Blood of the Rainbow (53 page)

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Authors: Shelia Chapman

BOOK: Blood of the Rainbow
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Sara heard the announcement. Jared reached down and took her hand again as they walked on stage. Sara stood off to the left and center, close to Jared’s keyboard. Jared kissed the back of Sara’s hand and walked to his position. Sara walked next to Lucy and waited. Carl played the lead guitar part of the introduction, and then the rest joined in. Sara hoped she had the right tempo. She couldn’t tell which was louder. The sound of Steve’s drums, or her knocking knees.

The audience went wild with applause, as they started to sing. Sara glanced off to the side, just behind the curtain where Andrea stood. She gave Sara two-thumbs up. Sara smiled and directed her attention back to the audience.

It was exhilarating. Sara was starting to relax and enjoy herself. She knew she was totally calm when she came back on stage after changing into one of her dresses, and joined Jared, center stage for their duets. She felt privileged to be the object of his devotion, as they sang of love and heartbreak.

The crowd responded accordingly with whoops, catcalls, and applause, as the cameras flashed. ‘Raging Storm’ did their instrumental, and the crowd were absolutely roaring. Some people dancing in place.

Sara savored it like fine wine. This was what she always wanted to do, but Jared’s unwavering support was the only way she made it through. He never left her side and never doubted her talent or courage. Sara wasn’t so sure of herself, until she realized they’d finished their last number. But, the crowd wasn’t letting ‘Raging Storm’ go that easy.

Andrea asked Jared if they could do an encore. Then, she wanted them to do an autograph and photo session for the local papers. Sara looked at Jared, unsure again, but he smiled, and squeezed her hand. “Give us time to get changed, and we’ll meet you out front.”

“Great!” Andrea handed Jared a stack of photos and enough permanent markers so each member of the band would have one. Then she hurried out to make the announcement. She also told them that the CD’s they’d brought with them had sold out, thirty minutes before the show started.

Sara was skeptical. “All of them?”

Andrea patted Sara’s shoulder and smiled. “Yes, Sara – all of them.”


After ‘Raging Storm’ had finished their last number and changed, Sara signed her picture and the cover of their CD until her hands hurt. She was seeing spots from all the flashes. There was a quick interview with the band, and then they singled Jared and Sara out, asking questions about how serious their relationship was, and what their plans were for the future. Would they be staying together or was this just a stage thing?

Jared put his arm around Sara’s waist and pulled her close to him, holding up her left hand. He spoke seriously. “She’s all mine!” he said, bending down to kiss her, when the cameraman did a close-up. Sara happily kissed him back, but turned red afterwards, realizing how many people would see their public display of affection. Jared didn’t seem to care.

When the fans realized Jared was taken, the screaming girls turned their attention on the guys in the band that were still unattached. Steve and Carl got a lot of attention too, especially Carl. Steve adored the fans, but it was obvious something was bothering him.

Lucy smiled and posed when someone asked to have their picture taken with her, but she glanced nervously at Steve. Sara could tell something was wrong between them. She just had to figure out how to find out what it was without seeming nosey.


‘Raging Storm’ finally finished the publicity part of the gig and headed back to the dressing room. Jared watched Sara moping around. She kept staring at the door, as though she was willing someone to walk through it. Jared put his arm around her shoulders. “Waiting on your Mom?”

Sara sighed. “I can’t fool you, can I?”

Jared laughed. “No, and I can’t fool you either. Looks like we’re doomed.”

Sara looked up at him and smiled. “If this is doom, show me the guillotine.”

There was a knock on the door. Sara held her breath, hoping. Andrea stuck her head in. Sara’s hopes faded. “Ah, Sara, there’s someone here to see you.” She stepped aside.

James was grinning from ear to ear, as he held out his arms to Sara. She ran to him. “Daddy!”

James hugged Sara. “Hi Sweetheart….”

Sara anxiously looked over his shoulder. “Where’s Mom?”

James sighed, his voice remorseful. “She wouldn’t come, Sara. She’s being difficult.” He walked next to Jared. “But then… Kaye’s always difficult.” James held out his hand. “Jared, I wanted to congratulate you and Sara and the rest of the band on a remarkable performance.”

Jared glanced at Sara, reading the pain on her face. “Thank you Sir….”

“Daddy, I thought
of you were coming tonight.”

“I’m sorry Sara. Kaye said you would know why she wasn’t here, and that you were the only one that could change that.”

Sara’s eyes glossed; she blinked furiously to quell the tears. “Fine, if that’s how she feels about it. I guess it’s settled then.” Jared glanced at Sara sympathetically. “You’re coming out to celebrate with us then?”

“Honey, I’m sorry, I can’t. I’d love to, but your mother is waiting for me to get back to the hotel.”

“What? You’re leaving tonight?”

“I’m afraid so. Give her some time Sara. You know how stubborn your mother can be. I’ll see you when I can. Again, congratulations on your successful performance, and your engagement. I love you.” He kissed Sara’s cheek, shook everyone’s hand, and then left.

Sara swallowed the lump in her throat, silent tears slid down her cheeks. “Jared, I’d like to go home now. I really don’t feel like celebrating.”

 Jared held her. “Let me tell the others.”

“I’ll wait in the hall.”


“If you guys want to go on without us, feel free, but I’m taking Sara home. She’s pretty upset that her mother didn’t come.”

Lucy glanced at Steve and shook her head. “Kaye is so unreasonable when it comes to Sara. Sometimes I would love to shake some sense into her before it’s too late. Eventually, Sara is going to get enough of it, and then Kaye is the one that’s going to suffer.”

“I know Luce, but what more can I do? I like James, he’s a nice man. But Kaye – I don’t know if we’ll ever get along. I can’t stand the way she treats Sara, and she doesn’t exactly like me either.”

Lucy glanced at Steve again and then back to Jared. “Well… I for one don’t feel like celebrating.”

Steve held her gaze for a few seconds and then looked away. “I don’t feel like partying either.”

Carl furrowed his brow and glanced curiously from Steve to Lucy.
This ends tonight!
“It’s all right Jared. Take her home. We’ll celebrate when
is in a better mood.” He glared at Steve.


Sara leaned her back against the wall, trying to catch her breath. Sara felt as if someone had knocked the wind out of her. She couldn’t believe her mother was so cruel. Especially with this being Sara’s first public appearance since high school. But then, the only reason she’d come to that, was because James had entered one of his prize bulls in the rodeo.

Sara and James had always been close. Kaye knew that. And Sara was afraid Kaye would use James as a tool to get to her. What would happen to that relationship now? What about Jared? He said it wouldn’t happen, but what if Kaye found a way to get to him? What had started out as one of the happiest nights of Sara’s life was falling apart before her eyes, and there didn’t appear to be anything she could do to stop it.


Chapter 23

Carl waited until Jared had left the room. He held out his hand. “Keys to the jeep,” he growled. “And don’t give me any lip!” Steve narrowed his eyes at Carl. “Now little brother!” Steve glared at Carl as he fished in his pocket, shoving his keys in Carl’s hand. “Ok, Steve, Lucy – let’s go – now!” he said through his teeth. He’d had enough of their little games.

He put Steve in the back, and Lucy up front with him. She turned in her seat when they flew past their turnoff. “Carl – you missed the road!”

“Did I? Oh how clumsy of me….”

“Carl,” Steve said through clenched teeth, leaning forward. “What the hell are you doing? This is my fucking jeep. If I’d known you weren’t taking us home, I would never have given you my damn keys!”

“Just shut up Steve and enjoy the ride!”

Lucy opened her mouth to speak. Carl shot her a look of warning. “Not this time Lucy! I’ve had it with both of you!”

Carl stopped by the pier at Cross Lake and shut off the engine. He got out of the jeep and closed the door. “Now… I’m going back to the café,” he said pointing. “And I’m going to have my supper. When I come back, I want this fixed between you two.”

Lucy folded her arms and scoffed. “There’s nothing to fix,” she grumbled.

Steve got out of the jeep and glanced over his shoulder. “That ain’t no joke!”

Carl sighed deeply, exasperated. “Oh come
you two!” he said, shaking his head in dismay. “Lucy - stop hiding behind Jared, and face the facts. You can keep running from my brother all you want, but we both know it’s a lie! You might have been in love with Jared at the beginning, but please,
grow up

Lucy’s mouth gaped. Steve whirled. “What are you getting at Carl?” he asked as he slowly walked around to the other side of the jeep.

Carl turned, and started walking. “Just do what I said. Settle this!”

Steve tightened his jaw, and dove for Carl, knocking him to the ground. The jeep keys went flying, landing a few feet behind them. Carl punched Steve in the jaw. Steve fell, and started scrambling for the keys. Carl grabbed his foot and jerked him away from them.

Lucy watched in horror, unsure of what to do.

“Give me my fucking keys Carl!”

Carl managed to get to his feet, and grabbed at the keys. “You want them…” he said drawing his hand back, “… go get them!”

Steve listened in bewilderment as his keys hit the water, several feet off the bank. He narrowed his eyes, whirled, and made another dive for Carl.

Carl hit the jeep, hurting his back, and nearly knocking the wind out of him. Carl got back up and challenged him. “Do you feel better now?”

“You threw my goddamn keys in the fucking lake, you bastard! I’m going to beat the shit out of you!” Steve was starting to wear down. He made another dive for Carl.

Carl jumped out of the way. One more blow to Steve’s already split and bleeding lip and Steve went sprawling face forward on the rough ground. The sharp white stones leaving some gashes on his right cheek. Steve was dazed and in considerable pain.

Carl glanced at Lucy and then back at Steve. He wiped the blood from the side of his mouth on the back of his hand. “I meant what I said. If you haven’t settled this by the time I get back, you’re
walking home!”

Lucy and Steve watched as Carl shrunk in the night until he opened the door to the café and went inside.

“Well this is just peachy,” Steve growled. “I don’t know what he expects us to fix.”

“Neither do I! I’m calling a taxi,” Lucy responded and took out her cell. “What? Oh this is not happening to me.”

Steve tested the flexibility of his jaw. It hurt. He glanced over his shoulder. “What is it?”

“Can I use your cell? I wanna call a taxi, and my freaking battery is down. I guess it was all those videos I took at the coliseum.”

Steve sighed and reached in his front pocket. “Sure – just as soon as I call a….”

Lucy’s eyes widened. “What is it?”


Carl sat at his usual table, next to the jukebox. He scanned through the list of songs. Sure enough, the diner was one of the places Jared had distributed their CD. He put some money in, selected the song, and Sara and Jared started singing. He smiled and sat down in his chair.

A young waitress came over with pad and pen in hand. “What can I getcha?”

“Just tell Jane, I’ll have my usual.”

The waitress looked nervous. “Ah – what do I tell her your name is?”

“Just tell her ‘Raging Storm’, she’ll know.”

“Raging Storm? The country band? The one that performed at the coliseum tonight? Hang on – you’re Carl. You play lead – right?”

Carl chuckled, and then grimaced. “Yeah – that’s me. Look Honey… I’m a little
starved. Could you just tell Jane I’m here?”

“Oh – yeah – sure – sorry. Ah - Carl?”

Carl glanced up at her, holding a paper napkin over his split lip.

“Do you think I could get your autograph? I just loved it when you sung ‘Ten Rounds’.’”

Carl smiled again. “Sure.” He scribbled something on a napkin. She stood there, staring at it with a big grin on her face. “Ah – Sugar – my burger?”

The waitress blushed. “Oh – sorry. I’ll go give her your order. Thanks again, Carl,” she said elatedly.

Once Jane found out Carl was there she dropped two other orders, and immediately started his burger. By the time she’d finished grilling the onions and jalapeno peppers, the meat was done.

The waitress reached for the plate. Jane put her hand over it. “Not this one,” she said. She carried the plate, and a damp cloth out to Carl’s table. “Who’s driving tonight – you or Steve? Speaking of – where is he?” she asked, as she set his plate of food in front of him.

Carl grinned. “He’s battling it out with Luce, over by the pier.” He picked up his burger. “Now if I can just manage to get my mouth around this….”

Jane grimaced, and looked at his face, turning it from side to side. “Looks like they’re not the only ones that’ve been battling. What in blazing’s happened to you? Have a fight with a north bound train headed south?”

Carl grinned and took a bite of his burger. He laughed. “A little brotherly persuasion.”

Jane patted his shoulder. “Looks like it was more than a little. Enjoy your burger, if you can,” she laughed, and left.


 Steve looked at the display and groaned. “It’s busted. The sorry SOB not only threw my fucking keys in the lake, he’s busted my freaking cell phone!” He drew his hand back and threw it at the lake.

“Wait! I can…” Lucy signed deeply as she heard it hit the water. “…use your battery in mine! Steve!” she groaned.

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