Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves) (13 page)

Read Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves) Online

Authors: Belinda Boring

Tags: #romance, #vampires, #urban fantasy, #death, #paranormal romance, #paranormal, #emotional, #supernatural, #grief, #werewolves, #shifters, #alpha, #mystic wolves, #belinda boring

BOOK: Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves)
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With a swirl of his tongue, the now
recovering vampire sealed the wounds and released Mason’s arm. Both
men lay side by side, and I pulled my knees in tight, waiting for
them to become more aware. It was always fascinating to me,
watching the healing process of others, and sooner than I expected,
I saw Devlin slowly sit up and look around.

He must have noticed my lack of clothing, the
change shredding what I’d been wearing, and he gave me his shirt.
It was incredibly large, coming to just above my knees, but I was
grateful to be covered again. After everything that had happened, I
felt a little vulnerable.

“You doing okay? In one piece?” Devlin asked.
He checked me over vigorously, turned this way and that before he
was satisfied. “Remind me when this is over I need to beat you for
me into these situations.”

“What did you expect? She’s a magnet for
trouble,” Mason’s voice came in a soft groan. His eyes were opened
and I rushed over to help him stand.

“What do you mean she’s a magnet? I thought
trouble was her middle name,” a voice from the door joked, followed
by a cough. We all looked over and found Daniel leaning against on
one of the shelves, rubbing his head. “What the hell happened? One
minute Mason was telling me we were leaving, and the next I woke up
shoved in a closet.”

“It’s a long story, but before you all get
started, can we do this at home?” I looked to the men, hopeful. I
was rewarded with a resounding yes, and we slowly made our way back
up the stairs.

Mason needed a little help at first, but as
we got closer to the main floor, he took control. He was the Alpha,
and despite his ordeal, he had an image of strength to protect.

I was amazed to find dead bodies as we exited
the house. I’d assumed Avery’s minions would all be vampires, but
he’d managed to also recruit humans. Some of the Enforcers had
begun the clean-up and removal process.

Mentioning to Mason he’d join us later for a
debriefing, Devlin quickly gave me a hug and I thanked him before
watching him climb on his bike and drive away. I had a lot of
questions him, and I wasn’t going to rest until he answered

“You ready?” Mason’s arms wrapped around my
waist and I rested my head on his shoulder.

I nodded, eager to put this behind us. I
climbed into the SUV, and didn’t look back.

By tomorrow this would all be in the past,
and as I looked at Mason, anticipation for the future grew. Yeah,
things could only get better from here.




The flickering of the candlelight caused soft
shadows to dance around the room. The night had been complete
perfection, and as I watched Mason push his plate away with a look
of satisfaction across his face, I deemed the dinner a success.

It’d taken a few days to get everything
squared away, the business of Avery and his attempt to overthrow
Zane finally put to rest. There had been countless meetings, the
bouncing back and forth of ideas between leaders, precautions put
into place with the hope of preventing something like this in the

Mason didn’t hold out much hope, believing
there would always be someone with more greed and pride than common
sense. He believed in the alliance, and it was stronger than ever.
The events hadn’t turned him bitter, if anything he was more
determined to protect his pack.

Smiling across the table, I couldn’t help the
sigh of relief I let out. I’d been able to smuggle him away from
everything for a night of pampering like I’d wanted. At first, my
plan had revolved around him, making sure he knew he was supported
and loved, but as the night progressed, the focus rested on both of
us. We were a couple—there wasn’t one without the other.

“So, did you enjoy the dinner?” I glanced
over at his empty plate. It seemed silly to ask because there were
a few moments where I wondered if he’d pick up his dish and lick it
clean. It was something he would do, especially when he was in a
goofy mood.

“It was delicious, Darcy. I enjoyed every
mouthful. In fact, you need to tell me your secret.” There was a
twinkle in his eye, and I blushed.

Please tell me he didn’t figure it
I thought. “What do you mean?” I spoke aloud, chewing on
my bottom lip.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but I swear this
tasted just like the chicken fettuccine from Mama Alder’s Kitchen.
How’d you manage that?” Dipping his finger into the remaining
sauce, he swirled it around his plate before licking it off his
finger. “I can’t get enough.”

I could feel the heat on my face, and prayed
the light from the candles would hide some of my embarrassment.
There was no fooling this man, and I avoided looking him in

“Well … you see …,” I stuttered, trying to
explain how I had no other choice than to quickly order out, the
meal I planned was burnt to a crisp, and now lay hidden in the
trash bin outside.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. It doesn’t matter
where it came from—it’s the thought that counts. You did an amazing
job, so thank you.” He took one last sip of his drink, emptying the
glass before rising to his feet. Walking over to the counter, he
turned up the soft music I had playing, and standing before me,
extended his hand. “Would you dance with me?”

Tingles erupted over my skin, my heart
beginning to race as I looked up into the face of the man I loved.
He was breathtaking, his masculine beauty still causing an affect.
“There’s nowhere I’d rather be than in your arms.”

The smile he offered melted my insides, and
he pulled me up into his embrace as we slowly began to move back
and forth to the sound of the melody. I loved the intimacy of the
moment—the closeness, and how our bodies seemed to fit just

“Sorry about dinner. I worked so hard and
wanted everything to be perfect.” I rested my head against his
shoulder, murmuring into his shirt. “One day, I’ll be able to cook
a meal to completion without Daniel needing to run in with a fire

Mason chuckled, and I felt him tighten his
hold as he bent his head forward to whisper near my ear. “You’re
wrong, sweetheart. Tonight was perfect, but not because of dinner.
You’re the reason, and this is what makes it wonderful—being able
to talk with you, touch you, and hold you close. You’ll always be
the best part of my day and why I look forward to the rest of our
life together. With you by my side, I have it all.”

I brought our bodies to a stop, a feeling of
wonder filling me. “How do you do that? Speak the words in my heart
so beautifully. I love you, Mason, and there’s nothing more I want
than to be with you. You’re my forever too—my happily ever after.”
I stretched upward and placed a kiss on his lips.

“You know there is one thing that would make
this night flawless, something that’s been regrettably

“Did I forget something?” I peered into his
eyes, unsure if I understood what he meant.

“Dessert.” He started at me hungrily, but the
look was wasted.

“Oh, no. It’s actually the one thing I didn’t
burn! Let me go get it so you can taste it.” Without thinking, I
began to pull away, and was promptly stopped by his hand tightening
around my arm.

“I believe my dessert is right here, and
you’re right. I’m definitely going to taste and savor it.”

Crushing his mouth down, his tongue swept
past my lips and began to move slowly with mine, the gentleness of
it becoming my undoing. My body felt like it was dissolving, as
fire rushed through me, setting my insides aflame. I grabbed hold
of him, using his strength to keep me from falling and I reveled in
the feeling of security I found. He was mine and I was his—both the
keepers of each other’s hearts. I trusted him completely, and I
submitted to his lead.

I felt my body being lifted, my feet leaving
the floor, and instinctively I wrapped them around his hips. Where
ever we touched, it left a trail of sensation, and with my arms
around his neck, I tried to bring him even closer.

One hand was around my waist, securing me to
him while the other was entwined in my hair. He tugged on it
gently, causing my head to tilt backward, offering him better
access. His tongue was relentless as his passion drove us deeper,
the seal of our mouths never breaking as we shared a kiss worthy of
the romance books I adored.

I heard the loud crash of dinnerware being
swiped off onto the floor as Mason placed my bottom on the table.
Pulling away, both of us breathing ragged, I laughed. “Was that
really necessary?”

Lowering me backward, his body following, he
stretched me out on the surface. “Of course, I was always told to
eat at the table. I’m determined to show you my impeccable

He didn’t allow me to respond, bringing his
mouth back to mine as he nibbled at my lips, tracing them with the
tip of his tongue. Leaving trails of kisses across my cheek, he
nestled into my neck and began to do the same there. I couldn’t
help but shiver as he sucked softly on me, finding the spot which
always left me feeling addled.

“This is how you enjoy your sweets
properly—savoring each bite—taking your time.”

I couldn’t speak, feeling completely
ravished. All I could do was hold on tightly.

He worked his way back to my mouth,
whispering as he did, “The mating ritual can’t get here fast
enough. I don’t think I can wait that long. I want you, Darcy. I
need you.”

His words echoed in my mind and they ignited
a storm of emotions inside. I wanted him just as bad, not just to
help ease the burning that seemed to constantly be between us, but
it was that final way of showing just how deeply I loved him.

Three more weeks,
I kept telling
myself, but the way I felt at this moment, it seemed like a
lifetime away.

I’m not sure how, but I heard knock.

Mason rested his forehead against mine, his
hand stroking the side of my body, and he groaned. “Let someone
else get it. I’m not finished with you.”

“I sent everyone away tonight, remember?
Besides, no finishing until we’re finally mated.” I sighed, finding
it difficult to break away when all I wanted was to continue being
lost in him. “We have a lifetime of this, so let’s take a rain
check and see who’s at the door.”

Reluctantly, he lifted me off the table, and
helped me straighten my clothes. I laughed softly at the pained
look on his face, stroking his arm as I brushed past him.

Whoever was there was getting impatient,
judging from the steadily increasing pounds.

With Mason tagging behind, murmuring this
better be a matter of life or death, I swung the door open to find
a woman in the process of leaving. She was almost down the steps,
and the sound of my query caused her to turn.

“Can I help you?” I didn’t recognize her, and
wondered who she was here for.

“Mason?” A smile broke across her face, her
eyes lighting up, and she pushed past me, throwing her arms around

My wolf raised her head, curious to see who
this intruder was and we watched her pull his head down to hers,
offering him an open mouth kiss. I couldn’t keep quiet any

“Who the hell are you?” I didn’t bother
keeping the anger out of my voice.

She turned around startled, as if surprised I
was still standing there, but it was Mason who answered. He looked
as shocked as I was, and I wanted to pull him away from her. He was
mine, and she had no right to touch him the way she did.

“Darcy, this is …,” he couldn’t finish the

The woman extended her hand, but I refused to
shake it, folding my arms over my chest.

She drew herself in closer to the shell
shocked Mason, wrapping her arms around his waist. “Amber. Mason’s
future mate.” Her declaration crushed me, robbing my lungs of

I stepped forward, looking her square in the
eye. “Excuse me?” I said, and my wolf leapt to the surface.





About the Author


A homesick Aussie living amongst the cactus
and mountains of Arizona, Belinda Boring is a self-proclaimed
addict of romance and all things swoon worthy. When she's not
devouring her latest read, you can find her celebrating her passion
for books on her blog The Bookish Snob.

With all that excitement, it wasn’t long
before she began writing, pouring her imagination and creativity
into the stories she dreams. Whether urban fantasy, paranormal
romance or romance in general, Belinda strives to share great plots
with heart and characters that you can’t help but connect with. Of
course, she wouldn’t be Belinda without adding heroes she hopes
will curl your toes.

Surrounded by a supportive cast of family,
friends and the man she gives her heart and soul to, Belinda is
living the good life. Happy reading!




Facebook: Bookish Snob

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