Blindfolded (11 page)

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Authors: Breanna Hayse

BOOK: Blindfolded
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Swallowing, Regan looked at the plug. It was about five inches long and wide at the base, with long, silky brown horse hair protruding from the end.

With a sigh, Regan went to the tray and found he had left chocolate-and-strawberry-flavored lubricant. Glancing guiltily around the room to ensure that she was not being watched, Regan tasted the lube out of curiosity.

“Damn, these taste almost as good as the real thing!” she exclaimed aloud.

Carefully, she dripped the lube on the plug and then reached between her legs to find her still tender bottom hole. She tried to follow the example he had set the night before by moistening the area and then gently probing and stretching her reluctant entryway as she tried to relax. Regan squatted, feeling the heat of her blush covering her body. She tried to press it in, but the pain was too much. Tears in her eyes, she tried to think of what to do. Remembering one of her stories about the heroine having to insert her own butt plug, Regan repeated the event.

She took the plug into the bathroom and set it on the edge of the tub. Carefully, she lowered herself onto the tip, making sure it was centered at her bottom hole. She pressed down, pushing out, and felt her eyes widen as it popped deep into place. She sat for a moment, trying to adjust to the odd sensation within her. Because of the length of the plug, she felt as though she had to arch her back, making her bottom stick out more. It also made sitting impossible.

Groaning, Regan looked at the tail in the mirror. She could not help the smile that fell across her face. She wiggled her bottom, watching the long tail swish back and forth, tickling her naked thighs. With a naughty giggle, she headed back to the box.


A good little pony has special needs. Since you have not been saddle-broken yet, we will start you with the basics. We must protect those darling little feet with nice, solid shoes. Put the special leg binders on first and then shod yourself.


Regan grinned as she removed a pair of high-heeled boots, complete with horseshoes on the sole! They were black leather and adorned in buckles and straps.

“I’ll say this much, Master Jay,” Regan spoke aloud as she pulled on the thigh highs and then slipped the boots over her feet, “you have good taste. I would wear these pretty things anywhere!”

Next came a simple black garter belt to help hold up the hose. The bands were trimmed in tiny silver bells that jingled as she hooked them to the stocking edges. She paused to view her half-dressed body in the mirror. She turned and wiggled again, grinning as the tiny bells tinkled merrily as the tail swayed back and forth.

Regan wrinkled her nose as she pulled a black leather contraption out next: the harness.


Ordinarily, your master would dress and bridle you, my darling. This first time, though, I wanted you to have the time to enjoy each little gift and the pleasure of adorning yourself. By now, I am certain you see how incredibly lovely you are.


It took Regan nearly fifteen minutes to figure out how the harness was to be worn. She could not determine if she felt more excitement or shock as she slid the chastity belt between her legs, careful to pull the tail through the open section in the back. She shrugged into the upper harness and adjusted the buckles that held her bare breasts upright. The leather was studded with chrome studs, crisscrossing over her torso. Following the instructions, she cinched the waist, surprised to discover curves that she had never noticed. Glancing again in the mirror, Regan had to admit… she looked hotter than hell!

Gauntlets with bells were slipped over her wrists, followed by a high neck collar that kept her head held high. Finally, the outfit was complete, except for one item.


Call the number on the box and then place your bridle over your head. Yes, my dearest, you will, once again, be blindfolded.


Regan obeyed quickly, smiling at the happy sound of the bells with each movement. The bridle fit like a harness over the top of her head, complete with blinders. She also noticed the small bit and reins. On impulse, she inserted the rubber bit between her teeth. He did not say she had to gag herself, but she wanted to show him that she had repented.

Regan was standing tall and proud, fully decked in the regalia, when she heard Master Jay enter.

“My God, Regan… you are the most amazing thing I have ever seen,” he forced out. Regan lifted her head higher, hearing his footsteps as he approached her. She felt her skin quiver as he stroked her.

“You have stolen my breath, my beautiful pony,” he whispered into the back of her neck, kissing the nape. “Look how proud you are! And you even placed the bit between your teeth without being told. I am very, very pleased. I knew you would be lovely, but I did not expect regal!”

Regan pulled herself up even higher than her five-foot-five height, lifting her chin and hoping he could see her smile. She stood in place as he tightened the tack and made some adjustments, certain to secure the rubber snaffle firmly in her mouth. She felt him rub something cold to the top of her right thigh and tilted her head, making her bridle bells ring.

“It is just a temporary brand to claim you as mine. Maybe one day you will want a real one.”

Regan nodded her head in understanding, purring as his hand wrapped around her thigh and checked the chastity belt that covered her crotch. He was humming the tune again, but this time Regan did not strain her ears to recognize it. It didn’t matter. He was back, and he hadn’t abandoned her.


* * *


Bit in her mouth, Regan was unable to ask any questions, her only noises being grunts, groans, and whines. She found if she relaxed her jaw, it eased the discomfort of having the soft rubber bar between her back teeth. The plug, however, was a different problem. Not only was it uncomfortable due to the length and girth, but progressively painful as she tried to sit.

Master Jay laughed, pushing her forward. “No, no, honey. Ponies don’t sit; they kneel or they stand. You will be a standing pony, I think. You are incredible, and I can’t wait to train you. For now on, one stomp means yes, and two stomps means no.”

Train me?
Regan thought, praying that the car he had placed her in had tinted glass. Once they had driven upon a smooth road, her fears were realized; honking and cat-calls were heard through the cracked windows, as were the loud toots of a truck horn.

Regan pressed her face into the seat with shame, until Master Jay reminded her to lift up her head and be proud of her beauty and his ownership of her. Not willing to disobey him again because of her pride, she arched her face to the window.

She heard clapping and shuddered, grateful that the blinders she wore hid her eyes from the observers. She tried to calm her fears as she grew fretful about where he was taking her and why. This was one scene she had never explored in her books, and she had no idea what would occur.


* * *


After parking the car, Master Jay assisted Regan from the seat, pausing to rub her kinked limbs and neck and help loosen the stiffness of the hour-long drive. Once again, she strained her senses to learn of her environment and discovered that the strong smell of the leather blinders disguised the scents around her, and the jiggling bridle did not allow her to hear the tiny sounds a few yards away.

Unable to feel the ground beneath her shod feet, Regan made a decision. She would give herself freely to this experience. She refused to allow her fear and insecurities rule her that day, trusting that Master Jay would not allow harm to befall her. Regan made the choice that this adventure—her very own adventure—would be the most exciting thing she would ever do.

“Are you alright, my girl?”

Regan nodded, smiling, and stomping her right foot loudly on the ground. She tilted her head as he snapped the wrist rings of the gauntlets to the back of her harness, forcing her to jut her breasts out and taking away the use of her hands. He took the reins and lifted them to the front of her head to lead her gently by the bit next to him. Regan clamped down on the rubber bar as she heard a woman great him.

“Jayson! Is this your new pony? She is lovely!”

“Hello, Charlotte. This is her very first time out. Thank you for allowing me to bring her over.”

“Do you mind if I inspect her?”

“By all means. Regan, obey Mistress Charlotte.”

Regan nodded, stomping her right foot to acknowledge his order, and more interested by the discovery of his full first name than with wondering what the inspection would consist of.

She grunted as the woman tugged at her bridle while clicking her tongue and led her down a gravel path. “Lift your feet higher, girl. Higher,” Charlotte commanded, snapping Regan on the back of the thigh with a riding crop. “
. There you go… You will get used to the boots. Good girl!”

Regan blushed, wondering what Jay was thinking as she was led down the path, marching with her knees high in the air, her naked breasts pushed out and her plugged bottom in plain view. She also could not hide the spreading wetness between her thighs, thankful that the chastity belt hid the evidence of her arousal.

Charlotte marched her around the area, snapping the crop at the back of her thighs, her breasts, and her bottom, forcing her attention towards her posture and presence. The new activity was strenuous, and Regan, who considered exercise a form of punishment, quickly tired.

“She isn’t used to running the circuit, Jay. Dress her down and water her.”

“Shall do. I want to keep her blinder on, though. Regan, stand straight and do not move a muscle,” Jay said as he slowly undressed her, completely aware of the flushing of her body as she was left standing in only her face harness, blinders, and her tail. He clicked for her to come with him and, lifting her head high, Regan forced herself to follow the sound of his voice without appearing fearful or stumbling.

“I must say, she is blind-trained very well. However, it appears she has been a little naughty lately by the look of her bottom,” Charlotte commented. Jay lifted a wet cloth over Regan’s naked body, carefully wiping her sweat from her as she sipped cool, fresh water from a bowl.

“She was flogged last evening for failing to obey a simple command. Her behavior today proves to me that she has learned her lesson. Haven’t you, Regan? You may speak.”

“Yes, Sir,” Regan whispered. “Thank you for teaching me.”

“Hmmm, she is definitely a natural. Have you thought of entering her in a show? We could start her training immediately.”

Regan’s heart dropped when he answered. “No. This is our last day together. She is going home this evening.”

“Well, then, let’s give her the full treatment to remember this by. Go and put her in the pasture while she rests.”

“Do you have stallions out there?” Jay sounded concerned.

“Yes, but they are all confined. Your pony isn’t going to be romped on, I promise. I insist on keeping a safe place for them to play.”

Regan gulped as she was led through a gate and then was gently pressed down onto her hands and knees upon thick, soft grass.

“Pastured ponies are not to stand, Regan. They also must enter remembering that they are representing their masters and mistresses. Jay?”

“Lift your tail out of the way and put your face and chest on the ground, Regan.”

Regan hesitated, confused. She had done everything asked of her, without complaining. She didn’t understand.

“Did I do something wrong, Master Jay?”

“Not at all. This is a brand of sorts. To show the other ponies that you are well cared for. Now, lift your bottom high for me.”

Regan slowly lowered her face to the soft grass and closed her eyes behind the blinders. She yelped, and the crop striped the center of her bottom.

Regan clenched, wishing for the bit in her mouth. The horrid burning worsened as Jay landed twenty long, solid strokes over her already bruised back end, leaving her weeping in the grass.

“Beautiful work. I forgot how proficient you are with the crop,” Charlotte praised, running her hands across the angry wheals and welts marking Regan’s flesh. “Oh my, and she certainly responds to it. Look how deliciously wet she is! And her cries are so sweet.”

“She is a special one. Regan, I want you to crawl around the perimeter of the pasture at least once before you socialize with the other ponies. It will give you a chance to cool down and relax. Remember, no standing. Follow the edge of the grass and you won’t collide into a fence. I’ll be watching to make sure you are alright,” he reassured her.

“Yes, Sir,” Regan sniffed loudly, sad that he wasn’t staying with her. She was grateful of her blindness as she began the humiliating exercise in which her nakedness and awkwardness was on display for everyone who was watching. It helped her ignore her embarrassment until the words of other pony-girls reached her ears.

“Look at the size of those udders! Hey! This is a pony pasture, not a cow pasture!” one yelled viciously.

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