Blood Tears (59 page)

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Authors: JD Nixon

Tags: #romance, #action, #police procedural, #relationships, #family feud

BOOK: Blood Tears
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His trial is scheduled
for a few months time, but there’s little doubt he’ll receive a
prison sentence on the basis of that evidence.

The mystery of why
Merrick had left the photos behind in his old house was solved when
one of his other ‘girlfriends’ admitted that she’d hidden them. She
told Mr X and Zelda that she was ashamed of the photos,
particularly when Merrick showed them to some of the older male
teens in his gang.

It is proving difficult
to lay charges against Merrick’s gang members, especially as some
of them are minors. All members declared themselves innocent of any
crime, unanimously blaming Merrick for all thefts. It’s unlikely
any of them will be able to be charged.




Jamie, the boy killed
by the semi-trailer, remains unidentified. No family has come
forward to claim him as their own.




Jenny has quit the
police force and is settling in at the pub with Abe and the girls.
Every time I see her, she is blooming with happiness and her baby.
Their marriage plans are progressing.




For some fortuitous
reason, we’ve had a lull in crime in Little Town, which means we
haven’t been called up to Big Town for a while. So it was by a
phone call to Mr X over the Merrick case that he told me that he
and Blondie were now engaged.




Investigations into the
fires and the destruction of property are proceeding slowly – too
slowly for me. Apart from the few minor crimes the Sarge and I had
personally witnessed, the dees were finding it difficult to pin
particular crimes on particular Bycrafts. As always, they stuck
together, everybody denying they were responsible for any criminal
activity that night, but equally denying any of their relatives was

The Sarge and I have
been grilled a number of times by the dees in Big Town, and I spend
hours reliving that night, trying to remember exactly which Bycraft
I spotted in each location.

But of course, I wasn’t
present when the one crime that I most wanted to solve took place –
the death of my father. Each day I become more worried that it will
never be solved and those Bycrafts responsible will continue to
walk past me in town.

I’ve vowed to take my
revenge on them in as many ways possible.




The chickens settled in
well at the Sarge’s house. I’m not sure they’ll want to leave when
Miss G’s house is in a habitable state for us to move in. Lady Sara
has taken quite a shine to the Sarge and follows him around the
yard whenever he’s outside.

Seems like he’s found
himself a new lady, after all.




When I had a spare
afternoon, I bought some (overpriced) flowers from Grimmell’s shop
and went to the cemetery. I stood at Denny’s grave, noting that the
tall grass was already encroaching. Obviously, nobody in the family
had been to visit since his interment, or thought to maintain his
plot. I pulled up the grass surrounding it, tidying it up. I
suspected it would be a task I’d be performing more than once.

I said a quiet,
heartfelt ‘thank you’ to him, and laid my flowers on his grave.


~~~~~~ ######


About the author:

JD Nixon lives in
Queensland, Australia, letting a wild imagination run free.


Discover other titles
by JD Nixon available at many ebook retailers:


Heller series

Book 1: Heller (free

Book 2: Heller’s

Book 3: Heller’s

Book 4: Heller’s

Book 5: Heller’s

Book 6: Heller’s

Book 7: Heller’s Family
(to be published)


Little Town series

Book 1: Blood Ties
(free ebook!)

Book 2: Blood Sport

Book 3: Blood Feud

Book 4: Blood Tears

Book 5: as yet unnamed
(to be published)


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