’ll be leaving here shortly. Gillian’s almost ready.” He turns towards me and his mouth drops open. “Uh, yeah. Um, I’ll see ya there,” he says into the phone and hangs up. His eyes roam slowly over my body then settle on my eyes.

“Gill…God, Gillian you take my breath away,” Chase says in a breathy deep timber. The sound fills me with warmth, spreading heat through my veins like a fine twenty-year-old whiskey.

Chase himself looks good enough to eat. He’s wearing a black tuxedo, a white shirt, and a black vest. A black tie is tucked into the vest. He’s incredibly handsome, and not for the first time, I’m reminded how incredibly lucky I am to have him. For a moment, I fantasize that it’s my wedding day and Chase is standing there looking at me like I’m everything there ever was in the world. Except it’s not my wedding day. But he’s definitely looking at me with a reverence that makes my heart pound a heavy beat.

“I’m one lucky, bastard,” he says as he takes my hand and kisses my palm. He inhales the perfume at my wrist. “I love the way you smell,” he says sweetly placing a warm kiss against the tender skin. I smile and he pulls me toward him. My hands land on his finely muscled chest. I adjust his tie making sure it’s perfect. It already is but doing something with my hands makes me feel more at ease. “We’re going to have fun tonight,” he promises.

I doubt it.
My mind supplies, but I keep that thought to myself.

“Shall we?” He holds out his elbow formally. I grin and clasp my arm around his. “Since the party is so large, we’ll have Jack and Mr. Campbell attending. That way, regardless of where we are, the bases are covered.” I roll my eyes, but stay silent. I don’t want to think about my stalker right now, but I’m happy he’s taking precautions.

“Any more texts?” I ask and Chase stiffens.

I look at him in warning, silently willing him to just tell me the truth and not keep something so important from me.

“Yes, as a matter of fact there have been one a day since you last received the flowers.” 

“And what did they say?”

He stops and places a hand to my chin. “Baby, I’m not going to tell you. Not because I don’t want to be honest with you, but because I don’t want those things in your head. They’re in mine and they are killing me. Okay?” Besides telling me about his mom and dad, this is quite possibly the most honest and forthcoming he’s been with me.

“I trust you to take care of me,” I whisper and he swallows. His gaze is so intense and holds mine for what feels like an eternity. Right there I feel it all. His love. His fear. His hatred of the person threatening me.

“I’ll always take care of you, Gillian. No one will ever hurt you again,” he promises. And I know that if it’s within his power, it’s the truth. Only not everything will always be within in his power, regardless of how much money he has. Money isn’t the end all be all. Sometimes there are really sick and twisted people in this world and unfortunately, one of them wants a piece of me and I’m afraid he just might get it.

“Any leads on Justin?”

He grimaces and continues towards the door. “Unfortunately, no, but I have twenty men on it.”

Twenty? Jesus!
I nod as we make our way down the elevator. Our bodyguards are waiting. Austin holds open my door. “You look lovely this evening, Ms. Callahan, Ma’am,” Austin says as I enter the stretch limo.

“Why thank you, Austin. You’re very kind.” I smile and slide into the car.

Chase claps Austin on the shoulder playfully. “You know she’s taken, right?” He cocks his head and grins.

“Oh yes, Sir. I know she’s your lady. I wasn’t intending to…” he stammers.

“He’s kidding, Austin, relax,” I explain and shake my head. Poor guy. Chase, even when acting playful, can come off authoritative.

“Whew. Okay. Anything else, Mr. Davis, Sir.” Austin replies.

“As my lady says, relax, but not too much. She’s priority number one. Nothing happens to her, got it?” And there is my over-protective control freak. I was enjoying playful Chase far too much. I knew Control Freak Chase was just around the corner.

“Of course, no one but you gets to her,” he confirms.

Chase grips his shoulder again. “Good man,” he says and slaps the top of the limo. “Jack, we ready to shove off?” Chase enters the limo. Austin gets into the passenger seat.

“We’ll be there in thirty minutes, Mr. Davis.” Jack replies.

The ride is smooth and Chase holds my hand as we sit in companionable silence. Eventually Chase takes one of his business calls. It really doesn’t bother me. I thought his need to be available at all times to his work was going to drive a wedge between our relationship, but, for the most part, he’s really good at turning it off.

We arrive at the Davis mansion, and I see large white tents covering the grounds. Huge Chinese lantern style lamps loop across the gardens in varying shades of white, blue, green, and pink. The limo stops and Austin opens the door for us. We’re greeted by waiters holding tall champagne flutes. I choose one of the pink ones, feeling a bit girly for my choice. We walk through a huge mansion style home with people milling everywhere. I can hear music wafting in the distance. Chase holds my hand and I follow him through the throngs, silently taking in the opulent surroundings.

“Was this your childhood home?” I ask. Chase nods and smiles. “It’s so…big and beautiful.”

“My uncle taught me early on to enjoy the finer things in life.” He probably was literally fed with silver spoons. I imagine a cherub faced little boy with brown locks falling into his eyes running around this huge house.

We exit to the garden, which isn’t really a garden at all. It’s the size of a football field surrounded with lush greenery and flowers of all kinds. Marble statues litter the grass here and there. A giant fountain bursts water ten feet into the sky. Lights bounce off the water, making the streams look multi-colored. Chase leads me to a large group of men in tuxedos. I can see his Uncle Charles in the center telling a story. Chase pushes through the people and his Uncle clasps him in a tight embrace.

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