Blazed (4 page)

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Authors: Amber Kallyn

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Blazed
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“You’re different,” the guy said.

Calla nodded at him. “My husband, Scott.”

Bree glanced at him. As she tried to turn back to Ty, she was caught by Scott’s grayish-green gaze.

The world spiraled into an abyss, spinning around and around. Nausea built in her stomach. Her heart beat a staccato tempo faster than Rick could play his drums. Kari had said the man was like Bree.

Slowly, he stepped closer, his gaze still an unbreakable trap. “Who are you?” he asked, his voice deep and gravelly.

Bree tried to open her mouth, but couldn’t speak. She couldn’t move.

Ty snapped his fingers in front of her face and the connection between her and Scott broke. Tremors ran down her body at how helpless she’d been.

“What the hell are you?” she demanded hoarsely.

Scott took her hand, but nothing adverse happened. “I am an elemental as, I do believe, are you.”

Bree glanced at Ty and Calla, then down at Scott’s hand on hers. She didn’t dare meet his eyes again. “Fire.”

“Air,” he replied.

“So what was that?” Bree asked.

“Don’t know.” He let go of her hand and drew Calla against his side, arm over her shoulders, fingers rubbing her skin. “Do you, darling?”

Calla slowly shook her head, leaning into his embrace. “I bet Dad would. He’s up at the cabin in Jasper, waiting for… Well. I can call him.”

Ty scooted closer, his heat filling Bree with an unusual sense of comfort. Strange and unsettling, but at the moment, she needed it.

“Our dad’s a water elemental.”

Shaking herself, Bree glared at Ty. “What exactly is going on here, and how did my pyrotechnics get out of control?”

Chapter Four

Ty blinked.

Calla took Bree’s arm, leading her to the stage. “Right now, let’s get this fire taken care of. Then we can talk.”

Though she wanted to protest, Bree agreed. She’d rather not have the blame for this hanging over her head any longer. She followed Calla to the fire chief, Scott and Ty close behind. Another older man drifted over, but didn’t speak.

“Where’s the singer?” the chief asked grumpily.

Bree glanced around. Donovan was nowhere to be found. “I can go get him,” she said.

“Please don’t,” the chief answered, rubbing his temple. “Go, Mrs. O’Neil.”

Calla whipped out her notebook and a sheaf of papers. “Arson,” she stated in a hard voice. “Luckily the burns are mostly superficial. None of the structure has been damaged.”

“Is it safe for this band to continue their performances the next few nights?”

“Yes, sir.”

“You’re certain it’s arson?”

“I have the inspection sheets done by Ty Dragos, as well as the plans from Briana Jones. Everything is on the up and up. Near the back, I found traces of what I think was an accelerant used to draw the fire to the singers. The pyrotechnics were not at fault.”

The fire chief nodded, smoothing his graying handlebar mustache. “You certain this has nothing to do with Dragos Pyrotechnics?”

Calla drew herself up, glaring at the man. “No, sir. It does not.”

“All right then. File your report.”

As soon as the place started clearing out, Bree dragged Ty to the back room. The scent of sex hit her, hard and deep. The blaze of the fire onstage had nothing on the heat spreading through her body. She turned to face Ty, the sight of him further enflaming her senses. She bit her tongue to bring herself back to reality.

“Tell me what’s going on,” she practically growled.

Ty leaned against the wall, crossing his ankles and folding his arms over his chest. “You sure you want to know?”

“You’re damn right I do.”

“Then come to dinner with me.” His eyes flashed mischievous amusement.

“Are you bribing me, or trying to blackmail me?”

“Take your pick. You coming?”

Spinning on her heel, Bree went to her tool chest, yanked the bottom drawer open and grabbed her purse before stomping back to Ty. “If you insist.”

He opened the door, waving her to go through first. As Bree headed down the hall to the back exit, Ty’s gaze followed her. As did another. The same creepy sensation from before the fire.

As soon as she reached outside, Bree took a breath of fresh air. Freedom.

* * *

An hour and two fingers of brandy later, Bree poked at her linguini. Across from her, Ty wolfed down his steak. The sight of the bloody mess turned her stomach.

“You okay?” Ty asked between bites.

“Just dandy,” she replied.

The waitress drifted by and Bree ordered another brandy.

As soon as Ty cleaned his plate, Bree pounced. “We’ve had dinner --”

“One of us, anyway,” he commented.

Waving his words away, she continued, “Now, tell me what’s going on.”

Ty sat back in his chair, settling in. His bright blue gaze assessed her before he sighed and said, “How much do you know of magic?”

“Enough to get by.”

“What about mages?”

“Not a damn thing.”

“Mages once were guardians of power -- protectors of the magic in the world.”


“Eons ago, some became corrupt and stole magic from other creatures.”

Bree called for another brandy, wishing she could feel just a little bit drunk rather than her metabolism killing the effects of alcohol before it could do a damn thing.

“One such dark mage has influenced my family, and those around us. The magic council assigned bounty hunters to the case to track him down and bring him in before he can do more damage, kidnap magical beings and enslave them to steal their power and their souls.”

“So what does that have to do with you?” she asked, playing with her fork.

“I’m a bounty hunter for the council.”

Startled, Bree met his gaze. “You?”

He nodded.

Though she should probably be running fast and far, Ty didn’t scare her. Not like the boogeyman tales of the bounty hunters she’d heard which were meant to frighten children into behaving, even if most of the stories were probably more true than not.

Swallowing thickly, Bree asked, “So what does that have to do with the Grave Diggers?”

“My sister and her husband, as well as my older brother Garreth, have been tracking down information about this mage. Calla recently found out the black mage is after someone in this band. Unfortunately, Garreth’s away on his honeymoon, so I got dragged into the middle of this mess.”

She tried swallowing again, but her throat was too dry. “Who are they after?”

“Don’t know, that’s one of the problems. Like Calla said, tonight’s fire was arson. It was probably meant to be a distraction so the master, or his minions, could abduct whoever they’re after.”

“Like the dragon you fought?”

His eyes lightened, the blue fading to the color of the sky at noon. “You saw us?”

Bree nodded.

“The master has many creatures under his control, some willingly, some forced. All are dangerous to reckon with.”

She nodded, unable to speak, thinking about the cloaked figure in the fire and Kari’s reaction to the scent of evil in the place. Bree played with her glass, wanting to get up and do something about this guy after them, yet not sure what they could do.

Ty cleared his throat, leaned closer to capture her hands. “We will figure this out.”

Bree met his gaze. So confident, as if he’d never been denied anything in his life. “How do you know?”

“Because I won’t let anything else happen.”

She snorted. “What, are you a god now? ’Cause last time I checked, this whole situation was out of control.”

Ty’s fingers slid between hers and tugged. Bree resisted. “I promise, I’ll do everything I can to keep your friends safe.”

“Yeah.” She pulled her hand back and gulped the rest of the brandy. “And when have you ever lost anything? With your tight-knit family, the warmth between you guys. What do you know about it at all?”

Ty’s eyes narrowed. He stood, his seat almost falling over, then pulled the chair beside Bree close. He sat back down, invading her space. The air roiled with his anger.

Grabbing her hand once more, he pulled it to him. Bree met his whitened gaze. “I know loss. Too much of it. There have been many relationships I’ve tried to hold onto. But they fell through my fingers as if sand. Or how about my mother? Killed, not by the mage’s hand, but by his direction. And to top it off, the one who killed her was my own brother. So don’t tell me my life, my family, is this cheery little circle of light and safety. Just because life did not start out hard for me does not mean I don’t know the darkness out there waiting for the unsuspecting.”

Bree’s hand tightened on his. “Your brother killed your mom?”

He nodded sharply. Her heart hurt for what he must’ve gone through. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean… Well. It doesn’t matter.”

“When I tell you I will do everything I can to keep you and yours safe, it’s not a light promise, all right?” he asked.

Bree nodded.

“Now.” Ty shook his head as if reburying memories. “Tell me something about you.”

The waiter wandered by, refilling their wineglasses. Bree half wanted to scoot away from Ty’s powerful presence, but she didn’t. Pain and fury still lingered in his once more blue gaze. For some reason, the urge to comfort him spread through her. To protect him. It wasn’t exactly motherly, but more as a friend would protect another.

The sensation was so unusual it made her hand shake as she took a sip of brandy. “I don’t know what to say.”

“When did you figure out you weren’t human?”

She shrugged. “Puberty. I accidentally set one of my foster homes on fire ’cause another kid pissed me off. Luckily, the report claimed it had been faulty wiring, since they couldn’t find any trace of arson.”

Ty snorted, his lips curling into a grin.

“But, I got shipped back to the orphanage pretty fast. Rumors followed, so that’s where I ended up staying until I ran away at sixteen. A few years ago, I found Rick, and he kind of took me in -- got me this job with the band. Helped me learn a little about what I was.”

“He loves you,” Ty said softly.

Bree’s eyes widened as something warm spread through her. “He’s… well, he’s a friend.”

“Everyone needs some of those.”

She pulled her hand from his grasp, this time from self-preservation as the heat tingling up her arm made her all too aware of his maleness.

“What about you?” she asked, once more playing with her wineglass.

“You’re partly right. Growing up I had it soft, easy. Not that my parents didn’t make us work our butts off. My mom was a stickler for propriety and us boys being gentlemen.”

“How’d you become a bounty hunter?” She tried to direct him from the topic that caused him to tense and sadness to come back to his eyes.

“I’m not cut out for one place. I didn’t want to settle down with the whole two-point-five kids and picket fence. Not only do I get to catch bad guys, but I get to travel.”

“Don’t you ever get lonely?” She did. All the time. With each new city the band toured, they were surrounded by strangers. And they never stayed in any one place long enough to get to know anyone.

The only people she really knew were the band members, and only a few knew what she really was. Secrets made it hard to develop any sort of deep relationship.

Which was for the best, Bree reminded herself.

“Sometimes. But I know my family is here, and I’ll always be welcome.”

“Such a thing must be nice,” she murmured as he traced his hand along her thigh.

“Why haven’t you settled down?” His fingers traced the outside of her jeans along her leg and up her hip.

“It’s not for me. Like you, I’ve never been interested in the kids and yard thing.”

“We’re two of a kind, then, aren’t we?” He leaned closer, brushing his lips against hers.

Bree inhaled, his spicy scent sending shocks all the way down to her toes.

She needed to concentrate on the others. “What about the band members? They’re still at the stadium --”

Ty shook his head. “Calla’s rounding them up to stay at her place.”

Bree froze. “And where am I staying?”

Ty’s wide lips stretched crookedly as he waggled his eyebrows up and down. “Why, darlin’, you can stay with me.” He clasped her hand and the heat, a slow burn during dinner, flared to life.

Bree gave a second’s thought to arguing as should be proper, but she’d never in her life claimed to be proper. “All right.”

Ty led her into a small house, a perfect bachelor pad with room for growth. Unsure where such a thought had come from, Bree took in the sparse, masculine decor. He didn’t bother to pretend the niceties, just led her down a dark hall and opened a door to his bedroom.

In colors of reds and browns, it was definitely a man’s room.

“Not much for feminine decorations?” she asked.

He grinned. “Relationships aren’t my cup of tea. I’m not much good at ’em, and there’s not been a woman around long enough to try to restyle my bedroom.”

In the center of the far wall, an immense, oversized bed took up a good part of the room. Ty drew Bree into his arms, whispering a kiss along her cheek. “I’d offer you the guest room, but it’s pretty dusty. Doesn’t get used much.”

Wrapping her arms around his neck, she touched her lips to his. “I’m fine right here.”

“Good. ’Cause even if you took the spare room, I’d just join you there.”

Bree laughed, able to relax finally. She’d be back on the road in just a few days, travelling with the band to their next venue up in Washington. She’d probably never see this man, this dragon, ever again. Bree never lived for tomorrow, for no one knew what it would hold. Her motto was to make the best of now. And this man holding her was beyond the best.

Spending the night with a man she’d just met was a bit crazy. But her body, and her magic, responded to him in ways she’d also never felt before. What was it about him? She didn’t know what the hell it was -- magic or hormones. She didn’t care, not now. She would take her fun while it lasted, make memories to keep her warm during cold, lonely nights.

Stepping back, Bree ran her hands down his shoulders, his pecs flexing beneath her palms. At his waist, she tugged his shirt from his pants and drew it over his head. His naked torso took her breath away. Not too muscular, more like a jungle cat -- hidden power just beneath the surface.

Slowly, ever so slowly as to savor this moment in time, Bree licked his lips, dipping into his mouth. She kissed down his chin and along his angular jaw. He groaned. At his neck, she licked along his jugular, nipping and sucking the skin, only to place small kisses on each reddened spot. Ty pulled her closer.

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