Body (23 page)

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Authors: Audrey Carlan

BOOK: Body
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I sit across from Chase’s Mother with Kat next to me and Carson next to her. I watch the woman and silently vow to do my best to woo his Mother and avoid any conversation with Cooper.

A leggy blonde with a pep in her step rushes through the crowd. She makes it to our table as a man in a tux taps on the microphone at the lone podium. Her dress is made of gold sequins and black silk. It’s fitted to her long, curvy body like a second skin. The sequins are tailored around the lower half of her body in the shape of a high-waisted mini-skirt. It’s short in the front then draped with black silk flowing down the back into a train. The same black silk crisscrosses over each breast in a big “X” across her chest. It’s a design I’ve never seen before. Kat looks at the gown and then the woman as if she’s the Queen of Pop, Madonna herself. The stunning blonde slides into the seat next to Chase and gives him a big hug. Instantly I feel the sting of jealousy roar through my veins and heat my blood.

“Chase! I’ve missed you, Cuz!” She kisses him on each cheek. I roll my eyes and mentally bitch slap myself. I’m an idiot. “And who is this lovely woman next to you.” His cousin is the designer Kat’s been itching to meet. Her honey-colored eyes are soft and alight with happiness as if her whole face is lit with a smile. She is as beautiful as the aura surrounding her.

“This is my significant other, Gillian Callahan.” Her eyes widen in surprise. Seems everyone is surprised by my presence this evening. No more so than me. Apparently Chase has taken us from merely dating to in a full blown relationship in one weekend. “Gillian, this is my baby cousin, Chloe Davis.” He obviously has a great affection for the young woman, based on his ease and happiness at seeing her. The issue with Cooper seems to be overshadowed by her arrival.

“Hello, Chloe. You can call me Gigi. Everyone does. I’ve heard such wonderful things about you,” I tell her.

“I wish I could say the same about you.” Chloe eyes Chase. “Looks like my cuz here has some explaining to do!” She jabs his shoulder.

“Ouch!” Chase mockingly rubs his bicep and most of the table laughs. His Mother purposely ignores all of us, looking out over the sea of tables, waving across the room now and again.

Chase introduces Kat and she nearly swoons. “I’m in love with you,” Kat says, having a completely foot in your mouth fan girl moment. I put my hand over my mouth to hold back my chuckle. Chloe’s eyebrows raise as Kat cringes, shaking her head. “I mean, I mean I’m in love with your work!” Kat clarifies and Chloe laughs. Poor Kat slumps in her seat and looks away, her cheeks turning crimson. Carson puts a hand to the back of her neck giving it a comforting squeeze which I find utterly fascinating.

Chloe is sweet and throws out a life preserver. “I didn’t realize anyone in the States has even heard of me!”

Kat instantly pops out of her slump, smiling and clasping her hand under her chin. “Are you kidding? I have pictures of your work pulled out of
Italian Vogue
I even put them in a binder I can flip through when I need ideas for costumes!” Kat practically jumps with excitement.

Chloe’s eyes widen. “Really? That’s so cool!” Chloe says, “Where do you work?”

“At the San Francisco Theater. I’m the head costume designer for the entire show.” Kat beams with pride. She has worked her way up the ranks and does beautiful work. She slaves over each costume but the proof is in the pudding. Her work is impeccable.

Chloe pays close attention while Kat explains the finer details of the show. “Wow, I’d love to design costumes someday. Sounds very couture and fun!”

Kat nods excitedly.

“Hey, why don’t you and Gigi come to my private showroom sometime? I have a space in the Davis building. Fortieth Floor along with a couple other designers. I’d love to get your opinion on my new line showing next Spring.”

Kat nudges me and whispers, “Oh. My. God.” Then she composes herself by straightening her back and tipping her head to the side pushing a lock of hair behind her ear like she isn’t completely dying with excitement. “That would be cool. Right Gigi?” She plows her elbow into my bicep and I yelp.

“Right!” I say with fervor and a giggle, grasping my bruised arm. “We’d love to come,” I finish as Chase pulls me into his side and nuzzles against my neck.

“You are too sweet. I could eat you for breakfast,” he whispers against my ear. “Mmm.”  He bites down on the skin lightly. “I think will.”

“You mean instead of your cookies?” I grin and sip my champagne.

He chuckles and tightens his hold. “Possibly with my cookies.” With one last nibble he breaks away and chats with his cousin.

The lights dim and a dashingly debonair man strides through the crowd and pulls out the lone chair next to Chase’s mother and Chloe. He leans down and kisses Chase’s mother’s cheek before looking around the table, his salt and pepper hair giving a hint to his age but not distracting from his good looks. He definitely has the Davis genes. He waves at Chase and then stops when Chase puts his arm around my shoulders. The man’s eyes catch mine as he watches us with great interest.

“My Uncle Charles, the man who raised me,” he says. I nod as Chase kisses my bare shoulder. His Uncle smiles coyly and I return the smile.

His mother “tsk tsks” between her teeth, then focuses her attention on the stage. From the podium, the emcee asks everyone to get settled. The waiters deliver food in a flurry of activity as we listen to stories of people throughout the nation and the world who lost their homes over the past year. The presenter talks about the work the charity has accomplished because of generous donors, such as the individuals in the crowd. A slideshow is presented.

Toward the end of the presentation, the announcer recognizes one special person. “This man has not only given of himself by donating his company’s architectural designs, housing plans and services, but has personally donated millions to the cause. That is why we would like to recognize Chase Davis as Humanitarian of the Year! Chase, please come receive your award!” the President finishes.  

Chase’s head pops back, a shocked expression on his face. He’s surprised. I stand and clap with everyone else in the room. His gaze scans the room and his mouth opens before he licks his lips and looks down. He finally looks up and pulls me into a tight hug. “I had no idea,” he whispers against my ear.

The room erupts in applause and a spotlight shines over our table. Chase walks to the stage and up the steps. The big LCD screen behind him displays a huge picture of Chase in a hard hat, a “Houses for Humanity” t-shirt across his broad chest and distressed jeans slung low on his hips. He is standing in front of a dilapidated house, wearing a tool belt. He has a sledge hammer over one shoulder. He looks perfectly edible.

The crowd calms as Chase accepts his award.

“Thank you for this award. Honestly, I had no idea when I came here tonight that I would be receiving the Humanitarian of the Year Award.” He holds up the crystal award “I really don’t know if I deserve it, for I believe that everyone has the basic human right to a warm place to live, a place to hang their hat after an honest day’s work and something they can call home.” The room roars in applause. “Thank you, I’ll treasure it always. Now, everyone, open up your checkbooks, because now’s the time we give back!”

The emcee returns to the podium as Chase makes his way off the stage. “I couldn’t agree with Mr. Davis more.” He continues his speech but my eyes are planted on the man with the shy smile and an award. Chase makes his way back to the table after several handshakes and slaps on the back. I’m still standing, having not been able to sit the moment his name was called over the loud speaker. His gaze meets mine and it’s filled with happiness and a hunger I recognize deep within because it matches my own need. Chase pulls me to him, slamming our chests together before he grips me by the waist and spins me in a circle, as he kisses my neck.

“Humanitarian of the Year! Such an honor, Baby.” I whisper to him. He squeezes me and then sets me down.

“Way to go, Cuz.” Chloe stands and hugs Chase.

Cooper actually claps Chase on the back. “Congratulations.” Chase smiles and nods. Their animosity toward one another seems to be on hold for the time being.

“Good show, young man.” Charles Davis shakes Chase’s hand.

With a huge smile in place, Chase makes his way to his Mother. He brings his award down to her face and she has tears in her eyes. “I’m proud of you, my Darling.” He hugs her and kisses her on the cheek. She pats his hair like a mother would a small child she adores. She’s not so bad; she obviously loves her son a great deal and he’s never said a cross word about her. It seems that she has an issue only with me. I’ll have to ask Chase his opinion but not tonight. Tonight we celebrate his achievement! Chase is congratulated by Kat and Carson who are discreetly holding hands under the table, much to my excitement. Chase may have got Humanitarian of the Year but this girl is about to score BFF of the year for this hookup. I can barely contain my need to text Maria and Bree with the juicy details of my awesome love match.

After what seems like eternity and several rounds of food the silent auction winners are announced and a local band starts playing current radio favorites.

A Maroon 5 song is first on their set list and the floor fills quickly with couples swaying to the beat.

Carson grabs Kat’s hand, dragging her to the dance floor. They seem to really enjoy each other’s company and Kat has all together forgotten her hero worship of Chloe Davis. She’s more smitten with a certain male Davis at the moment.

“Would you like to dance, Gillian?”

I nod as Chase takes my hand and leads me to the dance floor.

We move and sway to the Maroon 5 song about a woman being stuck on his body like a tattoo. I shimmy my hips left and right rounding out with a little booty tip. Chase brings his hands over to my hips, “Damn, you’re sexy!”

I laugh and calm the desire to bust out like I do when I’m out with my girls. Maria has taught all of us some serious dance moves and when the four of us hit the floor, we drop it like it’s hot. Chase twirls me then brings me back to his hard body. He’s actually a good dancer, and I love being pulled against his form every so often. His hands slide up and down my back and grip my hips but never stray inappropriately. If we weren’t in a crowd of people he respects and works with, as well as his mother, he’d have trouble keeping his hands off me.

I on the other hand am having a trying time keeping my hands off my sexy Superman. As the music sways so do my inhibitions, which have me sliding my hands into his suit coat and down towards his tight ass. Before I can get to the prize, he grasps my hands and twirls me with a flick of his wrist. I pout and he winks.

We dance through two more songs and make our way to one of the cash bars in the corner of the room. Chase orders me a glass of white wine and a gin and tonic for himself. We sip our drinks and meet with the others from our table. Cooper is nowhere in sight. For that I am relieved. I don’t know what’s between the two of them but Chase is in a great mood now and I’d like to keep him that way.

“Hey Gigi! I just received a text from Ria. She says Tom has six extra tickets to the baseball game tomorrow and wants us all to come! Apparently some guys at work couldn’t go. Carson said he’s game. How about the two of you?” Kat says excitedly.

Chase looks at Carson. He grins and bashfully looks down at his shoes and away. He likes Kat! This is awesome. Chase slides his fingers to my nape and nuzzles my chin. “Would you like to go, Gillian?”

“Yeah, I would. Sounds like fun.”

“Well then we’ll go to the game. My company owns a box at the Stadium. We could sit in air conditioning. I could have it catered,” he suggests. My smile fades and I look away. He sees my discomfort immediately. “What is it?” he asks.

“Nothing. Whatever you want,” I say not wanting to force anything. I know he’s trying to be nice and helpful.

Chase lifts my chin and looks into my eyes. “What is it? I won’t ask again,” he uses his stern voice.

“If Tom is offering tickets, we should just accept them gracefully. Maybe he wants to impress the woman he’s courting by taking her best friends to the game. I wouldn’t want to rain on his parade.”

“Damn, Dude, she told you. Gigi, I like a girl who can speak her mind!” Carson laughs with uncontained glee. “When was the last time a woman told you like it is, Chase!”

“Never,” he says flatly. He kisses me briefly. “You’re honest. I like that. We’ll go with your friends and sit in the seats he has purchased.”

“I’ll text, Ria.” Kat announces.

“I’ll text Phillip,” I say.

“Excuse me? Why are you inviting Phillip to a couple’s event?” Chase interrupts. There’s that tone in his voice again, the one that I’m beginning to dislike immensely.

“We are conspiring to set Bree up with Phillip. She admitted at dinner the other night that she has a crush on him. This will be a perfect time to play match maker!” I flutter my lashes for effect.

Chase relaxes. “Bree is the one I’ve yet to meet. The Yoga Instructor?” I nod. “Sounds like an excellent idea.”

Of course he’s happy I am setting Phillip up with another woman. I do love that he’s jealous and possessive over me though. Every girl needs a little of that to make her feel desirable. As long as he keeps it to a minimum, we’ll be just fine.

We finish the evening sliding into Chase’s limo. The drinks have been flowing in copious amounts and we are all feeling the effects of the alcohol. First stop, we drop off Kat. I’m surprised when Carson gets out of the car with her.

“Would you like me to send Jack to take you home later?” Chase offers.

Kat snuggles into Carson’s chest and whispers something in his ear. “Uh…nope. Won’t need it. She’ll take me home when we’ve sobered up. Get out of here. Go celebrate with your woman Mr. Hunk of the Year. I mean…what did you win again?” He shakes his head, trying to clear it.

“Hunk of the Year. You’re exactly right.” Chase laughs. “Kathleen, please don’t drive him home too soon.” He hands her a card through the window. “This is my business card with my cellphone. Please call if you need anything or would like to have Jack pick him up.” She takes the card.

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