Blindfolded (14 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Blindfolded
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Jay returned to administering heavy, punishing blows to her buttocks, his shaft throbbing as she clenched her cheeks and shook under the heat of his hand. She was crying and moaning, and he knew instinctively that she had been transported to another dimension of sensation. She would feel this spanking for days, and he knew without doubt that she would relish every ache and pain with the memory of him.

“I’m going to make love to you now, Regan,” he whispered into her ear, not knowing if she was able to hear him or not as she soared in her alternate universe.

He lifted her from his lap, her limp body telling him that she had indeed been traveling in subspace. Carefully, he cradled her in his arms and placed her on the bed. He covered her nakedness with kisses, stroking her gently as he watched and waited for her to return to the present. When a groan announced her return, he gently mounted between her legs.

The bulbous head of his unconfined cock easily found her wetness, and he pressed against her. Regan lifted her hips, forcing him to enter her quickly and smoothly, swallowing every long, thick inch of his manhood. She wrapped her legs around his back and pulled him close to her, purring as he began to pump inside of her with amazing control.

“I want to take you from behind,” he said against her throat. “Turn over and spread for me.”

He knew that she no longer had the voice to respond and that she was dizzy with need and lost in a sea of sensuality. Slowly, she turned onto her stomach and pulled herself to her knees. Without being told, she leaned her head forward onto the pillow, reached behind, and spread her cheeks wide for him to take her wherever and however he desired.

At first, he desired her damp and hungry pussy, and his cock grew wet with her slickness as he devoured her like a hungry man devoid of food. But her sweet rosebud called to him, winking and teasing, begging for attention. Jay withdrew his shaft from her and took aim for that secret little target.

Already wet with her own juices, Regan pressed against him, her body inviting him inside of her tight darkness. Inch by delicious inch, he slipped inside her, his own groans at her tightness joining the guttural sounds that escaped Regan’s parched throat. She was so hot and tight, gripping his thickness with an eagerness that nearly caused him to erupt.

No, he would take his time. He would guide her through this new expanse of her universe. This would be a moment she would never be able to erase from her mind.

Slowly, he withdrew, watching as the tiny pucker snapped shut when he left its sweet hold. He pressed into her again, taking her harder this time. He felt her muscles milk and squeeze him, trying to suck him in deeper. Again, he withdrew. Regan groaned.

He left the bed to gather his favorite implement. He would ride his little pony this evening and take her to the ends of the earth. When he returned, Regan lifted herself to him, beseeching him back inside her recesses and waited, holding her breath, for him to begin.

The slicing burn of the crop across her already-bruised skin made her call out in surprise, but she instinctively remained on her knees, bottom high in the air and parted for his use. Jay traced the crop along the seam of her bottom, flicking her tender hole with the tip before moving to snap it against her aching pussy. The pain simply made her want more, and she released a loud whinny.

Jay’s eyes widened. He threw the crop to the bed and, without hesitation, plunged his throbbing shaft into her wet and waiting bottom-hole. She neighed loudly as he sunk deep inside of her, his excitement at her response greater than he could have ever anticipated.

He rode her hard, passionately, holding her body tight against him as his organ stroked every inch of her inner sanctum. He felt his pressure building and reached in front to play with her swollen nub. Regan snorted when his fingers made contact with the demanding little protrusion, encircling it and massaging its growing little head.

“Come for me, pet. Come now!” he barked, gritting his teeth as he felt his cock swell.

Regan lifted her head, releasing a loud animal sound as he shot his seed within her. She rose up on her hands, pushing her bottom roughly against him as the orgasm shook her body, stealing her breath and leaving her covered in a fine, glistening layer of sweat. He emptied himself within her as she made a final push against him, and they both froze in space and time, joined.


* * *


Regan sighed, looking at the ceiling of her own cabin and reaching to stroke Meow’s face. The kitten snuggled against her, purring loudly. Regan was home, yet something had changed within her. She had hope now. She knew that there was someone waiting for her and that all she had to do was find him.

She grinned as pain shot through her while she sat up. She did not have to look at her bottom to know that it was a mass of bruises and welts; markings that she carried with pride. She mused about the strength she felt, despite the heaviness of her heart. It was a new day, and she knew exactly how to begin it.

She found kitten food left by Jay, along with two little bowls. Once again, she was deeply moved by his thoughtfulness. After feeding Meow (she still chuckled at the silly name she had given the kitten), she made herself a cup of coffee and gingerly sat down at her computer.


Dear Kennedy,

I have had a couple of days to think about some things and have decided that this next book will be written for me. Not for the fans, not for the company, but for me. It is called… Searching for Master Jay…



No, not Felicity. Not this time. Regan sipped her coffee and began to write.


* * *


Several hours later, Regan stood slowly to stretch her back. She was still sore from the previous day’s activities, and she wondered if she would ever grow accustomed to them. Grabbing her cell phone, she walked outside and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and applied her new-found skills, picturing her environment by using her senses, and she shivered.

Was she being watched?


* * *


Jay ducked behind a tree as he saw Regan turn in his direction and wave. He chuckled quietly as she disappeared up the steep hill to the tree lines and then approached the cabin. Surprised to find the door unlocked, he slipped inside carrying with him a large vase of Bearded Irises and a box of chocolate-covered strawberries. Regan’s laptop sat open, catching his eye. He glanced at the contents, and a trill of excitement rushed through him as he read the intimate details of the adventure they had shared and how she had felt by his presence.

Jay rubbed Meow's little head, thinking. How could he ensure her next move?
He scribbled his cell number down on a notepad and drew a little stick figure picture of a blindfolded pony-girl.


* * *


“The game is on, Jay,” Regan chuckled, picking up the note as she twirled a flower in her hand. “If you think I'm going to find you, you are fooling yourself. Nope; I’m going to make sure that you keep coming for me… And I think I know exactly how.”

She took out the card given her by Charlotte and dialed. The phone rang several times before the answering machine came on.

“This is Regan. I wanted to know if you still were open to do some training with me. Please call me back when you get a moment, okay? Thank you,” Regan said formerly, not knowing who would be listening to the message and concerned about keeping the other woman safe from prying ears.

She barely sat down to resume-writing when the phone rang.

It was Charlotte. “Hello, Regan. How are you doing, darling?”

“Tender in some places, aching in others… but otherwise well.”

“How is your heart, baby?”

“Well,” Regan glanced at the vase on her desk, “being that someone slipped into my cabin and left me flowers and strawberries while I was out, I would say it will be fine.”

“Oh, he did, did he?” Charlotte laughed. Regan could easily imagine her leaning back in her chair and snapping her crop against her boot. “Did he happen to leave anything else?”

“Yes, a phone number which I will not call.”

“No? Why not?”

“Because, if that man wants me like he says he does, he will have to find me,” Regan chuckled.

“I knew I liked you for a reason! Throw his words right back in his face. Good girl. So, are you really interested in training with me?”

“Yes, ma'am. I can't explain it, but I feel it’s something that I need to do. It took me so out of my comfort zone and put me in a place that I had to deal with. I mean, I couldn't run away or hide… I'm not making any sense, am I?”

“A little bit. When would you like to come in?”

“Just let me know a good time. It isn't like I have much of a life outside of Meow.”


“The kitten you gave Jay. Thank you for her. She's beautiful and a little doll.”

“You named the kitten
?” Charlotte choked out. “You're kidding me.”

“No. Jay said he had a stupid, three-legged dog named… “

“Woof. He told you about Woof?”

“Um, yes. Was there a reason he shouldn't have? I'm confused.”

“Oh, honey, he's got it bad for you. Okay, here is my address. When you get to the gate, ask the guard to direct you to the plantation. Can you come tomorrow, about eleven?”

“Yes, ma'am. Should I bring anything?”

“No, darling. You will have lunch with me, and I will take you around the ranch and introduce you to the staff and the fields. Do you have any questions?”

“Yes. Will I be able to resume blind training?”

“I wouldn't want it any other way, sweetheart! I'll see you tomorrow.”

Regan's hand was shaking when she hung up the phone.
She did it!
She took a step in a direction she never thought she would. More so, she did it without being forced.

She grinned as she picked up Meow and swung her in a circle before kissing the top of the little cat's head. “I did it, kitty. I used my voice and asked for something I wanted—something that I was scared of. Proud of me?”

Meow just, well, meowed.


* * *


The following day, Regan surveyed her image in the short mirror in her bathroom. She sucked in her cheeks, wondering how she would look ten pounds lighter, and tightened the straps of her bra, wondering how her 'udders' would look a size smaller. She sighed, acknowledging that the udder remark had been deeply painful. Yet, she still chose to pursue this training. Charlotte wanted her there, and the other ponies had been sweet and accepting.

Regan knew it was time to learn to ignore the hurtful remarks and comments of others, but how? Those same comments had paralyzed and isolated her for a lifetime. Maybe Mistress Charlotte could teach her how to ignore them? Regan bit her lip, realizing she had taken yet another step to her personal healing. She had asked someone for their help.

Regan wiped the sweat from the palms of her hands several times during the long drive to the high deserts of Borrego. She was struck by a cool breeze as she drove onto a long, white-fenced road and pulled next to a small guard shack. She was greeted politely, asked to see her ID, and had her name checked against the visitors list.

As she waited for him to call for approval of her visit, she jovially asked if her destination was a horse ranch or a secret government facility. She merely received a humorless, blank look in return. She stuck her tongue out at him when he turned his back to her, and then smiled sweetly when he handed her the visitors pass.

“When you get to the plantation, kindly inform Mistress Charlotte about your disrespect, madam,” he said gruffly.

“What are you talking about? I've been very polite and patient while waiting here,” Regan asked innocently.

He pointed to the mirror and watched her blush. He had seen her gesture.

“Drive slowly and watch the turns. Stay to the right and don't forget to tell her. If you do well, I promise it won't be forgotten.”

Regan grumbled and drove off. Idiot security guard, she thought. What does he know anyway? She watched the road carefully, surprised to see tall, thick trees springing up and grouping in heavy copses along the valley.

The large, white manor sat proudly in the center of the field, designed like an old southern plantation house, complete with separate buildings and white-fenced fields. The shock of green grass in the midst of summer brown was also a surprise, and Regan wondered how much care and water it took to maintain it. She parked her car in a marked stall and slowly exited, slinging her purse over her shoulder.

“Regan! You made it!”

Regan turned to see Charlotte trotting up to her and then wrapped her with a strong hug. Slowly, Regan returned it, surprised by the woman's warm greeting.

She took a moment to study the older woman. As before, she wore her long, black hair in a tight ponytail that gave her features a sharper, more severe appearance. She was several inches taller that Regan, with long, shapely legs encased in ivory riding pants and shiny, black riding boots. She wore an ivory, buttoned blouse and a black belt that cinched around a tiny waist. At her hip hung a long, black crop. Dark red lipstick adorned her full mouth, and her hazel eyes were simply outlined with black pencil. She was both magnificent and terrifying! Regan felt herself shrinking in the strong presence of the woman.

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