Blue-Blooded Vamp (50 page)

Read Blue-Blooded Vamp Online

Authors: Jaye Wells

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Adult, #Magic, #Vampire, #Urban Fantasy, #Werewolves

BOOK: Blue-Blooded Vamp
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“I think it’s way past time you two had a chat,” I said. I smiled encouragingly at both of them–the former best friends who’d been torn apart by the machinations of narcissistic vampire rulers and madmen.

I turned away and saw Nyx and Lilith talking over by one of the thrones. Whatever they were discussing seemed pretty serious, so I sidetracked to join Giguhl and Valva. They were talking about wedding plans while Asmodeus looked alternately bored and irritated. I tried to listen and look enthusiastic, but I kept glancing at the man I loved and my twin.

Adam’s head was bowed as he listened to whatever Maisie said. Occasionally he’d nod and the light would catch the tears on his cheeks. I wasn’t naïve enough to think that the events of that night would miraculously solve all of their problems. Or that it would solve all of everyone’s problems. But a sense of peace descended over me. Cain’s death meant a fresh start for all the dark races. We could finally stop trying to fix the past and survive the present. It was finally time to embrace the future.

“Sabina, what do you think? An autumn wedding?” Valva said.

I shook myself and looked at the demon. “That’s so not my area.” Then a thought occurred to me. “Hey, G. You know who would love to help you plan this?”

The demon frowned. “Who?”

I smiled broadly. “Brooks.” Oh my gods, now that I mentioned it, I couldn’t wait to see how Valva and the drag queen got along. Giguhl was going to have his claws full if those two started conspiring against him.

“Who’s that?” Valva asked suspiciously.

Before I could get another word out, a warm hand grabbed mine. I looked up to see Adam had returned. His
eyes were red-rimmed, but he was smiling. “You guys ready to head out?”

I glanced over and realized Maisie had already left. “Wh—”

He shook his head. “She didn’t want a big scene. She said to be in touch once you got settled back on earth.”

I leaned up on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “You okay?”

“You know what? I think I am.” He squeezed my hand and I knew he was a lot more than okay. “Red?”


“Your hair’s back to normal.”

Now that he mentioned it, I felt back to my old self again. Only more. Magic hummed in my marrow and—I touched my teeth with my tongue. “Holy crap, my fangs are back, too.”

“Thank the gods,” Adam said. “No offense but the blond and toothless look was going to take some getting used to.”

I smiled at him. I couldn’t imagine how pitiful I’d looked. “Where does this leave us on our miracle tally?”

He tilted his head. “What are we up to? Five?”

“Six, I think.”

“Look at us. Saving the world with a miracle to spare.”

“Well what did you guys expect?” Giguhl said. “We
Team Awesome.”

Lilith and Nyx joined us then. The vampire looked a little shell-shocked, which I supposed was understandable, all things considered. “You ready?” I asked her gently.

Nyx nodded. “I think so. I’m just not sure what’s next.”

I realized then that Nyx hadn’t just lost the man she loved. She’d also lost the team that had become her family for the last few decades. Now that her debt to Asclepius was wiped clean, she had a chance at a new life, but what that life would be was a major question mark.

I patted her on the arm. “Actually, I’ve got a few ideas. We’ll talk about them once we’re back in the mortal realm, okay?”

She swallowed hard. “Thanks, Sabina.”

“Before you leave, one more small thing,” Lilith said. “You can never let the humans know of the existence of the dark races. A few here and there are unavoidable, but the bulk of the Adamites in the mortal realm can never know.”

I frowned. “Why not?”

“Because that was the deal I made with him.” She pointed up to indicate the mortal deity. “I imagine that’ll be harder once mages and vampires realize they can finally stop hating each other and get bored. But if the humans ever find out, I’ll have to kill all of you. Bye now!”

I sighed. “You’re a real bitch, Lilith.”

If I’d spoken that insult just two hours earlier, she wouldn’t have hesitated to level me to the ground with a single murderous stare. But since we were now equals of a sort, she threw back her head and laughed. “That I am, Sabina. That I most definitely am.” She waved. “Don’t be a stranger!”

Ha! If she thought I was going to pop down to Irkalla one a week for a fucking deity coffee klatch, she was crazier than I thought.

In the next instant, Lilith, the Great Mother of all the dark races, snapped her fingers and sent us home.

ight months later

A full harvest moon hung fat and low in the sky. Plenty of time left before sunrise.

Not that I was worried about the sun rising anymore. Becoming a deity had ended my lifelong feud with the solar demon. But, as usual, time was still my enemy.

I rushed through the courtyard with Adam trailing behind at a more leisurely pace. “Red? Relax, it’s not like they can start without you.”

I shot a glare back over my shoulder. “Right, but what kind of leader is late to her own meeting? I swear, next time you suggest a quickie, I’m going to remind you of this.”

He chuckled. “It’s not my fault you find me irresistible.”

“Yes, it is, actually.”

I reached the doors to the building and wrenched them open. Inside the antechamber, two dozen security guards from every dark race pulled their weapons. I suddenly had ten guns, five swords, three bows and arrows, and several magical weapons pointed at my head.

I stilled on the threshold.

“Relax,” Slade called in a droll tone. “It’s just the Chosen.”

All the guards holstered their weapons and fell into at-ease poses.

I shot my old friend a look. “Thanks.”

He winked. “You’re late. They’re already in there.”

I waved and ran forward, leaving Adam and Slade shaking hands. They’d follow me in, but since they didn’t hold official seats on the Dark Races Cabinet, they didn’t need to make an entrance.

On my way, I waved at Calyx. She took her role as the new head of security for Queen Maeve too seriously to do anything more friendly than nod. Turned out Cain hadn’t gotten the fae after all. My old friend Vinca had helped Calyx escape Irkalla while we were busy in Lilith’s lair. She’d been heartbroken to learn of Tristan’s and Horus’s deaths, but once I recommended her skills to the Queen, she took to her new role among Maeve’s guard like she was made for it.

Speaking of the Queen, she’d no doubt had a few sharp words for me once I walked in those doors. I smoothed down my hair and prayed Adam hadn’t left any hickies on my neck. Sucking in a deep breath, I put my hands on the handles and pulled the doors open in what I hoped was a stately manner.

“Sorry I’m late,” I said as I rushed inside. Slade had been right—everyone was already seated. But the instant I crossed into the room, they all rose and bowed.

I waved an impatient hand. “Guys, we’ve already discussed the saluting thing. Sit down.”

I took the empty chair at the front of the large, round table. Maisie’s spirit hovered on my right. “Hey, sis!” I said.

“Where have you been? You opened the portal for me to come over, but you weren’t there when I came through.”

“Sorry, I had some… pressing business to attend to.”

My sister raised a brow. “Pressing, sure.”

From Maisie’s right, Rhea leaned over. “You’re late.”

“Talk to your nephew,” I muttered.

Rhea wore the ceremonial chiton that identified her as the leader of the Hekate Council. After we’d returned from Irkalla, the Council had taken a vote to instate her as the official and permanent leader of their government. I had to admit, I was relieved at the development. Even though Rhea never hesitated to voice her opinions on my decisions, she was fair and honest and I felt comfortable bickering with her.

The same couldn’t be said for the frowning female sitting directly across from me.

“Nice of you to join us, Chosen. Do you plan on being unfashionably late to all our meetings?”

Since it was well into October, Queen Maeve was in her Mother phase of the year. A thin thread of gray decorated her dark brown hair, giving it a distinguished appearance. She wore an eggplant-colored robe and the autumn crown, which was decorated with amber acorns and metallic leaves. I had to say, I much preferred this look to her Child manifestation in the spring. It was disconcerting to argue dark races policy with a seven-year-old girl whose eyes were too ancient for her innocent face.

While the Queen seemed to accept me as the leader of the Chamber, she didn’t seem too impressed with my newfound status as a demigoddess. I supposed I couldn’t blame her too much, though. After all, she’d been a deity for millennia and I’d been one for only eight months. I wouldn’t bow down to me either if I were her. Still, I would have appreciated a little less lip from the faery queen.

“I’ll endeavor to be more punctual in the future, if you try to be less bitchy.”

The Queen gasped. “Well,” she huffed. Her eyes scanned the room for an ally to her indignation, but she found none among the remaining Cabinet members.

Next to me, the new vampire leader chuckled and elbowed me. “Nice one, Sabina.”

I looked up and smiled. “Thanks, Nyx. Or should I call you Madame President?”

The vampire rolled her eyes. “Only if you want me to ignore you, O Exalted Chosen.”

I chuckled at my friend. Over the last several months, Nyx and I had worked closely as she set up her new government in Los Angeles. Transforming the historically despotic vampire form of government into a more democratic one wasn’t easy, but Nyx proved herself a strong and prudent leader.

She wore a business suit and I spied the golden rings of her vest winking from the collar of her crisp white shirt. Not for the first time, I sent a little prayer of thanks to Asmodeus for not forcing Nyx to give the vest back to Asclepius. The general vampire population was kept in the dark about her semi-immortal status, but the vest actually was probably more protection than her vampire powers would have been. Plus, she saved a ton on security. Pretty much the only backup she traveled with regularly was Slade and Georgia, but even they were more like trusted confidants than hired guns.

As for Asclepius, no one had heard from him since Asmodeus sent him away from the throne room. I guess the god decided it was better not to make deals with any dark race members than face asking me for permission. Which was fine with me. If I never saw the god again, it’d be too soon.

“Did Georgia come with you on this trip?”

The vampire nodded. “Are you kidding? She wouldn’t miss the wedding for anything. She’s off helping Zen set up the hall now.”

I nodded. The reminder of the wedding ceremony later that night made my hands sweat. It wasn’t every day a female watched her demon get married.

“Speaking of,” Maisie said. “We’d better get started. Brooks will have our heads if we’re not on our marks at midnight on the dot.”

I picked up the silver gavel from the table and rapped it twice on the stone surface. “I now call this meeting of the Dark Races Cabinet to order. We’ll begin with reports.” I looked up. “Maisie, is there any news from Irkalla?”

“Yes, there’s been some progress on the coup against the Dominae, but there’s a holdout.”

“Let me guess—Lavinia?”

Maisie nodded. “Naturally. She and one of the ancients have turned against the other Dominae and are refusing to step down. I was hoping you’d be willing to come down for a visit so we can convince dear old grandmother to cut the shit.”

I pursed my lips. Part of me would love to give Lavinia a dose of humble pie, but the other part didn’t relish the idea of spending more time in the Bloodlands.

Sensing my hesitation, Maisie continued. “Mom and Dad have been asking when you’re going to visit again. You can even bring Adam.”

I sighed. It had been a couple of months since I’d been down to see my parents and even longer since I’d checked in on Vinca. “Okay, but we can only stay for a couple of days.”

My twin smiled. “Deal.”

I made a mental note to share the news with Adam later.
He loved being able to visit with Orpheus when we went to Irkalla, so I was pretty sure he wouldn’t have a problem.

“Alpha Romulus, do you have a report?”

As the only male in the Cabinet, Michael Romulus was hard to miss. Because it was the night of a full moon, he sent off waves of pheromones that permeated the air like musky cologne. I even caught the Queen shooting him a suggestive glance or three.

In addition to being the only male, Michael was an exception on the Cabinet because he wasn’t technically the leader of his entire race. Instead, the werewolf Alphas had elected him as a sort of delegate. He reported our decisions back to the leaders and came to us with requests from individual packs. Even though we’d had our share of run-ins in the past, I actually enjoyed working with him. He could be surly and dominating, but I enjoyed the challenge every now and again.

The werewolf cleared his throat. “There’s not much to report since last quarter’s meeting. The Alpha of the Miami pack has had a little trouble in his sector and wanted me to ask High Councilwoman Lazarus if she’d be willing to send a few mages down to help handle the situation.”

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