Blood Beyond Darkness (14 page)

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Authors: Stacey Marie Brown

Tags:, #Fluffer Nutter

BOOK: Blood Beyond Darkness
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My determination to cut Eli from my life was short lived. Later in the afternoon, Nic came and retrieved me from my room.

“Lars demands your attendance in his office.” He motioned for me to follow him downstairs.

Usually Nic would leave me at the door with a slap on my ass or a sexual comment. Instead, he knocked and let Lars know of our arrival before opening it for me. The large office was stuffed full of people. The feel of Eli’s blood pounding through my veins was so prominent after my second dose, it oversaturated me, leaving me numb to when he was really close. Like now.

All the Dark Dwellers were there. So were all the members of my Demon family, along with Torin, Thara, and my mom. All eyes turned to me. I felt like I had just walked in to a warped version of an intervention. Cal zoomed across the room to me and landed on my shoulder.

Eli’s eyes were the first thing I locked on, but I quickly shifted away and focused on Lars. “What’s going on?”

Don’t say intervention. Please, don’t say intervention.

“Many things have happened since your little venture to the Otherworld.” Lars’ words were sharp and meant to stab at me. He still hadn’t confronted me about it. “We only have a month until Samhain. We must prepare for the war ahead. Starting tonight, we will build our army and train.” Lars looked at Alki and Koke, acknowledging them. “Our land will become a camp. Thousands of Dark Fae have been summoned here. Rimmon has already noted a few arrivals.”

I was surprised at Lars’ plan for the impending war. His home was his sanctuary, and I knew he hated the idea of bringing thousands of Fae into his backyard and into his world. But times were desperate. We needed a secure place to train, and this was the most fortified location on Earth.

“Security will be extremely tight. It will be harder to get in here than it would be walking into the White House’s oval office uninvited. Rimmon and Gorgon will be sure everyone who enters is faithful to our cause.” Lars did not go into detail, but knowing the Unseelie King, I didn’t want to know specifics as I knew his penchant for violence when necessary.

Lars stood tall behind his desk, commanding the room although his was not the power thrumming against my spine. The pull to stand with the Dark Dwellers and especially next to Eli was almost crushing. I took in a few shaky breaths, holding my limbs still so I wouldn’t give in to the desire.

“I invited the three of you.” Lars nodded toward Mom, Torin, and Thara. Torin snapped his gaze back from a certain Dark Dweller to fix back on the Unseelie King. “I need you to be aware of what is happening. Tension is going to rise in the Otherworld, and the Queen will be aware something is happening. The three of you will stay at the cabin and protect the humans.” Lars’ yellow eyes drifted to mine before returning. “If I need you, I will summons you through Simmons or Cal. These are the only messengers I will send. If someone else comes, kill them.” He looked at my mom’s shoulder where Simmons stood straight, saluting Lars. “Simmons has agreed to continue his residence with you in case you need to reach me. Cal will remain here.”

They nodded, but Lars didn’t wait for their agreement before he turned to the Dark
Dwellers. “Cole and I spoke earlier and have come to the conclusion that all of you will stay here until the war and will participate in Alki’s and Koke’s training sessions.”

“What?” The words fell from my mouth.

Eli’s head jerked in my direction, his lids narrowing. “Guess you’re gonna have to get used to the idea of me being around.”

My mouth opened to counter, but I couldn’t come up with one single completely unselfish thing about me not wanting them here. My problems were going to have to go to the wayside till the war was over. If we even made it out alive.

Eli saw my struggle. His lips quirked into a cruel smile. “Life’s a bitch, Brycin.”

“And you’re the reason she became one,” I retorted.

He shrugged. “It’s the Dragen charm.”

“Charm is not the exact word I would use for it.”

“Oh, I love when they do this.” Cal sat on my shoulder his head ping-ponging between me and Eli. All in the room fell silent as they watched our repartee. Eli had a way of making the entire world disappear, leaving the two of us, whether it was fighting, screwing, or talking. Embarrassment flooded my cheeks. I frowned and looked away from the gawking stares.

“Back to the reason I brought you here.” Lars pushed one hand into his pocket, irritation simmering in his tone. “As we all know, there is more than fighting on the battlefield. Aneira now has the sword in her possession. We must retrieve it and kill her. Otherwise, we are doomed. Everything will be destroyed.” His eyes glared at me, and meaning was heavy in his gaze. Not able to hold it, I stuffed my hands in the back of my jeans, looking at the floor. I knew what Lars’ look meant, a reminder Eli would be sacrificed. My lashes flicked to where Eli stood. Invisible fingers curled around my throat, squeezing the air from my lungs. I would lose him, and he would never have told me what actually happened that night in the castle. How selfish was I? Didn’t he deserve to be heard? To have his story out there? Even if in the end it hurt me more.

“While the Dark Fae fight, we must have another group heading for the palace. Ember has to get into the room where the sword is held. I have spies searching the castle. They have yet to discover its whereabouts.”

I shuffled my feet. “I also have someone searching for me. He will find it.”

“What do you mean? Who?” Lars eyed me suspiciously.

“The raven that helped Mom and me escape. If anybody can find it, it will be him.”

“Grimmel?” Mom piped up. “That old bird is still alive?”

Lars shook his head, brushing off mom’s comment, his laser gaze on me. “How do you know the raven isn’t a spy for Aneira?”

Mom took a few steps toward his desk. “He was faithful to Aisling, Lars. I know Grimmel. He hated Aneira and adored Aisling. He will not turn Ember over to her.”

“You are sure?” Lars placed his hands on the desk and leaned toward Lily.

She nodded. “Yes. He would not betray Aisling’s memory or her child’s.”

“All right. Good news, then.” Lars straightened. “The moment he contacts you, Ember, you come straight to me. Understand?”

“Yes,” I acknowledged.

Lars moved toward the French doors. “Before we can get the sword, we need a Druid to break the protection spell. Aneira has certainly charmed it. Besides the Queen, a Druid is the only one to break her magic. We need to find Kennedy. She is imperative to our plan. Cole, I need you to intensify the search for her.”

Cole held his head up defiantly, a strand of his long reddish-brown hair fell into his face. “We have been searching every day. Lorcan has been good at moving right before we find his location.”

“Well, then, it is time to try a new plan. I say we agree to work with him.”

“Oh, hell, no,” Cooper barked. The bristling energy from the Dark Dwellers condensed, and my skin itched to run to the group.
My family.
I rubbed at my temple trying to dislodge this thought.

Cole stepped forward, acting first. “We do not trust the possibility he is not working with Aneira. I will not put any of my family or yours in danger.”

Lars challenged Cole. “Well, do what you need to do, but if I don’t see results soon, I will take matters into my own hands.”

Cole stiffened at Lars’ words but did not refute him.

Lars flicked his hand. “All right, the meeting is now adjourned. I have things to sort with our new arrivals. I will want some of you back here tomorrow night. We have a great deal to plot.” He slipped around his desk, heading out the door with Rez, Alki, and Koke right behind him.

I gave my mom a hug before she hurried to leave. I could tell she was anxious to get back to Mark. Leaving Ryan and Mark unprotected probably made her nervous. Castien was there, but he would not be enough protection if there were a true threat. As he left, Torin didn’t even acknowledge my existence when he walked by, Thara trailing him.

Cooper rubbed my head, and Gabby punched my arm softly as they passed. “Roomies again,” she teased.

Cole squeezed my shoulder. “I’m glad you are all right.”

“Yeah, me, too.”

Owen approached behind his brother.

“I guess you are the one to thank for saving my life, again.” I smiled at Owen.

“I merely stuck you with needles and sewed your wounds. You would have died if not for Eli’s blood.”

I peered at the floor again, a rollercoaster of emotions rippled through me. Eli had saved my life twice, without hesitation.

“Thank you anyway.” I wanted to hug Owen, but he seemed awkward with physical contact that went beyond doctor-patient. He lean
ed away, his body stiff. I clasped my hands together and smiled appreciatively.

Eli walked by me last. Electricity crackled in the air between us. He huffed and headed for the door. I closed my eyes and let out a sigh of relief. Even if I knew I couldn’t stay away from him much longer or deny him the chance to explain, I wasn’t ready right at the moment.

The sound of the door slamming shut popped my lids back open. Eli stood there staring at me. The door firmly closed behind him; he simply stood on the wrong side of it. His green eyes perforated my skin, inflicting a storm of emotions. Being near him was more difficult than I thought. I wanted to be able to shut off my longing for him.

Pain wrapped around my heart. My walls were raised, defending it.
No, I am not ready. Not yet.

I headed for the door. I was not running ... only moving extremely fast. I stepped to the side and tried to get around him. He countered my step. His body was close. Heat flowed off his physique, hitting mine. I tried to dart around him again, but he blocked me. His hand reached out and brushed my arm. A zing of electricity clutched my chest. I jerked back. “Don’t.”

He stayed silent, his expression neutral, but didn’t step away. Everything inside and outside of me tingled. He was too near. My conscience and body battled for what it each wanted.

“Brycin.” My name came out low and husky. His voice felt a dagger to my heart. Tears threatened under my lids, but I would not cry again. I was done with tears.

I took several steps back, hitting the desk. “I-I can’t do this.”

“Hear me out.” He reached for me again.

I slapped his hand away. “No.” If I let him touch me, I would lose the fight within myself.

“Listen to my side,” he demanded. His forehead lined with a scowl.

“Screw you.” My shoulder knocked into him as I bee-lined for the door. Panic jumped my muscles into movement. He was getting too near. The wall within wanted to protect me, but it teetered, faltering under his gaze. “I don’t have to do anything you ask.”

“Yes. You. Do.” Eli seized my arm tightly. He pushed me back into the wall, pinning my wrists. “You have hit me, daggered me with wooden spears, screamed at me, ignored me, used your powers against me ... and I have taken it.” My breath caught in my throat as he pressed into me. His eyes flashed bright green, and his jaw clenched in determination. “You

My heart thumped in my chest. He still could scare the crap out of me. I felt angry, terrified, and hurt, but my body was unfaithful to my mind. Being so close to him again only made it yearn for his. I looked away biting my lip, trying to rid myself of the images of him yanking off my jeans and slowly dragging my underwear down my legs, his fingers trailing across my skin.

“I didn’t kill your mother. Lorcan did,” he shot at me, his eyebrows furrowed.

I seethed at him. “I know that, but you were still there. Helping, right?”

“Will you let me finish?” he growled.

My breath was heavy, catching in my lungs. I glared at him but didn’t respond.

“I was there to stop him.”

My world came to a halt. “What?” I whispered.

He released his hold he on me and stepped back. He had my attention.

“After what happened with the Daes, the Dark Dwellers lost respect. People no longer feared us like before. Other groups wanted to take advantage of our perceived weakness and because we lost so many of our group. Lorcan had always coveted the leader role. He was too young after my father died, so it fell to Cole. It’s fair to say Lorcan and Cole never got along. Lorcan was offended because the new leader was not true blood. He became even more agitated when Cole groomed me to be his Second.” He rubbed at the thick stubble on his chin. Eli still seemed too close. I crossed my arms, putting some sort of barrier between us.

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