Blood Beyond Darkness

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Authors: Stacey Marie Brown

Tags:, #Fluffer Nutter

BOOK: Blood Beyond Darkness
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Darkness of Light

(Darkness Series #1)


Fire in the Darkness

(Darkness Series #2)


Beast in the Darkness

(An Elighan Dragen Novelette)


Dwellers of Darkness

(Darkness Series #3)



There is a Glossary at the end of the book for your convenience.


Copyright © 2014 Stacey Marie Brown

All rights reserved.


Cover Design by David Farrell at
Woulds & Shoulds

Cover image copyright Shutter Stock

Digital formatting by

Edited by Chase Nottingham (


This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination and her crazy friends. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It cannot be re-sold, reproduced, scanned or distributed in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.



For Fluffer Nutter.

We’ve come to the end of this series.

Thanks for riding this crazy rollercoaster with me.


In Memory of Cal, a wonderful family friend.

Thank you for the inspiration of a beloved character.

You were the true character.

We love and miss you.




Sticky and gooey.

It coated our faces and hands, Eli’s and mine, like thick, acrylic paint. Loose strands of my hair stuck to the blood in patches as the light breeze of the Otherworld tickled over my skin, trying to tug my ponytail loose. My mane of jet black hair with its red streaks hung down the side of my neck, protecting the six-inch pixie who hid there. Walking through the deep greens and glimmering magic of the Otherworld forest, I felt the enchantment of the world knocking at the edges of my skin, although it could not break past the heavy iron cuffs pinning my arms in front of me.

Even though I had only been here once before, the Otherworld felt strangely like an old friend welcoming me home. In a way it was home. I was born here, where I should have been raised. But nothing in my life had gone according to plan. The fact that Queen Aneira caught me again and was taking me to her dungeon before she killed me bore true testimony of this. Only a few months had passed since she last captured me when I came to save my family and friends. So much had happened since then.

Leaves and gravel crunched underfoot in repetitive cadence while Aneira floated gracefully over the pathway. She gave little heed to the beauty around her. The forest’s response to the Queen was to lean away. Branches recoiled and trees shriveled, feeling the twisted and cruel power of the woman who walked several yards in front of me. She should have been nature’s champion. Instead, she burned and killed with little thought. If she noticed her effect on the natural world, it did not show.

My boots lurched forward as the guard shoved me. My feet scrambled underneath my body while I tried to stay upright. I cast him a dirty look over my shoulder. The guard’s sardonic smile taunted me, and he gave me another push and laughed. I bit hard on my lip, the coppery taste of blood slithered down my throat. The last time I made a comment he had tripped me, and my face had met a gravely fate.

Being prisoners of the Queen was not how our time in Greece should have ended. We should be back in the small town of Kalambaka, celebrating. After months of searching, we had located the Sword of Light—the only weapon able to kill Aneira, the Seelie Queen, and end her rule. Now this exact sword was in her possession, given to her by Josh, her First Knight, and a former friend of mine I had blindly trusted. Kennedy had been kidnapped by Lorcan, who used the Strighoul to distract us. There was also a good chance Lars was dead. My neck was trying to mend itself from where Drauk, leader of the Strighoul, had ripped into it, before I cut his head off. My bones were bruised from the massive fall Josh and I had in the cavern. And to top it off, Eli, my mom, and I had been captured by the Queen and would most likely be dead soon. Most of all, my heart was still trying to recover from almost losing Eli. All around not a great day. The only positive thing was the rest of my friends were safe and hopefully headed back to the states.

“Hurry up.” A guard shoved Eli, who stumbled forward. A growl ripped from Eli’s throat, and his eyes flashed red. He quickly checked himself. Normally, he could tear through half these guards before they could pull out a weapon. Not today.

I was still useless. Iron did that to Fairies—our main weakness. I was only half Fay and my Demon and Dark Dweller portions would eventually increase my tolerance to the metal. When I first learned about the Otherworld, Cole had described Fay as a shortened word for Fairy—the elite strain who ruled the Otherworld. Fae was a general term for all Otherworld species. Only Fairies, the Fay, had a weakness to iron although each species of Fae had its own flaw. Today my gradual resistance to the metal wasn’t happening fast enough. My body remained too traumatized from all it had gone through back in Greece.

My mother didn’t seem to have the strength to fight against Aneira or the soldiers either. And Eli was definitely not at his strongest. Only a half hour earlier, he had been dead—his throat slit by the Queen in front of me. It had been a test from Aneira to see if my powers could push through the iron cuffs. They had, and now she knew I would eventually become resistant to the metal. She wanted the immunity for herself. Aneira wanted anything she didn’t possess.

Even though we had not planned on getting captured, we were being taken to the place where my step-dad, Mark, my best-friend, Ryan, and West were being held, along with the Sword of Light, Nuada’s Sword. It wasn’t completely a bad thing. Right?

Okay, it
completely a bad thing, but I had to think a thread of a silver lining hid in this mess somewhere.

Eli’s shoulder bumped into me, causing Cal to stir under my hair. I looked at Eli. He wore one of the guard’s robes, but I knew underneath it his naked body was coated with blood and wounds matching his face. Blood oozed into the scars lining his head, and his brown hair was streaked with red. He would heal, but he remained weak from the fight with the Strighoul and from bleeding to death. Not
bleeding to death. Fully dead. My powers and resolve were the reason he walked next to me now.

Only a short time ago I had told him I loved him. His response to me was:
“You shouldn’t. Don’t love me. I’m not worth it.”
Not the reply I had been hoping for, especially as I watched him die in front of me.

You okay?
his green eyes asked.

Peachy. You?
my eyes said back to his
Since the day we met, we possessed this strange way of communicating. I couldn’t hear his thoughts. His words simply appeared in my mind, as though on a computer screen.

Surprised you’re not jealous. The guard is riding my ass so close I’m thinking he just made me his bitch.

A choked guffaw came up my throat. Even in this situation, Eli could make me laugh.
Jealous? Hell, I already got you guys t-shirts saying ‘Bitch’ and ‘Master Bitch.’

Eli paused, shaking his head, and received another violent shove. His eyes flashed as his neck and shoulders tightened.

Breathe, Eli. We will get out of this.
Not sure if I believed it, but I wanted to.

Twenty-two years ago, the Queen exiled the Dark Dwellers from the Otherworld, preventing them from using the Otherworld doors. Only the Queen or a Druid possessed the power to break the ban. So Eli’s recent entry into the Otherworld had not been smooth. Aneira’s mind hadn’t been on Eli’s access, so when the soldier pushed him forward, Eli slammed face-first into the opening. The guard rammed into him, and both ended with bloody noses.

With a simple wave of Aneira’s hand and an incantation, Eli fell through the veil. The banishment lifted. His eyes widened as he took in his old homeland. He revealed little emotion through his expression, but because his blood flowed in me after saving his life, I could feel what he felt: excitement, confusion, and trepidation as he took in every detail. He was finally home again, something he had wanted for a long time. Would it live up to what he remembered?

My mother was with us after she “volunteered” for the journey to the Queen’s dungeons. I
glanced back at my mom. She walked several yards behind us. Strands of her auburn hair stuck out from the single braid tumbling down her back. She kept her head forward, her chin up. She had yet to look at me, probably knowing she wouldn’t get anything but a “what the crap were you thinking” look from me.

To say our relationship had been strained since my mom’s reappearance in my life would be a slight understatement. I hated the tension. We used to be so close, but too many things had happened since her “murder.” Too much pain. She had kept so many secrets from me. Though, she
let Aneira capture her, many years ago, to keep me safe. Her “murder” was arranged to cover up her disappearance. She had not been involved in the details of her demise and had been shocked when I told her I found her body. I could not blame her, but it didn’t mean I was all right with it. True or not, her brutal slaughter had tunneled scars deep into my psyche. There were years of medications, therapy, and a stint at a psychotic ward, though her death wasn’t the only thing to produce my mental break. The moment she was no longer around, I began to hear voices and see creatures, beasts, and things you only read about in fairytales. My bus drivers and math teachers had dissolved into trolls and goblins.

Doctors convinced Mark I created these worlds to escape my reality. Little did they know the fairytales
my reality,
my escape.

The guard pushed me onto the bridge bringing me back to the present problems. A gust of wind blew through the strands of my hair, wrapping them in knots around each other. Far below indigo water rushed under foot, sweeping against the rocks as it gushed into the deep water of the lake on the far side of the castle. A rich forest surrounded the fortress, softening the forbidding presence. The deep green of the trees only highlighted the glistening sapphire color of the lake.

We marched across the span to the where the castle stood. My neck bent back to get a full view. The breathtaking and daunting stone palace reached into the sky. A man in front shouted, and the football field sized gates broke free of their hold, creaking as they spanned their wings open and allowed us to enter.

When I stepped onto the fortress property, my anxiety accelerated higher and higher until it crested, banging against my ribs. Dread of the future sat heavy in my heart. Would I be able to see Mark and Ryan? How could I get West free? Out of the three, he was someone I could possibly help.

An ill-formed and crazy idea formed in my mind. To be fair, those were usually my only kind of ideas.

I mumbled so low the guard behind us couldn’t hear, “Cal, I need you to go to the dungeon. There is a raven there named Grimmel. Tell him
sent you to help free the
Dark Knight

Eli’s head quirked to the side. I could feel the question in his movement.

I looked directly at Eli.
Our group advanced across the cobblestone, nearing the actual entrance of the castle.

Eli gave a slight nod. I had met Grimmel through one of my dreamwalks. Ravens were known dream guides and could see and interact with people who were not actual present. He lived in the dungeon where West was being held captive.

“You want me to go to the dungeon? Again? Shouldn’t I wait for you?” Cal’s tone sounded apprehensive. “I mean, it’s not like you won’t be there soon enough.”

I flicked my ponytail, the ends of my hair whipping at his face.

“All right. All right.” He grabbed onto my hair, pulling himself up. “You are gonna have to distract Tweedle-dickhead and his cronies behind us so I can fly off.”

“On it.” I let my foot skim the ground catching it on the flagstone. With a stumble, I crashed
into Eli. He could have easily taken my weight, but he let himself stagger and fall into an entry side door. With a bang it broke open, and he toppled into the tight space. The soldiers behind me sprang immediately into action. While the guards fussed over getting Eli up and back on the right course, Cal darted for the roof beam unnoticed. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Get back on your feet.” Eli’s sentry gripped the stock of his rifle tighter.

“The way you’ve been shadowing my ass, I thought you’d prefer me down on all fours.” Eli winked at the man. My smile only grew wider as the officer floundered and sputtered at Eli’s insinuation.

“I-I don’t trust Dark Dwellers.” The guard huffed. “Now get up.” Dark Dwellers made most Fae want to pee their pants.

With a cocky smile, Eli stood and brushed himself off, the robe opening slightly. He took extra care in a certain area. My shackles clinked as I put my hands to my face, shaking my head. Eli was good at unsettling others no matter what tactic he used. He enjoyed playing with people, and most of the time, I also enjoyed it, even when the person was me. He had a way of taunting me which was torturous and euphoric at the same time.

“What is the hold up?” Aneira’s silky voice slid along the grand entrance hall.

The guard pushed Eli forward. “I apologize, my lady.”

“Is this one giving you trouble?” She slinked through the group and approached Eli, sliding her hand up his cheek. Though Eli noticeably flinched, she drew up on her toes and kissed the corner of his mouth. “He is an unruly one.” Her voice sounded like a purr.

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