Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves) (7 page)

Read Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves) Online

Authors: Belinda Boring

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #urban fantasy, #death, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #emotional, #supernatural, #grief, #werewolves, #shifters, #alpha, #mystic wolves, #belinda boring

BOOK: Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves)
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“Oh, no problem. Let me go get you some
supplies. Where will you need them?” I stood on my tiptoes and
strained to see if I could spot the area.

“Please, no. I’ll take care of it. I don’t
want to pull you away from the meal.” Layla’s forehead wrinkled
into a frown and she looked concerned.

“It’s no worry. It’ll only take me a few
minutes and it’s easier than me giving you directions.” I touched
her arm, reassuringly. “Honestly, it’s okay. I don’t mind.” After
repeating back where I needed to meet her, I headed into the house.
Hopefully, what I was looking for was where I’d last seen it. It’d
been a long day, and I was anxious to spend more alone time with

Arriving in the laundry, I began looking
around for the dust pan and brush. It was the distinct cough of
someone that pulled my attention back to the present. I glanced up,
startled to find a man a few steps away, a knowing smile on his

“Can I help you?” I queried, unsure of who he
was. I wasn’t going to assume in knowing all of Mason’s
acquaintances, but there was something about this person I couldn’t
quite put my finger on.

“Oh, I’m sure you can, Darcy.” I didn’t like
the smug way he looked at me or how he spoke my name as though we
were intimately connected. I took a step backward, attempting to
put some distance between us. I felt reasonably safe with all the
pack members and guests just outside, but I couldn’t deny the way
my wolf had instantly awakened. She sensed danger, and so did

“If you’re looking for Mason, he’s outside.
Here let me take you to him.” I moved quickly, aiming toward the
door and protection. I miscalculated a step, banging my hip against
the washing machine, and I yelped in surprise. Rubbing my side,
ignoring the pain as it throbbed; I kept my eyes focused on the
stranger. But even doing that, I didn’t see him move until it was
too late.

His hand lashed out, grabbing hold of mine,
and he pulled me toward him. I raised my arm to push him away and
break free of his grasp, but it was like trying to pry off steel
fingers. He was strong, painfully strong, and I gasped when I
looked up into his face. I tried again, only to find myself

“Let me go!” I put all my weight behind my
body as I shoved, and was met with brute resistance. “Who the hell
are you?”

My wolf was rushing to the surface, chomping
at the bit, and I sent a message for her to wait a moment. She was
ready to take over and eliminate this new threat, but I needed to
know who this person was, and why they were here.

“Tsk-tsk ... such a mouth, Darcy.” He shook
his head as if disappointed with me, and it only served to
infuriate me more. I struck out with my foot, kicking him hard in
the shin. His grip remained iron clad. He didn’t even flinch.

“Yes, you will do perfectly. What fun we’re
about to have.” He chuckled to himself before using a commanding
tone. “Darcy. Look at me.” Compulsion filled the air, magic trying
its best to persuade me.

Vampire. I instantly closed my eyes, and I
fought the urge to look at him. The weak were easily swayed just by
hearing the coercive tone of voice, but for most supernatural
creatures, it required direct eye contact. I opened my mouth to
scream, and signaled for my wolf to change.

“Oh, no you don’t, my lovely.”

I felt my body being shaken with such
incredible force my eyes flew open, and any thought I had was
instantly rattled silent. Gripping hold of my face, our eyes
locked, and contact with my wolf came to a halt. I couldn’t sense
her—couldn’t sense anyone. It was just me and the stranger in front
of me.

“You will not change. You will not contact
your future mate or pack members. You will come with me quietly,
and offer me no resistance. What I say, you will do. You won’t
speak, or move, unless directed. Nod if you understand.” He was
authoritative, and my head nodded automatically. I was completely
at his mercy.

“Perfect.” He smiled, and taking hold of my
elbow began leading me toward the front door. No one saw us,
everyone was still in the backyard, and there was no breaking the
spell of persuasion I was under.

He hurried us over to his car, sliding me
into the front seat and getting in behind the wheel. He locked the
doors, turning the ignition before looking at me again.

“Put your seat belt on, Darcy. You are
precious cargo.” My hands moved on their own, the sound of the
buckle clicking into place loudly. My head hit the back of the seat
as my now captor stepped on the gas, and pulled away from the curb.
I tried to look at him accusingly, and he smiled at me as if we
were the best of friends going for a fun ride.

“By the way, my name is Avery.” He reached
over and stroked my leg, lingering long enough to make my skin
crawl. I willed my hand to move, but was powerless. “This is for
your own good. Show me you can behave, and when we get to our
destination, I’ll lift some of the compulsion.”

I glared at him again, causing him to

“I won’t have you looking at me that way. Not
when we’ll be such good friends.” Squeezing my leg hard, I knew I
made a mistake when I caught his gaze again. “Sleep.”

I don’t even think I heard the full word
before darkness descended and I was gone.


Chapter Four


Whatever I was resting on didn’t feel
familiar, and the emptiness inside my mind caused me to panic. It
took me a few moments to remember what happened, my eyes scanning
around the small room trying to gather as much information as
possible. I attempted to send a message to Mason, to show him
images, but it caused pain in my head, leaving me whimpering.

“I told you no messages, did I not?” A
seductive voice floated through the air. Following the sound, I
noticed my captor lounging on a chaise as if he didn’t have a care
in the world. I went to move, but found my body anchored to the bed
I was laying on, propped up by pillows. No restraints bound me, the
weighty feeling a result of the compulsion.

I opened my mouth to speak and was infuriated
when I couldn’t. He had complete control and it lit a fire in me. I
shot dagger filled looks, ranting at him with my thoughts while he
sat there and yawned as if bored.

Swinging his legs so his feet rested on the
floor, he stood and moved toward me. “Did you enjoy your rest,
Darcy? For someone whose been kidnapped, you sure did sleep a long
time. I say a good two or three hours. I’d venture a guess the
entire Pack is in uproar, tearing apart Woodside Hollow looking for
you.” He brushed his hand down the length of his leg, as if dusting
himself off. “I know I would if you were mine. You really are
exquisite.” I hated watching him reach out and touch me, knowing I
couldn’t do anything to stop him.

“I can see why Mason is so taken with you.”
His fingers traced a path up my side, slowing briefly by my breast
before continuing upward. He placed his palm against my cheek,
leaning in to smell the side of my neck. “As I’ve sat here and
watched you sleep, a question has plagued me. I wonder what you
taste like?”

I willed myself to remain calm, not wanting
him to have the satisfaction of knowing how scared I was. The last
thing I wanted was to become food for a vampire, a toy to be played
with before killing. Regardless of his intent, I didn’t see myself
walking out of this alive.

Images from the meeting sprung up in my mind
along with the realization this was the person behind everything.
He must have sensed it, been able to read the horror in my eyes
because it caused him to pull away, tossing his head back in

“Finally figured it out? I wondered how long
it would take. You don’t know how impatient I get sometimes while I
wait for everyone else to catch up. Oh, come now, there’s no need
to look so angry. What is two deaths when there is so much to

I swear I wouldn’t have been surprised if
he’d added an evil chuckle on the end of his ramblings. Oblivious
to the fact I’d yet to answer him; Avery began pacing back and
forth alongside the bed.

“So do you know why you’re here?” I watched
him come to a stop, glancing at me, waiting for a response. “Any
idea?” Annoyance flashed before a look of understanding crossed his
face. “You may speak, Darcy.”

I inhaled sharply as I found my voice, the
sound shaky to my ears. Pausing to draw in strength, I spat out my
request. “Release me.”

“But we are getting on so well. Are you not
enjoying yourself? I know I am. Now where were we? Yes, I asked you
a question and you failed to answer me. I warn you not to
disappoint me. I’ve been known to have a temper. Just ask dear

“I have no idea why you brought me here,
other than it’s something to do with Mason and you wanting to send
a message. All kidnapping me is going to do is piss him off, and no
one’s fury comes close to his. If you hurt me, he will hunt you to
the end of the earth and tear you apart—painfully and slowly.”

“Oh, such confidence in your Alpha. Such a
pity it is misplaced.” Avery crooned, his voice mocking.

“I know my Mason. He will not rest until
you’re destroyed. By killing Jasmine and Vanessa, then taking me,
you’ve signed your death warrant. And if by some act of insanity,
he doesn’t get you, Devlin and his enforcers will be gunning for
you. That’s not just confidence. It’s fact.” I knew I sounded
cocky, but it was everything I could not to make my voice shake and
reveal my bluff. Not that I wouldn’t be avenged, but that I wasn’t
afraid. I wanted to keep him talking for as long as it took for
everyone to find me.

“You talk a convincing game, Darcy. Such a
shame your fear wafts around in the air like a heady aphrodisiac.
By all means, continue to fool yourself if it makes you feel
better. It is definitely entertaining to watch.” He moved his hand
about in the air, gesturing for me to go on. Sitting down on the
side of the bed, he rested his hand on my leg, the pressure of it
wreaking havoc on my skin.

“Why don’t you tell me why I’m here then,
instead of just killing me? Why bring me to some room and talk?” I
tried to put a pleasant tone to my voice, but it was hard speaking
through clenched teeth. My attitude was lost on Avery, however, as
he beamed back at me, obviously delighted in himself. All I could
think was I was alone with a mad man and had no way of

“You know, I have been a neglectful host.
Here we are chatting and not once have I asked after your
wellbeing. Would you care for something to eat or drink?” As he
licked his lips, the tips of his fangs revealed, he chuckled. “I
know I would not say no to a little sip.”

Fear shot through me, the idea of him biting
me causing bile to surge up my throat into my mouth. There was a
lot of ways to be violated, and this was one in my mind. I wasn’t
opposed to the concept of sharing blood—it was the idea of someone
tapping my vein without my consent that caused my stomach to

“No?” he paused, waiting for the answer I
wasn’t going to offer. “So I guess we will just talk business then,
shall we? Get down to the nitty-gritty of why you are here.”

“Can you release me at least? Give me the
opportunity to move and stretch?” I knew it was a long shot, but I
was tired of sitting like a helpless duck. I was used to being a
predator, the creature who struck fear in the weaker, and there was
nothing comforting about being the prey.

“For you to attack me? Escape? Don’t insult
my intelligence, Darcy. You will remain how you are until I say
otherwise. Besides, our time together is short. Let us not waste it
on requests you know I will not approve.”

Avery pulled himself to a stand again,
turning to face me as he would a crowd. I inwardly rolled my eyes,
hoping he wouldn’t begin grandstanding and give over to dramatics.
Fervor seemed to strike him as he began his story.

“You, my delightful girl, are the perfect
pawn in my plan. Do you know how insufferable it is to watch a fool
govern over my people, leading us away from the old ways because he
feels it is best to keep hidden? Vampires were never meant for the
shadows, yet as the centuries pass by, that is exactly where we
are. We do not reveal ourselves—we no longer keep humans as the
slaves they truly are. We do not bend others to our supreme will,
and as a result, we have become weak creatures to be mocked and
laughed at.”

The look of disgust covering his face was the
first real indication Avery wasn’t all charm and madness. He had a
glint in his eye that drove home how dangerous he was. Whatever
show of hospitality he’d been performing earlier was lost now as
his true nature was exposed.

“If you’re so upset by the way things are,
why haven’t you done something about it?” I couldn’t help the
question. Up until the last day, I never heard of Avery before, and
if he was all about domination, surely news of his attempts would
have filtered through the supernatural community.

“Oh, I’ve tried, but to no avail. One thing
about my kind is we can afford to be patient and not act rashly. We
have an eternity to plot and put our plans in motion. The last time
I made a serious attempt, I was foiled by the mistimed alliance
with Zane, and a young, foolish Alpha.”

“Mason …,” I whispered, trying to remember
what I’d heard a few years ago when the agreement to join forces
had been put into place. It was spoken of as the turning point in
our history because instead of everyone working separately, and
most times against each other, leaders had met and agreed to pull

Times were changing, humans more aware of
their surroundings and less governed by their superstitious fears.
It was believed in order to survive, supernatural races needed to
become a united front. Of course, there was opposition to the idea
and factions rose up to fight wholeheartedly against it. But the
turning point had been when Mason had stepped forward, and offered
the support of the Mystic Wolves. It had brought in the other
packs, causing a snowball effect everywhere. The opposition had no
choice but to melt back into the background and we had entered
happier times.

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