Bluegrass State of Mind (20 page)

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Authors: Kathleen Brooks

BOOK: Bluegrass State of Mind
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Hey Girl! I am guessing
since our last communication went undetected, we’d be safe
contacting each other this way. Hope poor Mr. Fox doesn’t mind me
using his identity a little longer.

I have been moving all
over town trying to find out what happened to the girl you told me
about and to keep an ear out for what all these people want with
us. I thought about going to Italy, but am pretty sure my passport
has been flagged because every time I use my metro card some mean
looking guy in sunglasses and a black suit shows up.

Somehow, I am managing to
stay one step ahead of everyone. When I say everyone, I mean
everyone is after us. One person in the room was a Senator. I
haven’t been able to figure out which one, they all look alike –
old, wrinkly, dark suits, white hair! Anyway, I found some very
dour men trying to follow me. And when I looped back around and
came up behind them, they kept mentioning ‘The Senator’. Chad has
come close a time or two, and old Bob is pulling some major strings
behind the scenes.

Thank goodness you told me
to pull out all my money, because my account is frozen. I am
assuming yours is too. Also, we are wanted! Yup, there are arrest
warrants out for us. I am having trouble figuring out what for. All
I can get when I call and put on a wonderful attorney-like voice,
is that we are witnesses and the police want to ask us some

But, hey, maybe becoming a
wanted girl will do something for my love life. This little event
here has put one hell of a dent into it! Maybe I should get some
leather studs and trade my Lumina for a motorcycle. Hang out with
other wanted criminals at that one little hole-in-the-wall we’ve
heard about from the Gebbino case!

Please let me know how you
are doing. Were you able to save all your shoes? Girl, if you
didn’t I will risk jail to break back into your apartment to get
them. Especially those purple Pradas!




Kenna was so relieved she almost
started crying right there in her office. She didn’t know what made
her want to cry more, that Danielle was safe or that there were so
many legal difficulties arising in New York. She looked up and
shook her head. These were high players with lots of resources. How
could they not have found her by now? The Kentucky Bar would
contact the New York Bar to get her federal test scores. Her name
and social security number are listed for her job in the D.A.’s
office. Her only guess was that they were monitoring her credit
cards and probably did not think she was so far out of state. They
probably assumed her close to Danielle. Taking a deep breath, Kenna
hit reply.

I am so happy to get your
email! I am safe and have had no run-ins with any men in dark suits
and sunglasses. But I will be looking for them from now on. I can’t
imagine why I haven’t. I have made new friends and feel relatively
safe in this great town I am in. I will tell you all about it when
we are free to do so.

Even in the midst of
panic, I was able to save my shoes. But if we get through this, the
purple Pradas are yours. I think you are correct in saying there
are more forces at work than we thought. I will start doing some
research as well. Maybe, between the two of us, we can gather
enough evidence for when the time comes that we’re found by the

Let me know what you find
out. Stay safe.





Kenna hit send and looked up when she
heard Tammy knock at the door.

Hey, I didn’t know if you
wanted to see a potential client. There’s this walk-in who didn’t
want to wait for an appointment. She said you would have her
business if you’d see her now.”

Her first client! Kenna was so excited
she hit her knee against her desk as she stood up. “Have her seated
in the conference room and I will meet her there in just a

Tammy nodded but didn’t

What is it,

I don’t think you should
see this client. The only reason I am back here is because she
threw such a fit when I said no one was available and demanded to
see you.”

Why wouldn’t I be
available? This is my first client!”

Tammy’s head snapped up. “Because I am
trying to protect you for that demon spawn!”

Kenna felt her face quickly lose all
color. “Is the client Whitney?” she all but whispered.

Tammy nodded.

I can see why you wanted
to protect me. No one should have to deal with her. But if she
wants me for a lawyer, then I can at least find out what this is
all about.” Kenna straightened her skirt and put on some fresh lip

Kenna walked into the conference room
a couple of minutes later, her head held high and with her best
attorney-client mode going. Whitney, splendid in a pale pink Dior
shift dress, gracefully uncrossed her legs and stood up. Whitney
held her hands out to Kenna and when she took one, Whitney kissed
each cheek.

Kenna smiled and gave elegant smooches
back on each cheek. She hobnobbed with the elite of the elite in
New York. If Whitney wanted to try to play the game of who’s the
biggest debutante, she was prepared to outperform Whitney if it was
the last thing she did.

Whitney, dear, so nice to
see you again. That Dior is just divine, last season? I have some
outfits from this season’s runway show in New York that are just to
die for.” Kenna gave her hand a little squeeze and a huge smile,
“Now, what can I do for you today?”

Kenna’s smile faltered just slightly
when she saw the one Whitney pulled out. It was a smile, but
instead of conveying warmth it conveyed a chill with icicles
attached. It was the kind of smile that made Kenna worry that she
had just walked into a trap.

Well, I have the most
glorious news. But I think I need an attorney to protect myself.
With this difficult situation, I just knew I had to have an
attorney who understands a woman’s perspective on

Kenna gave a business-like smile as
Whitney dug around in her purse. She saw her pull out the largest
diamond ring she had ever seen and slipped it onto her ring

Will and I are

Kenna felt her heart stop. It
literally stopped and she was sure she was going to drop dead right
there at Whitney’s matching Dior heeled feet. She was sure of that
until she looked up from the huge diamond engagement ring to
Whitney’s face. Kenna looked into her eyes and saw ice staring back
at her.

Lifting her chin a notch, she kept her
eyes on Whitney. “Congratulations. What can I do for the blushing

Well, as you know, Will
and I have already been married once before. I want to make sure I
am financially protected if he changes his mind again. I want you
to do my prenuptial agreement.”

Oh, how wonderful of you
to think of me for that service. However, I am sorry to say that
since I am friends with Will and his family, that I cannot
represent you as it would be a conflict of interest. I would
recommend Henry Rooney though. You can make an appointment with
Tammy on your way out.” Kenna closed her notebook and stood up,
“Again, thank you so much for thinking of me. Please feel free to
come see me about anything that comes up in the future.”

Whitney stood up and flashed her ring
once more to make her final point. “That’s too bad, maybe when we
have kids we’ll come in for you to do our wills.”

Kenna sucked in a breath but didn’t
show the pain she was feeling as she walked Whitney out the door.
After her meeting with Whitney, Kenna held it together long enough
to reach Miss Lily's. She got out of the car and walked up to the
porch where Miss Lily was sitting on the porch swing.

Miss Lily jumped up as soon as she saw
her. "You poor dear! How could he? I have been so upset since I
found out about Whitney that I almost took myself down to the
Sheriff to see if Red could arrest him for what he did to

"I have learned by now not to even ask
how you know, just seconds after I find out from her

"I found out from John, of course. He
said he talked to one of the drivers of the moving company. They
were packing up Whitney's belongings and taking them to Will's
house. She told them to move her back into his wing." Miss Lily
shook her head and opened her arms.

It was all the invitation Kenna needed
and found herself enveloped into Miss Lily's strong embrace. She
felt the tears coming, and with Miss Lily murmuring comforting
words to her she didn't hold them back. She was ushered in to Miss
Lily's private sitting room.

"Now, you just kick off those heels
and relax a minute while I make us a drink and bring in some
cookies. Your friends will be here soon," Miss Lily said as she
made her way to the kitchen.

Before Kenna could ask who she meant,
she knew. Miss Lily would have called Paige and Mo. If John knew
about the move, then so did all the Rose sisters and the rest of
town. Violet and Daisy would be at the cafe, but she knew she would
hear from them someway tonight. Through the heartbreaking pain of
the situation, she did feel a sense of peace and warmth. She had
friends, real friends.

She kicked off her heels and peeled
off her pantyhose. She had just curled up onto the couch when the
door to the sitting room opened and chaos ensued. Mo came in
carrying a tray of chocolate chip cookies. He was wearing his
typical fitted suit, this one was dove gray. Paige came in next
with a pitcher of what she was guessing the Rose Sisters’ Special
Iced Tea as she had nicknamed it. Then Ahmed came, carrying plates.
Finally Miss Lily came in with chocolate pecan fudge that she
learned was just sent over from Violet and Daisy. Everyone was
talking at once. Paige wanted to beat Will up. Ahmed was strongly
agreeing and suggesting some very painful methods to pay him back.
Lily was ranting about Whitney. Bless her heart, she was a soulless
creature. Mo was morally outraged anyone would toss over someone as
wonderful as Kenna.

Kenna felt her tears start again. But
this time it was because she had so many wonderful people looking
after her. As soon as the first tear trickled down her cheek, all
conversation stopped and she found four pairs of eyes go

"Group hug!" Paige said as she came
toward her with her arms open. Before she could explain to all of
them that these tears were not for Will, she found herself being
hugged by all her friends.

"Thank you all for coming. I don't
know what to say. This is all just a shock to me." Kenna wiped away
a tear.

"Nothing fudge, cookies and a stiff
drink can't fix." Lily pointed to the trays and herded everyone to
sit down. The group was quiet for a minute while sampling the

Several suggestions started again on
revenge plots, but Kenna just laughed at each of them.

"I don't want revenge. I want to just
forget him and move on." She looked over to the table and noted the
pitcher was empty and it was dark outside. "Did we drink that

Paige giggled, "We didn't just drink
one, we've had three!"

"Three!? Maybe that's why I feel like
doing something. I feel like I have all this energy

Mo looked down at his watch, "It's
only ten o'clock. Why don't I call for the limo to take us into
Lexington. I hear a popular band is playing at one of the clubs.
Been sold out for months."

"Let me guess. You have tickets?"
Kenna stated more than asked.

"Of course," Mo winked at

"Ohhh, let's go! Kenna, I have to raid
your closet though. I don't think jeans will cut it."

Kenna smiled, "Give us ten minutes."
She grabbed Paige’s hand and ran upstairs.


Eight minutes later Kenna came
downstairs in a brown Dolce and Gabbana miniskirt with a tight
white tank top and Ralph Lauren espadrille wedge sandals with a tan
ribbon crisscrossing it's way up to her knees. Paige followed in a
cute Ralph Lauren jean mini she wore with her white peasant top.
Miss Lily kissed them goodnight, told them not to do anything she
wouldn't do, and gave Kenna a curious wink. The wink made Kenna
think there was something Miss Lily wasn't telling them, but the
thought died as a black Mercedes stretch limo drove up.

"Really Mo, you didn't have to do
this. But I am so glad you did!" Kenna squealed as she and Paige
jumped into the back seat. Mo and Ahmed slid in after

Twenty minutes later the limo pulled
to a stop in front of Classic's. Classic's was a live dance club
that featured up and coming artists, and occasionally paid big
money to bring in the big names after they played gigs at the
arenas in Lexington or Louisville. Tonight was one of those nights.
Local country boys, Montgomery Gentry, had played in Rupp Arena and
were going to rock out at Classic's in a couple of minutes. The
limo door was opened by a valet and the group was ushered past the
huge waiting line. They headed to the back of the club and up to a
private box overlooking the stage and standing room only floor. Mo
purchased a bottle of Woodford Reserve and some Cokes. Ahmed mixed
the drinks for them as the club began to fill up.

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