Bluegrass State of Mind (22 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Brooks

BOOK: Bluegrass State of Mind
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Kenna looked up to Judge Cooper who
was also looking between the parties. "Miss. Mason, why don't you
have Mr. Browston tell us what happened."

Mr. Brownston looked up,

Kenna raised her voice and said to
him, "Mr. Brownston, will you please tell us what happened the
night of April 3rd?"

"No Ma'am, I will not." Kenna was
about to ask her next question when she realized he hadn't

"Excuse me? You will not tell


Kenna raised her voice again, "Why
won't you tell us what happened?"

"It's none of your beeswax, that's

"Oh Harold, just tell them. I am ready
to go to jail." Mrs. Brownston turned to Judge, "I hit him with a
cast iron skillet I was going to make cornbread in. He doesn't want
me to go to jail, so he won't say anything."

"What did you say Adele?" Mr.
Brownston said to his wife who just pooh-poohed him with a wave of
her hand.

Kenna turned to Mrs. Brownston, "Why
did you hit him with a frying pan?"

"Harold had gotten a free sample of
Viagra. He said it would make us feel like teenagers again. We've
been married for sixty-four years. I don't want to feel like a
teenager again. I want to sit and watch Wheel of Fortune, bake, and
enjoy the grandkids. But, noooo, Mr. Stud has to get Viagra. Well,
not to get too personal, but for a month he chases me around the
house like a horny teenager. He starts watching that pornography
and even talked about going to a strip club in Lexington. Well, I
wasn't going to have him finding his pleasure somewhere else after
all these years. So, I made an appointment with my doctor and got
this new prescription patch to wear. Its supposed to do what Viagra
does to men, but for women. I was being a good wife."

Kenna nodded and saw that everyone
else was too.

"Well, a couple of days after wearing
the patch, I started to feel frisky. I got myself gussied up and
made a romantic dinner while he was at the Lodge with his buddies.
I had the cornbread all mixed and ready to put into the skillet
when he walks in from the garage, and right past me. Not even a
hello. He walks by and plops down in his recliner and yells into
the kitchen for me to bring him a beer. Well, I still had that
skillet in my hand and walked into the living room to talk to him.
I told him I was making his favorite dinner and I got a grunt in
response. I told him I was feeling frisky and you know what he

Mrs. Brownston looked at Kenna and she
shook her head. "That bastard told me he stopped taking Viagra.
Said he realized he wasn't a kid anymore. Said if we continued, he
might break a hip. So, here I am on a frisky high because of him
and he doesn't bother to tell me he no longer wants to do it. Well,
I was just so angry and so frustrated that without even realizing I
was doing it, I whacked him with the skillet. I know what I did was
wrong. But it did make me feel better." She placed her purse back
into her hands and laid them held them together at her

Kenna wasn't quite sure what to do.
She noted that it seemed Judge Cooper didn't know either. "Mr.
Brownston, is it your intent to not testify against your

"That's right. It was my fault and
Adele shouldn't have to pay for it." Kenna couldn't help the smile
this time.

"Your Honor, if Mr. Rooney has no
objection, I would like to ask the Court to enter a suspended
sentence to be dismissed upon proof of anger management counseling
within thirty days."

"My client will agree to that," Henry

"Very well. Mrs. Brownston, the
charges will be dismissed against you if you submit a certificate
that you completed anger management counseling to this Court within
thirty days. Ladies and gentlemen, that concludes this morning's
docket. Court is dismissed."



Chapter Eleven


That night Kenna decided to sit on the
porch swing and read a book Miss Lily had given her. She was only a
couple of pages into it when a sporty little car pulled into the
drive and parked next to her seldom used M6. Mo stepped out of the
car and waved. Kenna smiled knowing her friend would be here to
cheer her up.

"My dear, I have a proposition for

"Seduction with a hangover, I don't
know Mo," Kenna teased and enjoyed the sight of the faint blush on
his cheeks.

"I have come up with a wonderful idea
to make the recuperation from your heartbreak complete. How about I
fuel up my private plane, grab Paige, and we'll fly anywhere in the
world you want."

"Oh, that's tempting. Very tempting.
But, I am not going to run from a little embarrassment. I am strong
enough to handle it. However, the next long weekend I have, I may
take you up on that. How about a glass of wine for now?"

Mo sat next to Kenna on the swing and
poured himself a glass of wine. She told him about her day at Court
and was even able to laugh when she told him about the Brownstons
and about how happy Dinky was with his winnings.

Kenna thought she heard the rumble of
a truck in the distance and quit talking when she saw the truck
turn into the driveway. Will stepped out of the truck and Kenna
knew there was going to be trouble. She could practically see steam
coming out of his ears. His eyes never left Mo's and his agitated
stalk up the walk was the final clue that something else had
happened at the farm. She squeezed Mo's hand and stood up blocking
him from Will's menacing gaze.

"You have a lot of nerve coming here
tonight when I have my friend over. What can I do for you, Will?"
Mo had stood up and was now placing Kenna behind him. Will noticed
the move and a shadow of doubt clouded his eyes before they snapped
back to Mo.

"I can't believe you, you arrogant
bastard. Did you think being here tonight with Kenna would provide
you a solid alibi? I know it was you. Don't even piss me off
further by denying it."

"I am sorry Will, but you I do not
know of what you are talking about. I assume something else has
happened at the farm?"

Through gritted teeth, Will answered,
"You know it has. What I don't understand is why you had to kill

"Kill her? Who was killed?" Mo dropped
the combativeness from his voice and Will took note.

"One of my old mares. She was a nanny
for one of the horses who hated to be alone. I found her shot to
death just a while ago. It was in the field nearest your place.
When I went over there, your man denied involvement, but said he
was looking into it. I found out where you were and decided to come
to the source." Will shoved Mo back and Mo moved back in front of
Kenna making sure to protect her if Will decided to do more than

"I would never kill an innocent
animal!" Mo stood toe to toe with Will. "I think it's about time we
settled this. I understand that you think I am behind all of this,
but I am not. In fact, I am trying to discover who is. So far my
people have found some evidence of professionals being used, both
in the instruments they use and from their movements. It's also
clear that they want me to take the fall for it."

"Will, listen to me. Mo didn't do it.
He was with me all last night, and so was Ahmed. Then he's been
here for just over an hour before you came. I have come to know him
really well. He loves horses, and would never kill one." Instead of
helping, Kenna was worried she only made things worse when she saw
Will's jaw tighten.

"And what exactly were you doing with
Mo last night? What is he to you Kenna?"

"You have no right to ask me that
anymore," Kenna ground out. She couldn't believe his jealousy when
Whitney was rearranging their house as they spoke.

"I was under the impression you gave
me that right the other night, right here on the porch when we were
climbing all over each other."

Kenna's face turned bright red and she
saw Mo move forward again.

"Will, I will not tolerate you hurting
Kenna any further. Haven't you done enough to her without
embarrassing her? I will be happy to discuss the problems at the
farm tomorrow over lunch. I will bring the evidence my security
team has collected. However, for now, I insist you leave before you
cause any more pain to Kenna."

Will stepped forward and with his
finger pointed at Mo asked "Just who are you to her?"

"Her friend."

Will's head went back and he took a
deep breath, "Why do you think I want to hurt her?"

Kenna stepped around Mo "Because,
yesterday your blushing bride came to tell me all about your
engagement. Then I find out from everyone, and I mean everyone,
that Whitney has been moving in with you in preparation of the big
day. Christ, it was so well known that I was heartbroken that the
attorneys and courthouse staff had a bet going this morning to see
if I was too upset to make it in today. A bet I won, by the

"Shit, shit, shit. Seriously, everyone
knows about that stunt Whitney pulled? Wait, did you say Whitney
came and told you we were engaged?" Will had both hands on the back
of his neck and was squeezing them as if to relieve

"Yes and yes. Nice taste in rings you
have too."

"Let me explain."

"Oh, this will be good." Kenna rolled
her eyes and sat back down on the swing.

"Whitney and I are NOT engaged. How
come this continues to come up?"

"Maybe because she told me and because
everyone saw the moving trucks at your house." Kenna crossed her
arms and narrowed her eyes.

"Okay, I don't know what she told you,
but I can tell you the why. I can also explain the trucks. Yes, she
brought all her stuff and moved lots of it in while I was out in
the fields working. My parents were down at the practice track
watching Naked Boot Leg race. By the time I was alerted to the
situation, the first truck was already unloaded. I have spent the
last day trying to get everything shipped back to her townhouse and
trying to get her to stay away from me. The only reason she's
around now is because Naked Boot Leg is a contender to win the
Derby. I told you this before, she's greedy. She wants the
spotlight. What better way to get in the magazines than to be on my
arm at the Derby, and in the private box which will be shown all
the time on TV. I am suddenly becoming famous again and she wants
that spotlight. I just didn't realize how badly she wants it." Will
ran his hand over his head and through his short hair.

Mo stepped forward and placed a kiss
on Kenna's cheek. "I will leave you two to discuss this. Call me if
you need me." He turned to Will, "Kenna's not alone anymore. Hurt
her and you have many people to answer to. As for your other
problems, let’s meet tomorrow at Kenna's office at noon to discuss
them. And bring a picture of Whitney for my security staff. If
she's that nuts over your money, I would hate to see what she would
resort to if she saw the numbers in my bank account," he winked at
Will and walked off to his car.

Will approached the swing as Kenna
reached for her wine glass. She was getting tired of this
reoccurring theme of Whitney invading their relationship. She
watched as he slowly sat down next to her, as if expecting her to
make him leave. She closed her eyes and felt the night air skim
over her face with just enough cold in it to make her happy she had
on her Syracuse sweatshirt.

"Kenna, I swear. There is nothing
going on with Whitney. It's just so frustrating. She didn't want me
anymore. And, well, I didn't want her either. But she just won't
let go of the fame. I don't care if she sees someone else. In fact,
I would shout for joy if she were to get remarried." Kenna opened
her eyes and took another sip of wine. "I know that she's a lot to
deal with," Will continued, "but I really want this relationship to
work. Please, tell me you do too."

Kenna turned her head to look Will in
the eye. His chocolate eyes were filled with worry. She knew he was
under a lot of stress and apparently Whitney was adding to it. "I
won't be made a fool, Will. Promise me that you have no more
feelings for her."

Will turned toward her and took her
hand in his. "I swear, the only feelings I have for her are anger
right now. And pity. I feel pity for her. I can't imagine what it
would be like to think everyone is after you and wanting nothing
but more. I promise you, I will do right this time around Kenna. I
just fear that with me comes the trouble of Whitney. Please, say
you are enough to try it, knowing you're the only one I have
feelings for,"

She gave a slight nod and hoped she
wasn't making a mistake in trusting him again.

"We have a spring practice game
tomorrow at the high school. Why don't you come by after work and
watch? Then we can go out to dinner. How does that

"That would be nice. I would like to
see you coach."

"Thank you, Kenna."

"For what?"

"I know this is not the ideal
situation for me to try to date you. I must be making one hell of
an impression between the accidents on the farm and a crazy ex-wife
trying to keep us apart. But I just know it will be worth it. I
need to get back to the farm tonight. I will see you for lunch, and
then tomorrow evening for the game. I know a great place in
Lexington you will just love." Will stood up and dropped a gentle
kiss on her cheek. “I will see you tomorrow.”

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