Body (29 page)

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Authors: Audrey Carlan

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I’m about to fall asleep, my head flat against his chest, his hands smoothing up and down my naked back in a loving caress when he takes a deep cleansing breath. “Don’t ever hide from me again. From this,” he adds, his tone thick and unyielding.

Lifting my face, I lean on his chest and stare into his eyes. I don’t expect such intensity. His gaze is unguarded, soulful. “I won’t. I promise,” I whisper in the dark and kiss him softly before snuggling back into position on his bare chest. I know the promise I made is unending. We’re in this together. If we’re going to be together, I’m going to have to be honest with him in all things, at all times. I just hope he can handle knowing all of me, including my past.


Chapter 14


Thursday morning I awake alone. Chase held me through the night but left before I woke. The alarm clock reads 8:00 a.m. I can’t believe I slept through him leaving. The guilt and fear of the last couple days hits me like a sledgehammer. He’s going to meet with the Chief Executive Officer of the Safe Haven Foundation, David Hawthorne today. I cringe and realize there’s nothing I can do but wait to hear from him. I can’t imagine what he’s going to say or do or how he’s going to change Ms. Peterson’s ultimatum.

I walk into the kitchen and see a full pot of coffee made. It’s official. The man is a keeper. Chuckling, I pour myself a cup and pull out my vanilla creamer. I pour a heavy dose in my cup. It’s not my beloved vanilla latte, but it’s as close as I can get at home. I notice a note by the phone on the counter.

I roll my eyes. I haven’t decided if I’m going to accept this new term of endearment he’s testing. I’ll probably force him to cut it from his vocabulary someday. Right now, it sounds lovely as I imagine it rolling off the man’s tongue when his tone is low and sexy. Yeah, maybe I’m okay with it. I continue reading.

Last night was…memorable. Don’t worry about today. I will take care of the problem.


Not exactly a love note, but it’s definitely Chase. I decide I can’t wait around all day and do nothing. First order of business will be to text the girls and catch up with Phil. Instead of sending individual texts I take the lazy man’s route and mass text all three of them.

To: Maria De La Torre, Bree Simmons, Kathleen Bennett

From: Gillian Callahan

Thank you all for your advice. Chase and I talked. He’s taking care of it. Whatever that means. Stay tuned. Love you all. Besos


That should stave off the wolves for the time being. I know they’re all worried about me. They’ll be relieved Chase and I worked it out. My phone pings and I look down at the display. Maria has responded.

To: Gillian Callahan, Bree Simmons, Kathleen Bennett

From: Maria DeLaTorre

You talked? Mentiroso! Talking isn’t what kept me up all night! Perra, pull your headboard away from the wall! Te amo, Besos!


I laugh out loud!
? Oh yeah, bitch or slut in Spanish. I snort as I gulp my coffee. Mmm, so good. I distinctly recall a couple times last night where the headboard may have banged against the wall. My cheeks flame in embarrassment. As I set the phone down, another loud ping makes me pick it back up.

To: Gillian Callahan, Kathleen Bennett, Maria DeLaTorre

From: Bree Simmons

I’m so glad you made up. Sounds like you gave the ol’ mattress a workout. Bout’ time! Send that luck my way for my date this weekend with Phillip!

I roll my eyes at Bree’s message and gag a little. It’s like hearing about your brother having sex. Then it dawns on me that I haven’t even talked to Phillip about his rendezvous with Bree this past weekend. I’m a crummy best friend. I dial his number, knowing he’s at work but hoping he can take a quick break. He answers on the first ring.

“Hey you, what’s up?”

I smile. He truly has been the only man who’s been there for me throughout the years and hasn’t hurt me. I hope against all hope that Chase turns out to be just as good, with the added benefits. I cross my legs and am instantly reminded of the many benefits I experienced last night.

“Do you have a few minutes?” I ask.

“Sure, I was heading to get a new cup of coffee anyway. What’s going on, beautiful?”

 I smile and give him the abridged version of the past couple of days. “I knew you were playing with fire, dating the boss, Gigi,” he reminds me. Leave it to a man to rub it in my face.

“Are you seriously playing the I-told-you-so card?” We laugh at my question.

“No, no, I’m not. It was just a risky move. So what’s going to happen now?” His concern is genuine and I can tell he’s worried. He knows how much this job means to me.

“I’m supposed to give them my answer tomorrow but Chase is meeting the CEO today. He assured me he’d take care of it. I don’t know what that means though. It’s driving me crazy.” I sigh into the phone and plop my head back on the couch. “So tell me, how was your date with Bree on Sunday?”

He laughs. “I see the real reason for your call. You’re fishing. She didn’t put you up to this did she?” he asks nervously.

“No, but I wouldn’t tell you anyway.” I laugh. “So, how was it?”

After a pause he says, “It was, it was wonderful, Gigi. She’s wonderful, and beautiful, and funny, and--”

“Okay, okay, I get it.” I cut him off. “She’s wonderful.” I hold the phone closer to my ear to hear his happiness. I would like nothing more than to reach through the phone and hug him but that will have to wait until I see him in person. “She said you asked her out this weekend.” I allow him to fill in the rest. I want to hear his excitement.

“I did. I’m taking her to dinner and then to see a local jazz band. Do you think that’s a good idea? Shit, maybe she’d like a fancy dinner and a show or a play?” I can tell he’s starting to worry. “Gigi, it’s been a long time since I’ve dated. Nothing since Angela.” He releases a long breath of air.

“Phil, it’s okay. Bree is really chill. She will love a nice dinner and a cool jazz band. She’s into you; it’s going to be fine. Have a good time and don’t overthink it.” It’s the best advice I can give him, or myself for that matter.

“I am excited. She’s incredibly hot and her body is smokin’ hot,” he says, sounding like a player.

“And the male chauvinist pig comes out. Was wondering when her attributes would make you stupid.” He laughs out loud and I join him. “Though, I agree with you. She’s got a pretty rockin’ body!” My phone beeps, signaling another call. “Okay Phil, I want a full report on Sunday! I gotta go, I have another call.” We both hang up and I hit the “switch” button.

“Hello?” I answer.

“Miss Callahan, this is Dana, Mr. Davis’s personal assistant.”

“Hello Dana. I forgot to thank you for the clothes! They were incredible by the way. Though I would have been fine with clothes from Target,” I tell her happily.

“You’re welcome. I’ll keep Target in mind though I don’t think Mr. Davis would approve,” she warns. “Mr. Davis is sending Jack to pick you up in an hour. That’s the reason I called. He wants you to be ready for a meeting with the CEO at Safe Haven at 11:00 a.m.”

I lose my voice, suddenly overtaken by fear. “Did he say why?” I croak, a new bout of anxiety slithering along my subconscious.

“I’m sorry. He didn’t.”

“Okay, thank you, Dana. I’ll be ready.” I sigh loudly and press my fingers to my temples trying to relieve the tension that just cropped up.

“Gillian? May I call you Gillian?” she asks.

“You can call me, Gigi, if you’d like. Everyone does.”

“Gigi, I just wanted to say…” Her voice softens becoming gentler somehow. “I just wanted to tell you that Chase has been really happy these past three weeks. I know that’s because of you. And well, I just--” she takes a breath and quickly says, “I wanted to say thank you.”

I did not expect that. My throat clogs with an emotional lump. “He makes me happy, too, Dana. Thanks again for the clothing. You have impeccable taste.”

“The car will pick you up at 10:30 a.m. Miss Callahan, please be ready. Chase hates tardiness.” She returns to her official duties. She’s comfortable speaking frankly with me about her boss’s happiness, but reverts back to professional etiquette. I look forward to getting to know his personal assistant. She seems genuinely happy that Chase has been in a better mood. In girl terms, her making a point to tell me would make her trustworthy, but I’ve been burnt too many times by wicked women who claim to be my friend to open my heart and give her even temporary BFF status.

I remove Dana from my mind and choose a sharp dark charcoal grey suit. I pair it with a lavender button-up dress shirt. A chunky silver necklace and silver hoops tame the fierce look. I pull out my favorite pair of grey suede four inch heels. Simple but sexy.

I have no idea what to expect. It’s not often that I meet with Mr. Hawthorne and never because I’ve done something unfavorable. Is he going to fire me? Shit! I’m going to be fired and have to clear out my desk before the weekend.

No, Chase said he’d deal with
and I have to trust him. Believe in him. I just don’t have a clue what the hell “it” means for me and my role at Safe Haven.

I grab my purse and check my appearance in the mirror by the door. My hair is pinned back into a neat bun with bangs sweeping across my forehead. It will have to do. I brush on a simple peachy lip gloss and head to the front of the building.

Jack is there waiting for me. He opens the car door as I walk toward him.

“Morning Jack,” I greet.

“Good Morning, Miss Callahan,” he says and smiles. Wow! The linebacker actually smiled at me. Maybe I’m breaking down his defenses after all. Then again, maybe he got laid last night. I can’t be positive that his niceties are a direct result of my presence.

In twenty minutes, we’re in front of the Safe Haven Foundation. I take a deep breath and exit the car, taking Jack’s hand. “Thank you, wish me luck.”

“You won’t need it,” Jack says with confidence. I furrow my eyebrows at him but walk confidently toward reception.

Once I enter the building, the receptionist immediately whisks me to Mr. Hawthorne’s office. As I near the large double doors to his office, I distinctly hear laughing from the other side. The receptionist knocks and pops her head in. “Miss Callahan is here to see you,” she says.

“Send her in. Thank you.”

She opens the door wide and I walk in. Sitting at a large oak desk is the Foundation leader, Mr. David Hawthorne. He’s a middle aged man, tall, thin and tanned. I hear from the rumor mill that he golfs regularly with board members, vendors, business affiliates and the like, which is probably where that tanned skin was earned. The word is that as CEO, he’s fair and a solid leader. Short cropped brown hair caps his head and a beard dots a square jaw. He’s not unattractive, but he isn’t a heartbreaker either. He’s nice looking and smiles when I enter.

“Thank you for coming, Miss Callahan. I believe you’ve met our Board Chairman, Mr. Davis.” I turn to my left and realize Chase is sitting on a brown leather couch at the back of the room. He grins at my surprise, his eyes taking in my body from head to toe and back again. I flush crimson and close my eyes to compose myself.

“Good morning, Gillian.” He smiles and gestures to the seat next to him. I walk over and take the seat offered next to him, leaving plenty of space between our bodies. I cross my feet at the ankles and sit straight and tall, waiting for Mr. Hawthorne to address me. If I’m going to lose my job, I’m going to do it with dignity, though I don’t know why he’d need Chase here to witness it.

Mr. Hawthorne comes around his desk and takes a seat across from us. We’re separated by a glass coffee table with magazines splayed across it in a crescent. “Miss Callahan, Chase brought my attention to an issue that came about earlier this week.” I nod but stay silent. “I understand that our Director of HR, Ms. Peterson notified you that the Foundation was aware of your personal relationship with Mr. Davis.”

“Yes, Sir. She did.”

“As I understand it, you were given an ultimatum to either end your personal relationship with Mr. Davis, quit your job, or you’d be let go. Is that correct?” he asks.

Here it comes. He’s going to fire me. I stiffen further and my eyes fill with unshed tears but I hold them back. Chase sees my discomfort and grabs my hand, holding it close to him. I don’t look at him but appreciate the small gesture.

“It is.” The words come out as a whisper.

“After speaking with Mr. Davis this morning, I’ve done some digging, met with Mr. Jefferson, looked into your campaign results, your charitable giving ROI over the past two years and am honestly amazed that this wasn’t brought to my attention sooner. You are an incredible asset to the Foundation.”

Asset is a good thing my subconscious reminds me. That’s the opposite of deficit or defaming, or negative.

“I can assure you, your position at Safe Haven Foundation is stable. As a matter of fact, I want to promote you to Associate Director of Contributions.” He smiles widely and Chase squeezes my hand.

My mouth opens in shock. I’m having trouble making sense of what he just told me. A moment ago I was sure I was going to be fired, now I’ve been promoted?

“Ms. Peterson has been relieved of her duties. Threatening staff for personal relationships is not how I run my ship. Your relationship with Mr. Davis might be seen as preferential treatment and some may question your promotion, but you’ll handle that in a professional manner, I’m sure, and impress naysayers with your work.” I nod like a bobble head sitting on the dashboard of a pinto.

“Thank you, Mr. Hawthorne. I hadn’t expected our meeting to go this way. I will work hard to grow the department and increase our charitable revenue to the best of my ability.”

“I’m confident you will. Please take the rest of the week off as a bit of a thanks for handling this misstep with grace,” he finishes. “I look forward to working more with you in the future now that I’ve discovered your abilities.”

“I can’t thank you enough, Mr. Hawthorne.”

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