Body (13 page)

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Authors: Audrey Carlan

BOOK: Body
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“My Uncle and his nannies raised me from the time I was seven until I was eighteen and went off to Harvard. My cousin Carson was already there. He’s two years older than I am.”

“So what’s the difference between the ages of the five of you?” I take another bite of the creamy pasta.

“Craig is thirty five. Carson, thirty two, Cooper is thirty. We’re about the same age. I turn thirty this year. Then Chloe is the baby. She’s twenty seven.”

“Are you close to them?” His large family sounds interesting. I’ve never known the love of a big family. It was mostly just me and Mom growing up. Now, it’s me and the girls, and of course Phillip.

“I respect them. I’m close with Carson. Craig is married and living in New York. I see him when I’m traveling for business or checking on one of my companies. Chloe is a fashion designer and in and out of Europe so I don’t see her as much as I’d like. She has an incredible eye for detail. I have a couple suits she designed for me when she was dabbling in menswear. Mostly, she designs for women.”

“I’d love to see her work.” He nods. “What about Cooper?”

He looks away, his teeth clench and his jaw muscle starts to tick again. “Coop and I used to be very close, but not any longer.” He twists a large amount of noodles around his fork and eats it.

I expect him to continue after he’s done but he doesn’t. Sipping my wine I wait patiently, hoping he’ll finish what he was saying. An uncomfortable vibe crackles in the space around us.

“I don’t want to talk about Cooper.” He looks down and fiddles with the pasta on his plate.

I’m not going to press it. I’d rather he not press me for information about my past either. “Okay,” I shrug, trying to be nonchalant.

The tension dissipates as we grin over our wine glasses and eat. It’s comfortable sitting with Chase, talking about our upbringing. My belly has warmed from the wine and I take a moment to analyze his features. The way his dark brown hair whisks across his forehead makes me want to brush my fingers across it. His eyes gleam like a multicolored opal. He has a five o’clock shadow, making him look edgy. I’d like to drag my tongue across that lower lip and feel the prickles of the overgrown stubble. Chase’s gaze catches mine and power exudes from him like a tornado. I’m powerless against the pull.

His large hand comes over mine on top of the table and he turns it over, running his index finger from the crook of my elbow to my palm. A tremble runs through me at the simple touch. He notices the effect and trails his fingers along the expanse of skin again as I look into his eyes. They burn with intensity and, as he’s told me not to do…I lick my lips.

He stands with a jerk and is around the table in a nanosecond. He hauls me out of my chair and against his chest. One large hand cups the back of my head and crushes my lips to his. I open my mouth to allow him access. He plunders my mouth fiercely with deep swipes of his tongue. We’re all lips, teeth and tongue, arms desperately pulling at one another. His left hand trails warmly down my bare back and dips into the opening of my dress. His hand slips under the fabric of my thong to grip my sex from behind while he grinds his erection into my belly. When he slips one long digit into my center, I cry out. Before I can object he adds a second finger and thrusts in and out. Instantly my sex clenches around the intrusion. His mouth swallows my cries of passion and desire.

Chase pulls away and trails wet kisses along my hairline, behind my ear, punctuating his movement with a nip to the chin. Talented fingers continue their glorious torture and I grind against his hand. He laughs as his tongue whirls around the edge of my ear, “Eager to come, are we?” he says huskily.

“Yeah.” It’s the only coherent thought I can mutter. My eyes are tightly closed; mind solely focused on those fingers delving so deep. In and out, tug and clench. My pleasure soars and hits that effervescing peak. I’m ready to explode at any moment. I feel wanton and desperate for release even with the knowledge that at any moment Jeffery could enter and catch us in a compromising position. The exhibitionist in me moans and gasps at a particularly hard thrust. It feels as though he’s reaching to the farthest depths within me, one I didn’t know I had. He crooks his fingers, rubbing against the inner wall. Bursts of pleasure spikes in all directions and I become a lifeless doll, clinging to his shoulders, my body shaking all over as he jerks and tugs at my pleasure as if he is ringing it out of me by force.

Chase’s other hand covers my breast and he zeroes in to pinch and twist the nipple. Fresh ribbons of heat flies down to my sex, coating his fingers with my essence. The fabric of my dress adds an extra layer of tension against the tight peak he’s plucking. I groan and slide my hands up his back into that sexy hair. I drag his mouth to mine and bite his plump lower lip, sucking it inside. His hand leaves my breast and I groan in frustration. His fingers steadily pump into me, wetness drips around the apex of my thighs. “You are so wet. God.” He inhales, his nostrils flaring. “I can fucking
you,” he growls and nips at my neck. I moan and gasp when he speeds up. I’m so close but I need something more to tip me over the edge. “Are you ready to come for me, my lovely?”

“Chase, please!” I beg.

“Look at me, Gillian.” My eyes meet his. He’s stunningly beautiful, his brow is tight, jaw clenched as he focuses on my pleasure. Slowly, he trails the hand that was twisting my nipple down the front of my dress. He scrunches up the fabric finding my wet center. He winks and opens his mouth on an exhale as his fingers press down on my clit. He twirls two fingers around the hardened nub, “Come for me, Baby.” He presses hard on my clit, his fingers reaching so far into me I scream out in release. It’s too much, too good. His kiss swallows the noise, and I ride the ephemeral waves, gripping him tightly as my entire body detonates. It goes on and on as he pinches my clit and tickles my insides, extending the orgasm while wave after glorious wave consumes me.

When those beautiful fingers leave my sex he holds me against him, both of our chests moving up and down with great effort. I lean my face into the crook at his neck, the woodsy citrus scent so strong I stick out my tongue and lick along the tendon. He groans and hugs me tighter to him. God he tastes good. Like man and sex.

“I love watching you come,” he whispers in my ear.

I hear someone’s throat clear behind me but I don’t turn around. I have no idea how much he may or may not have seen or heard. Instead, I choose to keep my heated face cowering in Chase’s neck where I kiss and lick the surface as I breathe deep, letting my heart rate slow.

“Dessert, Mr. Davis?”

I look into Chase’s face. His desire shines strongly in those beautiful orbs. He brings his fingers to his mouth, and I watch with intense fascination as he sucks the two digits that were inside of me clean. He closes his eyes as if he’s in pure bliss. Finally he answers Jeffery. “No, thank you. We’ll be leaving shortly.”

My heart may have actually stopped. Never in my years of having sex has a man been so blatantly graphic or sexually stimulating. I knew in that moment, he was going to take me to heights I’d only ever dreamed of experiencing. I could hardly wait.

“It was lovely having you visit, Sir. Until next time,” Jeffery says with his eyes down as he leaves.

“Nothing will be as sweet as you.” He kisses me languidly. I’m sure a blush is roaring across my cheeks and down my neck. The Irish blood in me does no favors at hiding the way I react to him.

As we walk through the restaurant, Chase holds me tight to his side. Several patrons wave but he doesn’t stop. He’s on a mission. I can only hope it’s to conquer
back at the hotel.


Chapter 7


Complete and utter frustration permeates my entire body and mind. I’m sitting next to Chase in the limo on the way to the airport. Last night he received a call and jetted off to his room to deal with a situation for work. He even had his henchman walk me to my room to ensure I got there safely. Probably had Jack waiting outside my room all night to make sure I didn’t leave unattended.

After manipulating my body in the restaurant, I was certain he was going to take me to his room and make good on what he started. No, he just kissed the daylights out of me and shoved me in the arms of his bodyguard. Told Jack to make sure I was safely escorted to my room.

I’m used to Phillip being protective of me but not Chase. I’ve known him all of three days, and, in that span of time, he’s frustrated me mentally and physically, took care of me after the mugging, and showered me with gifts. He’s a tornado of contradictions. And this raw sense of ownership Chase seems to have over me is downright shocking and uncalled for. It’s as if he’s decided he has control over me because of his warped perception of this attraction between the two of us.

I called each of the girls last night. It was like visiting my esthetician and getting a bikini wax. Each strip hurting more than the next because you know exactly what the pain is going to feel like once that glue hits and that sterile strip is pulled. Telling my best friends one by one about the attack brought a lot of old wounds I had buried deep down back to the surface. All three of them know about Justin and the volatile relationship we had, so going over the mugging in striking detail left me feeling damaged and split open emotionally. Couple that with sitting next to Chase in a small car after three days of unresolved sexual tension. I can officially add tortured to the list of twisted feelings. I want to snuggle up to his side and rub along his strong frame and find that sense of comfort, the one I had when he held me in his arms in bed, that safe and warm feeling I was just starting to appreciate.

“Not acceptable. I want that property for less than fair market or we walk.” Chase’s tone is sharp, biting as he responds to the individual on his cellphone. He’s facing away from me, his focus on a spot outside the window. I see his jaw tighten as he clenches his teeth and that tick I’ve become fascinated with makes its appearance. “I understand they are in a position. I want that property for less than twenty million. Make it happen,” he says and clicks off without saying goodbye.

“Everything okay?” I wade into unfamiliar waters, wanting to be there for him but not knowing how to be.

He throws me a life raft. His eyes soften and he curls his hand around mine. The simple touch makes me melt. “You being here makes it a lot better.” He brings my hand to his lips to kiss my palm. I smile as he rests our entwined fingers on his thigh. His phone rings again and I stare out the window, enjoying the simple comfort of holding hands with a man. Not any man…

We reach the airstrip and I am in awe. A large white plane with “Davis Industries” scrolled along the side awaits. Jack opens our doors, and I go to the trunk to get my luggage.

Chase clears his throat, and I look up at him. He grins like a schoolboy. “Gillian, Jack will handle the bags.” He holds out his hand, and I shyly come around the car and take it. “You’re so cute,” he says as he drags me to the stairs of the plane.

We board and settle into large beige leather chairs. We are given the flight information and told to sit back and enjoy. Chase’s cellphone rings again, and he looks at me in apology. “I understand. You’re a busy man. Do whatever you need to do. I’ll be fine,” I assure him. He nods and takes his call.

I settle into the large cushy chair, lean my head back and close my eyes. I didn’t get much sleep after dinner and am exhausted today. The dull ache in my head from the wound isn’t helping. Neither is being sexually starved and emotionally spent. Ripping open that can again brought up too many memories of the past, which made me toss and turn all night. Someone drapes a blanket over my legs. I sigh in contentment. Warm lips brush my cheeks, and I lean toward the soft touch.

“You’re beautiful, Baby,” Chase says as I hear him walk away. His footsteps get lighter the farther away he goes. I don’t bother to open my eyes. I settle further into the warmth and am fast asleep before we take off.

I feel fingers trailing along my hairline and through my hair. I lean into the touch. “Baby, we’re here.” Chase’s voice reaches through the sleepy fog. I open my eyes and am gifted his dazzling blues. “Didn’t you sleep last night?”

I shake my head and he frowns. “I would have slept better had you joined me,” I challenge.

“You’re a little vixen, aren’t you? Makes me want to take you right here.” He leans forward and kisses me hard. I don’t have the chance to respond before his lips are gone. Then he’s pulling me out of my chair and out the plane.

Jack has our bags on a cart and follows as Chase leads me off the tarmac and into the airport. Hand in hand, we walk toward the exit when I hear a child’s squeal. “Gigi!”

A bouncing girl with curly blonde pigtails runs towards me. I lean down and pull her up into my arms, spinning around in a circle. She squeezes me as tightly as a four year old can. “Anabelle.” I hug my angel tightly. “I missed you, Belle.” I bring her down to the white laminate floor and come down to her level to peer into her smiling face. She’s looks exactly like her gorgeous Mother. “Dad said you had a present for me!” she exclaims excitedly.

“I do, but honey, what are you doing here?”

Strong familiar arms encircle me from behind as I stand. Phillip. A big grin splits my face and I twirl and hug my dearest friend tightly. “Phil, what are you doing here?”

He cups my face and frowns. “Not again, Gigi.” He’s looking at the stitches above my brow. His fingers graze my bruised cheek, inspecting the damage. He shakes his head and I turn away from his ministrations, not able to look at him. I know what he’s thinking.

A throat clears behind me and a hand settles on my waist. I’m pulled toward Chase. His body plasters along my back. “Introduce me,” he growls into my ear.

“Oh my God.” I got so swept away in seeing Anabelle and Phillip I forgot Chase. “Phillip Parks, meet Chase Davis.” I gesture to Chase behind me.

Phillip’s eyes widen as he looks down and clocks Chase’s possessive hand around my waist. “The Chase Davis? As in Davis Industries?” Phillip asks as he holds out his hand.

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